

  • Shirley61
    Shirley61 Posts: 7,758 Member
    Good Evening Ladies:

    Barbie: Happy Birthday to you sounds like you had wonderful day to celebrate.

    Barmbord: Welcome to the group, I am a newcomer myself and these ladies here are
    very supportive and I am sure you will like this site. Good luck on your
    weight loss journey.

    My hubby is painting our laundry room today and we just picked out some new flooring. It always
    looks so nice after a room is freshened up, even if it is where you do laundry.
    I am packing this week for Florida for vacation so I don't run around all week like a crazy person.
    My oldest daughter who is 30 is moving on Wednesday to a new apartment and the whole family is going
    up to help her out. She just broke up with a guy from Ireland, so its kind of a sad move for her.
    I hope she stays there for a while I am getting too old for this.:cry: We have been moving our kids to
    apartments since they were in university. I hope all goes well.

    Tonight we are staying in to watch movies and we just finished a delicious dinner of chicken, parsnips, carrots and brussel sprouts Ymmm. :happy:

    Have a great evening ladies and I am signing off. :bigsmile:
  • kackie
    kackie Posts: 676 Member
    Good Evening, Dear Ladies,

    Just a minute to say hello and check in. Read quickly through the posts but mostly wanted to comment to

    Bombard: Welcome and you have found the perfect place for support. So many of us are in the same place trying to figure out this next stage of life. At least you can pat yourself on the back for trying to do it and also be healthy. It is a struggle but we are all in this together. Don't question yourself- just do what is best for you and I don't blame you for wanting to be near your children. Do what you know is best and put one foot in front of the other. Getting rid of old "stuff" feels good and I think is helpful too. I look forward to getting to know you and also know that this is a safe place to vent. I wish you success on this journey!

    Everyone else: Take care and look forward to catching up soon. All best, kackie:heart::heart: :heart:
  • Ldspill
    Ldspill Posts: 49
    I just spent several hours catching up with all the posts. I hear a ton of frustration, don't give up ladies, it's gotta get better.

    My last post I had no voice and a cough that wouldn't quit. My voice is finally back but my cough went into bronchitis and I am finally getting back to normal (whatever that is). Haven't been able to exercise, just getting out of bed started the coughing fits. Ate way too many "Comfort Foods" while sick but managed to stay close to or under my calories for the day. Only the scale on Monday will reveal whether I did OK or got too comfortable. I may be able to start walking again on Monday as well.

    I hear so many of you saying how disappointed you are with the slow or no change in weight loss. Please don't think I'm dispensing medical advice but have you had your Thyroid checked? Hypothyroidism effects about 13 million Americans and only half have been properly diagnosed. Women are five times more likely than men to have it. I come from a "HUGE" family, I'm not talking about our numbers, I'm talking about our size. I have three brothers, all over 6' tall and between 260 to 425 pounds. My mom and my grandmother both had thyroid problems and have fought their weight all their lives. I am for some fortunate reason the only one who doesn't have Hypothyroidism or High Blood Pressure. I have no excuse, I'm just chubby. Please have yours checked, it could be as simple as taking medication and everything else will fall into place. I also can't stress enough how important it is to READ LABELS. Some diet foods have tons of hidden sugars and the aspartame used to make them sweeter when broken down in the body produces Methanol. Methanol is a neurotoxic alcohol. It can cause such things as muscle spasms, dizziness, memory loss even migrains and seizures. All the more reason to go Natural.

    Oh, watch Dr. Oz on Monday. He is having someone on there that says we can "Think Yourself Thin". From the reaction I saw from Dr. Oz, this may be true. I'm watching, I can't afford to pass up any opportunity to learn something new, especially when it comes to weight loss.

    I read a lot........ that's like calling an alligator a lizard. I read more than most people in school. I love to read but I'm one of those people who has to come away with something from what I've read. I went to college to become a Physical Education teacher and ended up getting my degree in Psychology from UCLA. You'd think with that kind of background, I'd be Rich, Thin and healthy.......yeah, didn't happen that way. After a bout with cancer at 25 (31 yrs cancer free) and a hysterectomy the weight was very easy to gain and losing it was (and is) next to impossible. When I hear someone struggling, I can't help but share what I know for sure and hope it helps someone else. If I ever get too "soap boxy", please let me know.

    I think we all feel the same, we don't want anyone we know to suffer the way we did. It's our nautre as women to want to hug, nurture, care for and aide in anyway we can, after all isn't that why we're here? For the support and encouragement of others going through the same thing?

    Take a few minutes every day to just sit and breath. No TV, no lights, no noise. Just sit and concentrate on your breathing and picture in your mind someplace that you love, whether it's walking on the beach or in the mountains. It will make you feel better.

    Hang in there everyone! We can't control our surrounding, we can only control how we react to them.

    Good Health and Happiness,
  • grabbit97
    grabbit97 Posts: 445
    You know, it is very frustrating when you get on the scale after 3 weeks, and nothing has happened... How many of you did this happen to... granted, I am older, and my metabolism is not there, I am on synthroid, diabetes meds, celebrex... I do ride bike 30 min a day, and started with 5 lb weights to do some arm strenghtening... but 3 weeks, not a lb.... I keep saying, stick with it, I split some beef fahitas with DH, I only ate 1/3 of it, had 1 tortilla, 14 chips with some salsa, lunch I made a salad out of the insides of a burrito (beef), asking for lettuce, no tortilla, need to eat some fruit now, but I am going to stick with it.
    anyone have this happen to them, no loss for a long time?
  • SallyCC
    SallyCC Posts: 531 Member
    Welcome Barmbord and Tryingagain.

    Barbara....such wonderful advice to barmbord...Thanks...I needed to read that today.

    I do weigh in everyday and I KNOW that I will see lots of flucuations in the number....big ups and downs depending on sodium and time of night meal. I did have a loss this week on my weigh in day for here (Wed)... but I've seen the number go up in the past couple of days. I've made some bad choices in the past couple of days too... so I will think of one meal at a time and getting the most for my calories today.

    Thanks for the words of inspiration,Barbara.
  • vickim26
    vickim26 Posts: 685 Member
    Good morning ladies,
    Lynda what a wonderful post. thanks for sharing every tidbit of info is helpful to someone.
    grabbit, try going whole foods only--no processed foods--if you cant grow it or feed it or pick it dont eat it. lean meats cooked without frying and fruits and veggies and for breads and pastas eat just whole wheat, nothing white. dont give up--just keep posting. we are here for you.
    vicki M
  • pmjsmom
    pmjsmom Posts: 1,926 Member
    to all our new ladies!

    I've been busy with work and my yard. Also, I've been working on some new jewelry pieces. I think I will soon have enough to take to a craft fair!

    I have to agree with Vicki on cutting out what you crave. I have cut out sugar and most grain carbs (not all!) and am finally seeing the scale moving in the right direction again! I just posted a 1 pound loss but it was really more like 5 pounds because I never updated my ticker when I put some back on.:ohwell:

    Just wanted to say "Hi" to everyone. Need to get ready for church! Have a great day!
  • marlouise
    marlouise Posts: 286
    Hello Ladies, welcome to you new ladies, yes you are in the right spot.

    Just a quickie today, I did a large discussion piece on the sneakers page if anyone wishes to take a peek.

    Had a back spasm last night, so today is a day for some slow exercises to get the abs working again. By the way, the physio doc. said that after my surgery in 2002 I should have had a therapist help me rebuild my abdomon after the surgery. This is the cause of my abs now failing, no communications from the brain, hence the nerves have been damaged, and I didn't know or suspect anything, now it is maybe too late, or it will take a long time to get my conscious to move my abs without much concentration. So this puts a few questions into my future.

    Well back to the gym and hope all goes well.

  • maxymom
    maxymom Posts: 35 Member
    :flowerforyou: Hello Nice Ladies, and welcome to the ones that are new! :happy:

    I just started MFP this month and found this page right away. Since I'm not real computer savvy and didn't know what I was doing, it may have been more than dumb luck.

    Because, :happy: YES, :happy: this is the place for encouragement and guidance, and sharing and learning.... I could go on and on. Questions answered, pep talks given. So many ladies going towards a similar goal. I felt pretty alone till I came here. Not sure i could do it. Now, I feel like I can! :bigsmile:

    And to whoever asked about Wednesday weigh-ins, I do. ( I need a little space after the weekend to make up for oopsies).

    Good luck to all and don't get discouraged. My advice would be not to weigh yourself more than once a week, and make a healthy diet a lifestyle not an obsession. That could backfire. It's not healthy to think of food (or anything) all the time.

    Y'all have a great Sunday, Maxy
  • RebelRenny
    RebelRenny Posts: 1,073 Member
    :flowerforyou: Happy springtime, ladies :flowerforyou: I wish I could say I was back to losing weight, however reality stares me in the face that I am not losing. It seems I, me and myself and no one else, can't get my act together. That is not to say I am not eating healthy. I'd say I am eating healthy about 90% of the time, but just too much of it. More importantly I have not been out exercising. :grumble: Struggled with a bad bladder infection recently and am at the tail end of the second round of antibiotics. Boy that drained me of energy! Booo:grumble:

    In 3 weeks I am off to Holland to see my mom. Meanwhile, my job is busy though satisfying. My weekends have been taken up by digging into my family tree. Wow, is that ever a great thing to do. I am addicted, I love it so much :love: :love: . :wink: Of course, what I should be doing is housework, taxes and other "useful" things, right? :wink: Nah.....I can do that when it NEEDS to be done :wink:

    By the way, you know what struck me the most about my family tree?......wait for it.......here it comes.......everyone dies!! :bigsmile: True. No one appears to survive (this) life. You get born, you live, then you die. Go figure, eh (a little Canadian expression).

    Soooo.....go on, love life......live life.....live a healthy life.....live the best life you can while you're here!!

    K.....I really better DO do our taxes. Once that is out of the way I can get back to my family tree, yeah!

    Hope you all have a wonderful week! Love you all tremendously!
    :heart: :heart: Rebel:heart::heart:
  • smwert
    smwert Posts: 300
    Well I am back from my trip to Florida to drive my mother home. I stayed ther for 20 days and I lost 2.5 pounds - walking and swimming. But when I got hom after the 2.5 day drive and eating in restaurants i had only lost 1 pound. But at least I did not gain. Seeing myself in a bathing suite really motivated me to lose. So a new day (again) tomorrow. Really going to try now to lose and since the weather shoud soon be warming up I will get out walking more.
  • smwert
    smwert Posts: 300
    Correction. I was in Florida for 10 days not 20!!!
  • marlouise
    marlouise Posts: 286
    Hello ladies,

    Just tracked my diet on the tracker, forgot to weigh myself this morning.:ohwell:

    NATALIE, Body Building .com, there you will find a truck load of information on exercise, diet, and if you wish to get started on the opening page you should find a link to "find a plan" you will have the complete essentials right there. If you have a husband he too can join in on the site, make a account profile etc. It is free! Your Zoey is very handsome, buttons too is tri coloured, but she is not a show or therapy dog. She has the instinct and would make a good one, but I have no time for the training etc. Her picture is in my profile, the ears are cut to avoid matts that the cat's hair creates when she plays with them. High spirited and personable.

    Okay, time to relax and get sleepy, full day at work tomorrow.

  • R222
    R222 Posts: 13
    Hi Everyone;
    So glad I found this topic. I am 50 and looking for friends to keep each other motivated. Hope to find some of you. My goal for the rest of this month is to stick with MFP. Religiously post my exercise and foods. I love the fact that the program lets you eat more with the exercise you do.
  • R222
    R222 Posts: 13
    I have had that happen to me too. It was really devastating to me, however I was adding muscle, and muscle weighs more than fat. May I suggest to start measuring your self. This way you will see the inches falling away, and not focus so much on the scale.
  • grabbit97
    grabbit97 Posts: 445
    I am going to try WW for awhile, but will continue to post here, and report progress.... I have an android phone, and downloaded the APP for WW, so I will try and follow it. After 20 days, and not an ounce lost on MFP, I am goign to try WW, and see if that works.
    Yes, Zoey is a therapy dog, I take her to the hospital 2x a week, to make people happy, and also go to the Cancer Treatment Center with her.... it makes me feel good to help others.
    Rode my bike 30 min today, and did some upper body things with the 5 lb weights I bought,
    Need to lose the POUNDS, since that is the only thing that is going to bring my blood sugar under control...
    and get off pills.
  • Shirley61
    Shirley61 Posts: 7,758 Member
    Grabbit 97: Good Luck on the WW program. :flowerforyou: I am a WW lifetime member and I am just the
    opposite, I joined this site to count calories which I never did before. I went
    back to WW to try it again and could not get with the program. :tongue: :ohwell:
    I have lost 18 pounds on this program because of counting the calories and
    exercise. I am also Type 2 diabetes but not on meds. Since I have lost weight
    my numbers are coming down too. I wish u all the luck if you can do it. There are
    many people that can, I guess it was just not for me anymore. :flowerforyou:

    I am a dog lover and your pooch is a cutie. :love:
  • grabbit97
    grabbit97 Posts: 445
    Thank you for your input, I hope that the WW will work for me... altho its a new program, points plus, I like the OLD WW much better!!
  • MacMadame
    MacMadame Posts: 1,893 Member
    Hey guys, I have decided to stop tracking my food over at Bodymedia next month. I love all the charts and graphs but I can't get much of it exported to Excel and I need my spreadsheets to help keep an eye on what I'm doing. I'll just put the total calories from MyFitnessPal into that program and only use it to keep track of my calories burned and steps.
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,381 Member
    Peggy - the bad thing about the start of warmer season is that my legs are white. That, and the fact that I have to start shaving again....lol Hope you get nicer weather real soon.

    Welcome barmbord! You've come to the right place for friends and encouragement!

    tryingagain - of course you can join! We're delighted to have you. I used to work with a personal trainer. I would highly recommend it, at least at first. I, unfortunately, started out exercising just taking classes. Then I went to a personal trainer who told me that all along I'd been doing squats wrong. Now I have to really focus on them when I do them. If I'd gone to a personal trainer in the beginning, I wouldn't have to relearn things. So even if it's expensive, I say go for it. Many times more than one person (like 2 or 3) can train at the same time, so the cost would be much less. You might want to check that out, too.

    tornberg1 - I really like logging my food. It's really interesting to see some things. Some that you think are really good are actually high in fats and calories.

    Decided to try this "totally toning" class that's right before the yoga on Saturdays. Unfortunately, it's only 1/2 hr long. Honestly, I wasn't that impressed with the instructor. At one point we were doing front raises and she was going above her shoulders. Another time she had us squatting to the step (with two risers) and then standing up while lifting the weights above our heads. Only that puts your knees at more than a 90 degree angle (so it puts more stress on the knee).

    Oh, remember the guy at the Y that I wasn't impressed with and then he got transferred to the branch that I really liked and I hoped he wouldn't mess it up like he did the other branch. Well, he did mess it up. But the good news is that (and I don't know the specifics) he's no longer there. Yippee!!!

    Tomorrow I'll probably do some hula hooping on the Wii.

    Clyde really wants to play. Last night was the first night he was with the rest of the household, he slept on our bed. We were expecting that there might be a problem, but there really wasn't. Bonnie is still in her room.

    They had a special yesterday and today at the Humane Society (Fri and Sat). For the price of a large bag of cat food, you can adopt one of the older cats (subject to approval). About 10 cats got adopted. Vince and I went both days. Now I just hope that some of the cats don't get returned.

    ldspill - so glad that you're feeling better. It'll be all uphill from here! Only better and better. woohoo! You've been cancer free for such a long time, that's truly something to be very proud of. I had an aerobics teacher who had breast cancer, she was one of the first to use tamixofen. That was when it was still in trial stages. She was cancer free for 18 years. Unfortunately, it came back and took her life. However, even thru her chemo, she taught aerobics classes. She was a true inspiration. Here she was, in front of the class, no hair, her biggest complaint was that her sweaty head would stick to the mat....lol Yes, there were days when I didn't feel at all like exercising, but when I saw her I'd just feel "hey, if she can do it going thru chemo, then by golly I can do it"

    I made these spinach manicotti. Vince won't eat it with the spinach so I had to make some for him with meat. I admit that I tried some with the meat. Do you know that I preferred the spinach ones? It's weird, my tastes are going to more veggies and less red meat. Not that I'm complaining, mind you.

    I met one of my neighbors the other day while she was walking. We stopped and talked, she asked me where I went walking, I told her the Y. You know, I know me and if I have to depend on myself to get up and out the door, it won't get done. But if I have someone that is counting on me to be there at an appointed time, I'll do it. Really, the next time I see her, I think I'll ask her if she'd like a walking buddy.

    smwert - welcome back! Glad you had a good trip. Even just one pound lost is good, especially seeing how you weren't home.

    welcome R222. You've come to the right place!

    Did an hour of hula hoop on the Wii today (Sun). Tomorrow I'll do a 45 min DVD of step and then take a weight class.

    Slept with Bonnie last night. She slept in the bed with me. I also made up the bed in the other back bedroom, so now she has the run of two bedrooms and the bath that joins them. I'll probably sleep with Clyde tonight.

    Here's hoping everyone has a great evening.
