&-Week Challenge Team Europe / UK



  • Boooie
    Boooie Posts: 110
    Dont know how well i will lose this week... was having chest pains this weekend and woke up monday to have them worse and left arm was numb so dr sent me to hospital to make sure i wasnt having a heart attack, i sat there thinking hows that im only 38 lol tests all came back ok thankfully but waiting to see a chest specialist now.Apparently where they will hook me up to a treadmill to see what happens when im working out on it i suppose, hope they count the calories i burn! lol
    Anyway not expecting much loss this week as i normally do loads of exercise, gonna do my zumba dvd in a bit and see how i go and then just try do that a few times a week till i finished getting my check overs done.
    Hope your all having a fab week :)

    Mandy xx
  • Eviesmum
    Eviesmum Posts: 270 Member
    aww Mandy - hope they find out what's causing it and that either its just a blip or something easy to treat. X
  • Stacebob85
    Oh man, I hope it's all good Mandy xxx Chest problems are the worst; when I was having tests and xrays and ultrasounds done I was more worried about getting the girls out for the doctors than the test themselves!

    Not sure how I'm going to do this week either; been doing some exercise and stuff but pigged out a little as well, so probably cancelled out any good I've done :S
  • Boooie
    Boooie Posts: 110
    lmao @ girls the dr i saw when doing the ecg said can i just lift your boobie doobies haha i said no ill lift my own thanks lol
    didnt realise that was a techincal term boobie doobies pmsl x
  • nikkiws
    nikkiws Posts: 164
    Hope they get to the bottom of the chest pain quickly mandy and you feel better soon.

    I am having a rubbish food day, chose a big fat dirty burger and chips at the pub at lunch time and a carb laden breakfast. Suspect weight gain may be on the cards this week.

    Are we weighing in on Sunday according to jitterbug? Think that will throw things out for me!
  • nikkiws
    nikkiws Posts: 164
    Oh man, I hope it's all good Mandy xxx Chest problems are the worst; when I was having tests and xrays and ultrasounds done I was more worried about getting the girls out for the doctors than the test themselves!

    Not sure how I'm going to do this week either; been doing some exercise and stuff but pigged out a little as well, so probably cancelled out any good I've done :S

    Lol stacebob! I love the term 'the girls'
    My worst fears came true during childbirth... the dinner lady poked her head round the door and offered me lunch while I had all on show and my legs in stirrups. Oh and the doctor was fit!
  • Eviesmum
    Eviesmum Posts: 270 Member
    Haha Nikki, my consultant was gorgeous too. I was being kept in because of being pre-ecalmptic (is that even a real word) and had to have loads of internals. When the consultant walked in my DP was laughing his head off, he was bloody gorgeous.

    He even came and visited us after E was born. Lovely guy.
  • Boooie
    Boooie Posts: 110
    I was still planing on weighing in saturday :) You never know nikki you could still have a loss even with a bad day sometimes it kicks that metabolism a bit :) I managed to do my zumba dvd yesterday and still alive hahah so gonna do one more again today in the hope it helps me have a loss this week.
    I tell you what us poor women have no chance of keeping any dignity what with child birth and all the other various things we have to have done lol.
  • Stacebob85
    Ha, boobie doobies :P I had an ECG once and the consultant thought my heart rate was terribly high, until he realised that it was being caused by nerves cos I'd got my bosoms out :P After that he let me drape my hoody over myself and it settled after a bit. I'm kinda immune to them now though.

    Man, you've just listed Reason#33 in the Why Stacey Doesn't Want Kids list :P

    Weigh-in wise, I'm still gonna have to weigh on Friday as that's the only day I have access to scales (well, and today, but tomorrow gives me an extra exercise day :P). Bit mean, really, as everyone else will have 2 days more weight loss time than me, but hopefully it'll all even out by the final weigh in. Can't see me being on track for this week's target, but I'm hoping to have lost a little at least!

    Rather glad next week is the final week of the challenge though, as it's my hen weekend! Can't see any healthy eating/drinking going on there :P
  • Boooie
    Boooie Posts: 110
    Stacey if you was healthy eating at your own hen party there would be something seriously wrong lol you eat and drink what you like :)Do you have a fun night planned ? Next week ill be weighing in Friday to as the Friday night me and my mate are having a girlie night in while the men go shoot there arrows and play at being robin hood lol and i got my name on cheeky little bottle of white, maybe the vodka to and when i drink i get the munchies big time lol then the morning after the night before usually takes a nice bacon sarnie to get me recovered.
    Just reading that back im feeling guilty about having a night off ... I need to get out more lol
  • nikkiws
    nikkiws Posts: 164
    Sounds like we all deserve a little break after this challenge. It has been fun though.... I wondered if anyone would be up for continuing to weigh-in together?
  • Boooie
    Boooie Posts: 110
    I will carry on if you all want to, i think it helps keeping you motivated.. i think jitter was gonna start another for when this one ends... also i join in a monthly one if you want a link to that one to have a look x
  • Eviesmum
    Eviesmum Posts: 270 Member
    Hey there, I'd continue to weigh in here or do Jitters next challenge, I think if you tell people then you make sure you still do it properly. That doesn't make any sense :huh:

    My midweek WI was 135 which I'm really pleased about as I've pigged out on cake twice this week ::bigsmile:
  • Stacebob85
    Ha, well, I actually bought Weight Watchers wine the other weekend and it was actually pretty nice! But the hen party is already set to involve a Friday night meal followed by cheap wine at a Wetherspoons, expensive but delicious cocktails at a cocktail bar, then muchos dancing at a club night, then on Saturday it's a fancy dress house party (involving chocolate pizzas, oh my) with booze and karaoke, before a meal on Sunday with my family. Phew! Might need to move into the gym for a week or so after that lot :P

    I'd be happy to continue weighing in here if y'all like :) As well as the motivation of having to post my weigh ins out in the world, there's also the added support of having others in the same situation so I've been finding it really helpful :)
  • Eviesmum
    Eviesmum Posts: 270 Member
    Your Hen Party sounds fab - when is it, or have I missed some posts.

    < will check previous pages now :-)
  • sylvia1970
    sylvia1970 Posts: 134
    I weighed myself this morning and i've reached my 138lbs goal. YIPPEEEEEEE! soz LOL.
  • nikkiws
    nikkiws Posts: 164
    I weighed myself this morning and i've reached my 138lbs goal. YIPPEEEEEEE! soz LOL.

    Well done! Hope you aren't gonna abandon us now you are a skinny bird! X x
  • nikkiws
    nikkiws Posts: 164
    Hey there, I'd continue to weigh in here or do Jitters next challenge, I think if you tell people then you make sure you still do it properly. That doesn't make any sense :huh:

    My midweek WI was 135 which I'm really pleased about as I've pigged out on cake twice this week ::bigsmile:

    Well done! Lost weight and ate cake, two great things x x
  • nikkiws
    nikkiws Posts: 164
    Sorry for multiple postings but I just have to inform y'all of my nsv this morning...... my husband said to my son 'wow, your mummy's legs are getting skinny' ..... no one has EVER referred to my legs that way! Also this week I have seen a lot of family and friends for the first time in a couple of months and had loads of positive comments. So even if that scale hasn't gone down tomorrow, I shall remain positive!
    Huzzah! X x
  • Boooie
    Boooie Posts: 110
    ooo dont it make you feel great when you get a nice comment like that... I usually wear baggy stuff to hide the bumps and lumps lol other week other half walked in and i had a tight fitting top on and he went wow sexy haha think he might of wanted his dinner lol just now im noticing it myself which is rare for me to see, not that im sexy i mean that the weight is going haha
    good luck to us all with weigh ins tomorrow :)
    Well done on stacey i saw you lost .5 yay its going in the right direction :)