Type II Diabetics - Let's Support Each Other



  • qtpiesmom
    qtpiesmom Posts: 394 Member
    How was everyones weekend?
    Mine was good thinking about adding strength training to my goals now
    whats up with you all
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,274 Member
    Hi everyone! I've been exercising alot this week since I'm off work for spring break (work in public school system). Today I did a low impact dance workout with Richard Simmons to be active, but lower intensity. His workout is fun and funny! I need to get dancing with the oldies too. This one is disco songs for those of you that were teens in the 70's (I was). I also needed to earn some calories for our ham dinner tonight. I made a Texas Sheet Cake for my guys and plan to have a small piece.

    qtpiesmom- Did you get my message on the website for weight lifting? I'm going to research a little more and maybe change things up a little for myself too.

    Well I need to do some yoga stretches for my sore muscles and joints. Talk later...
  • katzpawz
    katzpawz Posts: 754
    Just thought I'd check in to see how everyone is doing this week.

    I had my blood work done last Friday, so I'm waiting for results. I'm also waiting for the bruises to go away where the nurse stuck me trying to get blood. Apparently, nurses in the UK aren't used to getting blood from fat people. They always go very deep, when my veins are actually near the surface. I'm finished venting now!!

    We had some sadness here last week. We had to say goodbye to our 14 year old Labrador Retriever (that's his photo in my profile pic). He was in a lot of pain and couldn't get around on his own any longer. His name was "Chess." We miss him.

    Let's hear how folks are doing.

  • Hearts_2015
    Hearts_2015 Posts: 12,031 Member
  • qtpiesmom
    qtpiesmom Posts: 394 Member
    Awe Katz sorry to hear about your pup I totally understand went through that in November HUGS
    So what are you hoping from the blood work?
    I cant stand getting bloodwork they always poke me 3 times or more and they dont listen either

    Things are good for the first time ever I waked 5+ miles a day this past week in total 31.29 miles.
    I am going to talk to my doctor cause my numbers are kind of low because of working out so have to see what he says cause even after eating they are anywhere from 5 - 6.
  • katzpawz
    katzpawz Posts: 754
    Awe Katz sorry to hear about your pup I totally understand went through that in November HUGS
    So what are you hoping from the blood work?
    I cant stand getting bloodwork they always poke me 3 times or more and they dont listen either

    Things are good for the first time ever I waked 5+ miles a day this past week in total 31.29 miles.
    I am going to talk to my doctor cause my numbers are kind of low because of working out so have to see what he says cause even after eating they are anywhere from 5 - 6.

    @qtpiesmom: As for the blood work, we're starting over, in a sense. Last Spring, I had an injury to my right achilles tendon which required surgery. I was unable to exercise for several months. Then, in January, I had to have a hysterectomy and I have just gotten back to my walking routine. So, the doc and I aren't expecting miracles, just a starting point. I've been a slacker about getting the bloods done frequently enough with everything else that's been going on. So, we're just going to see what the A1c is and go from there.

    Congrats to you on your walks!!! I'm up to around 3 miles, although I did 4 on Saturday. I'm working toward the 5 mile mark myself. I would like to get to the point that I can do 4-5 miles, 5 or 6 days a week.

    I know I haven't been back on the walking long enough to for it to significantly impact my A1c, so I'm looking forward to the next one in three months.

  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,274 Member
    Katz sorry to hear about your dog:( I have a 13 year old black lab and he is losing his hearing and has doggie dementia coming on. His arthritis is not good and he is really slowing down too. Still has a good appetite though. I know we will be facing a decision in this next year or so with him too. So sorry...

    I have my blood work on Wednesday morning this week so I have to fast late tomorrow evening until my lab work at 9:00am on Wednesday. I'm hoping all this exercise has increased my good cholesterol count (HDL). My bad cholesterol (LDL) is always low and not a problem but the HDL is too low and that is a warning sign for heart disease, although my triglycerides are good. So we'll see what my A1c is but I won't know until I see my doctor a week later for my checkup.

    I worked out a lot this past week since I was off work for spring break. I'm going to relook at my exercise routines and change it up a little bit though. Not sure how yet but stay tuned...

    Time to go to sleep so good night to all. Have a nice day tomorrow!
  • katzpawz
    katzpawz Posts: 754
    @jrbanta: Thanks for your kind words. Our pets just don't last long enough! Give a hug to your Lab from me.

    I hope you get the results you want from your blood work. It sounds like you're doing really well with your exercise, but changing it up a bit is probably a good idea. Are you looking for better results, or just trying to avoid boredom?

    Keep us posted on how that all works out!

    Have a good week!

  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,274 Member
    Katz- looking for better results but also want to put less stress on my joints. I'm achey and not sleeping well. I'm thinking maybe weights 2 x's per week without cardio and then do my cardio 3 x's per week but follow the info on metabolic resistance training. I need to research it a little more. Once the weather is nice I'll be walking miles outside with inclines, trails, etc. and that will be good.

    I have to remember to fast tonight and tomorrow morning for the lab work!

    Have a good day!
  • monkeygirl6
    We had some sadness here last week. We had to say goodbye to our 14 year old Labrador Retriever (that's his photo in my profile pic). He was in a lot of pain and couldn't get around on his own any longer. His name was "Chess." We miss him.
    Katz... so sorry for the loss of your friend.
    Things are good for the first time ever I waked 5+ miles a day this past week in total 31.29 miles.
    I am going to talk to my doctor cause my numbers are kind of low because of working out so have to see what he says cause even after eating they are anywhere from 5 - 6.
    5 miles is pretty awesome. I'm on this jog/walk combo for about a minute and the farthest I can go is 4 miles so great job!
    I have a questions about your numbers qtpie, I measure my blood sugar in mg/dL what units are you using for your numbers? I'd like to figure out the equivalent
    Katz- looking for better results but also want to put less stress on my joints. I'm achey and not sleeping well. I'm thinking maybe weights 2 x's per week without cardio and then do my cardio 3 x's per week but follow the info on metabolic resistance training. I need to research it a little more. Once the weather is nice I'll be walking miles outside with inclines, trails, etc. and that will be good.
    I'd love to hear about this metabolic resistance training also, so please keep posting stuff about it :D

    I had a rough weekend, no real binges but I'm super anxious and I have that urge to just nibble and its been driving me crazy. Today I finally felt more normal and the cravings seem to have stopped but the jury is still out until tomorrow.

    I "think" the blood tester that I use is not the most accurate. Today my blood tested at 109 at first this morning, and that is way too low, especially with my carb overload yesterday so I tested again and it went down to 100. I may have to get another model... but I like that I can poke my forearm with this version.

    My weightloss has reached a plateau and I'm finding it hard to stick to my calorie limit when after four weeks I've seen zero loss on the scale, the inches on my waist have been shrinking but I don't know what it is about that scale number, it just seems so much more important and without the loss there I've been feeling really discouraged. I am planning on sticking with the diet until my next doctors appointment which isn't until the summer but if the weightloss is not happening I'm going to talk with her about other alternatives.
  • cathyv0409
    cathyv0409 Posts: 230 Member
    This must be the week for bloodwork I had mine done yesterday and I'm anxious (excited anxious) to find out the results when I see the doc tomorrow.

    Katz, I'm so sorry to hear about your loss!

    I'm going to look up the metabolic resistance training. That sounds interesting!! Thanks for mentioning it, JR

    Patty, I don't know what kind of tester you have. I use the Accuchek Compact and can test on my forearm (although I usually use the heel of my hand). I love it because it comes with barrels loaded with 10 strips and I don't have to put a strip in each time I test. Hang in there!! Those rotten plateaus are SO hard on us mentally. I'm glad you are noticing your waist shrinking but understand what you are saying about the number on the scale being way too important sometimes.

    Have a great day all!!
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,274 Member
    My 13 year old black lab, Leo, took a turn for the worst yesterday after we left for work. We don't know what happened but now he won't eat, he can't climb up the stairs (has been difficult for him), and last night his breathing was labored. This morning he did drink water but still hasn't eaten. He managed to get outside to do his thing but now is laying at the bottom of the stairs and looks sad. I really don't want to have to make a decision about his quality of life...Makes me too sad to think he wouldn't be here anymore.

    How are you doing Katz?
  • katzpawz
    katzpawz Posts: 754
    My 13 year old black lab, Leo, took a turn for the worst yesterday after we left for work. We don't know what happened but now he won't eat, he can't climb up the stairs (has been difficult for him), and last night his breathing was labored. This morning he did drink water but still hasn't eaten. He managed to get outside to do his thing but now is laying at the bottom of the stairs and looks sad. I really don't want to have to make a decision about his quality of life...Makes me too sad to think he wouldn't be here anymore.

    How are you doing Katz?

    jrbanta: I am so sorry about your Lab. We were just at that same point. Chess was still eating, but he could not get up by himself and we were having to help him walk outside to do his business. The last week or so that we had him, he and I slept on the ground floor (with me on the sofa) because he couldn't go up or down the stairs to the bedroom.

    We're still adjusting. The remaining two dogs seem to be fine. I think they had already written off Chess as a viable member of the pack. The house does seem much more quiet, but we're getting used to it. I'm feeling that we did the right thing at the right time, even though I miss him.

    You and Leo are in my thoughts. I know you'll take good care of him.

  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,274 Member
    After my lab work and one work appt. this morning I may call in sick and stay home with him. I thought about sleeping next to his dog bed last night but then didn't because I wanted him to rest without me. He tends to stay awake when I'm with him and I wanted him to rest. I laid with him for awhile and he wagged his tail a little and he liked being petted. So we'll see how today goes and tonight. Can't stand this... Thanks for your thoughts.
  • qtpiesmom
    qtpiesmom Posts: 394 Member
    So went to the doctor today, he told me Im doing everything correct. My numbers are low but not to low even when I had spaghetti the other day all numbers below 7. He said thats a good thing exercise in doing what it needs. We talked over weight loss and doing it safe. Gonna do blood work again in June but Im also going to be with a different doctor that specializes in diabetics. There is a new drug on the market for diabetics that will help with weight loss as well. SO got a referral to the new doctor to get on this new medicine which is injectable once a day.
    I had to stand on the scale so I lost 6 pounds in 3 weeks, yeppie for me :)

    How are you ladies
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,274 Member
    What's the new drug for diabetes that helps with weight loss?
  • WalkingGirl1985
    WalkingGirl1985 Posts: 2,047 Member
    About 10 years ago my doctor said I had signs..was hovering on pre-diabetic. Right now my blood sugars have been stable. Going for another check on things during the summer. Also, my blood sugar tends to go low when i don't eat enough, so gotta make sure I eat enough, not over..and keep fueled. :smile:
  • qtpiesmom
    qtpiesmom Posts: 394 Member
    Its called Victoza its an injectable from of Januvia and its supposed to help lose weight and its only given to diabetics. Once a day injection. Once I make it to that doctor Ill let you know but know here in Canada it can take 3 - 4 months to get into a specialist.
  • cathyv0409
    cathyv0409 Posts: 230 Member
    JR and Katz, my thoughts and prayers are with you! I admire you for doing what is right for your pet even though it is so hard on you. My daughter had to make that decision for one of her beloved dogs a couple of years ago and I think it may have been one of the hardest things she has done even though she knew it was right.

    qtpie - I have an appointment today and will ask my dr. what he thinks about Victoza. Thanks for the heads up!

    You all have a wonderful day. I will check back in after my dr. appt with my A1c results.

  • katzpawz
    katzpawz Posts: 754
    Thanks Cathy.

    We miss the old guy, but the remaining two dogs are much more settled. I think they knew it was time.

    How did things go at the doctor?
