

  • anotheryearolder
    anotheryearolder Posts: 385 Member
    Maxymom - Thanks for the allergy info. I will pick up some Benedryl and Sudafed today and give it a try. I haven't used either in years. I'm slightly better this morning but not by much.

    Loved the bull episode! I have a story that involves feral pigs and my not so brave Newfoundland dog but it will have to wait for another day as I need to get moving and out of the house!

    Oh, and wild turkeys will frequent bird feeders, well what drops on the ground that is. If you want them to keep showing up, you can put out shelled corn for them.

    I will be gone until Wed. See you all then!

  • kris3800
    kris3800 Posts: 18
    I found this post and would love to join. Hard for me to believe at times, but I am 51 year old women in San Antonio Texas area I am truly blessed to have a wonderful boyfriend in my life, he loves me for who I am. I just want to love me for who I am too. I am going through memopause and no one told me it was so confusing and can affect the way you feel about everyday thngs. It is so bizarre to be happy one moment and sad the next. Hormones...oh well another phase of life I suppose. I have three great children and my daughters are motivating me by going to the gym almost every day and their moods have improved greatly! What a great side effect, besides losing weight and toning up. They are so beautiful! My son is a health nut, won't eat fast food or any processed or junk food,he does love that computer though! Not bad for a teenager. So, I have taught them right. in some since.....now I need to do it! Why? So I can try on clothes and love the way they feel and look. I want more self confidence, energy and stamina So I can feel sexy and proud of how I look when I am with my boyfriend. I've wanted to lose weight for a long time, nothing seemed to work. I think this site will help a lot! It is great to track and watch what you eat and exercise and the support from others like me are what helps the most - Thanks to all of you! I am totally redoing my entire my ktichen, so cooking is a challenge and once it is done, will be beautiful and easier I know, but there will always be somethig that throws curveballs, so I have to do this now and not keep making excuses. So, I know the first thing i need to do is set goals so here we go.

    Goals for March:
    Walk 4 days a week
    Lose 2 lbs a week
    Go to the gym and do a class a couple days a week
    Learn to relax and trust your instinct about people.
    Plan your meals and be aware of what you put in your mouth!
    Joined the Memorial day challenge to lose 20 lbs by Memorial day ---work on that goal.

    Ok -someone else put on here something I have believed for a long time:

    If you think you can or can't you are right....how true. I think I can do it this time!

    Thanks for your support!
  • maxymom
    maxymom Posts: 35 Member
    :flowerforyou: Good Morning, all, and a beautiful morning it is on the Gulf Coast.!:flowerforyou: Feel like getting out in the yard and replacing the plants that were killed by the hard freezes and sleet in Feb. We have never had such a cold year that I can remember! The hybiscus and some palms bit the dust. And of course the begonias. But the garden centers are full of beautiful plant, and Spring is the time rebirth!:happy:

    My daughter flew back from NYC Thurs safe and sound and had a fabulous time.:happy: (You were right Svelte, people in NY were friendly and she was safe). Today we'll take her back to college. She has a paper due on Monday.

    Joy, everyone knows putting the paint on is the easy part of painting. It's the prep work that's the killer.:yawn:

    And for the nice lady (who's name I forgot, sorry) whose first daughter got laid off, second daughter got a cyst taken off, and whose grand baby had to go to the dentist. Hope it's true that bad luck comes in three's, and your bad luck is over. I pray you 1st daughter finds a job she likes better and it was a blessing in disguise, your second daughter heals well and the blessing is she got her cyst removed before it was dangerous, and that your grand baby's teeth are all fixed up.

    I feel bad that I don't address everybody , but there are so many, and I forget what i read before i get to the bottom, so please don't feel neglected.
  • maxymom
    maxymom Posts: 35 Member
    :flowerforyou: Kris, I am new here, too, a week and half, and the ladies on this message board are awesome! It's my first time to try to lose weight (long overdue). I'm a 56 yr old mother of two, and live on the Texas Gulf coast. Good luck, and if you have a question just post it and someone will answer.:happy: Maxy
  • rjadams
    rjadams Posts: 4,060 Member
    I am still here reading the posts, just not posting much. I am very disappointed this morning. I had a great week. very clean eating, no alcohol at all, exersize everyday and no results on the scale. I have drank plenty of water and kept my sodium very low on most days. It is really hard to stay with the program when there are no rewards from it. Oh well I guess I just keep trying until I can't try anymore.
  • RebelRenny
    RebelRenny Posts: 1,073 Member
    :drinker: I have been missing my MFP friends.

    In addition to life happening, I am so busy with my new job that I have not been doing so well on the fitness front at all. Since starting my job on Feb 14th I have been to the gym maybe 3 times. Not right. :grumble: And not logging my food either. I do enjoy my job though and things will be more manageable once I am over most of the learning curve. I already feel more human again. :smile:

    I updated my ticker to my new weight after gaining back 13 lbs. grrrr. :angry: I am somewhat angry at myself for letting that happen and could possibly provide some pretty compelling circumstantial evidence why I let it happen. However, that is not what I am going to do.

    Instead I will say the following:

    :flowerforyou: Thanks to some PM's from a few of my MFP friends, I decided to start contributing to this forum again. After all, a setback is only permanent if you don't do anything about it. And I am doing something about it now, i.e. typing this note and logging my breakfast. I will also reset my goals on my profile page and check out what the heck I have in my signature line.:blushing:

    :flowerforyou: During my absence and only sporadic MFP check-ins, I have so now and then been lurking and note the many new faces!! :flowerforyou: Welcome!! You are tapping into a wonderful world of lovely ladies, who have this amazing ability to support their fellow sojourners.

    Till next time :drinker:
    :heart: :heart: :heart: Rebel:heart::heart:
  • Grandee47
    Grandee47 Posts: 261 Member
    Welcome Kris!

    First, I love SanAntonio. Visiting there with my bro and his wife three years ago, stayed on the River Walk and am looking forward to visiting again.

    Okay, you are going to love it here. I have never experienced such a nice group of women who keep each other motivated. :flowerforyou: I see that Robin needs some warm fuzzies.....hang in there Robin. As long as you know you are doing everything you can, just hang in there and one of these days........ Years ago on my weightloss journey I had a really, really bad plateau that my WW leader led me through. It was weeks long and then I noticed that altho my weight wasn't going down, my clothes were baggy. All of a sudden my attitude changed (baggy clothes speak loudly) and I got off the plateau.

    I wasn't planning on posting now because I must go out for my walk. If I don't get away from this computer (I'm processing pictures and hours can go by without my realizing it), I won't get the walk in. So, I'll check back later. :smile:

  • mimi7grands
    mimi7grands Posts: 616
    Robin, hang in there. You know the scale is not always the best indicator of how you're doing. Keep the faith, girl, and you'll see the results!

    Renny, so glad to see you! You're motivating me to get back to logging too. That has helped me a lot in the past.

    My food scale has been on the fritz for awhile. Time to get a new one. I do much better when I know just how much I'm eating. It works better for me than measuring (or having "just a bite!")

    Good night all.
  • dottieg3
    dottieg3 Posts: 5
    Hi! Saw on the message board women ages 50+ I will be 55 in june. am not computer savy at all. don't know if this will get to the lady who had glittery words "welcome to all my friends" I started this site in jan. have lost 19 pounds and would like to connect or message (whatever the term is) with others in this age brackett. I think when you encourage or get encouragement from persons in your age range, you can relate better. I am dottieg3 Again, I don't know much about computers and how they work. Would like to have contact with friends on myfitnesspal around my age. :embarassed:
  • auntiebk
    auntiebk Posts: 2,512 Member
    Welcome Dottie, you are in the right place!
    Yes the glttery Hello My Friends gal is our leader Barbiecat.

    Now that you've posted here, to return, click the Community Tab, then "My Topics and you'll see all the topics you've posted to.

    At the end of the month, the last post will have a link to the next month's topic, click it, reply to Barbie's welcome message and it will show under My Topics too.

    You are so right about encouragement, and this is the place to get it!


    ps to SMVQ you are right right RIGHT as usualy. Food scale works better than measuring for me too!
  • RebelRenny
    RebelRenny Posts: 1,073 Member
    Hi! Saw on the message board women ages 50+ I will be 55 in june. am not computer savy at all. don't know if this will get to the lady who had glittery words "welcome to all my friends" I started this site in jan. have lost 19 pounds and would like to connect or message (whatever the term is) with others in this age brackett. I think when you encourage or get encouragement from persons in your age range, you can relate better. I am dottieg3 Again, I don't know much about computers and how they work. Would like to have contact with friends on myfitnesspal around my age. :embarassed:

    :flowerforyou: Hi Dottie. Welcome!!! This is the place to receive support and encouragement. And you are so right, receiving it from people that you can relate too helps tremendously. The women here inspire me.

    :heart: :heart: Rebel:heart::heart:
  • jam0525
    jam0525 Posts: 1,681 Member
    Mary – Oh, I wish I had realized you were camping near Taos last year, I would have come up to say hello. The next time you go there, we will have to meet up and go for a walk together.

    Lyn – Thanks for the song.

    Maxymom – I loved the bull story.

    Susan – I love the new picture. You look fantastic.

    Kris – Welcome to this forum. I think your goals look pretty right on. Consistency in exercising and planning what you eat are two very important things.

    Welcome to all the other new comers and welcome back to all of us old timers who vanished for a while.

    It is warm here and I hope to get outside for some yard work today. I have seeds that I started inside and we are going to try a container garden this year. Some of my old plants for my porch died over the winter. It broke my heart to throw them away, but I am excited about getting new ones. We are using an old horse tank for our vegetable garden and containers for our flowers.

    I swear the next house I live in is going to be in a good water area! Hauling water is no fun.

    Have a great day everyone!

  • mrsanderson404
    Saw another encouraging message that I need to keep repeating in my head...courtesy of Yoda...

    "Try not. Do or not do. There is no try."
  • marlouise
    marlouise Posts: 286
    Hello ladies,

    SUEZZZQUE, thanks gal, unfortunately the gym is not near my comp, but i may give that link a try anyway, nice to have some music when I take my coffee breaks if I am working at the comp.

    MAXIMOM, that sounds like a little too much bull for me! At least you stayed on your feet, and got away.:laugh: Although there is one terrifying little animal that will make you do things you don't wish to do.:bigsmile: My eldest sister ran a emergency home for the local Children's Aid. It was a great home for the kids because it was also a Petting Zoo, there were animals of all sizes and shapes, even a talking crow!
    Well a case came up and the support worker came over to review the details with my sister, in the process the support worker needed to use the toilet. Five minutes in the bathroom and the worker comes out just a screeming! Pants down to the ankles, half running half hopping and terrified! The rest of the house now was on alert! By the time we got the worker redressed, and seated, she stammered sssskkunk! Oh, ..my sister told me to stay with the lady while she went to investigate. We hear;" oh you poor babe! " Out she walked with the a terrified skunk in her hands, she introduced him to the worker, "this is Plume" he is de-scented! You woke him up when you came in the bathroom, he was just maybe heading out to get a drink or something to eat. After that all workers who needed to visit the house asked if there where any animals in the house and where they may be, most importantly what are they!:laugh:

    LYNN, favorite smells, mmm.... apple, cherry pies baking, cinnamon breads, chocolate cake baking, vanilla buttercream whipping, wood burning in the early fall and spring days. Fresh rain, freshly cut grass, BBQ delights, and fresh bed sheets after a long hard day!

    KRIS, welcome aboard! we have things in common, age, health issues, and I also have a health nut for a son, who is in college taking a Personal Trainer's course. He wishes to work in a gym that has professional cliental that depend on being fit. I'm not a grandma yet, and I am happy to wait a few years for that. I just a wild thing by heart, no settleing down yet!:noway:

    DOTTIEG 3, welcome! you are in the right place, wild, wild, wise women here, you will get what you seek!:laugh:

    Okay I'm out of here, exercises done, chores done, and I'm done. Catch you ladies on the fly tomorrow...

  • pmjsmom
    pmjsmom Posts: 1,926 Member
    Happy Sunday and Happy Beginning of Spring! agflowers7.gif

    Welcome to all the newbies!:flowerforyou:

    I just returned from a long walk with my grandson. We walked all around the public golf course here and then stopped for the Sunday paper before coming home. We were out for 2 1/2 hours. He is so joyful and he absolutely LOVES to look at trees!

    Now I am just checking in before I start on my room--it is a bit of a mess--okay, it is more than a bit messy (long week!) but I'll have it straightened out in no time!

    Hope everyone is enjoying their day!
  • SallyCC
    SallyCC Posts: 531 Member
    Welcome New People
    I consider myself new to this group also. I find it really helpful in giving me a shot in the arm when I need it. The people on this thread are great.

    I have been in a funk after losing one of my jobs rather suddenly and having a bad sinus infection. I only went to the gym once this week. I keep telling myself that I will go "tomorrow" and we know what that means. My husband and I are going for a nice long walk after dinner ....I think that will help with my mood!
    I have been trying to spiral my calorie intake to see if that shakes things up and I am finding it so interesting.....my body really gives me signals and I have responded so that I am pretty much around the same number of calories each day. I know that this could be a good reason for this stall I have been experiencing.
    Glad that spring is finally here......even if they say we might get some wet snow in the morning.
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,381 Member
    Lots of times I get a rice cake and put a wedge of the Laughing Cow cheese on it.

    We went out to dinner last night. Jessica wanted to go out for her birthday (later this month) so we went to Olive Garden. I had the apricot chicken. The sodium! But I did ask for the lunch size portion which they gave me. When someone asks why I get the smaller portion, I just tell them that I really don't want to bring home leftovers (which is true to a point). Had just water to drink (2 big glasses without ice, I figure they were probably around 16oz each)

    My church takes a collection of food every month for the local soup kitchen and yesterday was my turn to take the donations and then deliver them to the soup kitchen. I also take my own stuff. I was very proud of myself. I'd gotten a Milky Way bar (which I like) and I'd forgotten that I had it. I WAS thinking about eating it, but I decided instead to donate it. Yea me! I usually get things on sale that I have a coupon for. Sometimes I think the stores are going to throw me out, I use my coupons and sometimes save so much that the store doesn't make anything on me. One time I saved over $100 and spent something like $40.

    Hey Kris! Welcome!

    Did an hour of hula hoop on the Wii. I'm convinced that when you get to a certain point, it automatically takes you to a harder level. Tomorrow there's this class, Power Cuts, that I kind-of like (like Body Pump) so I'm thinking that I'll take that. But first, I need to do some food shopping, the store will keep the refrigerated items for me while I take the class, then we have a group called "foor for thought and more" where we discuss things like healthy substitutions, cleaning items, etc. The only problem is that after the class, I'll need to come home, and then go to the lady's house where the meeting is going to be. We usually bring something to munch on, I'm thinking that since I'll be rushed, I may just bring shrimp or cut up fruit. Update: did most of the food shopping today. I'm going to take a shrimp ring to the meeting with me so I bought it and left it at the store. I'll pick it up after the class.

    Robin - sometimes it takes a while to see the results of your hard work. Trust me, sometimes it really does. The other day I was sure that I'd lost, but the Wii said that I'd gained!

    Welcome dottieg. It's so nice to be in a group with people your own age. Afterwards, when you read some of the other forums, you sit back and say "ya, you can do that at 20, but not 50. Just wait"

    It seems that people are still posting to the February thread. Every once in a while when I log in, that thread is on the top because someone just posted to it. hmmmm.....

    Hope everyone has a great evening.

  • jam0525
    jam0525 Posts: 1,681 Member
    Michele (and anyone else with a Wii), we just got one of the Dance games and it is a sweating arm exercise blast! If you can find it for rent at a video store, give it a whirl. I did 30 minutes yesterday and 10 minutes today as a break from house work. Jeannie
  • LovingLifeLori
    LovingLifeLori Posts: 10 Member
    Hey ladies, I've missed reading the posts this month. My life is pretty crazy/busy, but that's okay. It just means I don't often have time to peruse the blogs. I do enjoy reading what you all post though. Thanks for the encouragement.
  • LovingLifeLori
    LovingLifeLori Posts: 10 Member
    I just looked at my "fitness report" and realized I've exercised 25 out of the last 30 days. I've eaten pretty well too, but still haven't lost too much. I'll keep at it. . . slowly but surely.