"Shreddin' It & Forgettin' It"



  • sundaysurf
    sundaysurf Posts: 72 Member
    I started late. I am on day 4 level 1. I finished it and cardio this morning. I did it with my 20 month old. She was totally into it. I gave her one pound weights to play with and she danced around counting with Jillian. It was really cute. So now I have no excuses. :) I have a little workout partner!

    I am really enjoying the workout. I have added my own ab workout instead of Jillian's. I do the Pilates "Series of 5" during the minute of abs. I do 10 reps of each of the 5 exercises. It is exactly 1 minute. It works out perfectly. Has anyone else made substitutions to the workout to make it harder?
  • Lanfear
    Lanfear Posts: 524
    LOL I'm the other way, I started early - I am now on D2 or 3 (OMG I've lost count already, that's not good!) of L2. I'll say D2 to be on the safe side.

    I can do the unmodified versions of most of the exercises, apart from the walk out press ups - I've never been able to do "proper" ones - the squat thrusts which I find near impossible - and the leg raises with your arms up in the air holding the weights. I can just about do the raises but not as many as I should!
  • Mkmassey3
    Mkmassey3 Posts: 214 Member
    Today is my D4L1 of actually doing the exercises. Somehow the weekend came and went. I did manage to catch up on all of my laundry and clean the house, so I know there were calories burned there. This morning I ran a quarter mile on the treadmill before getting severe shin splints and had to move over to the Gazelle for 40 minutes. That was a great warm up to Jillian. My kids are all in school, but somehow I still manage to get interruptions during workout. The dog freaking out thinking someone is here, the hubby calling to chit chat while he can surely tell I'm huffing and puffing from working out, two loads of wood got dropped off (making the dog go off for real this time) I swear, what should have taken an hour turned into two somehow. Feels so great to get this in this morning...I much prefer working out in the morning, makes me feel pumped for the day. Off to make some lunch and freshin' up for the day. Have a great Shred Ladies!! (and men, if there are any of you out there : )
    ps I will do measurements in a couple of days. I think Thursday is when I took them last week.
  • dshalbert
    dshalbert Posts: 677 Member
    Dear Shredders:

    DO NOT have a cheat day/night! Trust me one this one...I fully enjoyed myself yesterday and paid for it this morning with an almost 4 pound weight gain..:sad:..not worth it! I'm hoping my body is just holding onto water from what I ate and from my muscles being sore. Either way, I won't be doing that again!

    Wow Nikki! I thought that I was losing my mind! I just completed day 5 L1 and hopped on the scale this morning to see a 3 lb gain! I did have a nice Sunday dinner, but portionwise I stayed within my daily calories. I had shortribs which is a fatty meat but I weighed and recorded my portion. My husband thinks I'm being totally anal about this, but oh well. I've been having fish and chicken all with losts of veggies and good stuff all week! The weight gain must be water. It's scientifically impossible that 4 oz of shortribs would add on 3 lbs!!

    I do feel more toned though. This morning I was pretty sore and had to use lighter weights for the side lunges and arm raises but felt really strong for the last cardio set.
  • awyler
    awyler Posts: 78
    hi everyone! i just finished level 1 last week (loved it!!) and started level 2. anyone else think level 2 was way easy? i hardly broke a sweat. i thought level 1 was WAY harder. im thinking about dong level 1 again and then going on to level 3? any suggestions?
  • jetscreaminagain
    jetscreaminagain Posts: 1,130 Member
    I did level 1 Day 6 today. I think tomorrow I'll start Level 2
  • 123nikki123
    123nikki123 Posts: 527
    Day 7 Level 2 done! Is it just me or is Jillian getting REALLY annoying..:laugh:..I took a rest day yesterday, my body really needed it. I also went for a walk/run on my treadmill after I finished this morning...I kind of have the Monday morning blah's. Happy Shreddin Everyone!
  • 123nikki123
    123nikki123 Posts: 527
    Dear Shredders:

    DO NOT have a cheat day/night! Trust me one this one...I fully enjoyed myself yesterday and paid for it this morning with an almost 4 pound weight gain..:sad:..not worth it! I'm hoping my body is just holding onto water from what I ate and from my muscles being sore. Either way, I won't be doing that again!

    Wow Nikki! I thought that I was losing my mind! I just completed day 5 L1 and hopped on the scale this morning to see a 3 lb gain! I did have a nice Sunday dinner, but portionwise I stayed within my daily calories. I had shortribs which is a fatty meat but I weighed and recorded my portion. My husband thinks I'm being totally anal about this, but oh well. I've been having fish and chicken all with losts of veggies and good stuff all week! The weight gain must be water. It's scientifically impossible that 4 oz of shortribs would add on 3 lbs!!

    I do feel more toned though. This morning I was pretty sore and had to use lighter weights for the side lunges and arm raises but felt really strong for the last cardio set.

    Yikes! I feel your pain :( I'm hoping it's muscle water retention! I'm going to drinks lots and lots of water today and see if that helps. Perhaps I'll add some lemon to that water too...ugg! I feel stronger too and afterall the research I have done on the shred says not to expect a high weight loss but inches will be lost and really...that's all that matters, right? :wink:
  • m0_0m
    m0_0m Posts: 265 Member
    Day 6 level 1 done.

    Feeling good after my nasty cold this past weekend. Going to try and get in something extra from the days I missed. Bike ride or some dancing.
  • Dawn111567
    Day 7, level 1 done. Today was much easier than yesterday was even having the day off on Saturday. I just wish that my measurements would change some. How long before you noticed any changes?
  • horizonsp
    horizonsp Posts: 134 Member
    Day 7 level 2 done. Also did elliptical for 50 min. Yesterday I took a break from JM but did do treadmill & elliptical.
  • Tandksmommy11
    Tandksmommy11 Posts: 399 Member
    Day 7, level 1 done. Today was much easier than yesterday was even having the day off on Saturday. I just wish that my measurements would change some. How long before you noticed any changes?

    I got very small 1/2 inch on my thighs (but that could be measuring inaccuracies) after the first week. I think we'll have to go find someone who did it all the way through and see what they say.
  • horizonsp
    horizonsp Posts: 134 Member
    Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Free Weight Loss Tools
  • jetscreaminagain
    jetscreaminagain Posts: 1,130 Member
    I did 20 minutes of a pilates video after work today.
    It wasn't very challenging, but it was good to stretch my muscles.

    What's interesting was a few years ago, this was the workout video I wasn't results from. Yeah, no. I put it in here, and the calorie burn per MFP and also based on my perceived level of exertion is NOTHING compared to Jillian. I think maybe 20 minutes of yoga/pilates might be a *false message of lethargy* :)
  • lizzyb0601
    lizzyb0601 Posts: 160 Member
    Day 8 level 2 complete!
  • carmelasergi
    carmelasergi Posts: 163 Member
    Question...is anyone taking 1 rest day or working out every single day? I've worked out 6 consequitive days and today would be my rest day. I'm a little tired, but I know if I worked out I'd feel okay after the workout. I don't want to get burned out. I'd love to get your feedback about that. Thanks and happy shredding! :flowerforyou:
  • Taras630
    Taras630 Posts: 85
    I've been outing it off until the last minute and now it's 11 and I'm gonna do the shred and elliptical. I'm gonna be beat but that's what I get for procrastinating!
  • Tandksmommy11
    Tandksmommy11 Posts: 399 Member
    Question...is anyone taking 1 rest day or working out every single day? I've worked out 6 consequitive days and today would be my rest day. I'm a little tired, but I know if I worked out I'd feel okay after the workout. I don't want to get burned out. I'd love to get your feedback about that. Thanks and happy shredding! :flowerforyou:

    I'm doing it every day. 10 days on each level. I started on March 1, so I had a full 30 days in 1 month (yes, I'm anal like that..haha). I haven't got to the point where I'm burned out because parts of it are still a challenge. As a matter of fact, I look forward to doing it and seeing how many calories I can burn and how sweaty I can get. If you think you need a day off, TAKE IT! But, if you think you can do it every day- I'd say go for it. It can't hurt, only help, right? Working out gives me energy and makes me feel good about myself- so I'm doing it every single day.
  • 123nikki123
    123nikki123 Posts: 527
    Question...is anyone taking 1 rest day or working out every single day? I've worked out 6 consequitive days and today would be my rest day. I'm a little tired, but I know if I worked out I'd feel okay after the workout. I don't want to get burned out. I'd love to get your feedback about that. Thanks and happy shredding! :flowerforyou:

    I took a rest day...my body needed it:) I listen to my body first and then I can preform better the next day:smile:
  • carmelasergi
    carmelasergi Posts: 163 Member
    You're right. I can't afford to take a day off. I need to burn every extra calorie I ate in order to shred the inches. I want results! Thanks for the advise! :flowerforyou: