&-Week Challenge Team Europe / UK



  • Eviesmum
    Eviesmum Posts: 270 Member
    Wow well done Nikki's hubby - its comments like that which mean so much. Well done Nikki, whatever you are doing its working.

    Well done Stacebobs too - we are all doing so well here. :-)
  • nikkiws
    nikkiws Posts: 164
    Yay, another pound bites the dust, now 156 pounds... 9 pounds to go till my Target.
    Did challenge this week and had no vodka and diet cokes in the evening.
    Goal for the last week is another pound so 155.
    X x x
  • Eviesmum
    Eviesmum Posts: 270 Member
    Well done Nikki. :flowerforyou:

    Checking in for week 6

    I did the challenge - none of E's sweets and duh der duh

    I weigh 133lb exactly - so hit target and since I last did a measure I've lost 6 and half inches all over too :-)

    Good luck everyone.

    Target next week is 131 as I'm off out for a Thai tonight and it's E's birthday so there's going to be cake flying about (not literally :happy: )
  • Boooie
    Boooie Posts: 110
    yyyyyayyyyyyyyyy i lost 3lb :) done hardly any exercise compared to a normal week so maybe i wasnt eating enough before as my net calories each day was higher except the day i done 4 hours gardening... well done to everyone else to.

    last week 164lb
    this week 161lb
    next week id like to lose 1lb to take me to the goal i set
    also hit my 5 stone loss this week waaaaaahhhhoooo. Once before i lost 9 stone and put alot back on due to a back problem i could hardly walk far for a year but now im 1lb away from being back where i was when i lost the 9 stone :) this time tho id love to lose a little more maybe another 8 or 9lb over all :)
    have a brill week everyone xx
  • Eviesmum
    Eviesmum Posts: 270 Member
    yyyyyayyyyyyyyyy i lost 3lb :) done hardly any exercise compared to a normal week so maybe i wasnt eating enough before as my net calories each day was higher except the day i done 4 hours gardening... well done to everyone else to.

    last week 164lb
    this week 161lb
    next week id like to lose 1lb to take me to the goal i set
    also hit my 5 stone loss this week waaaaaahhhhoooo. Once before i lost 9 stone and put alot back on due to a back problem i could hardly walk far for a year but now im 1lb away from being back where i was when i lost the 9 stone :) this time tho id love to lose a little more maybe another 8 or 9lb over all :)
    have a brill week everyone xx

    Wow - that is so god - well done :-)
  • sylvia1970
    sylvia1970 Posts: 134
    I weighed myself this morning and i've reached my 138lbs goal. YIPPEEEEEEE! soz LOL.

    Well done! Hope you aren't gonna abandon us now you are a skinny bird! X x

    Oh no gotta keep motivated. I didnt lose any more this week though, but i'm due on this week. I'm still pleased with the 2lbs loss.
  • Stacebob85
    Starting weight: 179.5lbs
    Week 1 weight: 177.5lbs
    Week 2 weight: 176lbs
    Week 3 weight: 175lbs
    Week 4 weight: 175lbs
    Week 5 weight: 174lbs
    Week 6 goal: 172lbs
    Week 6 weight: 173.5lbs

    No biccies for me, so the challenge was fine.

    Bit disappointed given that I tried really hard last week, but trying to console myself with the idea that losing 0.5lbs is still losing, so that's all good. Not expecting much this week though as I had a terrible weekend involving cocktails and eating out twice, and I will have little to no opportunity to hit the gym this week, so I'm simply setting my Week 7 goal as 173. Not gonna make the 10lbs weight loss, but any weight loss is good by me!
  • Stacebob85
    Nice one Boooie! And everyone else, we're all doing great :)

    I've been a bit grumpy about my weight loss this week (seem to have hit a slight plateau and finding it hard to shift into the next gear) but I'd thought I'd share a completely random,l highly hilarious experience with y'all; I was walking through Birmingham City Centre the other day on my way to meet a friend. I'd gone straight from work so was wearing my new size 16 coat from New Look (which always gives me confidence as I've not been a 16 since I stopped growing after puberty) and two guys a little ways behind me were having a conversation about celeb ladies they find attractive. Their conversation turned to people on the street they'd "do" and lo and behold, they both went for me! :P Now, any normal person would probably find that offensive and mysoginistic, but since most of my interactions with strangers in public have been them shouting fat-based insults at me, this felt great! I was tempted to turn around and hug them, but figured that might give them the wrong idea :P
  • Eviesmum
    Eviesmum Posts: 270 Member
    Cool thanks Sylvia :-)
  • nikkiws
    nikkiws Posts: 164
    Ta Sylvia, am already in mourning for this challenge, it has really kept me going weighing in with you girls and all your support. X x
    :flowerforyou: :smile:
  • Stacebob85
    Ah, I think I'm gonna epically fail this week; I don't do much in the way of strength training as I HATE doing it, and often hurt myself. Add that to the fact that this week has, so far, been a massive food fail... :S
  • Boooie
    Boooie Posts: 110
    not looking good for me this week either lol sneaked a peak at scales and gained 1 so far. Really want to lose that and another lb to get to goal i set plus ill probably weigh in Friday as Friday night me and my mate are having a girlie wine and nibble night in so wont want to get on the scales Saturday lol Are we all going to keep on going together and then see if jitter starts another challenge ?
  • Stacebob85
    I've gotta weigh in tomorrow; I'm off on Friday for the start of the hen weekend so I won't be around any scales after Thursday. Not expecting anything good, but at least I'm preapred for it so hopefully I won't crash and start crying at the clinic!

    I'm game for keeping this thread going until Jitterbug does another challenge. Shame so many people dropped out; looks like the majority of people still in it are from our team so we have a good chance of winning :P
  • Boooie
    Boooie Posts: 110
    Have a fantastic Hen weekend.. no worrying about what your eating and drinking ,just let your hair down and enjoy and have a few drinks for us to :) xx
  • nikkiws
    nikkiws Posts: 164
    Have a fab time stacebob, look forward to hearing about it after the weekend!
    Think we should definitely keep going on weighing in each week, otherwise I think personally I will go down a sllippery slope of not being good! And of course I would miss hearing the little snippets of news from you all!
    Reckon we stand quite a good chance of winning, don't think there are any other team left, just individuals. I don't mind winning by default! X x
  • Stacebob85
    Thanks ladies :) I doubt after one or two cocktails there'll be much thinking at all, let alone about my calorie intake :P

    Weight damage this week was actually less dramatic than I originally suspected; gained just half a pound. I'm not too disappointed since I was honestly expecting to put on about 1.5 or 2!

    Winning is still winning, yeah? :P

    Anyhoo, my final weigh-in:

    Starting weight: 179.5lbs
    Week 1 weight: 177.5lbs
    Week 2 weight: 176lbs
    Week 3 weight: 175lbs
    Week 4 weight: 175lbs
    Week 5 weight: 174lbs
    Week 6 weight: 173.5lbs
    Week 7 goal: 173lbs
    Week 7 weight: 174lbs

    Total challenge loss: 5.5lbs (not too shabby, if a terrible way from the target!)

    No strength training for me this week.

    Could someone ple post this to the Week 7 thread for me on Saturday; I'm not going to be around for most of the day. Ta very much :D
  • Eviesmum
    Eviesmum Posts: 270 Member
    Hello - Signing in for week 7 - wow that's gone really quickly.

    After a busy weekend foodwise, I now weigh 133.8 so put on 8oz.

    I'll keep an eye out for the Summer Challenge if Jitters starting one. I'm off to Birmingham now so could someone post my result for me.

    Good luck everyone.
  • nikkiws
    nikkiws Posts: 164
    Hey all, will post final results for our tram later.
    Am now 154 pounds so have lost 2 pounds this week, so that's 13 pounds during the challenge. Did the mini challenge this week but forgot to record it.

    Looking forward to seeing you all here next Saturday for an informal weigh in x x
  • Boooie
    Boooie Posts: 110
    Well done everyone :) wow that went so quick !

    last weeks weigh in 161lb
    this weeks 159lb wooooooopwoooooop i done it im sure i said i wanted to get to 160lb,didnt do challange unless gardening counts hahaha
    Now im 1lb less then i was when i lost weight last time yyyyyayyyyyyy. Want to still lose a little more this time tho and get to 10 something :)
    I wil still weigh in here next week to :) x