

  • maxymom
    maxymom Posts: 35 Member
    Hello Ladies:happy:

    Barbie and Kathy, I love your flashy, splashy displays. Look forward to seeing them on the message board!

    I also have a problem with too many starches in my diet. They just get stored as fat because I can't burn that much. And they have so many calories in them. Down here in the Southwest, flour tortillas are such a staple food, and your calorie count is so high even before you start putting cheese, meat, or eggs on them. Also, I love potatoes....any kind of potatoes. In order to get more vegetables and less starch, I'm going to start using my father's diet from the American Diabetes Assoc. I don't have diabetes, but my Dad has type 2, and if I'm not careful, it could be in my future, too. I have a printout, but I'm sure it's available online. It's really easy to use, and give sample meals. Great way to cut down on carbs without getting too extreme.

    I'm going to try to have only old fashioned steel-cut oats and whole grain brown rice for most of my starches. but tonight, potatoes to go with my roast beef - just a tiny bit. Ana a word to the wise The American Diabetes Assoc. considers corn and peas starches because that's how your body treats them. Who knew?
  • marlouise
    marlouise Posts: 286
    Hello ladies, just a quicky, been busy getting the dust bunnies out of my files. Did my exercises today followed up with a walk, nice but very cool outside. Had a hearty raw vegetable salad and herbs for lunch, so supper will be light. Been reading some of you are at whit ends from not loosing much or any. Well some part is maybe your body is not getting enough calories and is storing the food, to survive, starvation mode it is refered to. Make sure you are covering your minimal needs. Another is that it will take time, don't be impatient, your body is changing on the inside as well as the outside, and it will take some time for the brain to reformat all the cells. Measurements are a better measure of weight lose, because if you are building muscle the scale will stay still or go up, depending on your bodies change. Stress is a bad thing for anyone trying to loose weight, walking (not for exercise purpose) but for relaxing and thinking to yourself is a number one stress buster. Also remember to ask yourself if your are responsible, need to fix this, or is it really someone elses responsibility, you may be able to loose a few stress pins. There are some things we think we need to fix, but it really is in someone elses hands. Take only what you are involved in.

    Snow is melting slowly, which is good, no slush and splash puddles for me thanks, I almost have a fit when some vehicle ploughs through a puddle on the road, giving you a public shower:angry: I slow down or wait until the pedestrian is out of the way. I am thinking by the middle of April I shall be able to walk to my jobs, it will be an 90 minute two ways from Tim's and 60 from the Civic, and I will do my best to walk downtown for small items or appointments. That should save on gas and spend some spare tires on me. Hope all do have a great day tomorrow, it is my second physio appointment so I am going to ask if I can get back into my routines again. I miss my gym!

    Catch you ladies tomorrow, I have to get back at my files before they hop away!:wink:

  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,381 Member
    Jeannie - what is the name of the Wii dance game that you got? Sounds really interesting.

    Happy spring everyone! Today (Tues) is my daughter, Jessica,'s birthday. I wonder...how can she be getting older when I'm not?????

    Yesterday (Mon) I did 1 hr of a bosu DVD, then 1 hr of a PowerCuts class. This is like Body Pump. Today I did an hour of a Leslie Sansone walking DVD. Tomorrow....yoga and then deep water

    Robin - I hear your frustration. Since you've been eating healthily and exercising for a year, could it be that your body is plateauing? Like I exercise for an hour/day, but really nothing was happening. I'm trying now at least a day or two/week increasing the amount of time that I exercise, and the scale is moving! Instead of 80 minutes/day, for a few days/week maybe try only doing 40 or 60 minutes of exercise. Also, do you change up the exercises you do? Because if you do the same thing every day, I'm sure you know that your body will get used to it and you won't burn as many calories.
    I'm so very sorry about your son.

    Dee - if you're ever looking for a manual for anything, check on the Internet. The one for my HRM is only available on the net. Lots of other appliances (like our dishwasher) give you a shortened version of a manual but you can get a much more in-depth one online. I guess they're saving paper.

    Welcome LilacRoses!

    Here's hoping everyone has a great evening!

  • grabbit97
    grabbit97 Posts: 445
    I still have lost nothing, started March 7, I log all that goes in and try drinking as much as I can of water...
    I ride bike outside 30 min a day, no walking, bad knees... will it ever come off???
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,970 Member
    :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: we had such nice weather today that I had to take off my wool hat, wool scarf, and gloves when I was at the dog park this morning and this afternoon I worked in the yard for an hour.:bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile:

    :flowerforyou: mamacindy, it is great to see you posting again....I hope you get in the habit of writing often.

    :flowerforyou: sister veggie queen (Mimi) I feel for you having to move your ticker back a bit.....but I know that you will be back on the veggie wagon and losing those pounds again.......if it weren't for all our extra weight we would never have met each other......I, too, have wondered why I got dealt the weight issue instead of something else but then I look at some of the problems that other people have and I'm glad to have mine.......someone once said that if we all put our problems on display at the same time, we'd grab our own back.

    :bigsmile: :bigsmile: there's a great Peanuts cartoon with Snoopy saying, "why is it that some of us were born people and some of us were born dogs??????? why was I the lucky one???"

    :flowerforyou: Vicki, cheating on cornbread sounds divine......however, I don't know if I could have stopped at two :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

    :flowerforyou: maxymom,I had to give up Mexican food to maintain my new eating plan and lifestyle....the first time I went to a Mexican restaurant after I changed my eating, I asked for suggestions from the MFP friends about what to order and they told me to order fajitas and not eat the tortillas or the sour cream

    :flowerforyou: Marilyn, I love thinking about you walking to work.....I got to do that for a few years on one of my jobs and I felt so much better

    :flowerforyou: grabbit, keep increasing the water you drink, try to find some additional ways to burn calories and pay a lot of attention to the food you are eating and make sure that there are a lot of vegetables and that everything you eat is nutrition dense.......and never, never, never give up :bigsmile:

    :flowerforyou: no one has looked at our house in over a week but we keep it clean and neat and trust that God is getting the buyer ready to come see it........

    :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: yesterday I ran out of peanut butter and I asked hubby to stop at Costco on the way to something so I could get some more........peanut butter is my big incentive to exercise more :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: when we left the store he said that I was holding the peanut butter like it was worth a fortune :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

  • wizzywig
    wizzywig Posts: 1,246 Member
    :smile: Welcome back sister veggie queen Mimi :smile:

    I'm sure you'll soon lose the pounds you put on. I like the idea of the upside down day. Let us know how you get on with that I've often thought that I should do something like that - have you heard the expression breakfast like a king, dinner/lunch like a prince and supper like a pauper - or something like that :bigsmile: but basically it's saying start off the day with lots of calories and eat less during the day.

    :smile: Barbie you made me smile I'm like you walking the doggies, with ear muffs hat scarf gloves etc and it was such a lovely day on Monday that I took off gloves and scarf - I left my ear muffs on though as there was a coolish wind and my ears have got used to being cosy! Hopefully if the weather keeps on as it is it won't be long until spring is here and I can put the ear muffs away until next winter. Honestly these ear muffs have been the best thing I have bought and they were so cheap too.

    I think I'll take a look at the diabetic website to see if I can get any ideas to cut down on carbs. My BMI is still quite high and I need to get it to a healthy level, so that is my next aim. I still want to get down to 140lbs by the end of March and I'm hovering between 142 and 145 lbs so need to give myself a bit of a kick. I think cutting down on carbs will help.

    Well Tara is whining, so I'd better get my boots on DD will be down any minute now. We had fun yesterday with Frankie, we had someone over to measure the windows and we had to say the guy, stay in this bedroom while we get the dog downstairs into another room. I think he thought we were a little crazy. :laugh: It's so hard to explain to people about his problems.

    Have a good Wednesday everyone.


    Viv xx
  • mamacindy81
    mamacindy81 Posts: 649 Member
    Morning everyone,

    I did well yesterday but messed up in the evening and went over my calories. I'll just keep plugging along.

    I challenged husband for us to get down to our healthy goal weight by our 30th anniversary in September. I know that it can be done. He started exercising yesterday and I know he will be sore because he goes at it with such gusto. I'm going at it a little slower since I don't want to get discouraged by hurting myself. Exercise for me today will be at the bowling alley.

    It's good to be back, I'm looking forward to meeting all the new posters I'm seeing on here.

    Have a great day!

  • icubsn98
    icubsn98 Posts: 32 Member
    Happy Wednesday everyone.

    Starting day three of south beach..it is already getting easier and in addition to losing weight, I feel better when I reduce the amount of carbs derived from grains. I find that my knees and my rip hip do not ache nearly as much. I learned this a few years ago when I followed this diet for several months and had lost 30 lbs. I'm not even sure when it happened that I fell back into old patterns, but here I am --three years later and 30lbs heavier. Hoping to truly make a lifestyle change this time around.

    Having lunch with dear friends today--one has colon cancer and is certainly not worrying about her weight anymore(she is the most amazing example of how to live life through illness--never misses an opporunity to laugh) and another gal pal that weighs what she did in high school and still eats that way. So I will eat in my plan and focus on my friends instead of my lunch

    Taking my big dog on a 10hr. road trip soon, so we must spend sometime each day walking on the leash since she will have to stay on that when outdoors for the duration of our vacation. We have three acres in a rural area at home, so we rarely leash her, usually just let her run along freely. My aim is to get at least 10,000 steps in this afternoon.

    Hope everyone has a great day.
  • vickim26
    vickim26 Posts: 685 Member
    Good morning ladies,
    well I am going to share something that I am sure you all already know and that I knew but did not listen to myself. started out today getting up early (around 7 am is early for me to get up and stay up) then after kids got here I took the 2 grandkids for a walk around neighborhood. did 40 min and burned over 200 calories. I now feel more energetic and more like doing something else. I also did not take my allergy medicine last night cause that tends to make me drowsy all day. I emailed hubby and told him if he gets home at decent hour we would go to gym. just a simple thing like moving first thing in the morning has made all of the difference. I even plan to clean my floors when byron goes down for nap and work in my bathroom. I dont remember if I shared that with you ladies. but my christmas gift was new bath deco. It is going to be black and white and everything is Mickey Mouse. Yes Mickey Mouse. I love disney and when I saw the deco fell in love with it. but my bath needed some work and I was not going to put up new stuff until done. I am tiling 3 walls and new floors. just the stick tiles. but I am doing alone so it has been a work in progress. I think if I work hard I can finish a whole wall today. the first part was on top of tub so a lot of getting up and down ladder. anyway I am on a roll and need to do what I can while it last. see you ladies later.
    Vicki M
  • Laura80111
    Laura80111 Posts: 958 Member
    :flowerforyou: Happy Wednesday All!

    Mimi (sis veggie queen) I didn't realize you too had been missing in action...well it's a good thing we are back where we know we belong:wink:

    Vicki M - I too love "the Mouse":love: I tell my family all the time that I just love "MouseLand" and it's probably a good thing I don't live in Florida or California (lived there growing up) because I'm sure I'd want to go there at least once or twice a year:laugh:

    Well I didn't get in any exercise yesterday:grumble: , but I did manage to get some more of the insurance / inheritance paper work done. I'm having Mom's taxes done on Friday so I will have to finish getting all of that paper work in order tonight after work...just not a fun job:grumble:

    I'm going to try harder to get to the basement and exercise tonight because I need that 30 min to unwind from the day and I think I will be asking hubby to do dinner...he volunteered last night...and since he's home there isn't any reason to wait for me to do it:drinker: yep that sounds like a great idea:happy:

    Everyone have a good day and don't forget to drink your water it's a very important part of this losing process:drinker:

  • mimi7grands
    mimi7grands Posts: 616
    I did great on eating yesterday. (Patting myself on the back. :happy: ) Not so great on exercise. Actually, lousy. :grumble: The saddest part is that it was expected to be our one good day of weather for the next week or more.

    But, I did go to a single’s bible study at a local church. :happy: :happy: For those of you who don’t know me, getting out and going to a group function was a major accomplishment. All of my close connections are down in the bay area, two hours away. In five years, I haven’t made any real connections here. It’s about time, huh?

    Barbie, I love the Peanut’s caption…"why is it that some of us were born people and some of us were born dogs??????? Why was I the lucky one???" Such a great lesson in perspective. I love it.

    I like the image of you, sans many layers of winter clothing, at the dog park. :wink: I wish Izzy were just a little bigger. I’d worry about her at a dog park. Maybe they have a park for little dogs?!

    It’s a tough real estate market. Selling takes lots of patience. I read that 40% of sales are foreclosures and short sales and there are lots more foreclosures ready to pile onto the inventory. In a downward-trending market, it’s all about price…and getting there before the market does. (Actually, that just means getting there (on price) when the market does, but it feels like before.) Good luck!

    Viv, thanks for the welcome back! Upside-down eating worked for me yesterday. I’ll see how it goes today. So far, so good. I’m not loving the veggies as much though without salt, butter, or oil! How long does it take to get used to no salt? Yesterday, I used hot sauce instead. I'm trying to go naked today (for the asparagus, that is! :laugh: )

    Cindy, good for you for doing well most of the day. It sounds like you have a supportive hubby. What a nice thing.

    98, good job! Interesting info about the grains. Your friends sound delightful. And your focus (on the friends, not the food) sounds just right.

    Vicki, thanks for the encouragement about exercising early. For me, that probably means the gym today as the weather is ugly…cold, windy, and rainy. Our road has all but washed out. Time to get the neighbors together for a joint project. Good luck with your Mickey Mouse project. Sounds like fun. :smile:

    Laura, getting paperwork done must count for something. Maybe points in heaven. It falls into the necessary evil category. We’ll do better on exercise today. BTW, I am still amazed by how much difference your weight loss has made. You look terrific. :flowerforyou:

    Time to get on with the day. My house is crying out for a good cleaning. Maybe that will be my exercise today instead of going to the gym. Either way, I’m going to get moving today!
  • grabbit97
    grabbit97 Posts: 445
    You know, I am very frustrated, I got on the scale again this morning, and NOTHING, moved, NOTHING.. same same, and I have been sticking pretty close to the 1200 calories, drinking about 6 glasses a day of water..... how long, I have diabetes, but after 2 1/2 weeks, you would think something would come off????
  • Shirley61
    Shirley61 Posts: 7,758 Member
    Natalie: Don't get discouraged, it will come off. Keep doing what u are doing. Watch the calories
    and keep exercising everyday. I have Type 2 Diabetes, not on medication, and want to
    keep it that way. I am down 19 pounds and still going. This has been since July 2010
    when I joined here. Diabetic people have a harder time and the weight comes off
    slower. So keep going and you will see a difference soon. When you reach that
    plateau don't stop it will move again. Remember pasta, potatoes, rice, and bread
    use saparingly because it turns to sugar. Hope this helps a bit. I feel your pain.

    Weather here in Ontario is snowing again, I want Spring :sad: :sad: :sad:
    Another week and Florida bound for vacation, I can't wait to feel that sun on my face and walk the
    beach and do my yoga on the beach.

    Did 38 minutes of yoga this morning and did errands in the crappy snow. My next goal is another 4
    or 5 pounds. Wish me luck.
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,381 Member
    icubsn - good luck with your dog! Where are you going? How long will you be gone? Have you ever taken your dog on such a long car trip?

    Did an hour of yoga today and then an hour of deep water. Tomorrow I'll do a Jari Love weight DVD because then I'll go to this church where this lady gives crochet lessons. I WILL learn to crochet in the round. I'm just not saying in which century....lol After that I'm going to get my bangs trimmed (and need to buy this certain hairspray), then go food shopping. That'll probably be a long trip since they'll double coupons up to $1.99 this week. Last time I saved over $100 and spent $40, so I hope I do as well this time.

    grabbit - don't give up. Sometimes it takes a long time to see the efforts of your work, but you'll see them. If not on the scale then in smaller sized clothes

    Well, we picked Bonnie up today. Personally, I think Vince rushed it a bit. She's still sore from the spay, she's been in the house a couple of hours and she still hasn't come out of the carrier. I truly think it's because she's hurting.

    There's a free bowl tonight for members of any league from 6 to 8. Even if Vince doesn't go, I want to. I need all the practice I can get :)

    Here's hoping everyone has a great rest of the day and evening.

  • marlouise
    marlouise Posts: 286
    Hello ladies, good day today; walked to the hospital for my physio and home again. My abs are the culprits creating all the havoc in my back, so the doc said. But with two new exercises I am to do, I can resume my normal routine with some cautions. I'll be at the gym in the morning!!!:drinker::drinker: :drinker:

    Cooking some chicken for lunches and supper tonight, I have had my quota of vegetables and fruits today, so it is two grains and protien for supper. Chicken pita.

    Hope all is well here, I am quickly just marking my spot and shinning my happy news. Catch you all tomorrow and share my back to the gym thoughts.

  • rjadams
    rjadams Posts: 4,060 Member
    Natalie, You may want to increase your water. More water the better the metablism runs. start your day with a big glass of water to prime the pump so to speak. you want to aim for at least 8 8 ounce glasses if you can, even more if you sweat a lot. lots of water helps with removing sodium and water weight too. Water is an amazing weight loss tool.

    Gave in and had a couple of glasses of wine last night and the scale dropped back down to 159 this morning. go figure.

    I hope you all have a great rest of the day. the dreadmill is calling me. gotta go.
  • icubsn98
    icubsn98 Posts: 32 Member
    Good evening from the East Coast !

    Hope everyone achieved their diet and exercise goals today.

    exermom--woohoo on the coupons, over 100$ in savings, how exciting. My husband is on an extended business trip.in CT. He left on March 1, so I'm going to go up on the 2nd of April and stay until middle of Easter week. then come home to hold the family Easter dinner and egg hunt (we hide over 200 eggs for the grandchildren, neices, and nephews). Then depending on what is going on and how well Addie does, we may go back. She rides with me to our beachouse (2hrs away all the time)--sleeps the whole way. I have a 9yr old cocker that does not travel well, so my youngest son is going to keep her at home.

    grabbit--Keep pushing. It is distressing when the scale doesn't move, but if you throw in the towel and give up, you definetly will not succeed. I wasn't seeing any change either for awhile, I'm trying to consume less flour, rice, and potatos to see if this will change things up a bit.

    rjadams--See, yet another reason for me to have a glass of wine!!!

    Marilyn--good for you on the walking and getting clearance to resume your gym time.

    I had a great lunch with my girlfriends. They both ordered cheeseburgers that were massive and french fries. I had a cup of veggie chili and a half sandwich that consisted of roast turkey, provolone cheese, tomato, lettuce, no condiments and no bread :)...I did not feel cheated, I felt successful in keeping my long term goals in mind. We laughed and enjoyed each other's company and that was really what lunch was about after all. Then I picked up some gerbera daisies and other spring blooms, came home and worked in the yard. Then for dinner, I grilled a chicken breast, and finally tried the "faux" mashed potatoes using cauliflower (pretty good and satisfied my longing for mashed potatoes.) plus a salad. Yummmy.

    All in all this was a pretty fabulous Wednesday. Hope yours was too!
  • maxymom
    maxymom Posts: 35 Member
    Robin, I have a glass of wine in the evening a few times a week, and I find it relaxing. I don't feel guilty because I plan on the calories.

    For everyone who is so frustrated about not losing weight.... that was me till I weighed myself Tuesday. Finally budged. Gonna be one pound at a time. I make myself drink a big glass of water in the morning first thing... Bleah! I enjoy a glass of wine when the mood strikes me. And they're just finding out that people who don't get enough sleep are far more likely to be overweight, so trying to improve there.

    Mimi, try salsa on your vegies, low salt if you can find it, or make your own, My Mother-in-law dipped cauliflower florets in Pace Picante Sauce. If you close your eyes and wrinkle your nose just right it tastes like tortilla chips and dip.
  • vickim26
    vickim26 Posts: 685 Member
    Good evening ladies,
    Grabbit just stick with it and it will happen. (that is easy for me to say LOL) but it is true.
    Mimi I am not a big salt eater so I am not sure how much salt you are missing but I do my asparagus this way and dont use salt.
    spray pan with can spray, lay out asparagus or other veggies on tray. I like to put that garlic in the jar on the asparagus. I usually season with pepper and then spray again or drizzle little olive oil. they taste fine to me hope it works for u.
    Well we got to the gym tonight and did an hour and 450 calories burned. Hubby and I made a goal for ourselves. We are going to VA for a week exactly one month from today. Our goal is to go to the gym each and every day until then even if for a short time period. that should get me back on the right track. our trip is to see some sights but we are also going to concentrate on exercise and eating right while there so should not set me back but hopefully forward,.
    Robin that is why I only weigh weekly or even less. my body is so weird that my weight fluncuates hourly. warning gross statement. I have had a BM and gained weight after. go figure. just keep plugging along and it will happen.
    have a good evening ladies. have to go shower from workout.
    Vicki M
  • grabbit97
    grabbit97 Posts: 445
    Thanks for the replies... I will try drinking a BIG glass of water in the morning, actually I drink 2 8oz glasses first thing with my pills, I should try to drink all the water before NOON.... a goal huh?
    I did have a glass of wine tonight... a a bit of chocolate (I logged it).. we were at a party... I ate filet mignon, veggies, and fruit...
    a piece of Lavosh... and a glass of riesling.. yum....
    Won't weigh myself now until next Wednesday. Promise... I have been getting on the scale everyday, and NOTHING... grrrrrr