30 Day Challenge Part 2



  • misserrint
  • swtchrypie
  • lesleed
    lesleed Posts: 33 Member
    Hi everyone, just realized we changed threads! After a week of funeral "stuff", too much family and food (why do people bring SO MUCH GOOD FOOD :) when someone dies?) I am back. We needed a change of scenery so took off for the beach for the week. Good news is that there is a gym right here for me to keep working out. Bad news is there is no scale. I am gonna see if I can find one for the weigh in tomorrow. Good job to everyone who has been working so hard this week! I sure hope I can get right back into it!
  • Melissaol
    Melissaol Posts: 952 Member
    Im ready to weigh in tomorrow. Its just hard cause i step on the scale ever friday morning. . But this will keep me in line...
  • EmRN06
    EmRN06 Posts: 85 Member
    I've been trying to eat breakfast, but as someone who'd rather eat more later in the day, it's been hard. I've tried to be really good this week, with exercising and my calorie intake. The last couple weeks when I've weighed in I've seen some really good numbers... I'm trying to prepare myself for when I don't see that good of numbers tomorrow. I just have a feeling I haven't lost any weight, I don't think I gained any, but I don't want to be disappointed when I don't see a 2 or 3 pound loss...

    Good luck tomorrow!
  • hoosteen84
    hoosteen84 Posts: 14 Member
    Just weighed myself, not wonderful but at least I've lost this week :D

    14/2/11 - 235.4
    21/2/11 - 235.6
    28/2/11 - 233.0
  • misserrint
    I was so excited for todays weigh in b/c I took a sneak peek on Friday..............and things were looking awsome!!! Imagine my horror when the scale said I gained a pound since last weeks weigh in.............................which means four pounds since friday.
    Okay.......................it was my sons birthday party on Saturday and I had pizza/cake and icecream. Since when does a person gain four pounds over the weekend because of one screw up? I am VERY dissapointed with todays weigh-in. Hoping it is just that time of the month and that I am retaining ALOT of water from the salty pizza (which by the way i limited to only ONE piece).

    This week I am going to increase my water intake (I have been slacking) and continue to not eat in front of the TV. There, I said it.....now I have to do it!!!!

    SW 165
    CW 163.8
    GW 159
  • SunLovin1
    SunLovin1 Posts: 682 Member
    161! P punds in 3 weeks. I'll take it!
  • Melissaol
    Melissaol Posts: 952 Member
    I weighed this morning. Not the greatest. But i didn't gain. 177.2....
    On friday i was 177.8...
  • swtchrypie
    Hey hey hey! Ok well as for yesterdays challenge I had egg whites on toast. I have to eat a good breakfast of I will get sick. Which is good for my metab but horrible if you are running late :) As for weigh in this week I am kinda irritated as I just got back on BC and it made me gain rather then loose. Although I gained more in the middle of the week and I am already taking it off atone point this week I had gained 2.6lbs BUT I took some off thank God!
    2/21: 141.8
    CW: 142.6
    so gained almost a pound. but thats ok. Next week I'll be back down to 141 again. Now if I can just pass that!
  • ceejay000
    ceejay000 Posts: 402 Member
    Don't know if I'm going to achieve the goal I set out at the beginning of this challenge, but I really am happy with any loss, so here goes:

    2/14 - 155
    2/21 - 154
    2/28 - 153

    I'll take it :).
  • oliviawink
    oliviawink Posts: 753 Member
    I'm happy that I'm at 176.5 - that's 6.5 total lbs lost since we started. But I'm a bit disappointed in that last Wed I stepped on the scale and was at a shockingly low 176.5 (having been 178.5 on Monday). In the meantime I've worked out a lot (even ran a couple of miles), stayed very close to my calories intake (either just above or just below) and had the flu, which means I rejected more calories than I accepted.

    The consolation I find in this is that in the past I have found that I'll be stagnant for a week or so, then all the sudden I'll note a 1.5 - 2 lb loss. I've also noticed, for some strange reason, that I tend to show weight loss in the middle-to-end of a week (prob has to do with my eating habits on weekends).

    Keep adding your weights everyone. I'm entering them into the spreadsheet and on Tuesday I'll post the great work we've all done :)
  • oliviawink
    oliviawink Posts: 753 Member
    I weighed this morning. Not the greatest. But i didn't gain. 177.2....
    On friday i was 177.8...
    Melissa, maybe I missed you before, but I don't have you on my spreadsheet. If you want me to track week-to-week and total loss, I'm happy to- please provide start weight (we started on 2/14, but whatever weight you want to start with is fine). Thanks and happy losing!
  • jessicamarie81
    jessicamarie81 Posts: 441 Member
    Weighing in at 172 today....I think that's a pound down from last Monday. I'll take it even though I wish I was out of the 70's by now! I started at 180 in mid-January when I started MFP.

    Sorry I didn't post the challenge last night, I fell asleep when I was laying my son down to sleep! I hate when that happens!

    Anyways, today's challenge is more of a mental task than physical. I want to know what is your motivation for losing weight? Why are you pushing yourself? I realized back in January that things had to change. I found myself being a stay at home mom and without a job when I've always had one before. I was eating and eating and not doing anything physical besides cleaning. After seeing pics of myself around Christmas, I realized I was putting on lots of weight without really knowing it. My motivation though is thinking about the future and I have an idea of where I want to be. My goal is not to be super skinny but healthy. I think about my grandmothers and the health problems they had and I want to prevent that in my life. I feel like they left this Earth too soon. Also I'm motivated to be a good example for my son.

    Happy Weigh In Monday everyone! Reminder: if you didn't lose or stayed the same, you probably lost inches, don't beat yourself up, keep on fighting the good fight!
  • paigemang♥
    Have not lost any weight but I think I am toning up which is good. I am still at 136.5..so I actually gained half a pound :(

    My motivation for losing is to get healthier and be able to run longer distance without the extra pounds holding me back. I would like to run another half marathon and do a triathlon. :)

    Eating healthier and stabilizing my weight is my ultimate goal :)
  • microem1
    microem1 Posts: 38 Member
    just found this new thread! saving it for next monday
  • kylakesgal
    kylakesgal Posts: 952 Member
    I don't think anyone has got the results they wanted this week but if you are losing a pound a week, you are right on track. The scale wasn't that great for me either this week but then I measured and I have lost inches. Make sure you are measuring too. Please don't get disappointed ladies because if you are eating healthy within your calories, drinking your water and exercising, good things are going to happen. Our bodies are all different and it's finding out what works for you.

    Weight loss this week
    1.4 lbs
    Inches lost
    3.0 in.
  • swtchrypie
    My motivation for loosing weight is to be a healthier me. I want to run a marathon and be a good example to my kids.
  • nikki8marie
    nikki8marie Posts: 107 Member
    I was not happy this morning when I got on the scale and found 259! A 3 lbs gain!!! I wish I could say I had no idea where that came from but I do. Friday I found out that my grandmother was dying and I kinda of lost it which resulted in eating pizza and chocolate. I'm really disappointed because I am having a really hard time getting the scale to move. I guess there is nothing for it but to keep moving forward. Goals for this week: 1.) at least 8 glasses of water a day, 2.) exercise for 30 minutes, and finally 3.) measure everything.

    As for my motivations. I don't want to worry about developing a health condition because of my weight and I want to be able to go shopping in the same stores as my friends.
  • sheilabennett
    191.2 this week....

    I suck big time...

    I will respond with my motivation tonight.... mostly cause i need to find it again...