SAHM 2/28-3/6

Welcome!! We are a fabulous group of Stay at Home Moms that support each other through our weightloss and the most important job....being a mom! We welcome all newcomers, join in any time, we would love to get to know you! :flowerforyou:


  • katapple
    katapple Posts: 1,108 Member
    Amy ~ Yes, it's I joined the Y and get 2 hours of free childcare per child :) And then I force quite time and I'll do one during the nap. Or I let them play on or watch a cartoon while I do one. Mine are 4 and 2 though, so they can entertain themselves a little better than a 16 month old.

    Katie ~ AWESOME AWESOME news!! I hope things work out for her.

    Stacey ~ LOL! Thanks for the advice! I think I will do the arm and ab ripper x today :)

    Barb ~ Oh no! hopefully it's just water weight from Pizza Hut yesterday.

    Well, gotta run, promised the boys a game before school LOL Have a fantastic Monday ladies!
  • tonyavanwinkle2
    tonyavanwinkle2 Posts: 28 Member
    There's a SAHM mom group on here! Love Mom groups. Being doing this SAHM gig for nearly 12 years...and I got about 29 lbs to get rid of because of it.
  • EverythingCubbies
    EverythingCubbies Posts: 172 Member
    Katie - Thanks for starting the new thread and for the link. My little one is a wild man, he's never sat still to watch a cartoon w/my 4 year old so I have to have eyes on him at all times. Babyhood goes so quick so I don't mind, he'll be 2 before I know it.

    Tonya - Welcome!

    Katie M - So glad she made the move. Praying that you all have a smooth transition. I'm just so happy she made the jump and got out before it was too late.

    Boys both got up early this morning, I'm still tired, went to bed too late AGAIN. I'm a total night owl and it's a pain now that I have kids. I wish I was an early bird like I use to be.

    Off to kids dentist, soccer and then preschool so I better get the little people dressed. Have a super Monday.
  • madamelaporte
    madamelaporte Posts: 404 Member
    Im a SAHM can I join please :)

    I see this is a follow on thread so havent read the previous one did I miss anything?!?!?
  • KC1206
    KC1206 Posts: 90 Member
    Good Morning Ladies!

    Welcome Tonya!

    Had a busy weekend here, so I was absent on the thread...we re-did one of our bathrooms, planning to just replace flooring and vanity...turned into a total gutting of the bathroom. We still aren't finished, but at least the floor is down....ugh, the joys of owning a home.

    This week is going to be busy...I have random meetings and programs for work here and there, but as soon as I finish this, I am pulling out my planner and scheduling my gym time for the week. Friday we are heading up to CT to celebrate my Gram's 88th b-day. Busy Busy Busy!

    Hope everyone has a great week! Happy Monday!
  • swtchrypie
    Tonyavanwinkle2, madamelporte~ Welcome!!!!

    KC~ woowhoo on the new bathroom!!! I love projects!

    Yeah so last night we slept in the closet for the majority of the night due to tornado warnings. Yeah yippie-kiya-yay! So that was interesting. Then once it was over I put my son back to bed but he was NOT having it (this was at 1 he finally stopped telling me he had a secret to tell me around 2) Then Andi got her bum up at 6 so I am working off so little sleep it is not funny. Seems to be the theme lately :) oh well maybe tonight I will get a good nights rest.

    Other then lack of sleep and a really soggy backyard todays looking to be a rather productive one. Does anyones else house look like it got ravaged after the weekends? Cleaning up and then grocery shopping today. Gonna be kept busy if it kills me!

    Have a GREAT WEEK ladies!
  • laurakrowe
    Good morning everyone!
    I just finished my first week here on MFP and lost 2.5lbs :)

    Yesterday morning i was in a car accident on my way to work (I work very part time and very early in the morning). i hit some black ice and spun out - scariest thing ever.
    Thank god it was just me and my kids were not in the car. Just thinking of how scared they would've been makes me so sad.
    I have a related question: i have 3 kids - therefore 3 carseats in the car. friends are telling us we need to have all 3 replaced and that car insurance should cover it. has anyone had to deal with this before?
    Our insurance office doesn't open for another hour or so ... we're going to bombard them with questions.
  • DJJW
    DJJW Posts: 519 Member
    Morning ladies...thanks Katie for starting the thread this week!

    Just another busy week, looks like it's supposed to be alot warmer, with snow. Oh, well. Warmer means longer to play outside. Was really hoping that groundhog knew what he was talking about.
  • bluerose9483
    bluerose9483 Posts: 686 Member
    Copied from last week's thread, I keep forgetting about the new threads:

    That is a disappointment to end the month, but I knew it was going to happen, since I had taken 3 weeks off from major working out and then this weekend, we ate out a lot! I gained 3.2 lbs since my last weigh in :angry: :noway: :huh:

    So, its time for a new plan, since I'm feeling a lot better and now I'm even more motivated to meet March's goal!! It's time to get physical, physical!! LoL

    Have a great day ladies, I'll be checking in later!
  • bluerose9483
    bluerose9483 Posts: 686 Member
    Amy ~ Yes, it's I joined the Y and get 2 hours of free childcare per child :) And then I force quite time and I'll do one during the nap. Or I let them play on or watch a cartoon while I do one. Mine are 4 and 2 though, so they can entertain themselves a little better than a 16 month old.

    Katie ~ AWESOME AWESOME news!! I hope things work out for her.

    Stacey ~ LOL! Thanks for the advice! I think I will do the arm and ab ripper x today :)

    Barb ~ Oh no! hopefully it's just water weight from Pizza Hut yesterday.

    Well, gotta run, promised the boys a game before school LOL Have a fantastic Monday ladies!

    Kat-I sure hope so! New week, new plans :happy:
  • mamato4boys1girl
    Morning All :drinker:
    Welcome to Tonyavanwinkle2 & madamelporte ~ just jump in whenever with whatever is on your mind, that's pretty much how we all are!!

    Kat ~ thanks for starting the thread :flowerforyou:

    Barb ~ sounds like a plan, new month = get our butts moving!! :laugh:

    Laura ~ wish I knew about the carseats, sorry no help but I am glad that you are alright & yes that is so scarey to think the kids could of been there with you.

    Swtchrypie ~ glad you all came out with only a soggy yard & lack of sleep, hope your day is very productive!!

    KC ~ we did that when we owned our own house, pain but so worth it when it was done. hope it goes quickly!

    Busy day for me today, but what day isn't haha!! A sweet friend of mine borrowed a carseat from another friend who no longer needed it so she could have an extra one in here truck & take my son to preschool with her in the morning since her son goes too. That way I don't have to get the baby up & load all the kiddos in the car to go drop my 3 year old off. I love him going to school but getting him there at 8am was stressful so hopefully this will be helpful. I am keeping my oldest home today cause he still had a fever when we went to bed last night. Then I have an appt at 10:30 so I actually have to pick my son up from preschool early so I can make it there on time, then probably a run to the store after that. Hubby is going to come home at lunch which is while I am gone & check on our oldest cause he is old enough to be home by himself for awhile. Then hopefully home, lunch & naps if I can stop them from falling asleep in the car on the way home. Fun, fun!! Well I better get going the younger two are awake now. Have a great day everyone!!
  • nicolee516
    nicolee516 Posts: 1,862 Member
    Morning! Thanks Katie for starting the thread! I really appreciate it!:flowerforyou:
  • randi50
    randi50 Posts: 112
    Hi! I would love to jump in!! I am Randi. On Wednesday my husband and I will be celebrating our 10th anniversary! I have one stepson, Kaleb. We have two children together; Karson, 5 and Kaden 2. I actually know Katie from another mommy board we were on! I have been a member of MFP for a couple years I think, but just started USING it about 2 wks ago! :) I have lost about 10 lbs in 2 weeks which I expect to slow down now, but hope to lose 2 lbs a week :) I graduated last May with my BSED and didn't find a job locally, job market for teachers right now is TOUGH!!! Stupid budget cuts! Anyway, I do sub some, but mainly I am at home with Kaden. Karson started preschool this year so we miss him terribly during the week! lol

    I look forward to getting to know you all! I really want to suceed with my weight loss, and it helps that my husband is doing it with me.

    About the CARSEAT question, yes. I have been told all seat should be replaced. My friend had an accident last year and her insurance co covered them 100%, she got really nice seats, the sunshine radian I believe. The insurance co will take your old ones to destroy them. HTH
  • katapple
    katapple Posts: 1,108 Member
    Welcome Tonya and Madamelaprote and Laura!

    You didn't miss anything, we are pretty laid back and are here for support, successes, and vents :smile: Join in, can't wait to get to know you!

    KC ~ ugh! Sorry your bathroom project turned out to be more, that happened to us last year :ohwell:

    Swtchrypie ~ Where are you guys stationed? I had a lot of friends in IL in the basement last night. I do not miss living in tornado alley! My house is always a wreck, it doesn't matter what day of the week it is! :laugh:

    Laura ~ Congrats on your loss! Did you run into anything in your accident? I wouldn't htink you need to replace the seats if you did. But insurance should cover it if you need to get them replaced! Glad you're ok!

    Hi Randi!!! :drinker: Glad you joined us!

    One workout done, another workout to go, but not until later. I think I will like using P90x for strength training, since I do so much other cardio, I'll skip over those ones:wink:
  • ellen1980
    My hard work paid off! I lost 3.6lbs this past week and am feeling great!! Went bathing suit shopping yesterday for our upcoming trip and it wasn't as dreadful as I thought it would be!!This morning I hit 80lbs lost since Jan 2010!!! 22lbs left to my ultimate goal and maybe I might push for another 10lbs after that! We will see!

    Going out for dinner tonight with my hubby (date night!) and going to make good choices!!
  • CarissaNew
    CarissaNew Posts: 223 Member
    I would like to join! I am a SAHM of 2, I have a 3 year old son and a 2 year old daughter. And they keep me busy :)
  • randi50
    randi50 Posts: 112
    How do you all get your tickers as a siggy?

    Katie~I love how much you work out! lol I have been trying to do morning and night. I do much better in the morning! I am a bit sore today though, but a good sore!

    I was assuming there was impact in your accident, Katie is right, if there wasn't any impact they should be fine.

    I Carissa, I am Randi, I am new too.
  • PNCTink
    PNCTink Posts: 232 Member
    Welcome to all the new ladies!!

    My house is always a wreck too, unless we have company coming! LOL! I usually try to pick up after the kids have gone to bed, but that's because I need to room in the living room for exercising. I just figure that one day, when my kids are grown, I'll have a clean house again. :)

    And I mostly workout after the kids have gone to bed. I try to do some with them during the day, but it's more to keep them moving since we can't get outside right now.

    I am sure the carseats need to be replaced, and I'm pretty sure the insurance will cover it.

    I lost 1.2 pounds this week, but it's not as much as it should have been. Last Wednesday I was .4 lighter than today so I will curse my DH for bringing home the chips and dip. I did portion it out, but I put it down to the salt. :-D I'm going to have to do my exercises at the beginning of this week because we're going to visit a friend on Thursday and Friday, and with the traveling I'm sure I'll be wiped out on Saturday. Not to mention he likes to stay up late and talk. LOL!!

    As for the ticker Randi-if you go to the tab at the top that says TOOLS you'll find an option for tickers. Click it and add your information. It will automatically update as you weigh-in.
  • swtchrypie
    Mamato4boys~ good luck with the doctors! I hope your son gets better!

    Randi, CarissaNew~ WELCOME!

    Katie~ We are stationed in MO. My husband swore when we moved here we are not in tornado alley and I told me yes babe we are. He didn't believe me and we haven't been here a year and we've had like 7 tornado watches like 5 warnings and 2 actually touched down. I told him so!

    Ellen~ CONGRATS! Have fun on your date night!!!!

    Off to tend to the chitlins. My lil girl is on the verge of learning how to roll over! Super excited!
  • randi50
    randi50 Posts: 112
    I am in MO too, and yes we are on the edge of tornado alley! lol We had a terrible one here last year that start right beside our house! We were so lucky!! It traveled several miles and destroyed several houses of people I know! Heartbreaking and scary!!