The Randoms - March 2011



  • mandijo
    mandijo Posts: 618 Member
    Well you all put my back up singer idea right to shame. Hahahaha! I did, however, become a teacher, get married, have kids, all the "normal" stuff. Those were all in the works when I was little too!
  • mamareese
    mamareese Posts: 1,573 Member
    Well you all put my back up singer idea right to shame. Hahahaha! I did, however, become a teacher, get married, have kids, all the "normal" stuff. Those were all in the works when I was little too!

    I wish I had something creative that I dreamed of when I was little. Either I didn't dream big or my memory is lapsing. When I read about your back up singer dream, I racked my brain thinking...what was the biggest dream I had?! Who did I want to marry? Where did I want to be at 28? And I couldn't remember anything but that darn weeping willow tree! LoL.
  • MissingMinnesota
    MissingMinnesota Posts: 7,486 Member
    I didn't really have a childhood dream but I don't think I wanted to be like this. I wanted to have grand adventures not stuck in a cube all day.
  • RaeN81
    RaeN81 Posts: 534 Member
    I admit, I really had to think about this one--I guess I am getting old.

    Anyways, I had some funny ones.

    I wanted to be an astronaut and had incredibly vivid dreams about it. Though I did not do this, I do have a science degree.

    I wanted to be a nun. This did not happen--I have a husband and two beautiful children. However, I served on a missions team for about a year in my early twenties. I hope to do more missions work in the future.

    I wanted to be a hudderite--we visited them once and I thought it seemed cool. This is probably the most absurd to me since I am a city girl and would not want to live on a farm at all! However, I do appreciate nature and I was a camp counsellor for 3 summers.

    So, in a way these desires have been fulfilled--even if they weren't the way I thought they would be.
  • mandijo
    mandijo Posts: 618 Member
    QOTD: Hmmm....I get many things from my mom. Her selflessness, her stubbornness, her love, etcf. I get my Type B personality from my dad. It takes a lot to get me worked up. I'm pretty flexible like him. Physically, I'm my dad. Neither of them are skinny, but my mom's side of the family is proportioned a little differently which makes it very hard for them to lose weight. They carry things in their butt, legs, and arms and have a smaller waist. I'm glad I'm built like my dad because I'm small(er) everywhere else and need to lose in my middle section. And even though my husband doesn't "count", having lived with him for over 6 years, I feel like his best qualities have started to trickle down to me. So thanks hubby! :):)
  • mamareese
    mamareese Posts: 1,573 Member
    QOTD: If you ask my family, they'd say I'm most like my Mom. I have a lot of her qualities but I wish I had a lot more! My mom is always the 'hot breakfast' on the table or a good lunch pal packed before everyone gets up mom, the epitome of reliability as a wonderful mom and excellent wife. I'm a lot more spacey! Some days I'm on my game but my kids won't be expecting a hot meal every AM at 730. Maybe I'll grow into that as they get older. I tend to go with the flow more. If it's a busy day, I concentrate on what can be tackled so that AFTER we get home things are easier. My mom's also a great cook. I rotate the same 8 meals out! I'm working on it though...I've started to realize that alot of the wonderful things that I love about my mom and about my mom and dad's relationship are things that developed as our family grew. What I saw as a perfectly balanced home life came after years of their experimenting and working together on it. Sometimes it's hard to remember admist the craziness of life but I'm sure we'll get there!! I'm built more like my Dad though. He's 6'1 and a more athletic build were as my mom's probably 5'3 and petite.
  • earthsember
    earthsember Posts: 435 Member
    Wooo, I'm here! Just realized we'd moved boards!

    Goal for March = breaking this plateau I've been stuck on. The weather is getting nicer, so hopefully that happens - I'm REALLY trying to break the 200s before holiday in August and I've been stuck fluctuating from 224-226 for about a month. I'm desperate to shake it up but my toddler hangs off my leg every time I try to exercise in the house, so with the nice weather starting to peak out I'm thinking we can get outdoors and get movement in that way!
  • themommie
    themommie Posts: 5,021 Member
    no change in the scale this week. It is that time of the month GRrrrrr so hopefully next week I will see a big change......Have a great weekend everyone and get in some exercise

    QOTD: Who in your "family" do you take the most after? mom, dad, aunt, uncle, grandparent, close family friend??????
    I look like my dad but have more of my moms personality. My mom is only 4'11 and about 110 lbs blonde hair , blue eyes, I am 5'6 197 lb brunette, hazel eyes, everyone always thinks that my mom is my husbands mom and when I was growing up people were always surprised when they met my mom. She loves to clean though and cleans when she gets nervous. I wish I would have got this trait instead of turning to food when I get nervous.
  • 00trayn
    00trayn Posts: 1,849 Member

    Good lordy that's a hard one. I'm kind of unique in my family. No one else is really OCD (haha), I'm one of the few who went into math and science (my aunt has a PhD in chemistry so I'm like her in that sense), I'm loud and outgoing like my Aunt Mary is, I'm kinda neurotic like my mother, tries to take care of everyone like my dad... I don't think I can pick one! I definitely didn't get my Granny's patience, haha! That went to my sister who is planning to teach first grade when she's done with college. I guess I'm a bit of an oddball, or a mix of everyone depending how you look at it!

    I have noticed, I'll admit, that I'm more like my mother than I realize. And I look quite a bit like my sister, see my blog for a family photo a few posts back and you'll see. People who commented had trouble telling which was me compared to my Before photo!
  • mamareese
    mamareese Posts: 1,573 Member
    I'll jump in with today's QOTD if no one minds...any objections say 'aye' Alright then, I'll continue! :laugh:

    QOTD: What was our favorite toy as a child?

    Mine was this little barn that my sister and I loved to play with. The door moo'd when you opened it. The little animals had a fence to build. But none of that is why I loved it. We used to play maze with our kitten with it. She'd stand next to the door, we'd open it and the kitty would squeeze herself into the hallways of the barn. I think she just loved the extra attention she got whenever she played 'farm' with us because it couldn't have been to comfortable in there. But it sure was fun!!
  • mandijo
    mandijo Posts: 618 Member
    QOTD:What was your favorite toy as a child?

    Hmmm....I don't know if I had just one favorite toy, but my mom's family owns a furniture store, and when we were younger, we'd always get the big boxes they were throwing out. They would paint them and make them into different things like a fire station, a lemonade stand, a police station, or a beauty shop. It was always so much fun!
  • mandijo
    mandijo Posts: 618 Member
    QOTD:What was your favorite toy as a child?

    Hmmm....I don't know if I had just one favorite toy, but my mom's family owns a furniture store, and when we were younger, we'd always get the big boxes they were throwing out. They would paint them and make them into different things like a fire station, a lemonade stand, a police station, or a beauty shop. It was always so much fun!
  • earthsember
    earthsember Posts: 435 Member
    Favorite store bought toy = My Little Pony :D:D any My Little Ponies, but especially the flutterby ponies

    Favorite plaything though was to build a fort using blankets and boxfans :)
  • mandijo
    mandijo Posts: 618 Member
    The weekends are always quiet, so I'll try and think of a question. I found this off a blog so it is just that--random.

    QOTD: If you had to choose to not ever wash your bed sheets again or not wash your bath towel ever again, which would you rather not wash?
  • mamareese
    mamareese Posts: 1,573 Member
    QOTD: Ewww!!! lol I think I'd have to go with no washing the bed sheets though and maybe sleep on my nice clean bath towel!! *wink* I LOVE the feeling of clean sheets on a bed, I sleep so much better on fresh out of the dryer sheets. But the thought of NOT drying off with a CLEAN towel makes me feel sooooo dirty!!!
  • 00trayn
    00trayn Posts: 1,849 Member

    Agreed, both would be gross! Since I sleep over at my boyfriend's 95% of the time we are together, I'll go with not washing the bed sheets. But I still think I wouldn't be able to tolerate either for very long... eww.
  • mamareese
    mamareese Posts: 1,573 Member
    We are slowing down here! Let's see what's a good Question of the Day? about::

    QOTD: If you could visit anywhere in the world where would it be?

    For me, it's Venice. My husband isn't big on long plane rides or trips that involve another language *lol* So we won't be going...ever. But I love the architecture there and I'd love to explore the beautiful culture. I'm not sure it's a 'family destination' so I'm sure Disney world is more likely where we'll end up in the future! But it's a dream!