SAHM 2/28-3/6



  • clcole522
    clcole522 Posts: 68 Member
    Good Tuesday Afternoon Moms........What a crzy day I had yesterday, started with a body pump class, where I'm really starting to see results, after 3 weeks of it..YaY!! Then I had tim to kill before I went and picked up my daughter at pre school, so I went in and ran a few miles on the treadmill, then I decided 5pm last night I was going to kick it up and get back into my spin classes...How I've missed them.....By the end of the night, I had burnt over 16 hundred calories.....Felt so good!! Bad thing, and I know some would give me an ear full, I didn't eat nearly all my exercise calories.....But I did treat myself to some yummy popcorn my husband makes, over the stove with a small glass of cherry coke, which is a down fall of
    And I finised my night with watching Mike and Molly...Anyone else watch that show.......OMG cracks me up!!

    Today, well didn't get to the gym yet....Had to do mommy duties, laundry and hit the store for dinner.....I have a basketball game tonight, I am hoping maybe my husband will let me sneak away to the gym for a quick run while he puts the kids to bed....keep my fingers Wednesday, I have my post op appt ....I am hoping its all good news, I am feeling pretty good...Besides a little cramping, but I am hoping its just my body adjustiing to what was done to

    KC1206..........Congrats on losing two weeks in a row....Thats Awesome!!

    Ellen....I sometime feel boated more so on Monday then any other day, I think its b/c my weekends are so out of routine, with eating and exercising, b/c everyone is home.....But I do try to pound the water and it seems by Tuesday I am feeling back to

    swtchrypie ............I'd be no good as soon as I'd hit that I'd be out ...Good Luck :)

    Victorious One/Nicole~ I agree with katapple....Good luck with your decision, thats a tough one

    And speaking of katapple ......I saw you were down pound this morning....Awesome!! I can just feel your excitement in your post...Keep up the good work :)

    Holly - I'm also glad to hear Lucy is feeling better and had a good birthday.

    4loveofkids ..........2 pounds is great!! I struggle with water!! While working out, I can drink gallons of it, but sitting home, I so have to remind myself to drink that instead of something else...I've gotten better, but man just something else I struggle with...

    Stacey .......Thats a great gym price! Our family membership at the Y is about 10$ more then that!! Enjoy that membership!! I love my YMCA!!

    Christi............Good luck with your pictures today.. I'm sure the photographer is use to all that and has dealt with more :) Have to let us know how it turns out.......

    OK, mom's ........I'm off for another load of laundry, why does it seem laundry is never Have a good Tuesday moms and remember, keep moving :)

  • staceyw37
    staceyw37 Posts: 2,094 Member
    Great job Stacey!! So jealous that you can join a gym for that price. Even the YMCA here is over $80/month w/childcare. Enjoy your new memebership, sounds like you have a great plan for March.

    boohoo. didn't join b/c that $31 was if i joined for 2 yrs. or it would be $31 with a $99 enrollment fee.
    neither option worked for me. soooo it's still my dvd collection.

    the Y by us is $60 or $65/month for a family, including childcare. there are also military discounts (not for us, but maybe you?). the Y also offers financial aid, so maybe that could work for you.
    for me, it's too far away to make it feasible.
  • bluerose9483
    bluerose9483 Posts: 686 Member
    Good afternoon, ladies!

    Ugh, this morning was very busy and I wasn't thinking it was going to be that busy. I took my dad to the mall to talk to our cell phone provider about a problem that he was having with his phone (that is on mine and my hubby's account, so I had to be there). Then, I had to pick up my sister from her job (her hubby has her car since they only have one), and she gave me gas money and fed me lunch. Then as I was getting ready to head home, my mom called and the clinic that she went to yesterday to have blood drawn so they can monitor her blood with the blood thinning med she is on, well, the test came back in conclusive, so they needed more blood and she asked if I could take her back. So, I took her there and then back home. About the time I got home I had a little time to sit and relax before my daughter got home from school.

    Now, after all that, I feel like sitting here and closing my eyes and going to bed and its only 4 in the afternoon! Ugh!!

    Well, I think I have found my new plan for the month of March and part of it goes to a big thanks to Kat :) I did the 30DS level 2 and right now, felt like I was going to die.....I have been off of major exercise for about 3 weeks, and when I started it, I felt like a beginner all over again. Anyways, Kat has suggested to me last night that after I get feeling easy with Level 2, that I should do level 1 & 2 back to back, so therefore when it gets easy for me, that's what I'm going to do...and I think for the rest of the week, I'm going to try to do level 1 in the morning and then level 2 at night, then when it gets to be easy, I'll do both back to back at night (which is easier for me to do my exercising).

    Well, looks like I'm off to figure out some dinner. Not sure what I'm in the mood fore, kinda thinking breakfast.....bbl.
  • KatieM7
    KatieM7 Posts: 588 Member
    Marking for later. Been super busy and have not really had time for myself the past few days. Routine is all thrown out of whack but it is all good.

    Welcome to all newcomers!
  • madamelaporte
    madamelaporte Posts: 404 Member
    Katie is it a common name round where you live?? Ive never heard of anyone here called Carter - We wanted unusual names as we both have common names and have hated them all our lives lol. Well done on your loss :)

    Nicole I think it is every individuals choice about staying home or working. I personally will not go back to work until both my children are at school full time, I want to spend those few years with them even though it means we will struggle financially (and boy is it tough) I just think once they start school thats it they're at school until mid/late teens then onto college/uni/work and then having their own families :( So I want to enjoy them as much as I can before all that happens. I don't even want them to go to school lol but I know they have to :(

    swtchrypie - Cora became very clingy around 4 months too and she still is - she screams if I walk out of her sight and will not stay with anyone!!!! Carter was exactly the same mind you he still is he wont stay with anybody but me!!!

    Christi well done on 2 workouts thats great I should try and get another one in somewhere!! Hope you have fun with your photography session :)

    WOW Cat thats great well done for burning so much wish I could get so much exercise in!!!

    Ive had a great day with the kids today we havent stopped :) and I am with one of the challenge groups Spring challenge I think it is titled and the challenge this week is to drink half our body weight in water per day so my goal is to drink 1980ml and I have drunk 2840ml :)

    take care x

    KC1206 well done on the weight loss - the slower you lose it the longer it will stay off :)
  • katapple
    katapple Posts: 1,108 Member
    Stacey ~ ugh, I'm still in pain!! I did legs today and I was able to actually keep up with that one LOL Sorry the gym didn't work out. We pay $57 for a family membership at the Y, but it's worth every penny! Congrats on the loss!

    Cat ~ Ugh, I want to go to a Body Pump class so bad! haha, yay for seeing results. 1600 cals?! WOW!!! Impressive!

    Amy ~ Awesome work on those 2lbs!!

    Madamelaporte ~ Nope, it's not. There was a little girl (11) whose name is Karter, but no other little boys :) It's gaining in popularity though :-/ We were the same with trying to pick something not as popular...hello Katie and Jason LOL

    Burned 1000 calories today! I'm going to have something special tonight. I'm over in carbs though, but I'll be under in calories...just trying to decide. Might just do a smoothie...YUM!
  • PNCTink
    PNCTink Posts: 232 Member
    I haven't read through all the posts, but I just wanted ot do a quick check in. We're going away for a couple of days and I'm not sure we'll bring our laptop. I am going to see the pancreatic specialist and am hoping he can give me some answers on why I've had issues.

    For exercise today I did my 21 minute My Fitness Plus routine and I jogged in place for 20 minutes. I bought weights at the store this morning and will be receiving 30DS from Netflix next week. Looking forward to it! I hope everyone has a great (productive!) couple of days. :)
  • swtchrypie
    Holly~ I am glad Lucy is feeling better and had a great birthday!!!

    Amy~ Wowho on the 2 lbs! I wish I was loosing but right now my body is not liking me. I am bloated and just GROSS! AH! Good luck tonight, I hope we both get a FULL Nights rest!

    Stacey~ I agree you will get out of the 150s why cause you rock socks! OH yeah!!!
    mamato4boys~ do all military men not smile? it is like pulling teeth to ask my hubby to show some teeth. Its always the devil dog face!

    Cat~ um WOW! I wish I had your day yesterday, talk about pumping the jams! Hecka yeah! Oh and the laundry demon, yeah its calling my name too.

    Claire~ Triston was really clingy for a hot minute there but once we moved here and had Andi (he had to stay over nigth a few nights with our friends) he got over it pretty well. Some times he still says to me "don't leave me mom" but for the most part he is good. Andi ah is still making me loose my mind haha!!

    Well today has interesting, my friend came over for a visit and once she left I put my son down and attempted to put my daughter but that didn't work out so much. So I did pretty much did nothing but sit on the couch all day. Yeah talk about good for me. BUT i did manage to stay under my calories so i was pretty proud I didn't do my eating for the sake of eating thing. I hope everyones tuesday was great!!
  • staceyw37
    staceyw37 Posts: 2,094 Member
    lots happening here!

    aj--for tummy stuff--i have found miralax in a glass of milk every other day or so is helpful to keep things running smoothly. i still am not always working right, but better than i was a cpl months back.
    as for bananas, they are known to constipate (as is rice)--maybe one every other day. i limit myself to 2 a week.

    katie--good job on legs and back!! those wall squats are killer!

    another strategy i'm trying this month is to put my scale away. i'm very affected (+ and -) by the numbers so today was the weigh in and i'll chk again on april fool's day.

    gotta go. ds napped and is now crabbin'

    thanks for the + words swtchrypie.

  • mamato4boys1girl
    The pictures didn't go to bad, it was the 1 year old who gave us the most trouble. He was not in the mood to cooperate unless one of us was holding him, but I think she got some cute ones. She said it would take her about 2-3 weeks to get them all edited & up on her site cause her husband is deployed right now & there are a lot of others getting ready to leave very soon so she has been doing lots of pictures. She will send a cute little flip book to hubby that fits right in there leg pocket on the side of their pants so they are able to carry them with them always. She said she loves to hear that they came home & their books were all worn out from being carried around & looked at so much.
    Since my oldes had been fever free for over 24 hours & feeling okay except for a scratchy throat I sent him to school this morning. Then about 11 I get a phone call from the clinic say that his strep culture came back positive. So then I feel back for sending him & for exposing the other kids to him. I called hubby & he was actually at the clinic doing stuff for his deployment so he picked up his antibiotic & went to check him out of school. Then my 3 year old was dragging around today which is so not normal for him so I took his temp & he was running a slight fever. I debated on cancelling the pics but knew we couldn't reschedule before hubby left so decided to just go for it, sick kids and all! So hopefully the other ones don't come down with strep now or me for that matter because I am the one who has always had it my whole life if anyone around me gets it.
    Needless to say with all of that going on this morning I somehow forgot to eat until like lunch time. So I am way under on my calories even after letting myself have a calzone for dinner. But there is no way I am eatting a bunch now. So for today I am just going to be way under & work on doing better tomorrow. Did get my workout in though!
    Well it's time to put the baby down & watch Parenthood, night all.
  • bluerose9483
    bluerose9483 Posts: 686 Member
    Good evening ladies.

    Just wanted to do a last check in for tonight. I ended up getting 2 workouts done tonight!! I've impressed myself yet again! I knew I could get one in, but 2!?! I'm on a roll...Let's see if I can keep it up! I feel pretty good, might be a little sore tomorrow since I did Level 2 of Jillian's 30 day shred, but we'll see.

    Looks like I'm off to bed. Have a good night ladies! Another busy day tomorrow!
  • EverythingCubbies
    EverythingCubbies Posts: 172 Member
    Parenthood was awesome tonight, I just love that show. Also saw a new preview for Army Wives, can't wait for that to start soon. LOL, it's hard to find good TV to watch. I mean TV that actually has good writing and good acting.

    I'm sooo proud of myself, hehehe, I feel like a peacock saying that. When hubby got home I handed him the kids and headed out to do my C25K. Once I start walking I realize that for some reason week 1 didn't download on my IPod but all the other weeks did. So, I decided to "try" week 2 and see what happens. I did it, all of it and then when I was doing the last 90min. jog I hit my stride!! I seriously kept going and jogged another quarter mile. I was so excited!! It was also a NSV b/c I didn't feel everything jiggle when I jogged, that's what's always stopped me before. It was awesome. Of course I told hubby and he said he was proud of me and then started talking about something else. :frown: He's never been a runner so I know he didn't get what I was trying to tell him, oh well, I knew I could tell ya'll. I love this group, it's already changed my outlook and given me so much motivation. Question for you joggers: C25K recommends skipping a day b/w sessions but we are going to have nice weather tomorrow and lots of rain on Thurs. Do you think it would be ok to try doing my next day tomorrow? I don't want to push it but I also don't want to skip two days before I can go again.

    Christi - I bet your pics are beautiful, I'm so impressed with the idea. I plan on telling my MIL about it. She and her husband have a photography business and I think they might be interested in offering this in their area. Sorry about the sick kids. I always get strep too. My old doc let me get an extra zpac one time so I keep it for when I can feel it coming b/c it hits me fast and hard. Then I go in and get a new one so I always have one on hand. Do you have a doc that would do that for you if they know your history and situation w/ hubby being deployed?

    Barb - Awesome job, you are doing great. I'm doing level 3 of 30DS and I don't usually feel sore but I sometimes feel a tiny bit tight when I first start doing some of the kicks, etc. Probably need to stretch more. I for sure need to up my weights, plan on doing that this weekend. How do you like it so far?

    Night all, talk to ya tomorrow
  • mamato4boys1girl
    Amy- the pictures are through Operation: Love ReUnited ( ), this is the website that they can find out more information through if they would like to be involved, it's really great. We can't really afford to have a nice photo shoot done so this is a good alternative for us. The session is free & so is the photo book sent to hubby but she will allow us the option to look at the photos & buy some sheets from her if we would like. So I am excited to see them!
    Great Job on the run by the way!! That's great!!
  • katapple
    katapple Posts: 1,108 Member
    Amy ~ I would rest between your runs because your body isn't used to it. You could end up with shin splints and that would be awful! I hardly ever run two days in a row and I've been a runner for 2 years LOL. Did you like the podcast? Parenthood fan here as well, I'm behind though LOL

    Christi ~ So sorry about the sick one! Hope it doesn't spread around. I had strep 5 different times last year in 4 months. They said one more time and I'd get my tonsils out, thankfully I haven't had it since! :) How exciting about the pictures!

    Barb ~ good work on the two workouts!

    Arms are still sore today, and since I did legs yesterday I'm skipping weights. Today will be pure cardio...just trying to decide on what! :)
  • swtchrypie
    Amy~ how as your night last night? Did the little on sleep well? Andi did better. But my dog started barfing in the middle of the night I couldn't help but laugh if its not one thing its another. But I think my sleep was a lot deeper then normal so I feel real rested this morning!

    Christi~ I am glad you got the pics done. But I am sorry about your son..I HATE strep. I hope he get well soon and the rest of the gang doesn't get it.

    Well I am super excited my little brother might be coming out this weekend. He deploys soon and this will be the last time we get to see him since he is based in Cali. Also I lost 2 lbs! I only have .6 to go to get out of the 140's. I haven't weighed less then 140 since before I was with my hubby. SO I am super excited! Soon, woowhoo!
  • EverythingCubbies
    EverythingCubbies Posts: 172 Member
    Swtchrypie - LMAO about your dog, isn't it always something. Sorry you had to deal with that but at least you had a good laugh about it. :bigsmile: Not much sleep here, I kept waking up and so did Booshka, he also has a low fever so I think that was making me paranoid b/c I kept checking on him. I swear the minute they go to college I'm locking myself in my room and sleeping for a week. CONGRATS on almost being out of the 140s, that is awesome. I can't wait to be there, hopefully this summer.

    Katie - Thanks, that's what I was thinking but now it looks like rain tomorrow and Friday so I keep going back and forth. When I use to run I did run daily but my body was use to it. Wishing I would have kept my treadmill but, I gave it to a friend. LOL, maybe I can do laps around the kitchen. Enjoy your cardio today, sounds like your arms got a great burn.
  • mamato4boys1girl
    We found out yesterday that hubby will be leaving a little sooner than we first thought so we only have 9 days till he gets on the plane. It's not to much of a difference but it still is kind of like it just snuck up on us and slapped us in the face. This my be one of the reasons I am just feeling so overwhelmed this morning. I need to clean my house it's a disaster, I need to do laundry cause my oldest put on his last pair of jeans this morning, I kept my 3 year old home from preschool since he was running a fever last night, my one year old won't stay off the baby who is trying to play on the floor, I need to get in my workout cause my weight seems stuck, which I know I probably need to increase my calories cause I'm so bad about that, I need to figure out something to make for dinner because I have been bad & not cooking and ............
    AHHHHHHH, deep breath, count to 10, maybe I just need to call my mommy :frown:
  • DJJW
    DJJW Posts: 519 Member
    Options sorry to hear about your hubby!! I hope you have a large support system to help you out.

    4love...I never sleep with a sick kid around. My body just doesn't work that way. Last week when we were ALL sick, the only thing I could do is sleep with them. That way I could get a bit of shut eye and still hear and feel them. Hope the fever doesn't last long.

    swtch...aren't animals fun. Our house it's a cat. No one wants to step in a hairball in the morning, so if I hear "hach hach" I get to wake up husband.....I get the kids in the middle of the night, so he gets the cat. Even if he only gets up once a month (sometimes not even that much) he complains the WHOLE time. Like I haven't been getting up at least once a night just to make sure that kids are covered at night for the last 5 years, and he still feels justified to complain about the URG!:wink:

    Just a normal day hear. Got in a 30min workout while kids are doing playdoh. Got laundry and cleaning. Trying to fast track my 2 year old scrapbook so I can move on. Used to be so good at staying caught up until child #2. Should have an hour of my bike at nap time, and trying to watch the movie "the proposal" with Sandra Bullock. Hope it's good. Hard to get through a long work out with out something good to watch.
  • bluerose9483
    bluerose9483 Posts: 686 Member
    Parenthood was awesome tonight, I just love that show. Also saw a new preview for Army Wives, can't wait for that to start soon. LOL, it's hard to find good TV to watch. I mean TV that actually has good writing and good acting.

    I'm sooo proud of myself, hehehe, I feel like a peacock saying that. When hubby got home I handed him the kids and headed out to do my C25K. Once I start walking I realize that for some reason week 1 didn't download on my IPod but all the other weeks did. So, I decided to "try" week 2 and see what happens. I did it, all of it and then when I was doing the last 90min. jog I hit my stride!! I seriously kept going and jogged another quarter mile. I was so excited!! It was also a NSV b/c I didn't feel everything jiggle when I jogged, that's what's always stopped me before. It was awesome. Of course I told hubby and he said he was proud of me and then started talking about something else. :frown: He's never been a runner so I know he didn't get what I was trying to tell him, oh well, I knew I could tell ya'll. I love this group, it's already changed my outlook and given me so much motivation. Question for you joggers: C25K recommends skipping a day b/w sessions but we are going to have nice weather tomorrow and lots of rain on Thurs. Do you think it would be ok to try doing my next day tomorrow? I don't want to push it but I also don't want to skip two days before I can go again.

    Christi - I bet your pics are beautiful, I'm so impressed with the idea. I plan on telling my MIL about it. She and her husband have a photography business and I think they might be interested in offering this in their area. Sorry about the sick kids. I always get strep too. My old doc let me get an extra zpac one time so I keep it for when I can feel it coming b/c it hits me fast and hard. Then I go in and get a new one so I always have one on hand. Do you have a doc that would do that for you if they know your history and situation w/ hubby being deployed?

    Barb - Awesome job, you are doing great. I'm doing level 3 of 30DS and I don't usually feel sore but I sometimes feel a tiny bit tight when I first start doing some of the kicks, etc. Probably need to stretch more. I for sure need to up my weights, plan on doing that this weekend. How do you like it so far?

    Night all, talk to ya tomorrow

    Amy-So far, I'm liking it....It's definitely a workout. In January I was doing level 1 then had over done it and hurt my leg so I took a few weeks off, now trying to get back into the routine.....Yeah, the warm up and cool down for stretching on there doesn't seem like its enough...I know that feeling!
  • ajbeans
    ajbeans Posts: 2,857 Member
    Christi, I'm sorry your hubby has to leave sooner than expected. :( Big hugs for you. Take deep breaths, and just go one moment at a time. Don't let your stress overshadow these next few days. You can get through this!

    Parenthood WAS awesome. I love that show. We watch it every week. :)

    I'm exhausted, but in a good way. I was worn out after a long morning of errands and MOPS, but I still ended up doing about 40 minutes of exercises on the Wii. I felt good about that. I ate too much crap at the meeting this morning, but I'm still going to get lots of nutrition from the rest of my meals and I'll be under cals, so I'm not worried about it. I feel like I'm getting more into the groove of eating better. Finally!

    Hope you're all having a great day!