Type II Diabetics - Let's Support Each Other



  • katzpawz
    katzpawz Posts: 754
    How is everyone doing today?

    As for my exercise challenge: I've walked everyday for the past week!! Today I did a slightly shorter walk because I'm still pretty sore (calves mostly) after pushing myself the last few days of last week. Back to pushing it tomorrow.

    I've also given up on my digital scale. I'll spare everyone my recent frustrations with it. I'll be shopping around for a good old fashioned mechanical scale (I've only lived here in the UK for about two years, so I've got investigate what is available).

    Anyway, since I couldn't rely on the scale for results, I took my measurements for the first time since October, and the total inches lost since then is 5.5!! I was sure my clothes were getting a bit baggy!

    Have a good week everyone!
  • tabbychiro
    tabbychiro Posts: 223 Member
    Well done with the exercise and lost inches, Katzpawz!

    I went all crazed with my eating this weekend. Getting back on track today.
  • monkeygirl6
    @katzpawz - I switched to a digital scale and just love it, the mechanical one I had was not cutting it. When I bought my scale I looked at the online reviews before actually buying it and so far I've been pretty happy. I do have to agree that those big heavy duty mechanical ones however seem to be pretty reliable.

    So my morning blood sugar level was way high this morning and so today I'm watching what I eat. I love sugar why do I have to be diabetic... :sad: Okay just whinning sorry...
  • qtpiesmom
    qtpiesmom Posts: 394 Member
    There are other choices what are you eating to make your sugars high?
  • qtpiesmom
    qtpiesmom Posts: 394 Member
    I just wanted to say hello to all you wonderful ladies! Hoping this week goes well for you all.
    I Walked 5 miles today YEPPIE this is the first time ever so happy!
    Still dont own a scale but I am addicted to working out I love it, soon I think I want to start strength training. Guess we will see in April when i turn 40 what I get for my birthday lol

    Positive Thought of the day

    Drive, Devotion, Dedication to yourself = Dreams coming true
  • monkeygirl6
    There are other choices what are you eating to make your sugars high?

    I had half of a dark chocolate croissant :blushing:
  • tabbychiro
    tabbychiro Posts: 223 Member
    qtpie, wtg with the 5 miler! (I call them Smilers)

    Monkeygirl, chocolate croissant, yumm.
  • katzpawz
    katzpawz Posts: 754
    I got my walk in (2.0 miles) this afternoon!! I don't remember if I reported in yesterday, but I did a short walk (1.2 miles). I was still a little sore from the really big walks I did at the end of last week.

    So far, since I started walking daily, I haven't missed a day. I have taken a couple of shorter walks, like I mentioned, I was sore. The soreness seems to be just about gone, so the rest of this week, I'll be working on adding distance. My goal is to be able to do a 3 mile walk everyday. Once I reach that goal, I'll start doing longer walks every other day and shorter ones on alternate days. I'd love to be able to do 5 miles at some point.

    I hope everyone is having a great week!

  • qtpiesmom
    qtpiesmom Posts: 394 Member
    When you eat a chocolate croissant its ok BUT remember you have to balance that sugar intake with something. Eat some green veggies, some ham sandwich meat or nuts I know Nuts high in calories but good in protein. Even if you eat some peanut butter with that chocolate it will help bring your numbers down.
  • qtpiesmom
    qtpiesmom Posts: 394 Member
    Ok I dont want to sound like a broken record or anything BUT being diabetic makes a difference even when we are trying to lose weight. WE have to eat, We can make better healthy choices but DONT skip meals, Dont eat under 1200 calories in a day, if you exercise eat those back upto 1200. IF you dont eat enough ladies you can drop down in numbers to low and that is just as dangerous as having high numbers. Its about maintaining a regular level. If your level after eating ranges around 8 - 9 then try and maintain that with everything you eat. Remember we do need Carbs just have to balance them off with veggies and meat. As women we also have to think about calcium so eat dairy too just be careful on how much of that too. If your levels are high then make changes and keep track of your numbers. We track what we eat on here so its easy to see when and what causes your numbers to go crazy. KNOW if your not eating enough your liver will dump sugars and you will get a false high because of it. TEST TEST TEST its important even more important than losing the weight. Trying to get a hold and balance on your number is a try and see type of thing because just because I can eat a plate of pasta with a salad and be ok doesnt mean you can, You have to find how much pasta you can eat and be ok with your number it maybe only a cup. Each persons body works different but you can find what works for you just like us losing weight we can all do it.

    Also make sure you have healthy feet, I know that sounds crazy but if you get a cut on your feet take really good care of it. A small little cut can turn into something awful really fast for diabetics. Keep your feet dry and healthy too

  • katzpawz
    katzpawz Posts: 754
    Good morning everyone!

    I was playing around with the "Reports" function here on the web site. I got quite a boost when I generated a report showing how many calories I had burned exercising over the past week. If you haven't done so yet, give it a look. There's nothing like a visual image to put things in perspective!

    Have a great day everyone!
  • cathyv0409
    cathyv0409 Posts: 230 Member
    Good morning everyone!

    Thanks katzpawz for letting us know about the reports function.

    qtpie, thank you for the reminders about being diabetic. It is all about balance.

    I may not be on (or at least much) for the next few days. I'm headed out of work for some workshops through Sunday. My first trip that will include eating out for days and not being as in control of food preparation so a little scary for me. You all have a wonderful weekend (I know I'm early)

  • qtpiesmom
    qtpiesmom Posts: 394 Member
    Cathy Dont be scared just make good choices, salads with meals, portion control is important its ok to leave food on the plate. YOU CAN DO IT!!
    Have a good time at your workshops
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,274 Member
    Thanks for starting this thread! I'm in! I was diagnosed Type II 1 1/2 years ago (September '09). I had been borerline diabetic for about 8 years but never got my act together consistently to lose the weight and keep sugar intake low. My glucose numbers are lower than most diabetics when initially diagnosed but my symptoms of neuropathy, nausea, fatigue, etc. were present. I felt lousy. I failed a fasting glucose test with my number being 127 prior to drinking the sugar solution for the 3 hour test. Due to my symptoms the Dr. started me on Metformin and sent me to a diabetic counseling class. I'm due for a checkup on March 31 so I hope my A1C will be normal. My first goal is to lose 30 pounds (lost 11) and my second goal is to lose another 30 (60 total) and hopefully stop taking Metformin and blood pressure meds.

    I am participating in the SWat Walking Group and everyone's welcome to join. Sandara started it and we each set walking goals for the month and go at our own pace. You can join any time in the month and this will be a continuous challenge we will do month by month. Some walk outside in warmer climates and some of us in cold climates walk to Leslie Sansone DVD's, etc. You keep track of how far you walk and report in to the group when and if you choose to do so. Very laid back... Some of us are also documenting strength training/weigh lifting minutes to make us do it. (ugh!) You can set your goals for miles, minutes or whatever. It has helped me keep moving. Come join us if you want another nice group to chat with and stay motivated.

    I'm not good about testing my glucose in the a.m. before I eat which is what I'm suppose to be doing. I guess that would be my personal challenge. However I would like to hear more about what others eat for meals and snacks?

    Friend me if you want too!:flowerforyou:
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,274 Member
    The trick to pizza is this, try and eat thin crust you can have more pieces that way, also eat it with a salad that help balance your sugars with the carbs. Also eat it with meat toppings even if you have to take some toppings off one slice and make it for another. If you just eat pizza your body only has carbs to work with so you need to balance it out with veggies. Keeps your numbers down

    Thanks for mentioning this. I love pizza but try to avoid when I can because portion control is my nemisis! Eating one to two pieces but balanced with a salad sounds like good info.

    I struggle with the before bedtime snack. What do others eat at that time?
  • qtpiesmom
    qtpiesmom Posts: 394 Member
    What are you struggling with? Give me some examples of what you are having maybe I can help? what time do you go to bed? When do you eat your evening snack?
  • katzpawz
    katzpawz Posts: 754
    The trick to pizza is this, try and eat thin crust you can have more pieces that way, also eat it with a salad that help balance your sugars with the carbs. Also eat it with meat toppings even if you have to take some toppings off one slice and make it for another. If you just eat pizza your body only has carbs to work with so you need to balance it out with veggies. Keeps your numbers down

    Thanks for mentioning this. I love pizza but try to avoid when I can because portion control is my nemisis! Eating one to two pieces but balanced with a salad sounds like good info.

    I struggle with the before bedtime snack. What do others eat at that time?

    I tend to have my highest numbers durning the night and first thing in the morning: they're usually a bit higher than my post-meal targets. So, the doc and I agreed that I would not have a bedtime snack. The exception to this is if I exercise after dinner (instead of after lunch, which is what I normally do) in which case I have a small serving of fat-free yoghurt.
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,274 Member
    What are you struggling with? Give me some examples of what you are having maybe I can help? what time do you go to bed? When do you eat your evening snack?

    Sometimes I do well with snack choices and sometimes not. Often I don't eat one because I'm still full from dinner but then my glucose is higher than I want it to be in the morning.

    I go to bed between 10-10:30. If I eat a snack it is around 8:00-8:30. Sometimes I have lightly buttered popcorn (cooked on stove) but too big a portion, Schwan's Live Smart Orange or Raspberry Cream Bar, cheese with crackers, yogurt, or when I'm really bad a bowl of unhealthy icecream or candy! I have not tried the sugar free ice creams. I also keep the sugar free jellos and puddings on hand but I don't always want that.

    I need other ideas of things to keep around and I need to be MORE consistent in having the snack even if I don't want one. I suppose it is about discipline...:frown:
  • qtpiesmom
    qtpiesmom Posts: 394 Member
    Its simple test before the snack make sure your on the lower side of things, that will tell you what you can have, Popcorn good but add some nuts with it give you protein too. Stay under 3 cups for popcorn use a small bowl that way it feels like your having more add 1/4 cup of nuts high in cals just so you know.
    Cheese and crackers also good but add some protein I guess sound like a broken record
    Sugar free ice cream is good also know that dairy queen small ice creams are low in sugar too.
    Veggies and proteins are the key to keeping your numbers level
    For every carb you eat eat a veggie or protein. And Im not saying if something has 34 carbs eat 34g of protein just some type to balance it
    Also look at the sugar amounts in a serving of items your choosing 5-8 is my limit 5 at night for sure.
    Reading Labels is important for the sugars and the cals.
    Eating something is ok if your numbers in the morning are good
    Test test test and try and find what works for you.
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,274 Member
    qtpiesmom-thanks for the ideas and advice. I need to buckle down and work on it!