

  • Grandee47
    Grandee47 Posts: 261 Member
    Good Morning Everyone! :smile: I am looking forward to my day because it will actually be a warm day today. Going to head out for a morning walk here in a little bit.

    Michelle, I'm afraid you have a problem! :grumble: I can't suggest any products, but I do know that once you get everything cleaned or replaced, you will have to keep the door to that room closed for a long time. I had this issue years ago, two houses ago, in the corner of the dining room and we ended up replacing our carpet. So sorry, and best of luck.

    Mrs. Anderson, I love that quote.....I need that quote. Since I've been out of my structured classroom life and into the more free, altho busy, retired life, I've had a bit of a problem with procratination! :ohwell:

    Everyone have a great day!

  • Grandee47
    Grandee47 Posts: 261 Member
    Great SuzyQ! :flowerforyou: I'm writing that down too. I don't need it at this time, but having an elder cat, I just might need it eventually.
  • Grandee47
    Grandee47 Posts: 261 Member
    I'm reviving some WW recipes from the past. I'd forgotten about this one and it's so easy and yummy that I want to share it with you. It's called Vanilla Ricotta Creme - 1 cup lowfat ricotta, 1 tsp vanilla, 1 pak sweetner (I use 1 Tb honey instead). Mix together well. I use 2 Tb of it on a rice cake for a delicious snack.

    This can be the base for whatever you want to do with it. I also make Peanut Butter Ricotta Creme by adding 4 Tb peanut butter to the base and mixing it well. For a fruity approach, just spread a Tb of your favorite preserves (mine's strawberry) on the rice cake and put the Vanilla Ricotta creme on top. YUM! Enjoy! :smile:
  • jam0525
    jam0525 Posts: 1,681 Member
    Hello all,

    Even with being off this week, I have not been able to catch up on the posts. I did see the disco cats from Barbie and loved it. Hopefully, everyone is doing well.

    The kids and I went to Taos Ski Valley yesterday for our last day of skiing this year. (Wearing green for St. Patty's Day of course) While the day was long (3 hours in the car each way), we had a great time. Today we all need to rehydrate ourselves.

    Taos Mountains are spectacular. All these years living here this was the first time I ever went to see the mountain. Definitely worth the trip if any of you ever make it to New Mexico.

    Happy Friday,

  • vickim26
    vickim26 Posts: 685 Member
    Good morning ladies,
    foggy here in the south, have an extra grandchild today. will take them to chick fil a to play later. cant help you with cat problems. dont have any and wont have any because of allergies. my grandfather was a cat fanatic. I remember he had cats everywhere.
    self discipline yes that is something I do not have. I have to force myself to do things I dont want to do. I figured out in my old age that when I procrastinate it is because of fear of failure or not doing perfectly. If I dont do it I cant fail. even though I know that it doesnt always help me to do things. My dad is nearly 79 years old and he is a self motivator. I take after him for everything except this it seems. If I have a partner and once I get started I do fine but getting started is the hard part. Maybe I need a new starter LOL

    glad I am not alone in this.
    misery loves company LOL
    have a good day ladies.
    vicki M
  • msh0530
    msh0530 Posts: 1,675 Member
    Jeannie - I love camping near Taos and try to make it there every few years. I was most recently there for a week last July. It is truly a lovely area.

    You probably won't hear from me until about next Thursday. I am leaving today on a spring break trip. Tonight I am stopping to see my Mom in the hospital, and then on to Oklahoma to camp with family until Tuesday. Mom is having surgery on Monday, so plan to stop off on Tuesday to see her and come back home on Wednesday. I hope all of you have a great week! Happy Spring!!
  • maxymom
    maxymom Posts: 35 Member
    :flowerforyou: Hello, Y'all, Wow, such a lot new posts today. So nice to hear from everybody!

    :bigsmile: Barbie, I :heart: :heart: :heart: Love that dancing cat.:bigsmile: :bigsmile: What fun.

    :happy: Marilyn, We seem to have the same tastes in music. ZZ Top is great to work out to, too. Go to you local large store that sells cd's, and you will find a fine selection of oldies, often newly compiled "best of" discs or disc set. Frequently, they have been digitally remastered, as well. And frequently offered at a very nice price.:happy:

    You mentioned not wanting to meet up with a fierce feral turkey at 4 AM. Let me tell you about my predawn experience with a BULL! :noway: I was staying at my sister-in-law's house to take care of her when she got home from having surgery. She lives on a small ranch. Let me explain that I am NOT a country girl. One morning , about 4 am, her cat yowled to go out, and would not be ignored. I let her out, and decided that while I was up, I'd move her car so the kid who fed her horses could get in the hay barn. I heard a noise as I got to the car, looked up, and in the entrance of the hay barn, a few feet away, was a HUGE bull, snorting, pawing the dirt, and staring right at me, a poor defenseless city girl in her nightie! I backed slowly away, edged around the back of the car, and made a mad dash for the front porch. At dawn, I called a neighbor who had said "call anytime if you need help". Turned out it was an ex-rodeo bull with a bad temper, but she came over with a little bucket of oats, and lured the beast away like it was a lamb or something. :laugh:

    :wink: Mrs. Anderson is right! You have to do the things you don"t want to do! I put off trying a program like MPF for years because I knew it would require me to do things I didn't want to to, and stop eating things I wanted to eat. So I kept getting fatter and fatter, and in worse and worse shape. :ohwell:

    :happy: But now I have discovered it's not that bad, and you can take pride in your accomplishments, no matter how small. And find lots of encouraging friends!:flowerforyou:
  • anotheryearolder
    anotheryearolder Posts: 385 Member
    Hello all. I have been dragging myself from one day to the next this past week. Did one road trip and another tomorrow. Allergies are the worst they have ever been. Even Mucinex D barely makes a dent. I'm beginning to hope this is a bad cold except no meanie greenies, so I guess not. My usual Zyrtec is worthless on this go round. Perhaps a trip to the doc is in my future. I tend to avoid them due to really bad advise in the past from a few but I'm about ready to go.

    I have still been going to the gym but can't say I have been enjoying it like I usually do. This too shall pass - just wanted to let you all know I'm still here and slogging away.

    And in the glass half full dept.... I think I have lost few pounds. Even my erratic scale seems to agree. The gym is dragging their feet on getting a new scale, so I will probably break down and buy a good one once I get done running around this month.

  • lyn54
    lyn54 Posts: 415
    Happy Spring everyone! Flowers are blooming and I am singing...:flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:

    .. sunshine, on my shoulders - makes me happy sunshine, in my eyes - can make me cry sunshine, on the water - looks so lovely sunshine, almost always - makes me high if i had a day that i could give you i'd give to you a day just like today if i had a song that i could sing for you i'd sing a song to make you feel this way sunshine, on my shoulders - makes me happy sunshine, in my eyes - can make me cry sunshine, on the water - looks so lovely sunshine, almost always - makes me high if i had a tale that i could tell you i'd tell a tale sure to make you smile if i had a wish that i could wish for you i'd make a wish for sunshine all the while sunshine, on my shoulders - makes me happy sunshine, in my eyes - can make me cry sunshine, on the water - looks so lovely sunshine, almost always - makes me high sunshine almost al the times makes me high

    What do you like to smell? My favorite things are:

    My DH, My grandkids, the air after a thunderstorm, fresh mown grass, watermelon, babies and baby lotion, fresh shampooed hair, new Crayolas, leather....spring flowers such as: lilacs......a clean house, clean sheets when I climb into bed and something baking in the oven.

    Have a wonderful day today!
  • wizzywig
    wizzywig Posts: 1,246 Member
    I've been struggling the last few days - my get up and go has got up and left the country! I've definitely lost my mo jo and feel all out of sorts with myself.

    :smile: Maxymom your story about the bull made me smile, I don't know what I'd have done, I think you were brave to go out in the dark.

    :smile: Lynn I love the smell of fresh mown grass, babies, horses, freshly washed sheets and towels and my favourite perfume .

    We took the cat to the vet yesterday for a check up, he has a thyroid problem and the vet wanted to check on his weight as he went very thin. He's put on a few lbs which is good. Our poor dog Tara is getting on in years now and we've noticed her limping a little this last week. Not sure if it's her age or if she's pulled/strained herself somehow. We'll have to keep an eye on her. I think her back legs are getting a bit weaker now and she's losing muscle I'm not sure what we can do about that, she's already taking glucosamine and chondroitin tablets.

    :flowerforyou: Hope everyone is doing okay.

    Must get back to running I've been busy most lunchtimes this weeks so haven't had time.

    Chat again soon, take care

    Viv x
  • mrsanderson404
    SuzeQ.....I'm interested in your thoughts about the raw vitamins......I have used liquid in the past and liked them but at a tad over $100 month, it is a little steep for me....let me know what you think and where you can find reliable sources.
  • Grandee47
    Grandee47 Posts: 261 Member
    WOW! What a day! :happy: Had a really good taste of spring and I took advantage of it. Walked this morning with Marie A, altho almost at the end of the walk she had a seizure. Poor thing....she gets so darn frustrated. We got through it okay. Spent the afternoon doing some straightening in the garage. Our garage always collects stuff during the winter and when spring comes I always have to clean it up. You'd think I'd learn!!! :ohwell: When hubby got home I walked our regular walk with him, so I got a lot of walking in today. Felt great!

    Not much else to talk about except that today is the first wheat-free day I've had in a while. For me, that's big, because I'm basically a cheat. :grumble:

    I have yet to bring a joke.....I need to work on that. I'm feeling pretty boring. Got to work on that too. My life's pretty hum-drum! Gotta spice it up. Help Maddie!!!!

    Have a great evening.

  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,389 Member
    Susan - thank you very much for the info about the OdoBan. Most of the things I can replace, the sheets, mattress pad, one of the comforters; but one bed had a hand-quilted blanket on it. I can't replace that. My aunt who made it died a few years ago. So thank you from the bottom of my heart. How I love the smell of sheets and blankets hung out in the sunshine! Wish we could have a clothesline. As it is, I have to drape them over the balcony of the deck and hope and pray that they don't blow down onto the ground

    Mary - have a great trip!

    maxymom - I can just imagine you and that bull....lol

    Viv - two of our cats had hypothroidism and had to have the radiocative isotope treatment. No problems afterwards. Hope things work out for you.

    Went to WalMart and bought a new watch. You know, I think the lady who was at the service desk really wasn't sure of herself, I had the exact same watch that I was going to buy, but I needed to have the band from my old watch put on the new one since they always come much too big for me. She kept telling me that she couldn't do it, that the one that was on the new watch was different. Yea, of course, it had a design. So in the end, I wound up purchasing a $10 watch instead of the $30 one. So tomorrow after yoga, I'll go to this one jewler and have some links taken out.

    Jessica is coming down here tonight with her cats. She's going to have some work done on her car, then we might very well go and cuddle kitties at the Humane Society so she can meet Bonnie. Clyde is still skittish when you come near him. I guess the woman who had him before would corner him to show him to people, so whenever he feels in the least bit threatened, he runs. There have been times when he's come up to me and Vince, tho. Oh, did I tell you that for her btdy Jessica is going to adopt the cats? They're going to waive the adoption fees because one of the cats is diabetic and they realize that that involves added expenses. Truthfully, I bet they are just glad to get them adopted, they probably didn't think that anyone would want a diabetic cat.

    Played MahJongg today. I actually won one hand! Beginners luck and a lot of jokers...lol

    Hope everyone has a great evening!

  • maxymom
    maxymom Posts: 35 Member
    Mucinex products make a sizable number of people feel really sluggish, congestion still there, and/or just generally feeling bad. And many allergy medicines cause achy joints. One that works well and does not cause side effects in most people is good old Benedryl. Then for congestion I take Sudafed ( well the generic store brand to save money). It's the old, original formula stuff that you have to get from behind the counter at the drugstore. i only take 1 tablet, not 2 like they say for adults. You could try it and see if it works for you.
  • mimi7grands
    mimi7grands Posts: 616
    Hello everyone. I've been scarce in these parts lately. So many new faces! I've scanned the posts but feel way out of touch. I'm reminded of the Girl Scout song, "Make new friends but keep the old; one is silver and the other gold." I am so fond of all the "old" MFPers and look forward to getting to know everyone new.

    Amanda, I'm sending prayers, warm thoughts, and hugs your way. I hope you can feel them. (I empathize about the weather. It's snowing here. Here! This is California and it's already mid-March. Sheesh.)

    Birdie, you are doing great to be logging your food and maintaining your weight. You have a heavy burden with your mom-in-law dying and, on top of that, an unemployed husband and tax season. My warmest hugs to you and Amanda both.

    I was going to go down to the bay area for the weekend but am staying curled up here at home instead, out of the rain and snow. Time to go snuggle up with the pup. She is delightful. So full of energy. She's having a hard time with the rain and snow. So boring. Actually, she does like the snow but her "mom" doesn't want to spend enough time in it. Can't wait for some sunshine!
  • joylaut
    joylaut Posts: 68
    I've read all the posts but my wrists hurt so I can't type a whole lot. I've been scrubbing walls ALL day as part of the prep for painting our rental. I can't work on it with my DH tomorrow as I work tomorrow afternoon. But I wanted to cut down on his workload by washing down the walls so all he has to do is paint. The good new is that I think I burned a bunch of calories climbing up and down the ladder hauling the bucket, and scrubbing! Good thing too because tonight I ate a greek salad and although it was quite good, I only realized after the fact that I ate 4 servings!!:grumble: :grumble: Hard to believe that little bit was 4. But I think my 6 hours of scrubbing cancelled out the 840 calories. I won't be making that mistake again:ohwell:

    Thanks for the ongoing birthday wishes. I will continue to celebrate this weekend as my son and dil and grandkids are taking me out tomorrow and friends taking me to brunch on Sunday.

    A word for those being bothered by allergies and sinus problems: acupuncture. Its been amazing for me.

  • Ldspill
    Ldspill Posts: 49
    Good Evening Ladies,

    I know most of you are probably asleep but if you're not and you're out getting your groove on.....Good for you! I've been away from the board for a week and wow things are really hoppin. It's going to take me a while to catch up.

    My youngest daughter got laid off, she has 5 children so it was a major crisis...for her, so I played the dutiful gramma and went to help out while she went job hunting. Then my oldest daughter had a consultation with a Dr. to have a cist checked out on her back, good thing I went with her, they did surgery immediately while I played with my 3 year old grandaughter in the waiting room. The next day I had to take that same little 3 year old to a dentist appointment, try explaning xrays and why this lady is trying to push plastic into her mouth to a 3 year old. Not an easy task. On the ride to the dentist my daughter got sick (we brought a bucket) from the medicine she was taking for her back...........can you all see where I'm going with this? This has not been an easy week. I played nanny, chauffeur and nurse. Did I mention that I had to teach myself the Excel program in microsoft so I could put together a spread sheet. Spread sheet???? That's what I do when I make the bed, who knew it was something you did on a computer?

    Obviously, I have survived. It's amazing all the little things we do for our children everyday and don't think much about it. I look back only because I have no clue where all that time went. I can tell you this, I called my mother and thanked her for everything. This week has just made me realize that my mother and grandmother both deserved medals for the stuff I put them through. I am so glad my daughters are much nicer than I was. I guess I did OK by them.

    Suezzzque....I tried Pandora, it's great.

    Birdie....Sorry for your struggles, trust me when I say, WE ALL hope tax season is over soon.

    Barbie....Loved the disco cat.

    Amanda....Hope all goes well for you.

    Lynn....I think I saw you float by, all that juice, it was bound to happen. My favorite smells are: freshly dug dirt, lavender, babies, vanilla and a fire made with Oak wood.

    Mary....Enjoy your Spring Break.

    Maxymom....The bull story made me laugh.

    I hope everyone has a great weekend and manages to stay on course. If not, go for the chocolate!

  • vikkij12
    vikkij12 Posts: 82
    Back again after a couple of months off, just not able to focus on anything but back into it. We have a coffee cart which I help within the weekends and my downfall is marshmalows (and I look like one!!) and the muffins that we also sell. Plus of course the smoothies that we make etc etc. I really notice when I am eating all the rubbish that my motivation to exerc ise goes way down, and int he last week I have been good with my eating and starting to get my enthusiasm back. I did the whole afternoon today without eating one marshmallow or muffin. I was GOOD!!!
    I have been reading some of the posts and would love to comment on everyone but cann't remember who said what (now if I was organised I would write it down etc)
    I laughed about the cat that didn't like to be around any others. I had a big tabby called Tractor (yes I know thats what happens when a 2 year old names a cat) and he was the best cat. cuddly purry (is there such a word as purry!!) and then we go another little kitten. Well my fantastic cat went from cuddly and nice (except to the dog) to this horrible old man when Crystal was around. One day he was sitting on my knee having a scratch when she walked in and he sunk his teeth into my head!!! I think he knew he had overstepped his mark becvause his attitude was "oh no what have i done" The little cat disappeared and we couldnt' find her after 4 years and my big tractor went back to being this fantastic old man again. Footnote he slowly went blind but lived a great life and died at the age of 19. He was a real outdoor man until his last couple of years.
    Now we have 2 cats (who get on) and an old sheltie and a young labrador to keep us all on our toes.
    Better get to bed.

    Will try and catch up again tomorrow.
  • AHealthierSuzyQ
    Gonna be out of town through Tuesday. Happy weekend y'all!
  • Grandee47
    Grandee47 Posts: 261 Member
    Good morning everyone! It's cooler and windy here today but still nice enough to walk. Looking forward to getting out. I always get cabin fever at this time of the year.

    Maxy, I loved your bull story. I really giggled as I saw where it was going. :laugh:

    Vik - your kitty is so pretty! I read your profile and saw that you have a shelty....we've had two in our marriage....wonderful little dogs. My best dog ever, tho, was our golder retriever, Samantha. I miss her terribly. Now we have three labs in the family that I go visit....one of each color! I don't own a dog now because we're only allowed two pets in our condo and we have two wonderful cats, one of which thinks he's a dog. :smile: I'm an animal lover, can you tell?

    Michelle - I wanted to tell you that my daughter and granddaughter volunteer at their local SPCA. Daughter walks dogs while granddaugher loves on the kitties. They have a 6-year old lab, but also adopted an elderly cat and an elderly lab so they could live out their lives. If I ever win the lottery my plan is to buy a small farm or homestead and open a home for elderly dogs and cats. My daughter would manage it. Big dreams.

    I just had a rice cake with blueberry All Fruit and the vanilla ricotta creme.....WOW! that was really tasty and the best part I ate it guilt free.

    Hope you all have a wonderful day!