Kicking *kitten* In Our Twenties - March Challenge!!



  • jbars11
    jbars11 Posts: 71
    kbellnurse: Good luck to you. I think you have the right attitude and new outlook to really make a change for the better! Thanks for sharing your 'confession' it's nice to know that there are other people that have been in similar situations or have at least felt similar feelings. Marriage is work and whoever tried telling me it wasn't in the past was wrong...they all have their little hiccups and I wish you luck and happiness :flowerforyou:
  • kbellnurse
    @tjrad - (Tara?) - Thanks for your support. I'm sorry to hear that you are filing for divorce but I hope that you are able to find more happiness now that you are out of a "wrong" situation. I really hope that my husband and I can find some common ground in the weeks/months to come. I know that our situation isn't the most conducive to a healthy relationship (me: fulltime student him: opening a company) but I feel that some of our issues are deeper than just what's happening "right now". I didn't see much of him this weekend as I was working and then studying but we are going to spend some time together tonight. I'm just praying we don't fight over anything and can just enjoy eachother. :) Have a good Monday!
  • mkingraham
    mkingraham Posts: 445 Member
    Kbell- Marriage is hard! My husband and I were together for 6 years before we got married and we still have to work at our relationship. I think since you are consciously thinking about your relationship and what you need to work on that you are doing the right thing. My brother-in-law is going through a divorce now and all they did was sweep their problems under the rug and never try to deal with anything. You have a great outlook and I’m sure you will do what is best for you. HUGS

    Aly- I totally feel you on body saying you need a break. That was totally me this weekend, but I was right back at it this morning and I know you will be too! Keep up the great work and positive attitude and you will definitely achieve your goal!

    Jbars- Welcome back!! A 10K! HOLY MOLY that’s exciting! I am doing some searching for 5ks that I want to run, but I don’t want to run one until April since I want to be able to do 3 miles non-stop. I know you said you are going to walk/jog it, but that is still amazing! You rock!

    Melissa- Thanks for the encouragement! I love that you and your family are in this thing together. Having a support system like that make life so much better no matter what kind of goals you are trying to achieve! Keep up the amazing work its such an inspiration!

    Tj- love playing tennis! It also is way better to be active and not even think about the fact that you are working out. 425 cals is killer! Also- I love that you are doing a lot of activities with your son lately- hiking, tennis- love it all!

    Cait- I can’t believe your 2 mile run is this Sunday! AWESOME! I know you can do it! We have been right around the same schedule with running so I definitely 100% believe that you can run this whole thing without stopping- especially after you have a nice and relaxing mini-vacation with the boy! I’m so excited for you and can’t wait to hear all about how you killed it!

    Mary- Sometimes I get down on myself about well I weighed less then this before so I can’t even get down to that yet, but if I did that I would want to be 8lbs 7 oz. I mean that’s my lowest weight post birth ever so lets do it. Hehe- I think that I did a lot of discounting of my hard work, kind of what you are doing in your post, in the past but now I am proud of every pound. Water weight or not- it still meant that a change had to be made and isn’t the real end goal to make a positive lifestyle change not to weigh a certain amount? Getting to that point mentally is the hard part. Keep up the great work and remember you are working your butt off so you deserve every hard fought pound!

    Ok- that’s all I have time for right now, and if I keep going I’ll run out of room. I’ll try and stay caught up with everyone, but we all know how hard that is! Keep on keeping on!!


  • eleanoreb
    eleanoreb Posts: 621 Member
    Been MIA today with the boy, and due to work, which is going fine. The bar is actually just so easy -- Really lax and the customers are insanely easy to please. Anddd they all want to date me, which is hilarious :laugh: It's pretty miserable as a highly educated and diversely skilled young professional to still be working at bars, but whatever. I'll take what I can get right now. I have the rest of my life to be successful and do meaningful work... :noway:

    Eating has been so-so. Since I can't really workout on my foot (and knee, which I hyper-extended in YogaFit this week and is killing me) I'm taking a break from obsessing about food. Still doing really well but not going crazy. Adapting meals where I can and just taking what comes. No idea how to log my work into exercise so I am eating when hungry and just seeing how my body adjusts. Had frozen yogurt tonight and it sated my desire for ice cream - at least for the time being. I'm feeling some improvements in my foot so perhaps I'll be able to run again soon... It's just a waiting game.

    CHOCOLATE - For those who want a low cal choc fix, I have a few suggestions.

    For clean eating, I'd mix together 1/4 ip each pumpkin puree and egg whites (2), 1 Tbsp chia seed, 1 Tbsp water, and 2 Tbsp unsweetened cocoa plus whatever fruit, jam, dark chocolate chips, natural PB, or other addition (think oatmeal/ice cream mix-in) and any natural sweetener (I use none but I like my chocolate bitter) and microwave on high for 90-100 seconds. Awesome! It's like cake. I like mine with a little melted PB and natural jam, but fruit and choc chips both work awesome too!

    Another yummy treat - mix 1-2 tsp of cocoa powder in with your oats before adding milk/water and then cook as directed. Top with coconut and almond milk - tastes just like almond joy! It's great with blueberries too :bigsmile:

    Want a choc protein fix? Protein brownies! OMG I am in *LOVE* with them! I had one crumbled up with plain yogurt and strawberries today for a snack at work and it was heaven. So easy. Recipe:

    1 cup oats, old fashioned
    1/2 cup each 1% cottage cheese and egg whites
    2 scoops whey isolate protein, chocolate
    1/2 tsp each vanilla extract and baking soda
    2 Tbsp unsweetened cocoa powder
    1 cup unsweetened applesauce

    Mix in a food processor and bake in a parchment lined 9X5 loaf pan at 325F for 27-32 mins (watch carefully). I cover mine with aluminium foil for more even cooking. Once it's set in the middle and a toothpick can be inserted and removed cleanly, they are done. Cut into 6 servings - around 140cals each and soooo good! No sweetener or sugar needed (IMO).

    I honestly have chocolate at least twice a day and it keeps me sane. Cocoa powder is perfectly fine for you (as far as I know) and it's a great add-in and so flexible! If you want that extra kick, 15grams of chocolate chips is 70 cals and sometimes it's just worth it! Just be sure to weigh it out because honestly, it doesn't look like much but it goes a long way!

    Have a great night everyone and see you tomorrow - You're all doing fabulous! And welcome newbs to our happy little corner of the internet :flowerforyou:
    Meag :heart:

    yum thanks for these recipes!!
  • meagalayne
    meagalayne Posts: 3,382 Member
    Morning folks and happy Monday! Been working hard to catch up from a weekend of QT with the boy and so I am just finally getting around to my Kick *kitten* crew - Happy to see the posts here and lots to say, per usual! So bare with me :bigsmile:

    kbell - Very sorry to hear about your marital troubles but it sounds like you have the right attitude and it's refreshing to hear that you really want to make things work. I empathize with your feelings of frustration and resentment - It's so hard to cope sometimes when you are feeling resentment towards someone you love so dearly and you really have no idea how to make things better. I find that a lot of times I feel resentment towards my family simply because I am frustrated and fed up with my life's circumstance (comparable to your husbands business situation, I"m guessing). Those feelings are then conflated with feelings of frustration and overwhelming helplessness because I am totally at a loss of control - there's very little I can do to actually change those circumstances in the short term and so my resentment and frustration builds and I find it very hard to cope. Definitely a major stressor on any relationship. You are not alone, sweetie. The good news is that it seems you are still in love and that your problems are more to do with circumstance than the quality of your bond with one another -- I think these things just take a lot of work and time to sort themselves out. I wish you both the best <<hugs>>

    And what do you mean "BRAVE" the GM? Oh man.... They are incredible! I really hope you find a blend of fruits, milk and protein that you enjoy. I love mine nice and thick, almost like a milkshake, but everyone's different. Let the experimenting begin! :bigsmile:

    jbars - FAB having you back, girl! :bigsmile: Love your goals and your attitude, per usual. Really glad to hear you signed up for that 10K - You'll be surprised with how much progress you can make between now and June. I wouldn't be surprised if you ran 1/2-3/4 of the 10K come race day. Just take it one day at a time and you'll be seeing crazy progress before you know it.

    Megan - It's all about miles logged - Time on your feet is what counts! When I was training for my 10K in the fall I ended up really obsessing with running straight miles and not walking at all - Turns out it really isn't worth the stress. Taking a 1 min walk break every 9 mins of running works REALLY well for me on my long runs and helps me maintain my pace, even over 10+ miles of running. I actually keep a faster pace when I take short walking breaks than when I run straight through. It doesn't make you less of a "runner" and it certainly isn't anything to be ashamed of, so listen to your body and walk when you need to. You are kicking *kitten*! Keep with it!

    Melissa - Dinner tonight sounds great! :happy: When should I get there? Fab "race" this weekend and great pace. Your running is so inspiring! I am so glad that you are continuing to see progress and well on your way to an amazing finish in your 1/2 next month. Really proud of you! And am currently living vicariously through your runs - so don't quit now hahaha Not that I think you would ever consider it :tongue:

    Cait - I love all the mad props you give me. What a sweetie :tongue: I am definitely just riding this job out until I find something decent. It'll happen eventually. In the mean time just working at enjoying the good in my life.. And stoked about the WD! hahaha Thoughts of my kick-*kitten* summer are definitely occupying a lot of my time right now. Help me cope, for sure. Enjoy your getaway!! Sounds like an AWESOME trip - something Ty and I would love to do. Camping and cabins are our favourite form of "vacationing" - esp when they involve lots of outdoor activities, beaches, sun, biking, running and just general lounging. Have a GREAT time :bigsmile:

    Mary - My advice is free and unsolicited - Take it or leave it, I am totally *not* offended :happy: We're all different and we know what works for us. You obviously know what your body needs/wants and so I urge you to just listen to it and go from there. Just know that my $0.02 is coming purely from a desire to see you succeed and is mostly just based on personal experience and knowing what has worked and not worked for me and others in the past. It's totally up to you - your journey - and I understand completely. Wishing you the best of luck, for sure :flowerforyou:

    AFM - I can't be bothered to update for me right now. Great weekend - the best, actually. So crazy in love right now it's just ridiculous. Very very happy :bigsmile: Work and running stuff aside, of course. Weighed-in today at 124.8lbs, so still lower than I'd like.... Trial and error!

    Made a totally delicious and super easy split pea soup last night. I'll post the recipe later. It was a great meal for a lazy Sunday when you have 2 hour to just let it cook on the stove. Minimal prep work - just takes some time to cook. Very healthy too! :bigsmile: Tonight we're having sweet potato, corn and white fish chowder. Not too sure. I'm going to do some strength work at the gym for an hour or so later and I'm relying on my mom to make something healthy for dinner, so we'll see!

    Hope you all have a great start to your week! Much love :heart:
  • kvr414
    kvr414 Posts: 111
    February wasn't as awesome as I had hoped. But I did manage to lose 2 lbs. This month I will be back with a vengeance to lose these last 13 lbs. I've already come this far. I know I can do it.

    For the month of March I want to keep up the water drinking, Limit my fat intake to about 35 g/day or 43g/day when working out. I want to be able to master of schedule of HIIT and distance running at some point this month. But most importantly, I want to lose 5 lbs this month to reach a weight of 147, and BMI of 21.7

    This is the most recent list I could find:
    Jessyas - Incorporate strength training into my workouts in order to build more muscle while I'm burning the calories, keep learning new recipes and cooking for myself, get down to 133lbs or less!
    atrayubrandy - to lose 7lbs, drink 64oz of water a day, cut down on sugar, and quit diet soda. I also want to build lean muscle mass.
    lolahippie - to exercise at least 4 times a week, not binge, and to get below 134lbs!
    froggytank3- lose 10lbs, cut down on sugar, and stay under cals without eating exercise calories.
    Allie7383- get into the 140's, stay on schedule with TurboFire, get in at least 8 glasses of water/day, increase my running distance.
    KanCrav-152 lbs-strength train 4 days a week-only 3 caffinated drinks a day-80 oz water a day.
    Rachellynch83- Finish my 30day shred, be able to run 3 1/2 miles without stopping, try to eat the majority of my exercise calories, and stay below my calorie goals at least 29 days this month.
    Toshiette - go 120km/75miles this month and get comfortably into the 140s.
    mkingraham- lose 7lbs, run a 5k without stopping, strength train 3 days a week
    meagalayne- maintain between 125lbs and 128lbs, complete weeks 8 and 9 of HH 1/2 Intermediate Training Program, YogaFit 1 time/week, strength train 2-3 times/week, and eliminate sweetener use by the end of the month (eeek!)
    hizzle85- lose 8 pounds, complete the pushup and squat challenges, eat under/ right at my calorie limit, exercise at least 4 days a week, work on increasing my water intake, start the c25k program.
    eleanoreb- Get below 135 pounds, eat more veggies and less chocolate/candy
    Ngoat- lose 3 lbs, drink more water, cut down on my sugar intake and be sure to excercise at least one day of the weekend
    NicNac86 - lose at least 4lbs (avg 1 a week), drink more water, more Wii, more dog walks
    echoicmemories- down to 130lbs, lose 2" from waist and 1" from hips, continue workout plan with alternating days at least 4x week, increase elliptical to 15, begin C25K
    cheralicia - Walk to or from work (or both) at least 4 days a week, track on MFP 90% of the month, yoga 2x/week, start to love running!
    GuamGrly (Bethany) - continue to incorporate more fruits and veggies into my diet, drink my water, workout 3-4 times per week, and continue C25K training
    kristinlough- lose 6 lbs, exercise 5 days a week, water and/or tea only, no more white carbs, 20 pushups a day 3 days a week, plank for 60 seconds
    maggiemay131- stay on track with half marathon training, kick the Diet Coke habit, and reach comfortably into the 150's (162 current!)
    Lostalykat- Work out 4-6 days a week with my training, Make 1 new recipe a week, Track everything that goes in my mouth, try 1 new yoga class.
    shelsab-lose 5 lbs. Try 3 yoga classes. strength training 3x week. Try new clean eating recipes.
    Sams111- Get into 220's, Spin 3x a week, gym 5x a week, and increase calories.
    mamabearr- Lose 7-10 lbs. Try to work out at least 5 days a week (even if it's only for 20 minutes) and eat healthier.
    brittfam- continue to work out 6x's a week, more stength training, goal weight loss for this month is 8lbs
    emmarie1630- lose 4 pounds, at least 4x a week workout with strength training, lengthen gym time, tons of water- cut out diet soda, find wedding dress
    Mary830- scale: lose 9lbs, jog/run 50 miles, track my food every day, and 64+ oz of water a day
    edryer123 March Goal Weight is be under 140lbs and get to where I can run a full mile without stopping (almost there but still fighting weather outside)
    CaptainJim157to lose around 7-10 lbs, if I can, get at least 30-60 min of exercise a day, that's my main thing! And try and only have a pop once a week, instead of like, everyday
    Mary830- scale: lose 9lbs, jog/run 50 miles, track my food every day, and 64+ oz of water a day.
    Meggonkgonk: Make strength training workouts more of a priority (30 min 2x/wk minimum); Eat 1 fruit and 3 different vegetables everyday; Try 3 new recipes (do not have to be “perfect” just delicious).
    jnlynch- lose 5 pounds (be at 118 lbs), workout at least 4x a week; completing my 30 Day Shred & starting the 6 Week Six-Pack, & eat breakfast on weekdays.
    rmarin18- scale: lose 5 lbs, non-scale: Drink at least 72oz of water a day & strength train 2x per week.
    prila13-5 lbs weight loss, Drink at least 4 glasses of water per day. (I have only been able to reach 2 so far LOL), Be able to walk 3 miles per day by the end of March.
    gofatties-make it to hand stands class 1x a week. and to cut down on late night emotional eating.
    Huni3bee-lose 10lbs, drink 10 cups of water a day instead of 8, and when I walk home I'll take the long way home instead of the shortcut... I'm also going to try and cut back on sugar, I'm going to actually push my self when working out no matter how bad it burns.
    Paigeb15: Drink at least 48 oz of water a day, Maintain 110-115 lbs, Make myself go walk at the park down the street on my lunch on nice days, less alcohol
    wardiemelissa-continue to maintain between 120-125 lbs. ; continue to follow Hal Higdon 1/2 marathon training (starting week 9-race is on April 2nd); continue to find and try out new recipes for dinner at least 4 nights a week; make time for my family :o)
    Finncmh- see a loss on the scale, continue lifting 2-4 times a week, run 1-2 times a week, walk to work at least 2 times a week, play outdoors more, keep eating clean! Be supportive on new people on here giving honest opinions and input.
    JacciLatt5- Ive never done this before but here it goes. I want to do the 30 Shred Dvd this month; eat less processed foods; try atleast 2 new workouts; be down @least 4 lbs
    kbellnurse - Get into the 140's! (lose at least 4lbs), workouts 4x/week (at least), school work on EVERY school day - make it to church for at least one Sunday.
    NLG139-I would like to lose 4lbs in March, drink 64oz of water a day, and get in my long runs every weekend (I'm training for a half marthon in May).
    Whitneysaenz - Lose 7 lbs (GW for March 31st: 160lb), drink at least 64oz of water a day, eat more vegetables, and exercise at least 4 days per week!
    DowntimeDesings-Start and stick with insanity workouts
    SexyInASizeSix-lose 15lbs, and drink 10 glasses of water per day
    tjradd73-to lose 6lbs, drink 80ozs of water/day, 3 days of arms/week, and burn at least 5,000 calories/month
    rivingtonst-I'm doing the 4x4, haha, In the next 4 weeks I will: lose 4lbs, workout 4x week, and make 4 new recipes.
    stuartme123: Check in with this thread 3-4x a week.- 30 min of cardio 4x a week - Continue C25K - reach W4 by Spring Break! - Curb unhealthy snacking - - Add veggies - Try one new healthy recipe a week - Lose 1lb a week and maintain over Spring Break for a total of 3lbs. MarchSW = 155.4.
    hilhall822: up the water intake- be better about precooking meals so I don't snack all day!
    runteachrun-For the month, I want to lose 15 pounds!
    peachyxoxoxo-stop bingeing. Work out 3-4 days a week. Track ALL foods every day.
    crystalfaith - workout at LEAST 4 times a week! Lose 5 lbs. Start eating more veggies and fruits :)
    mmahabee- get a fitness routine worked out so I can maintain my weight and tone my body
    bstamps12- Lose 4 lbs, bike 60 minutes straight, bike 9 miles straight.
    Sorry I am late! I wanted to do this challenge last month and lost track of it and haven't found it this month until now.
    CurriedGrasshopper - (Jenn) - I'd like to lose 3lbs, continue with p90x, and focus on drinking more water and less diet coke.
    gymgirl12- lose 5lbs (be at 145) Increase cardio time, starting working more core exercises, watching what I eat and limit snacking (especially chips).
    weslfuss- to lose 10 pounds (though honestly I'll be happy if I can just make it to 5-7), Drink more water, work out at least 4 times a week. no drive-thrus or soda!
    HotMamaof2Boys: I want to lose 5 lbs., stop getting any fast food or soda. I really, really want to try to workout every morning Mon. - Sat
    nausicaa11: Lose 5 pounds and exercise 6 days a week.
    Jbars11- C25K starting this week....staying consistent with logging EVERYDAY even if I know I'm over, making sure I'm getting my water and losing 4 pounds this month.
    kvr414: lose 5 lbs, limit fat intake 35-43 g/day, establish a HIIT/distance running rotation.
  • tjradd73
    tjradd73 Posts: 3,495 Member
    Megan-thanks! I really enjoy spending time with my son doing active things...with him being in middle school now, it seems to be all that we have in common! LOL Great job on your 2.5 miles...and don't be surprised when you end up running MOST if not ALL of that 10k in June!!

    jbars-welcome back and great job on the 4lbs in February!

    Kbell- Thanks, I am very happy where I am right now...12 years with someone is a long time and I really feel that we put in a great effort to try and work things out :) Just know that you WILL have trial and error, and circumstances WILL change and hopefully improve for you! I def wish you the best, and way to stay positive, things always work out the way that they are suppossed to in the end :)

    Kvr-2lbs is 2lbs! Great job on the loss for February and great goals for March!

    QOTD-fave outfit...hmmm....I have to say that dark denim boot cut jeans, with some nice black boots, and a fitted dark gray sweater, throw in some chunky jewelry and viola'!

    AFM-did another WO today putting me at 2151/5000 calories that I wanna burn for March so that is a great start! With 6 days left until I go back to work (I took a few "mental health" days! LOL) I am slightly nervous about my eating! I tend to do awesome at work since I pack a lunch and get set eating times! With all of this freedom, who knows what I will do!! SO far so good though...I have been off for 5 days so far, and I only went over 1 day by 25 cals and that I have NO problem with! My bf took off of work for a few days too and is staying with me from Tues-Fri :) I know we are planning on going bowling and hiking so that will keep me active for a few of the days, and so far he has been very supportive in my eating/working out so wish US luck!
  • finncmh
    finncmh Posts: 290
    Tara- you are just doing all sorts of fun exercise activities! I LOVE it!!!! You are a machine! Love seeing how you accomplish all the goals you put before yourself!!!

    Kbell- thank you for feeling comfortable enough to share with us. Its so hard to respond to your post because on one hand I feel like I know EXACTLY what you are talking about. But of course everyone and every situation is so different. Relationships are really tough and there are times when you just wonder why? (especially when you are in a not so great place yourself) and then there are other times when just a smile from that special someone can make anything in the world seem possible. OY! Like everyone said lots of hard work and don’t worry about what anyone else thinks is about what is best for the two of you and figuring out what works and what doesn’t.

    Megan- you are rocking it and I think the rest was the best think possible for you. I did the EXACT same thing to myself! Thank you so much for the props and luck on the running. I am excited and just approaching it as a good way to see where I am at. So we shall see!!!

    Melissa- great job on your training! I love hearing about your shopping adventures with your girls. I hope I can be as good of an influence down the road when we are ready to have kids (EEEEK- scary thought!haha- let me get through the wedding first… haha)

    Jbars- we are happy to have you back! You are definitely in the right frame of mind. Keep up the great work!

    Aly- good for you for finding the balance! Definitely not an easy process

    Meag- so glad you had such a wonderful weekend. YAY for great weekends with lots of love!!!! Your summer of adventures definitely sounds like its going to be amazing- cant wait to hear all the stories (and of course WD!)

    Kvr- great to have you back. Just keep up with the good work and give yourself props for all the work you have put in!

    AFM- today will be my last super active day on here at least. Going to be at a cabin with no internet (very excited about that actually) will be able to hop on and check in with postings but probably wont be posting a lot myself. Just looking for some quality time with the fiancé, relaxing, and doing some fun outdoor adventures!!!

    Oh ya lost another 1.4 lbs (been a few weeks since I weighed in so slow and steady). Still not focusing on the scale though just nice to check in with it every once in a while
  • meagalayne
    meagalayne Posts: 3,382 Member
    I have loads of stuff to do today, but first I'm going to procrastinate by posting recipes...

    We made this super easy soup last night. Turned out great. Serves 3 hearty bowls - Which is perfect for us!

    Cooking spray or oil
    1 medium onion, chopped
    1 large carrot, chopped
    2-3 cloves garlic, minced
    1 cup green or yellow split peas (we like green, but wtv)
    1/2lb extra lean smoked ham (PC has a great one- 110 cals per 100g), cubed quite small
    4 cups total liquid - we use half no-salt added chicken broth and half water, but use whatever you like
    2 bay leafs

    Easy - On med-high heat, cook your onions and carrots until soft. Add garlic and cook until fragrant. Toss in the split peas and ham and stir for a few more minutes. Add in liquid and bay leafs and let it come to a boil. Once it boils, reduce heat to low and simmer with the lid on for 1 1/2 to 2 hours, until the peas are falling apart. Serve with steamed veggies or bread, if you like.

    Today's lunch was a total throw-together with whatever I could find in the fridge. We had some broccoli and diced tomatoes leftover, and I had half a package of soya beancurd strips from the other night's pasta dinner, so I just improvised. Here's what went down...

    Serves 2

    1 medium onion, chopped
    1 large red bell pepper, chopped
    2 cloves garlic, minced
    2 broccoli stalks, stems only (saved tops for snacking later), sliced on the diagonal
    1 small zucchini, cut into small strips
    1 1/2 Tbsp curry powder
    1/2 tsp turmeric
    1/2 tsp cayenne
    1 1/2 cup diced tinned tomatoes, no salt added
    1/2 - 9.5oz package beancurd strips, fresh
    2 Tbsp nutritional yeast

    Cook the vegetables in a large skillet over medium heat until tender and starting to brown (I like mine caramelized a bit). Toss in spices and combine well. Add tomatoes with liquid and scrape the bottom of the pan well. Allow tomatoes to come to a simmer and then lower heat to med-low and thicken for 5 mins. Heat the beancurd strips in the microwave for 1 min and pat dry with paper towel. Toss into vegetable mixture and fold in gently. Heat through. Before serving, fold in nutritional yeast. And enjoy!

    I'm not huge on tomato sauces but with the curry it was pretty good. Here's how it looked -

    These are huge dinner plates, so you can see that the portion is pretty substantial. And it only cost me around 260 calories :bigsmile: and packed 23 grams of protein. Thank you soya beans!

    That's it for now! Off to feign productivity...
  • kris_g
    kris_g Posts: 3
    HEY there everyone!!
    Yep i'm deffo in for kicking some serious butt and making this next month and rest of the year not just a good one - but an awesome one!!
    How do i join? :)
  • finncmh
    finncmh Posts: 290
    HEY there everyone!!
    Yep i'm deffo in for kicking some serious butt and making this next month and rest of the year not just a good one - but an awesome one!!
    How do i join? :)

    kris_g- welcome to the group and great job on getting started! Introduce yourself a bit to the group and come up with some goals for the remainder of the month. Most people do one scale goal and then a bunch of non-scale goals. Some people do all non-scale goals. Whatever works for you. find the most recent list of goals should be one on this page and ad your name to the bottom with your goals. Then check in as much or as little as you want over the next few weeks. welcome :bigsmile:
  • hippiechel
    hippiechel Posts: 170 Member
    @finncmh - hope you have fun at your cabin! it will be nice to get away from technology : )

    @tjradd73/Tara - wow barely a week into march and you're almost halfway to your calories burned goal! way to go! here's wishing both of you luck. i love playing tennis too!

    @wardiemelissa/Melissa - that's so cool to hear about your daughter, i would have been sooo proud.

    @kbellnurse - sorry to hear about the problems that you have been having. i think so many of us are here for you and we don't mind if you spill your heart to us all the time. i'm not married or anything, so i don't feel qualified dishing you any advice. all i can stay is be strong and i hope things turn out better soon! you guys are still learning to work with each other, so it's really part of the journey.

    QOTD- If you could buy one outfit what would it be? THIS -

    also, not sure if any of you have tried overnight oats, but i like it! it's something different from my regular cereal routine. i've been trying to get back into eating oats and stuff again. i used a rye/barley/oats blend from trader joe's instead of just oats, and it worked fine. -

    Raspberry Carob Vegan Overnight Oats
    Yield: 1 serving

    Base Ingredients:
    * 1/3 cup regular oats
    * 2 tbsp chia seeds
    * 1 cup organic soy milk (or milk of choice)
    * 1.5 tbsp carob powder
    * Sweetener, if preferred

    Topping ideas:
    * Raspberries or other berries/fruit
    * Nuts/Seeds
    * Granola
    * Nut butter

    Directions: In a bowl, mix together the dry ingredients (oats, chia seeds, carob powder). Whisk in the milk until all clumps are gone. Place in the fridge overnight or for at least 30 minutes. Stir well before adding on the toppings. Serves 1.

    For the base ingredients:
    * 352 kcals
    * 15 grams fat (2g sat fat, 6000mg Omega-3, 1819mg Omega-6) <—thank you chia seeds!
    * 45 grams carbs
    * 18 grams fibre
    * 16 grams protein
    * 7 grams sugar

    AFM - i am gonna have to adjust my march goals. i am gonna think about what i can and want to achieve this month and i'm gonna edit the list. first, i broke things off with the guy i am dating. i am definitely bummed about it. i had an issue with his weed habit. he gets away with is because he is crazy smart (he's able to go to a bio test 40 min late, only has 20 min to complete his test, and is high, and still tops the class at 110%). we are still talking, but i just don't know if i want to be with someone who has to smoke weed all the time!

    also, i have exercised a grand total of ONE time this month. horrible i know. doesn't make up for the fact that i am pretty sure i'm falling sick. woke up with a headache, a sore throat, and i'm super tender all over. i hardly fall sick, SO I DON'T KNOW WHAT THIS MEANS.. except it hurts to be touched. so unless i miraculously recover overnight, exercise won't be in the schedule for at least another few more days.

    the scale hasn't been moving either so i am getting super frustrated. even with exercise, and i feel like i've cut down my eating a lot, AND i have not really binged in a while either. WHYYY!!! my clothes are still snug on me. super discouraging..

    hope everyone else is doing great this monday!
  • tjradd73
    tjradd73 Posts: 3,495 Member
    Cait-thanks so much! I am really trying to get my son into a healthy lifestyle so he doesn't need to be learning it in his adult stage of life!! And I try to pick reasonable goals for myself that I can hit or at least come close to...but that still pushes me :) Hope you have a great vaca with your fiance...we will be here when you get back :) and Great job on your loss...even though I know it's never your main concern :)

    Meag-I am not a big fan of split pea and ham...but your recipe sounds yum so I may have to try it!! thanks!

    kris-welcome to the group! can't wait to see what goals you have for the month :)

    lola-thanks for the luck! I am doing pretty well with my cals so far...but I won't be working out (cept for bowling and hiking) over the next 4 days since my bf took some days off and will be here like I said:) Now for my input on your ex-bf...weed smokers never change...I dated someone who was a pothead for a few months and all it did was get in the way of what we were doing, make him a little "sluggish" on his convos, also made me feel like a loser dating are better off without him and def deserve someone better :) now for the wokring out and will see results eventually, remember that when working out muscels do retain water, and muscle weighs more than be sure to take your measurements on occassion!! also be sure that you are eating enough....the fable of "starvation mode" is true!! keep on trecking and progress will start showing!! :)

    AFM-not too much going on here...kinda stressful day with filling out paperwork for the divorce and calling different paralegals and such...but I also was way to busy to binge due to that's a plus too!! Other than in a decent WO this morning...20minutes on the elliptical and 17 minutes of arm weights. My friend gave me a great idea for using a deck of cards and picking 5 different exercises to do (mine are all arms this month). then doing how many ever reps you draw for each exercise and keep on drawing until you get through the deck. 2=2... J,Q,K=10 and A=15. My exercises for the day were 1. tricep kickbacks, 2. bicep curls, 3.tricep dips, 4.shoulder press with rotator cuff, and 5. lateral raises. so it switches it up a little bit and makes it a little more bearable for me :)
  • wardiemelissa
    wardiemelissa Posts: 365 Member
    Melissa - Dinner tonight sounds great! :happy: When should I get there? Fab "race" this weekend and great pace. Your running is so inspiring! I am so glad that you are continuing to see progress and well on your way to an amazing finish in your 1/2 next month. Really proud of you! And am currently living vicariously through your runs - so don't quit now hahaha Not that I think you would ever consider it :tongue:

    Nope wouldn't quit now have too much of my blook, sweat, and tears invested :laugh: Hoping strength and stretching went well for you so you can get a little run in tomorrow...will be thinking of you!!! Dinner was pretty good! Girls loved the cashews and the broccoli the most. Going to make a honey glazed pork tenderloin tomorrow night with brussel sprouts and garlic mashed potatoes...we shall see :love: it looked and sounded good!!!
  • wardiemelissa
    wardiemelissa Posts: 365 Member
    AFM-not too much going on here...kinda stressful day with filling out paperwork for the divorce and calling different paralegals and such...but I also was way to busy to binge due to that's a plus too!! Other than in a decent WO this morning...20minutes on the elliptical and 17 minutes of arm weights. My friend gave me a great idea for using a deck of cards and picking 5 different exercises to do (mine are all arms this month). then doing how many ever reps you draw for each exercise and keep on drawing until you get through the deck. 2=2... J,Q,K=10 and A=15. My exercises for the day were 1. tricep kickbacks, 2. bicep curls, 3.tricep dips, 4.shoulder press with rotator cuff, and 5. lateral raises. so it switches it up a little bit and makes it a little more bearable for me :)

    sorry to hear about the divorce...know that we are all here thinking of you during this stressful time! I love the idea of the deck of cards...always love a good gamble :laugh:
  • meagalayne
    meagalayne Posts: 3,382 Member
    Melissa - Dinner tonight sounds great! :happy: When should I get there? Fab "race" this weekend and great pace. Your running is so inspiring! I am so glad that you are continuing to see progress and well on your way to an amazing finish in your 1/2 next month. Really proud of you! And am currently living vicariously through your runs - so don't quit now hahaha Not that I think you would ever consider it :tongue:

    Nope wouldn't quit now have too much of my blook, sweat, and tears invested :laugh: Hoping strength and stretching went well for you so you can get a little run in tomorrow...will be thinking of you!!! Dinner was pretty good! Girls loved the cashews and the broccoli the most. Going to make a honey glazed pork tenderloin tomorrow night with brussel sprouts and garlic mashed potatoes...we shall see :love: it looked and sounded good!!!
    Pork tenderloin is a fave of mine, as you know! And I was planning on roasting brussel sprouts tomorrow, too :tongue: For lunch though and only if I have time. I am taking advantage of tomorrow being Fat Tuesday and allowing myself a carb-loaded pancake dinner! Have some left-overs from today that I'll be having at some point as well, plus I need to make protein brownies. We'll see if I have time :happy: Enjoy your dinner though it sounds fab!
  • meagalayne
    meagalayne Posts: 3,382 Member
    Lola - ohsheglows is one of my favourite sites! Love her blog and all her recipes... Overnight oats are yummmmy and I can't wait to experiment more with them in the summer. Had carob/cocoa/chia/strawberry oats for breakfast today actually (with greek yogurt) and have to say that carob is not nearly as yummy as cocoa powder. I've been trying to adopt it as a substitute but it's just *not* happening. Have tried quite a few of her recipes, and altered some as well, and generally just really lover her blog. Glad you're onto it as well! :happy:

    AFM - I made it to a Body Flex class today and was determined to get a kick *kitten* burn and really pump some iron. I wanted to feel like I'd actually had a workout - and I succeeded! I refused to allow myself to rest for 52 mins straight. Weights, abs, plyo, jogging, weights, abs, plyo, jogging, and around we go. It was great! And my foot was surprisingly cooperative. At first I was very cautious but it was really positive and didn't pain me too much. My toes were numb and tingly, which concerned me a bit, but overall it was good. Since the snow is melting and it's supposed to be sunny tomorrow afternoon, I'm going to try and go for another jog... Slow and steady, just feel it out. Definitely not pushing myself too hard. I'm pretty resigned to having missed several weeks of 1/2 training, but I don't think it's too late just yet to be ready for May 15th if i am able to get back to full time training by late March/early Apr. I have some catching up to do but it would be totally impossible. Thinking my 1000 miles in 2011 goal is shot, but I'm going to keep the ticker for now and just keep my fingers crossed that the foot improves.

    Tomorrow's jam packed with cooking, errands, job apps, jogging, and then apartment hunting with Ty once again. We've got a few places to check out in the evening and then we're having dinner with the folks and doing who knows what else. Busy busy. I'll try to stay on top of the boards though - like always!

    That's it for me! Sleep well everyone. Much love :heart:
  • kbellnurse
    Before bed and all is it's usual uproar here in the ghetto. The police are over (as in old friends for dinner haha) towing an abandoned car that's been in front of our house.

    Earlier today when I was at the library I had a kind of scary experience. (That I thought I'd share...) I had just gotten into my car after picking up my holds (two yoga DVD's and an XBOX game for the husband) when a man walked across the busy street to stand in front of my drivers window. I had to pull out into traffic and would have had to have gone THROUGH him in order to ignore him, so I figured I had to unroll the window and see what he wanted. As previous mentioned I live in the "ghetto". I know this is kind of an overused term but I live in the roughest area of my city. Basically in the "inner city" where it seems that all our city officials have forgotten about us! My husband bought the house here before we were married as a "fixer upper" and we are now stuck here until either I finish school or his company takes off. Needless to say it's been quite the adjustment from the suburbs type area I lived in before to sharing my property with prostitutes! Anyway..I digress. Man at my window. Now usually I would assume he was going to ask for money. As I am constantly asked for money. Or the use of my cell phone. etc. I actually just had a man here at 10pm offering to shovel my walks..random. Anyway - I roll down my window and smile at the guy. He's a middle aged aboriginal man, looks a little rough with his hoodie up and a backpack. I say
    he says
    "This is MY country! Get the F*** OUT!" and walks away..

    Lets just say getting into first gear was a little shaky. I was torn between crying and running him over.

    I told my husband the story when I got home. (As exhibit Z as to why we need to move ASAP) he thought it was a bit distressing but his only advice was " shoulda run him over!".. that's a real solution! haha..


    Our fighting today was limited to a brief argument about the nature of the term "racism" which was totally stupid and I don't know how it even started. (this was before the library incident) We ended on a good note and had a (mostly) nice evening.

    Cops are gone so I'm thinking I shall pour myself into bed. mmm nyquil induced sleep. Thought I'd post my "proposed" meal plan for tomorrow and then check back tomorrow and say if i accomplished it!

    1 - weight watchers english muffin with 1 egg and 1 slice of cheese (I can't shake this egg kick!)
    2-apple&cinnamon with 1tbsp nat PB
    3-rotisserie chicken (white meat) with 100cal wrap. Veggies & 2 tbsp spicy hummus
    4-greek yogurt (1/2c) and frozen berries (or PWO shake if I get up the drive (and am able to breath through my nose) and workout)
    5-roasted butternut squash/tandoori soup (all this talking about it made me want to make it! mmm)

    good night girls. :-)
  • tjradd73
    tjradd73 Posts: 3,495 Member

    sorry to hear about the divorce...know that we are all here thinking of you during this stressful time! I love the idea of the deck of cards...always love a good gamble :laugh:

    Thanks Melissa- no worries on the divorce though...we have been separated for over a year and I haven't been more happy then I am now :)

    and as for the cards..I live in Vegas, so of course I am all for a good gamble too!! LOL
  • tjradd73
    tjradd73 Posts: 3,495 Member
    Meag-what a great WO!!! Glad your foot held out for careful!!!

    kbell-sorry I can't ever remember everyone's name!! First of all, glad that you and your hubby had a pretty good night :) Secondly...I know it's not funny...but with me working in a "NOT so great" area of Vegas....I have to laugh at your crazy man!! I get asked for money, cigs, my phone, and get talked to about weird *kitten* all of the time on my breaks!! Sorry he creeped you out...glad that you didn't run him over!! LOL