Kicking *kitten* In Our Twenties - March Challenge!!



  • @tjradd - Your name is Tara? (I'm taking it from your signature) I dont want to just say "Tara" if it's not! haha. My name is Erin. I actually dont think I'd posted my name yet. Not intentionally avoiding it - just hadn't gotten around to it i guess, Yeah I imagine we could swap some good stories. Although Vegas I'm sure trumps all! Glad to read that you are happy with the divorce (is "happy" the right word?) We deserve to be he happy even if that's not doing what "everyone else" thinks is right! :)
  • tjradd73
    tjradd73 Posts: 3,495 Member
    quick update on cals's on my ticker!!! almost half way done for the month! yah! gotta go get my oil changed now...have a great day everyone:)
  • lostalykat
    lostalykat Posts: 683 Member
    Lola- It sounds like some reevaluating might be in order. Also are you making sure that you are eating enough cals. Weird I know but as it has been mentioned tons of times sometimes you need to eat more to lose weight. I don’t know your specifics but I would look at what you are eating and how many cals you need a day. Sorry the guy you were dating is a not turning out to be a good fit. But there are too many fish in the sea to worry about a lame one hehe, try to not let it get you down.

    Meag- Great job getting in a kick *kitten* workout! I am sure you did great and kicked *kitten* as usual.

    AFM- Feeling really good today. I splurged on dinner last night but ate really good the rest of the day and I plan to be good with my workouts and food for the rest of the week so I am not going to let it get me down. I am somewhat looking forward to my swim tonight since I haven’t swam since Thursday and my body needs it. I also only have 2 weeks of build left then it is taper time for the race. It is all happening so fast! I am going to go shopping for Hawaii clothing essentials this weekend yay! I might not even weigh myself this week because TOM started today... I am still debating. I woke up early to make my boy and I a delicious healthy lunch for today! I got some Precooked wild rice from trader joes (all natural only ingredients is rice and water) and was able to saute some fresh veggies and chicken this morning. Then I grated fresh Parmesan and put it on top. Going to be super yummy! Life is going really good right now and I am getting better and better at not sweating the small stuff. I might adjust my overall goal as well for my weight. We will see how things go after Hawaii. I swear I am not rubbing it in hehe. Have a great day peeps.

    QOTD yesterday answer
    so after some thought I decided my dream outfit would be a very sheik summer outfit. Fitted Bermuda shorts, chunky woven wedge sandals, a fitted bright top with some outlandish jewelery, also a summer hat. If I find this outfit online Ill post it hehe.

    what is one type of fitness that you either really want to get into or miss doing and want to get back into.
    For me it is Yoga! Today I bought a deal online for $20 bucks unlimited classes, the bummer is they don’t have too many evening classes but considering where it is located I think I would go more on the weekend anyways. The good thing is it will force me to get back into yoga when I get back from Hawaii. Very excited about that! I hope I like the studio so I go every weekend, but considering how expensive yoga is ;It is still a great deal even if I only go to 2 classes.
  • chris_elizabeth
    chris_elizabeth Posts: 49 Member
    hey everyone! hope everyone's week is going well so far!!
    i thought i would just touch base and say a big HELLOOOO to all my fellow kick *kitten* twenties! haha
  • KanCrav
    KanCrav Posts: 439 Member
    ahhh... Ive been soo sick that I cant wrap my head around this prgram yet, but I am trying!~!~! The people are great, and there is a girl in my group!~! Thank God!~!~! I have tons of "homework" and reading to do, but I cant keep my head down long enough before my sinuses start hurting soooooo bad!~! Ahhhh.

    Also, eating out is going to KILL ME!~!~! I didnt realize how hard it was to eat without having my own kitchen. Hopfully I get to go to the commisary so I can get some stuff for my room. Only prob is that we are not allowed to leave post and there is no commisary on post. AND all i have is a mini fridge and a microwave. Ohhh jeez, this is going to be fun. Oh well, we will see how it works out.

    Thank you for all the support everyone!~!~! Ill get back as soon as I can!~!
  • jbars11
    jbars11 Posts: 71
    @tjradd - Your name is Tara? (I'm taking it from your signature) I dont want to just say "Tara" if it's not! haha. My name is Erin. I actually dont think I'd posted my name yet. Not intentionally avoiding it - just hadn't gotten around to it i guess, Yeah I imagine we could swap some good stories. Although Vegas I'm sure trumps all! Glad to read that you are happy with the divorce (is "happy" the right word?) We deserve to be he happy even if that's not doing what "everyone else" thinks is right! :)

    It's interesting learning your name is Erin! You've been Kelly in mind....I think it's because of your name and one of my good friends is Kelly and I call her Kell Bell...hee hee. I'll now start referring to you as Erin in my mind.
  • lostalykat
    lostalykat Posts: 683 Member
    How is everyone doing today?

    I personally feel super bloated/bla since its that fun of the monthly visit bla. I am still going to swim tonight no matter what!
  • mkingraham
    mkingraham Posts: 445 Member
    Good Afternoon Everyone!

    It felt so weird today not logging on to MFP right away this morning, but I am crazy busy at work today. Working on a project that has to be ready for the Executive VP on Thursday and thus needs to go to the Senior VP by Wednesday which means myself and the business unit manager need to get everything done today- oh and did I mention I found out this morning?

    But the good part is that I get to stay nice and busy! I would much rather be slammed at work then have nothing to do. The downside- not being able to check in with you awesome peeps!

    I am doing really great on food today- I am so in love with oats, cinnamon, and vanilla greek yogurt. BEST BREAKFAST EVER! So thank you Meag for always talking about it. Now when I am getting my food packed the night before I am packing my breakfast and I say yum out loud and my hubby looks at me like I'm crazy :)

    On deck for this afternoon/evening is another attempt at running. I missed spin because I had to drop my dog off to get spayed. She turns 6 months old in a week and since we adopted her we have to get her fixed in the month that she turns six months old by law. I am in 100% support of this law because there are already so many animals that need homes that you shouldn't be breeding an animal that you adopted.

    Any who- I hope my attempt at 2.5 miles today is an improvement over yesterday. And I really appreciate everyone's support. I am sure to tell myself that the fact I am even out there doing it is a 100 million times improvement over what I was doing just 2 short months ago. Well I have a meeting in 4 minutes, but I wanted to drop in and say Hi while I could. Catch up with you wonderful ladies later!

  • meagalayne
    meagalayne Posts: 3,382 Member
    Quick run in-and-out of here...

    Erin - I always thought you were a Kelly too :laugh: Weird! Anyway, I totally live in the "ghetto" as well and always have. You should see the bar I'm working at. Oh my. The other day I was asked out by a guy with a street name - I'm not even kidding. I can empathize. It's terrifying at times but there are upsides - like how incredibly cheap the cost of living is. Pros and cons, like anything. Hope you were able to stick to your meal plan for the day! I think it's a great idea to post it here if you want to be accountable. Let us know!

    Megan - "Thank you Meag for never shutting up about oats, cinnamon and yogurt" :laugh: Love it! And you're welcome! Hope you had some fruit with it as well. Cooked apples is soooo good with oats and cinnamon. Or nectarines. Or blueberries... Banana... Basically anything :bigsmile: Yoatgurt! Im on an apple cinnamon kick atm but I went through a pumpkin and walnut phase and then through a fresh blueberry and banana phase. Keep experimenting!

    Well - I went for a run today and it was glorious! My cardio was totally *kitten* but I ran 2.59 miles straight at a 9:39 min/mile pace and my foot felt pretty damn good :bigsmile: Not perfect or wonderful, but good. It was nice to get out there and just run. 25 mins later and I felt like I could maybe get back into this. I am definitely not going to be running back on my training schedule just yet, but at least a few times a week and trying to build back up to my long runs. I may even run the 5k race this weekend and see how I fare ...

    I have lots I want to post here, wrt weigh-ins and expectations, food and a few other tidbits, but it'll have to wait! Shower time and then making pancakes for shrove tuesday! Harvest Grain & Nut pancakes tonight - adapted from a copycat Ihop recipe :drinker: Stoked!

    Enjoy your nights, ladies :heart:
  • Kandace - so glad to hear from you! I'm thinking of you! Sucks about the microwave/mini fridge situation - but if you find a way to make it work, you're a superhero! Also in my personal humble opinion - this time right now is really important for you to work on yourself and what's most important. Don't let the food thing bring you down. (You're thinking - I read this girls posts, she's the LAST person to give me this advice. - but we can all give the advice we need even if we can't listen to it! haha) I just did a Leslie Sansone walking video and there was this part where she said 'If you have a bad day - you didn't get your meals in - you didn't get your workout in, that's okay!! Just promise me you wont quit!" Not that it isnt' something we don't already know but it's good to hear! I'll say a prayer for you tonight ;)

    @jbars & @meag - haha Kelly? really?! That's hilarious. I picked the "kbell" for "kettlebell". I half stole it from Lauren Brook's youtube username which is kbellqueen. (she makes the kettlbell workouts that i love). Maybe kelly is my internet alter ego? haha!

    My meals today ended up very close to my original plan. Just a couple teeny substitutes. I'm still feeling a bit under the weather but I did a 3mile walk video. Got a little sweat on and it was good. Had my PWO shake and a 90calorie bag of cinnamon rice cakes. (So not "real" food but soo delicious) I'm adding a piece of toast to go with the soup tonight too because my cal's were too low.

    Plan for tomorrow's meals
    #1 - ww english muffin, egg & cheese
    #2 - apple with cinnamon and 1 tbsp nat PB
    #3 - leftover squash soup with toast
    #4 - PWO shake & crackers (may be switched with #2 depending on schedule)
    #5 - homemade chicken & veg soup (with my rotisserie chicken bones)

    Ps - Anyone here every tried PB2? I don't think that it's available in Canada and this one fitness model on my twitter is always going on about it. I ordered a sample pack that comes with 4 servings for like 2.99. I'm kind of torn on it because I really do try to eat "real food" (with the exception of my protein powder and the odd "snack pack") and I do believe in healthy fats like what's in PB. It's just such a caloric blow! 1 teeny tbsp, I can barely get a tiny little scrape on each slice of apple and it's like 100 calories, BAM. I have some almond butter that I'm pretty sure rocks an 11g fat per tbsp punch! Thought it'd be something to try. :)

    P.P.S - I looked at post yesterday about those vibram five finger shoes!!?? I'm so excited, I want some!! I think they'd be perfect for kettlebells which you should technically do barefoot (not really realistic in a gym and i'm always slipping around the carpet in my house) Anyone every tried them either?

    Sorry i'm such a chatty Cathy (or is it kelly? haha) lately!
  • wardiemelissa
    wardiemelissa Posts: 365 Member
    :heart: Running....I love you :heart: you are the reason why at the end of some days I am still sane!!! I had a very stressful day at work...just feeling down and out. Day started off bad and by the time I got home was just depressed because I knew I wasn't going to have time to get my run in. My husband could tell I was "off" and asked me what was wrong...then he said...go. I don't normally like to run at dusk but I NEEDED it!!!! I felt like Forest Gump tonight...I just kept running and running and didn't stop. I left each and every thing that bothered me behind and the weight just continued to fall off my shoulders allowing me to run even faster. By the time I finished my 5 miles my time was 46:27 (9:17 min pace). That is my fastest run EVER!!! Super excited about my pace! Walked in the house with a clear head and HAPPY once again :happy: This just goes to show that not only is running good for your physical health but also just as important for your mental health!!!

    My name is Melissa...and I am a runaholic :heart:

    On another note...dinner tonight was AWESOME...according to my 5 year old. I have to admit I was a little nervous since I have never made pork tenderloin before or homemade mashed potatoes OR brussel sprouts!!! I have not even eaten brussel sprouts since I was a kid and if my memory serves me right...I HATED THEM!!! :noway:

    I baked the brussel sprouts with some garlic and olive oil and they were crunchy and garlicy and YUMMY!!!! 45 minute tempo run tomorrow and making a GM and a tofu scramble for dinner...girls requested oatmeal pancakes. I :heart: breakfast for dinner :love:

    Good night everyone!
  • atrayubrandy
    atrayubrandy Posts: 188 Member
    I decided to try the spin class again today. I guess I was feeling brave because I had a scale breakthrough this morning. I am now in my 150's instead of my 160's. That makes me very happy! The spin class still kicked my butt, however, I didn't feel like I was going to die like I did on Thursday. :-)
  • meagalayne
    meagalayne Posts: 3,382 Member
    :heart: Running....I love you :heart: you are the reason why at the end of some days I am still sane!!! I had a very stressful day at work...just feeling down and out. Day started off bad and by the time I got home was just depressed because I knew I wasn't going to have time to get my run in. My husband could tell I was "off" and asked me what was wrong...then he said...go. I don't normally like to run at dusk but I NEEDED it!!!! I felt like Forest Gump tonight...I just kept running and running and didn't stop. I left each and every thing that bothered me behind and the weight just continued to fall off my shoulders allowing me to run even faster. By the time I finished my 5 miles my time was 46:27 (9:17 min pace). That is my fastest run EVER!!! Super excited about my pace! Walked in the house with a clear head and HAPPY once again :happy: This just goes to show that not only is running good for your physical health but also just as important for your mental health!!!

    My name is Melissa...and I am a runaholic :heart:

    On another note...dinner tonight was AWESOME...according to my 5 year old. I have to admit I was a little nervous since I have never made pork tenderloin before or homemade mashed potatoes OR brussel sprouts!!! I have not even eaten brussel sprouts since I was a kid and if my memory serves me right...I HATED THEM!!! :noway:

    I baked the brussel sprouts with some garlic and olive oil and they were crunchy and garlicy and YUMMY!!!! 45 minute tempo run tomorrow and making a GM and a tofu scramble for dinner...girls requested oatmeal pancakes. I :heart: breakfast for dinner :love:

    Good night everyone!
    I love every single thing about this post! :bigsmile: You are such an inspiration!

    Love that you rocked dinner. Love that your girls are learning so many healthy habits from you. Love that your husband GETS it. Love that I can see how much running has changed you - physically and emotionally - in many of the ways that it's changed me for the better. It makes me ecstatic to read this, Melissa and I am so happy for you! :bigsmile:

    What a wonderful message to read before bed. Can't wait to hit the streets full time once again and get back into my running grove.

    Read the phrase "Live for the run" on a blog ( today and it made me smile... It means so much more than any non-runner can know. It means enjoy the journey, enjoy the pain and be cognizant of our bodies and our spirit (mind, mental health, whatever you like), and to find calm amidst the storm. To find inner strength and peace while our bodies are racing - it's such a foreign concept to those who don't run for sport. Running is punishment - at least to most people. But for us it's release. We live for it. We live BY it. She writes:

    "...I have somehow landed in a place where the mental part of my workouts are meeting with the physical demands. I no longer want to workout to maintain my bad nutritional habits, I am looking for balance. Weeks are full of peaks an valleys and it’s learning the little adjustments I can make to alleviate those spikes and dips, understanding the impact of my decisions.

    You rush a miracle man, you get rotten miracles. Live for the run."

    It just really struck a chord with me. I guess with all my "rest" these days, and missing my runs, I have been pining for that release. The relationship I have with running now is something I could have never imagined as a "forever-fat" person. I was explaining this to a very good friend recently and it brought tears to my eyes to think about how much running has changed my life. It's been profoundly transformational. I never in a million years thought I would appreciate my body for all that it is capable of, or that I would look in the mirror and be proud of what I see. I never thought I'd be this happy with who I have become. And I feel very honoured to be able to share my journey with all of you :flowerforyou:

    Enough gushing :blushing: Made some awesome pancakes tonight for Shrove Tuesday - Not the healthiest, but not bad either. A take on a recipe I found online. Oats, WW flour, baking soda, baking powder, cinnamon, eggs, applesauce, buttermilk, sugar, and some chopped nuts. Pretty yum! I didn't even us syrup or honey - just ate them as is with a little fruit salad and some turkey bacon. A bit of an unusual meal for me but what the heck! It was an unusual day :happy:

    Going to roast some veggies tomorrow, I think, including some brussel sprouts. No other meal plan for the day, surprisingly! YogaFit in the AM and then possibly some X-Training... We'll see what I conjure up in the morning. Hope everyone had a fab day. I'll be posting my thoughts on weigh-ins and expectations tomorrow when I've got some time. I didn't even intend on posting tonight, but Melissa's update really inspired me!

    Goodnight, ladies! :heart:
  • Fitnurse27
    Fitnurse27 Posts: 71 Member
    Hello Everyone!
    I'm a bit excited today. I just rechecked my measurements for the first time since February and....
    I lost 1 inch from my chest, 1/4 inch from my waist, and 1 inch from my hips! :happy:

    This is the encouragement I need. As I said before I put on muscle really easily which I know most people would be happy about, but it is really discouraging to not see a change on the scale. I'm hoping over time the scale will eventually keep going down again even with the extra muscle. I used to avoid any weight training at all and focus on cardio as it was the only way for me to lose weight on the scale, but I'm working on losing fat now and building muscle.

    Today I'm going to do the gym to do my c25k, and will hopefully do the shred when I come home! Have a great day!
  • eleanoreb
    eleanoreb Posts: 621 Member
    Hey everyone,
    pretty busy at work so this will be quick.. I had oatmeal for breakfast with some cocoa powder and mixed in tofu desert for extra protein.. was delicious!

    hope you are all having a good day!!
  • jbars11
    jbars11 Posts: 71
    @fincmh- enjoy your time away chica!!! sounds wonderful to me =)

    @meag- happy to read that you're running again...wahoo...

    @kbell- Erin, I would go with the 'alter ego Kelly' hee hee....glad to just read I'm not the only one that picture you as a Kelly!

    I am headed back to water aerobics today and I'm SO EXCITED :bigsmile:
    The weather here is very crappy and very snowy....but I'm not letting a little snow keep me from the pool tonight. Getting out of work a little early to try a new spinach tortellini soup recipe for dinner....I will fill you all in on it tomorrow!!

    I am way behind on for the fitness I miss...I would say zumba and 'land classes'. I guess that also goes hand in hand with missing working out minus all the jiggly parts....but I'm working on it.....slowly but surely I'm losing the jiggly parts.....Happy Wednesday Everyone :tongue:
  • GuamGrly
    GuamGrly Posts: 600 Member
    Happy Hump Day all!!

    Just got finished catching up with everyone's posts since Friday so I am not even going to begin to respond to everyone.

    AFM...just trying to get through each day and not let life get me down. Still adjusting to my demotion. Stood up to my boss for the first time in over 4 years. He didn't like it but after talking with him yesterday, I eventually caved and told him that I would train the new girl. I'm a team player and I refuse to become a bitter b!tch because of this whole situation. But on top of my job woes, my bf got suspended from his job and could possibly lose his job. I think that if our relationship can make it through all of this drama then we just might make it. One day at a time, right?

    WO-wise...have still been doing W3 of C25K training so that I can stay on track with Meredith. Has been going well. Was doing pretty good food-wise but I think I took Fat Tuesday a little too seriously. Back on track today. Missed kickboxing last night cause I finally got to see the bf Monday night after over a week so I was super tired last night.

    Hope everyone has a wonderful day!!
  • mkingraham
    mkingraham Posts: 445 Member
    Good Afternoon Everyone-

    Don't have a lot of time to post since I am still crazy busy at work. I went to the gym after work yesterday and did 2.5 miles. It was hard but I survived. I am starting to get a small blister on the arch of my left foot- ouch! I need to make sure I am wearing the right socks and tying my shoes tight enough.

    Just trying to make it through today without completely freaking out since I have a debreifing for the Senior VP at 1:30 today and I really need to be prepared to fight some battles with regards to the business unit. Stressful!

    Any who- I hope everyone has a great day and I will try and catch up this evening.

  • seripha
    seripha Posts: 92
    Megan - Good luck on your debriefing! Stick to your guns and present your case confidently and firmly and I'm sure you'll kick butt :)

    GuamGrly - Wow all this stuff that's going on with you and your loved ones is BRUTAL. If you don't mind, I'll be praying for you and your fam over the next little while. Hopefully with all these doors closing a really awesome window will open.

    jbars - Have fun in water aerobics! Whenever I guarded at a pool and that class was going on, people looked like they were having so much fun!

    Eleanoreb - Sounds very yummy :) Oatmeal is usually my go to as well.

    Rachelly - That's awesome to hear about inches loss. I'm in the same boat. I put on muscle really quickly and often before I've lost the fat I want to lose. It'd be awesome if we were dudes because then it would be easy for us to bulk up, but as women it's frustrating because we want to be strong and fit but TRIM.

    AFM - I'm still putting on muscle and not losing the fat I want to lose (and therefore gaining weight), but I'm hoping that being very good about being more balanced in my diet I can keep my strength but lose that clinging fat. I have to say though, it sucks to do the weigh in and see no change or it go up a little bit. I know I'm losing inches, which is very important but I'd really like to be under 150 lbs. I haven't done it since.... highschool. I'm sure if I was going for pure weightloss I could just diet the heck out of my body and get down there easy peasy - but I want to be fit, toned, and able to compete in the Can Ams either this May or the one following. I wouldn't be able to do that if I just went for weight. So I'm trying to be positive and just focus on getting my regular work outs in and eating more balanced like.

    ALSO I gave up refined and artificial sugars for Lent this year. This is the first time I've done something for Lent in a while so I'm thinking it will be good for my body and my soul :) So no baked goods, candies, chocolate, or added sugar things in anything until Easter Monday. I am allowing myself to have low sugar yogurt and apple cinnamon cheerios as my "treats". I also do intent to explore a variety of different fruits too which is perfect as spring is just around the corner :)

    I hope everyone is well. Been kind of depressed about my progress this past month and have been avoiding this thread because I felt that if I didn't have good news and regular losses like everyone else on my friends list seems to have, I wasn't doing well. Which is ridiculous because I've come so far and I'm doing so well, but you know how crazy us girls can be.
  • lostalykat
    lostalykat Posts: 683 Member
    Melissa- That was such a great post about your day. As usual you are ever inspiring :) I know the feeling of a good workout making the bad day just melt away.

    Meag- Your post almost brought tears sitting at my desk. It truly is amazing having a transformation like that and learning to love yourself after so many years of pain and hate. I know how you feel :) so glad you could share a little about yourself.

    AFM- I am super emotional right now, not in a bad way just in an emotional way. Almost cried 2 times already at work from reading this blog as well as a letter my mom wrote me. I have another great healthy lunch planned and I finished the last of my crockpot oats this morning, I will have to make another batch when I get more steel oats. My lovely boyfriend came to the gym with my last night and even thought I didn’t want to swim(for some reason I am just over it) I rocked a 50 minute swim. I really need new goggles. Other than being a little frustrated with my job life is really good right now and I can’t complain. I am going to not Weigh in tomorrow since I am so crampy and bloated I just don’t want to. No biggie I will check it next week. Tonight I am running with the team, one of our last weekday runs together, kind of sad I really love these peeps but I need a break honestly. Then we have another big weekend of running and biking ahead!

    QOTD- You are on a deserted Island and you can only bring 5 things...What do you bring?

    1. Sneakers for running
    2. workout capris
    3. bikini
    4. Boyfriend
    5. warm blanket :)
This discussion has been closed.