30 Day Challenge Part 2



  • sheilabennett
    I am completely interested in keeping the group going! I know that I don't post a whole lot, but I read everything and incorporate it into my lifestyle!

    As for my biggest supporters - it would have to be everyone on MPF. You people are incredible!! Also my friend Suzy is a HUGE help. Not just with the weight loss, but emotionally as well, which actually helps the weight loss more! My parents are a good support system, but in the way that Olivia's mom is. While they want me to be healthy, the biggest part of it for them, is the way I look!
  • jessicamarie81
    jessicamarie81 Posts: 441 Member
    Tomorrows challenge: Try and reach your calorie goal! For the past few days off and on, I have been under...I think I should watch it better and strive to get all my calories, getting too few is not good for anyone because it might slow your weight loss down, ironic right? They just need to be the right kind of calories.Make sure you're getting in the healthy snacks, they are an important part. I was looking at someones food diary and they eat 6-7 small meals a day...I think that's a great way to not feel deprived!
  • kylakesgal
    kylakesgal Posts: 952 Member
    Well after hearing all the responses.....we are definitely going to keep this group alive:) I think it would be great to have active participation so that everyone can have a chance to post a topic or a challenge. Any ideas anyone? Also would you like to do another 30 day challenge? We already have a great foundation we are working on.......8 glasses of water day, exercise, watching our sodium, sneaking in exercise when possible, setting goals, etc. We can just keep continuing to build on this. For Jessica and I, we are starting to run out of ideas but we are having a blast doing this and being involved in such a wonderful group:)
  • clover5
    clover5 Posts: 1,643 Member
    I've thought it over today and honestly, my biggest supporter is my husband. Not only does he support my desire to lose weight, he also supports me in other undertakings as well.
  • oliviawink
    oliviawink Posts: 753 Member
    At long last, here's the update from this week's weigh-in, drum roll please.....

    the following 21 people have weighed in, noting their loss/gain as such:

    breakmedown +1.8
    misserrint +1.6
    swtchrypie +0.8
    hnason -0.2
    clover5 -1
    ceejay000 -1
    SunLovin1 -1
    Ultrawomanll -1
    kylakesgal -1.4
    jessicamarie81 -1.5
    oliviawink -2
    microem1 -5.75
    EmRN06 -0.4
    sheilabennett +4.4
    roselynsy -2.2
    julesnpdx +1
    julesandrich -1.2
    singer201 -3.8
    hoosteen84 -2.8
    aab1 -2

    our total loss this week: 17.65. Our total loss since starting this challenge: 54.65! Great work everyone, even those without losses this week, you're making lifelong changes, and that's the just as important.

    If I missed anyone, please let me know. We're down a few people from last week, so hopefully they'll check in with us soon. At the end of the week I'm going to take people off the spreadsheet that have been MIA for the last 2 weigh-ins, cause it just makes sense.
  • oliviawink
    oliviawink Posts: 753 Member
    Tomorrows challenge: Try and reach your calorie goal! For the past few days off and on, I have been under...I think I should watch it better and strive to get all my calories, getting too few is not good for anyone because it might slow your weight loss down, ironic right? They just need to be the right kind of calories.Make sure you're getting in the healthy snacks, they are an important part. I was looking at someones food diary and they eat 6-7 small meals a day...I think that's a great way to not feel deprived!

    I call that the "hobbit approach to eating", as (as some of you may recall from the books/movies) they eat 7 meals a day: breakfast, second breakfast, elevensies, luncheon, afternoon tea, dinner and (later in the evening) supper [had to get the complete list of wikipedia, couldn't remember them all. Kinda considering changing my tracker to fit some of these fun names like second breakfast and elevensies :laugh:
  • singer201
    singer201 Posts: 560 Member
    It was too rainy to get outside for walking or yardwork today, so I swept, vacuumed, and straightened for an hour and had a nice clean house to show for my exercise calories.

    Right now, we have around 18 participants, so if about the same number want to continue, and we traded off the daily challenges, we'd only have to come up with 2 each for the month. Even my non-creative brain could do that.

    I've roughly based my personal goals on the major US holidays, so we could do that if people liked (since we started this one on Valentine's Day). After St. Patrick's Day, the next one is Passover, Apr 18-19 and Easter, Apr 24, 5 and 6 weeks out from Mar 14-17, or Earth Day is Apr 22, if we want to stay away from religious holidays.
  • kylakesgal
    kylakesgal Posts: 952 Member
    Thanks so much Olivia for keeping up with everyone's weight. Not too shabby for a few weeks I don't think especially since our group has dwindled down but that's ok because those of us left are warriors. We are going to conquer our weight situation! I like the idea of 6 or 7 meals and elevensies that is cute. I've watched that movie but it's been a long time.
    I have no objection Singer in having our challenge go to a religious holiday. Let's continue to put some ideas out there and we will figure out how to continue this. Sounds great to me to have the next one go on until St. Patricks Day. Excellant idea too Singer about taking 2 turns each. I think everyone can handle posting a couple of topics/challenges:) Then after the St Patty's Day challenge, we can have one that goes until Easter:) Being part of a group keeps myself such more accountable!! I just did day 2 of Leslie Sansone's walk at home boot camp. Wow she is kicking my butt! Goodnight everyone~

    P.S. Had to share this quote: The difference between try and triumph is just a little umph!
  • singer201
    singer201 Posts: 560 Member
    St. Patrick's Day is Mar 17, so it's just a couple of days after Mar 14-16, when this current challenge ends. So we would call the next one "St. Patrick's Day Challenge", referring to the start day, OR "Easter Challenge" referring to the goal day. Either works for me.

    I've enjoyed every day of the challenge with this group, and I think we're all good support for each other.
  • oliviawink
    oliviawink Posts: 753 Member
    I am loving all these great ideas and enthusiasm about the next challenge., and we still have 2 weeks to go on this one. I think when we get to the last week of this one, we ask everyone who want to add to challenges to post on the board. I can put together another spreadsheet, and we can make it easy by rotating days alphabetically. Someone said (I think) that they like weekly and daily challenges, and I have to agree with that. I really liked that format our first week where there were 2 challenges that we worked on all week, then have the sort of supplemental daily ones. We can figure that into the new challenge/structure too. And I can maintain the spreadsheet for the next challenge, as well (unless someone else is DYING to do it...). This so fun!

    Hmmmm, I just had a thought.... maybe we want to do a theme for the next challenge, like "Spring into fitness" or "Going green in your weight-loss" or "Healthy Habits for Healthy bodies", IDK those are some things that just came to mind.

    I'm ok with whatever dates for challenges so run, religious holidays or not, so long as we avoid religiously-themed challenges.
  • tatiana_13
    tatiana_13 Posts: 325
    I like the idea of ongoing challenges. That's what's kept me going on MFP. I'm always doing a couple of challenges of some type or another...helps to keep me on track, whether I'm losing or not, it keeps me from gaining!

    If the daily challenges get to be too much, we could do weekly challenges...or weekly challenges with daily checkins. So, if the challenge was about exercise, we could check-in daily about our progress toward the weekly challenge...just brainstorming....but I also like the idea of shared responsibility...no reason why we can't all share in coming up with ideas, whichever format we choose.

    I think its the challenges on MFP that are my greatest support. I'm sort of at an interesting phase of weight loss...a cross between maintenance and losing those last 10 pounds. They are really hard to lose...but not terribly urgent. So...nobody really wants to hear about it. Not even me. Without MFP, I think I would have gained at least 15 pounds back by now...losing weight may seem like the hardest part. But keeping it off is its own tough struggle....
  • singer201
    singer201 Posts: 560 Member
    "Spring into Fitness" sounds good to me. We can run it until April 25, if we want to stay with ending on a Monday weigh-in day. That's 6 weeks from the end of the current challenge, Mar 14.
  • misserrint
    SPRING INTO FITNESS!!! Great idea.....
  • aab1
    aab1 Posts: 1,120 Member
    Today's challenge - eating your calorie goal. I'm one that doesn't eat into all of the gained calories from exercise. I've got myself believing that if I eat those calories; what was the point of exercising? I could be wrong but I've got too much weight to lose to risk eating those gained calories and then not losing anything. But I definitely eat to my daily calorie intake plus a little extra.

    How's everyone doing with their water?

    I'm interested in staying with this group as well. Weekly challenges are a good idea; with everyone rotating thru making the suggestion.

    I have one we can use now - hopefully we haven't discussed this - eating the right amount of protein and sharing with the group the different protein items everyone is eating (I'm struggling with protein variety).

    Have a great Wednesday!
  • swtchrypie
    Yeah I like the idea of weekly challenges therefore we have a week to put something new in our routine so we dont forget how important the challenge is.
  • oliviawink
    oliviawink Posts: 753 Member
    "Spring into Fitness" sounds good to me. We can run it until April 25, if we want to stay with ending on a Monday weigh-in day. That's 6 weeks from the end of the current challenge, Mar 14.

    I second this idea. 6 weeks is good, and April 25th runs through my baby's first birthday, so that'll keep me in check and emotional/stress eating while family is here and lots of sweet goodies around the house!
  • sheilabennett
    Todays challenge won't be a real problem for me, so I have modified it a little... I am going to log all of my calroies, which is what I have a hard time doing!!

    Personally, I am a bigger fan of weekly challenges. It gives you more time to figure it out, also gets you into more of a groove. Some examples that I know of are - trying a new recipe, fruit, vegetable, etc... keep sodium under all week, logging all week, so many min of exercise for the week, 100 push-ups over the week (or any other exercise) and we can always do a food and exercise challenge every week!!!

    ps - I love the new name!!
  • jessicamarie81
    jessicamarie81 Posts: 441 Member
    Spring into Fitness is great! Weekly challenges sound great too!
  • jessicamarie81
    jessicamarie81 Posts: 441 Member
    Today's challenge - eating your calorie goal. I'm one that doesn't eat into all of the gained calories from exercise. I've got myself believing that if I eat those calories; what was the point of exercising? I could be wrong but I've got too much weight to lose to risk eating those gained calories and then not losing anything. But I definitely eat to my daily calorie intake plus a little extra.

    How's everyone doing with their water?

    I'm interested in staying with this group as well. Weekly challenges are a good idea; with everyone rotating thru making the suggestion.

    I have one we can use now - hopefully we haven't discussed this - eating the right amount of protein and sharing with the group the different protein items everyone is eating (I'm struggling with protein variety).

    Have a great Wednesday!

    Good suggestion!! I usually go over on my protein everyday which I think is a good thing!
    I don't always eat back my exercise calories either and not sure I believe in the 1200 "starvation mode". But I do think a healthy amount of calories is necessary to function :)
  • kylakesgal
    kylakesgal Posts: 952 Member
    Good afternoon ladies~
    Todays challenge is a good one- Eating your calorie goal
    I have to admit that I struggled with this for the first 2 weeks, always under my calorie goal but since I have been exercising more....my appetite is growing. Yesterday I had no problem eating all my calories. I think I increased by like 300 calories yesterday. I started Leslie Sansone's walk at home boot camp and that is really one heck of a work out. I have managed to do the one mile for the last 2 days but am going to do 2 miles today. It comes with 2 figure 8 stretchy bands which hasn't come into play yet but sure it will soon. At work, where I used to always sit all day, I find myself up and moving now as much as possible. I've been doing squats and other exercises when no one is around. Let's all try and hit our calorie goals today and good luck to everyone:)