Starting Jillian Michael's 30 Day Shred (in 6 weeks)



  • prila13
    prila13 Posts: 222 Member
    can someone tell me how to do the 30 day shred.. how long do i spend on level 1 and so on
  • partcho
    partcho Posts: 225
    prila, most spend 10 days per level for a total of 30 days (three levels). but there are also those who mix it up and sometimes jump around, or skip level 1 all together and only focus on 2 and 3... I think the point of it tho is 10 days a level. well no, the point of it is being consistent and building yourself up for a minimum of 30 days. but for me, when i started, i was really into it for about 8 days of level 1 and wanted to challenge myself so moved to level 2 and it was hard and i quit after 2 days.

    now i'm trying to start again and i'm going to move around the levels so i don't get bored again and so i feel like some days will be a little easier some a little harder instead of knowing they are just getting harder and harder, if that makes sense. i'm also not going to do it every single day, that got boring too. it's a little bit in my mind but if i want to actually keep it up i have to find my own routine.

    okay, well, other than rambling about how boring i felt it was, it's a kickass workout you really do feel it and you get stronger in a matter of 2-3 days. 20 mins a day is really nothing when you think about it and it passes really really quickly.
  • mandiex0
    mandiex0 Posts: 174
    Hello, i have been doing it for about 3 weeks now. Im still on level one, not strong enough to move to level 2 yet. Im not tracking my days, just my weight. Is that okay?

    Start weight as of March 7th, 2011 : 174
    GOAL : 120
  • HealthierMamasita
    HealthierMamasita Posts: 1,126 Member
    Even though I weigh-in on Saturdays, I will enter my loss/gain on here on Mondays.

    .4 pounds loss since my last weigh-in.

    I had to kick my buttowski into shredding gear. You would think doing the 30DS for a second time would be easy-peasy, right? NOT! Jillian still manages to kick your *kitten* the second time around.

    I still have a hard time doing the pushups the "normal" way so I follow Anita on that part and do the modified version. I have very weak arms. I also have a hard time with the shoulder raises(I think that's what they're called).

  • prila13
    prila13 Posts: 222 Member
    ok, I started day 1 of level 1. the 20 mins really kicked my butt. but it was worth it. here are my starting measurements and my weight.

    Starting Weight: 134 lbs.
    Goal Weight: 115 lbs.


    Waist: 31 in.
    Hips: 38.75 in.

    I hope it's ok that I only measure my hips and waist.
  • pretentiouskate
    Well, I KNEW I was out of shape, but holy crap. So I set myself up in the livingroom with the video, a pair of 5 pound weights, and tons of space to flail around in. I'm a little dehydrated today and am coming off a nasty headache from yesterday, so I think that was part of my problem, but WOW. I don't think I can do this.

    I made it through the warm up, did about six pushups, seven or eight squats with weights and another three or four without, and almost threw up all over the livingroom. Then I spent about twenty minutes bawling my eyes out, and now I'm on here, with the right side of my body screaming - shoulder killing me, right inner hip/groin area pulled, right knee burning.

    I honestly don't know if I should try again or try to find something different. Very discouraged right now.
  • sweebum
    sweebum Posts: 1,060 Member
    Back after my weekend off. I did L1D8 today, and i"m going to move on to L2 tomorrow.

    So far, I've lost 3.8 lbs :bigsmile: (I had 3 birthday dinner and cake end of February and had gained 9lbs) :angry:

    I'm doing most cardio intervals on the elliptical (shin splints from jumping jacks) but I'm still going...:drinker:

    Hope you all are succeeding!:happy:
  • partcho
    partcho Posts: 225
    Well, I KNEW I was out of shape, but holy crap. So I set myself up in the livingroom with the video, a pair of 5 pound weights, and tons of space to flail around in. I'm a little dehydrated today and am coming off a nasty headache from yesterday, so I think that was part of my problem, but WOW. I don't think I can do this.

    I made it through the warm up, did about six pushups, seven or eight squats with weights and another three or four without, and almost threw up all over the livingroom. Then I spent about twenty minutes bawling my eyes out, and now I'm on here, with the right side of my body screaming - shoulder killing me, right inner hip/groin area pulled, right knee burning.

    I honestly don't know if I should try again or try to find something different. Very discouraged right now.

    don't be so hard on yourself! it's a hard workout, for sure. but it will get easier, i promise you. and believe me, i know!! you're not supposed to just start and be great at everything. don't give up on it, because a few more consistent days you will see a difference. you will feel stronger, for one, which will push you do keep going. do the parts you can do and slowly push yourself to doing the more challenging moves. do what you can and pat yourself on the back for trying and continuing to try!!
  • pretentiouskate
    Thank you! I'm going to focus on getting myself more hydrated and give it a try again tomorrow!
  • prila13
    prila13 Posts: 222 Member
    Well, I KNEW I was out of shape, but holy crap. So I set myself up in the livingroom with the video, a pair of 5 pound weights, and tons of space to flail around in. I'm a little dehydrated today and am coming off a nasty headache from yesterday, so I think that was part of my problem, but WOW. I don't think I can do this.

    I made it through the warm up, did about six pushups, seven or eight squats with weights and another three or four without, and almost threw up all over the livingroom. Then I spent about twenty minutes bawling my eyes out, and now I'm on here, with the right side of my body screaming - shoulder killing me, right inner hip/groin area pulled, right knee burning.

    I honestly don't know if I should try again or try to find something different. Very discouraged right now.

    I had a hard time starting since today was my first day. I know I'm not supposed to but when I needed to, I took a 5-10 second break. It will get easier, I'm sure. Don't give up! You can do it!
  • rigby724
    rigby724 Posts: 16 Member

    Ooooh, I wanna join too, this is my first post and am hoping this will keep me motivated!

    Starting Measurements:

    Neck: 12.5

    Waist: 28

    Hips: 40.5

    SW: 222
    CW: 167
    GW: 150


  • partcho
    partcho Posts: 225
    Thank you! I'm going to focus on getting myself more hydrated and give it a try again tomorrow!

    glad to hear! let us know how it goes!
  • almondbliss
    almondbliss Posts: 115
    @gjspiller: If it's ok with you I would like to wait till TOM leaves to post my weight....I normally gain 3-4lbs when TOM is here. I think I only have 1-3 days left. Are I could post my weight now and again when TOM leaves.
  • gjspiller
    gjspiller Posts: 115 Member
    @gjspiller: If it's ok with you I would like to wait till TOM leaves to post my weight....I normally gain 3-4lbs when TOM is here. I think I only have 1-3 days left. Are I could post my weight now and again when TOM leaves.

    maybe just post next week at about this time? it'll be more accurate. no prob!
  • gjspiller
    gjspiller Posts: 115 Member
    ok hi y'all!!

    i usually weigh in on sun. so i'm going to report my progress from yesterday's weigh in.

    i GAINED a pound.

    but i'm not totally surprised. fri. i went out with the girls for margaritas and then had In N Out double double (the hubby bought it; i was weak and drunk:drinker: and inhaled it). then, sun. i ate "bad" ALL day. this week will be a better week.

    i did feel stronger physically this week. after day 3 on the Shred, i was feeling good!!!

    today i did L1, D5 so i will be moving on to L2 tomorrow. wish me luck:tongue:

    it's so true though. it does get easier. so you first week-ers HANG IN THERE!!!!! you'll see the light at the end of the tunnel. if you just do 5 pushups one day, strive to do 6 the next. if you do 10 good jumping jacks, do 12 good ones next time. it's the little improvements that will add up. you'll feel strong if you stick to it.

    i think maybe next week i'll check my measurements. we'll see....

    GOOD JOB to everyone that is sticking to it! believe it or not, you guys motivate me. i push myself, knowing that you are, too, and seeing results. bravo to those that lost weight this week, as well as to the peeps that are facing their challenges. PUSH yourself! (as Jillian, would say).

    as i said before, i'm planning to do 3 days, then rest, then 2 days of 30DS. i am also supplementing my 30DS with 20-40 minutes of extra cardio, like Just Dance2, Zumba, and treadmill run/walks. i also do 5k walks with my workmates 1-2xs/week.

    i gained weight because i didn't stay within my caloric intake goal. but i will get it...

    please make sure you CHECK IN with us weekly (Mondays). it'll help motivate each other. and of course, we can help each other with tips.


  • almondbliss
    almondbliss Posts: 115
    @gjspiller: If it's ok with you I would like to wait till TOM leaves to post my weight....I normally gain 3-4lbs when TOM is here. I think I only have 1-3 days left. Are I could post my weight now and again when TOM leaves.

    maybe just post next week at about this time? it'll be more accurate. no prob!

    Thanks Babes.....I hate Tom....I do know I lost though, cause I was getting ready for church and my size 14's were fitting to loose for me in I built up the courage to grab a size 12's out the closet, and they fit....a lil tight, but I could sit and breath I rocked them with a boost of self confidence....I'm curious to see what is my true loss.
    Did L2 D7
  • prila13
    prila13 Posts: 222 Member
    I finished L1 of 30DS. It kicks my butt but I'm liking it so far. Tomorrow, I'm going to try to do it with less small breaks. No pain, no gain.. right? Hopefully, after 1 week of doing just L1, I can successfully and proudly report a loss in weight or even in inches. :)

    Good luck everyone!
  • chrissyb1985
    chrissyb1985 Posts: 110 Member
  • rblauvelt7
    rblauvelt7 Posts: 97 Member
    Hi all! I'm really hoping to be able to join this group either tomorrow night or Wednesday morning. I've had a bad knee since high school and I've heard that I'll have to be careful with this program. I have a Dr's appt tomorrow to see if I can get an all clear for my knee and if so, I can't wait to join you all!
  • gjspiller
    gjspiller Posts: 115 Member
    @gjspiller: If it's ok with you I would like to wait till TOM leaves to post my weight....I normally gain 3-4lbs when TOM is here. I think I only have 1-3 days left. Are I could post my weight now and again when TOM leaves.

    maybe just post next week at about this time? it'll be more accurate. no prob!

    Thanks Babes.....I hate Tom....I do know I lost though, cause I was getting ready for church and my size 14's were fitting to loose for me in I built up the courage to grab a size 12's out the closet, and they fit....a lil tight, but I could sit and breath I rocked them with a boost of self confidence....I'm curious to see what is my true loss.
    Did L2 D7

    AWESOME! ROCK it out!