SAHM 2/28-3/6



  • staceyw37
    staceyw37 Posts: 2,094 Member
    hi new ladies! this is a great group! randi, i've been here for a cpl years too....almost reached my goal and then slacked off, ate terribly, stopped exercising....and now here i am again.

    if i could just get my eating consistent as far as cals, i'd be on my way......

    trying something new for me this week. will aim to do it for the month (or 3 weeks).
    same bf and lunch everyday + same snack. that will keep my cals to a set amount for the day.
    then dinner will be regular food--but lots of veggies and portion control.

    let's hope i can do it this time. i really need to make and SEE progress!

    back to schoolin' dd2.
  • ajbeans
    ajbeans Posts: 2,857 Member
    Hi ladies! I've been hiding in my shell today, and look what all I missed. :) I'll hit some of the high spots and try to catch up better tomorrow.

    Welcome new people!

    I see some of you talking about cleaning -- this is why I count cleaning as exercise. ;) If I count it as exercise, I'm more likely to do more of it, and do a better job of it. My house looks pretty darn fantastic right at the moment. :laugh: Lots of extra calories for me!

    Stacey, those sound like awesome goals for March! If you think you might get bored with the same breakfast and lunch every day, try to come up with a rotation of two or three so you can switch it out. That's what I do with breakfast. It helps to have options that will all be within your budget.

    Swtchrypie, yay for rolling baby! :)

    Tink and Ellen (and anybody else that I may have missed), congrats on the loss!

    I weigh in tomorrow and I'm not expecting a loss. I still can't get my stomach in order and it's messing me all up. I don't know what the problem is. I'm not feeling uncomfortable, but I know it's affecting my weight loss. Ugh. I'd be doing a lot better if I could get that straightened out. Maybe I should stop eating bananas for a few days. But I love them! And they give me the potassium I need. Ah, what a dilemma!

    We walked up to get C from school today. It's cold, but not windy, so it wasn't too bad. The kids both enjoyed it, and C asked if we could do that every school day. I said we would as long as the weather was nice and it wasn't too cold. So there's 3 built-in walks every week for me. :) She also wants to walk TO school in the mornings, but I said that would have to wait until it gets warmer outside. It's just too cold at 8 am these days.

    Washing machine is still not fixed. Haven't even HEARD from the repair dudes. And the garage door broke too, of course. The landlord is coming Wednesday to fix the garage, so if the repair people haven't come before then I'll complain to him. I hate to be a nag, but this is dumb. They were supposed to come last Thursday, or Friday at the latest. I'm going to have to make another laundromat run if they don't come soon.

    Oh well. Off to clean my house and burn some more calories! ;)
  • EverythingCubbies
    EverythingCubbies Posts: 172 Member
    Ok so today was one of those days were everything falls into place and was able to do 2 workouts. YAHOO! Booshka (my little guy's nickname) woke up and was still tired so he sat on my yoga mat while I finished up, it was awesome. Today is soccer day at preschool so my older guy goes an hour and 15 minutes early. It allows me to get some extra stuff done.

    Welcome to all the new faces!

    Stacey - Sounds like you have a great game plan for March, way to go.

    AJ - Oh, I'd be causin' some ruckuss if I was still w/o my washer. That's a lot of work and hassle for you to be hauling clothes, towels, sheets, etc. to the laundry b/c they are taking their sweet time. I hope they get to work on it soon. BTW, feel free to swing by my place and clean if ya need some extra cals burned, hahaha. Downstairs looks good but upstairs, not so much.

    Randi - How scary, I'm so glad to have a basement now, at least I feel a bit safer hiding in there. I can't imagine seeing my neighbors houses get destroyed, scary stuff.

    Swtcrypie - LOL, yep you are in tornado land. Hope you get better sleep tonight and have a tornado free March! BTW, your new pic is too cute, you look great.

    Nicole - Have fun on your trip, nothing like staying up late talking with friends. :) We need to start a dog house group for our hubs to join. My name is _________ and I brought home naughty food for my wife. My punishment will be __________. :devil:

    Shoot, hubby just called and he has to work late. Booshka is throwin down b/c he is tired, SHOCKER. Now to decide if I let him sleep or try to keep him up another two hours. Ahhhhhhhhhhhhh, why don't they make calorie free wine. :sad:
  • madamelaporte
    madamelaporte Posts: 404 Member
    thanks for the nice welcome guys :)

    laurakrowe - well done on the weight loss thats fantastic :) not so good about your car accident though :( hope you're ok and thank goodness your children werent in the car - I always dread something happening with the babies in the car especially since here in the UK people seem to think its OK to drive about half a metre behind your car!!!! HATE English drivers (well the majority of them anyway :) )

    wow mamato4boys you are busy busy busy!!!!!!

    randi50 I see you like names with a K lol we are with a C :) children are Carter and Cora (Im Claire) :)

    ellen1980 well done on the weight loss thats great :) enjoy your night out :)

    PNCtink dont dream too much about a tidy house when the kids are grown up my mum says now that she used to think that and my brother (17) and sister (18) still live at home and she says it is messier now than it was when they had toys!!!!!!! Im like you I workout when they have gone to bed mainly apart from Thursdays - my husband has the day off to look after Carter (2.5yrs) whilst I go to buggy fitness with Cora (8months) I love it then I do my Zumba dvd at night :) well done on your loss :)

    swtchrypie how old is your daughter?? Cora is a complete rolling machine now she is across the room in seconds literally I go in the kitchen to grab a glass of water and she is almost out there with me by the time Im on my way back!!!!!

    have fun cleaning ajweekley its a great motivator to clean and tidy up isnt it knowing that it burns calories :)

    4loveofkids thats fantastic wish I could get in 2 workouts a day (I do on Thursdays but thats it) With Cora still waking in the night though I need my sleep and Carter wakes at 6 so Id have to get up at 5 latest and Im normally up around 2am just couldnt do it!!! When she is sleeping through I will aim to do it as I would really like to workout before breakfast :)

    You have all done so well with your weight loss - I was a bit disheartened this week as I worked my butt off last week with exercise and was under on my calories every day and I didnt lose anything :( (didnt put on either but still) I had potatoes a couple of days last week and wondering if thats what it was (silly I know but its the only things different to the prvious couple of weeks) so this week I am trying to have no potatoes again and see if it changes things :)

    Have a good week :)

  • mamato4boys1girl
    I started the Jillian Micheal's 30 Day Shred today & I can't figure out how I am going to loose any weight going from like 60 minutes a day to 20 minutes a day. I am definately going to have to do something else with it. I don't think that will work after doing some much for the last 4 weeks then to back off by like 40 minutes. So I guess I will be doing JM30DS + something else, just have to figure out what...
  • katapple
    katapple Posts: 1,108 Member
    Ellen ~ Nice work!! That's awesome!

    Welcome Carissa!

    Ha Randi! Thanks :) I do much better in the morning. My second workout is usually during nap time, I have a tough time working out at night.

    PNC ~ Congrats on the loss!!

    Swtchrypie ~ Tornadoes scare the crap outta me! LOL I have yet to see one, but I was in a few the 3 years we lived in OK.

    Stacey ~ Glad you have a plan of attack this week. I hope it works!! And just step away from the oven ;-P

    AJ ~ Stop being so antisocial! LOL

    Amy ~ YEAH on two workouts!! Go you!!

    Madamelaporte ~ I have an almost 3 year old Carter too :) You will not see a loss every week, and some weeks there might even be a slight gain, but don't let it get to you. Next week will be better!

    Christi ~ Since you were doing so much before, maybe to two of the 30DS in a row? or just use it for strength training and something else for cardio?

    Holy crap, that was a lot of push ups and pull ups on the P90X...I am going to be sore tomorrow! Tomorrow is cardio, legs, and abs :) I'm way under in cals today....not good :( I'll make up for it tomorrow, I'm sure!
  • Victorious_One
    Victorious_One Posts: 174 Member
    I need some SAHM advice! I've been a SAHM for about 18 months now. I LOVE it--except for the financial pressure!

    I'm used to working full time outside the home, and that's what makes me feel most useful (though, not most fulfilled). I did it for 20 years before becoming a SAHM.

    I applied for a job, and I have an interview next week. I'm pretty sure I'll get the job. It's not a job I'm going to love, but I'm well-qualified for it and good at it. It will be a job that brings a fair amount of stress into my life, and a farily decent (not stellar) amount of money.

    Should I go for it and grab the money? My DH will support any decision I make, but he knows I really want to stay home.
  • bluerose9483
    bluerose9483 Posts: 686 Member
    :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: WELCOME ALL NEWCOMERS!! :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:

    Today was a good day. Had hubby's car towed this morning (that wasn't the good part), took him to the dentist and he had no cavities, then we get a call from the shop, and come to find out it costs under $90 to get his car fixed! So, its fixed and we have it back, so hubby can take him self to work again, yay!!

    Tonight, after hubby is off to work and kids are in bed, I'm off to start my new plan. :bigsmile:

    I'm so ready for the warmer weather to be here and get more exercise outdoors, I hate trying to find things to do indoors all the time.....drives me nuts.

    Well, off to help hubby get ready and calm the lil one down.
  • DJJW
    DJJW Posts: 519 Member

    Tonight, after hubby is off to work and kids are in bed, I'm off to start my new plan. :bigsmile:

    :love: woo woo!
  • swtchrypie
    Stacey~ I kinda do the same thing out of habit. I tend to stick with things I like for a HOT minute.

    Randi~ I am so not used to this whole storm stuff. Were were living in Hawaii before this and we really didn't get bad stuff a few tsunami warnings but thats it. AH!

    AJ~ Sorry about the washer not being fixed yet. ARGH repair people

    Amy~ thanks! My lil guy can't go without a nap, I wish he would so he would sleep longer in the mornings! But everytime I try he passes out somewhere random.

    claire~ Andi is will be 4 months on the 9th. lately she's been a little leech, allays wanting to be held. she started teething so i am assuming thats why.

    Victorious~ Personally I wouldn't do it. If it going to be stressful then I wouldn't think it is worth the money.

    Well I had a long pointless day! I had to drive around with the hubs all day to find out the dates he leaves changed to over my sons birthday party. Yeah. I started the couch to 5k program though. AH! I am so all over the place and too tired to care.
  • KC1206
    KC1206 Posts: 90 Member
    Swtchrypie, Christi, Katie—thanks for the encouragement about the bathroom! We got the toilet put back on yesterday, and the vanity is installed, just need the water hooked up and we should be good to go. I’ll have to post a before and after pic when its finished. I am really happy with it ….maybe it is worth it after all.

    Stacey—that sounds like a great plan! I suggest that you do the same as what aj mentioned, rotating through 2 or 3 set daily plans so that you don’t get bored and tempted to stray from your plan. Best of luck with it!!

    Christi—I did day 1 of 30DS the other day (thanks to whoever on here mentioned that some videos were available OnDemand!) and I was thinking the same thing! How does 20-30 minutes really make that much of an impact if a person is used to doing an hour a day? I’d love to see what others who have it have to say.

    Weigh-in this morning: One more pound down! SO happy to lose two weeks in a row. It isn’t a lot each week, but at least the scale is moving in the direction I want it to!

    Happy Tuesday Ladies!
  • ellen1980
    ellen1980 Posts: 23
    Feeling super bloated this morning. Up 1.4lbs from yesterday. I think I had way too many salty things yesterday and the few glases of wine probably didn't help either!!!LOL Lots of water to drink today!
  • swtchrypie
    KC~ congrats on the pound!!!1

    Ellen~ Sorry about feeling bloated, but those glasses of wine sound mighty good right now!

    Andi has this thing of getting up in the middle of the night and not wanting to go back to bed. She did it last night and then 2 nights before. So I was up again in the middle of the night. I'm so tired this morning. So I am going to hold her of of sleeping till I put Triston down and try to catch some zz's while they nap. I am debating pushing my workout till after I get up because I feel glued to the couch.

    But other then being sleepy today looks like its gonna be rather non eventful, which is nice. Yesterday we got a package my mom bought for Triston. It was a pirate chest full of pirate paraphernalia! It was so freaking cute!!!! So i have a feeling we are going to be doing some looting today!

    I hope everyones having a great Tuesday!!!!!!
  • katapple
    katapple Posts: 1,108 Member
    Victorious One/Nicole~ How much will you come out in the end if you pay for childcare? If it's going to cause a lot more stress and you'd rather be home, I'd stay home. Good luck with your decision!

    KC ~ Oh, I can't wait to see pictures! And as far as 30DS, maybe do it in the morning, and some sort of cardio in the afternoon? Congrats on the loss!

    Ellen ~ Oh, I've had plenty of days like that! Rehydrate today and you'll see a good change on the scale tomorrow!

    I am also down a pound this morning! close to the 130s!!! I'm going to jump and scream if I actually see that number on the scale, I've been stuck in the 140s for a YEAR! LOL
  • hollyb9871
    hollyb9871 Posts: 401 Member
    Wow, I missed a lot yesterday!

    Welcome to all the new comers!

    Congrats on the losses!

    Boo to the car accident and spending lots of time in a closet because of tornado warnings!

    Lucy is finally over her virus and had a nice birthday on Sunday. We did cancel her party because her brother was sick but we took her to church and the Children's museum and did presents and cake at home. Now we have runny noses and coughs so nothing too serious (fingers crossed). I did make it to the gym Saturday and yesterday felt nice to be able to exercise and use my new shoes!

    Today we are heading to the gym again and we have Financial Peace again tonight. If anyone is need of help in that area I do highly recommend it. This will be week 4 out of 13. We are already really focusing and deciding what our goals are rather than just having things happen to us.

    I'd better get some breakfast and get the day started. Check in later

  • EverythingCubbies
    EverythingCubbies Posts: 172 Member
    So happy that I lost 2 pounds but a little sad b/c a few days ago I was down 3. Not sure what happened to make it go up a bit. Maybe too much sodium or not enough water, not sure.

    Holly - Glad Lucy is feeling better and had a good birthday.

    Katie - Congrats on your loss, soooooooooo close to 130's, that's awesome!!

    Swtchrypie - Our kids must be on the same schedule. Today Booshka is 17 months and for the past month he's been waking up at least two times a night. I'm so tired. Doctor said it's probably from when he was sick, we would cuddle him when he woke up so now he wants to continue. I don't get him out of his crib now so I have no idea why he keeps trying. Praying this ends soon for us both!

    kc - Congrats on your loss, slow and steady is the best route.

    Ellen - Well at least the wine is worth it. :bigsmile:

    Trying to figure out the weather today so I can get my walk/jog time in. Thinking I'll have to wait until hubby comes home but we'll see. Hope everyone is enjoying today.

    For the girls asking about 30DS, it's a great workout and you do actually work. I usually do it and then if time allows I'll do another w/o also. I've lost doing it so I think it works. That being said, I wasn't doing a one hour w/o before I started but I was probably doing a 45 min. workout for a week or two prior to starting. HTH some.
  • staceyw37
    staceyw37 Posts: 2,094 Member

    Holy crap, that was a lot of push ups and pull ups on the P90X...I am going to be sore tomorrow! Tomorrow is cardio, legs, and abs :) I'm way under in cals today....not good :( I'll make up for it tomorrow, I'm sure!

    told ya! and once upon a time, i even did it too! once i finish this quarter, i will incorporate more p90x into my hybrid routines. you will definitely get your muscle mass. yay you!!

    i'm also thinking about joining a gym today. $31/month includes childcare, classes, pool, machines, track, etc. i'd like to do the 2 workouts like you--maybe one in am before kids get up and one right away after kids go to school. or at least go on fridays and weekends.
  • staceyw37
    staceyw37 Posts: 2,094 Member
    workout done. weigh in--lost wt (still above my starting point)

    but i'm starting march at 152.4

    i will get OUT of the 150's this month and back into 140's! i will i will i will!
  • EverythingCubbies
    EverythingCubbies Posts: 172 Member
    Great job Stacey!! So jealous that you can join a gym for that price. Even the YMCA here is over $80/month w/childcare. Enjoy your new memebership, sounds like you have a great plan for March.
  • mamato4boys1girl
    So my weight has stuck since last Friday, hmmm I have never seen the exact same number on the scale every morning for several days in a row before. I weigh myself every morning then when I see it stay down for a few days in a row I count that as a loss. Cause I usually fluctuate from day to day so if I only weighed once in awhile & that was an up day compared to the last time I would probably be stressed so it works for me! Hoping it's just my body adjusting & it will start moving again cause I am so close to that first goal.
    I did decide to get in another workout last night. Hubby took the middle to with him to Walmart & the baby fell asleep in his swing so I fit in the Cardio Core dvd from the Slim in 6 series, it's 30 minutes of cardio concentrating on working out the abs at the same time. So with that on top of the 30DS it came out to about 55 mins of workout so that is better. Think that is what I will do just add one of the other workout dvds on to of the 30DS. I have to say though that I am not really loving all the "jumping" around on the 30DS dvd, the jumping jacks, jump rope & butt kicking jogging. It's not that I can't do it but even with my sports bra on it is painful to the boobs, haha! I think it's due to the fact that I am breastfeeding but I really don't like it to much, luckily it's not very long. Guess we will see how I feel after a week or so of it. That and I actually find Jillian kind of annoying on the video, way more than on tv!
    We have our Operation Love pictures this afternoon, hopefully everyone will be in a good mode and we can get some good shots. Not terribly easy getting a 3 year old and a almost 2 year old to look & smile at the same time, and my 10 year old to not make some kind of a goofy face or be squinting at the camera plus getting hubby to actually smile and the baby to keep him hands out of his mouth. Ugh I will just let the photographer do her thing, I am sure she will get some I have seen some of her pics and they were good. Fingers crossed!!
    Well I am going to go get my workout in now. Everyone have a nice day!!