I need a womans advice/suggestions...



  • bjshooter
    bjshooter Posts: 1,174 Member
    I was fine by then in two pregnancies. BUt I really would listen to what she is saying, you do not want to piss off a pregnant woman and you need to be supportive and make sure she knows SHE comes before any band you may have liked for however long :D
  • kidakiwi04
    kidakiwi04 Posts: 238
    I say buy the tickets...then if she doesn't feel like going and doesn't want you to go you could always sell the tickets to me. :wink:
  • TerraGirl17
    TerraGirl17 Posts: 275 Member
    Have her stay home and make you a bunch of sandwiches for the trip.

    Uh oh... I am guessing you aren't married or if you are your wife doesn't read this...lol you sound just like my husband!!
  • spcopps
    spcopps Posts: 283
    You are right, every prego is different. When I was prego with my first child NO way would I have gone camping. I did go see Poison at about 7 months but didn't have to sleep in a tent LOL. I threw up with her until I was in my 3rd trimester. However, when I was prego with my twin boys I was dancing at a wedding when I was 20 weeks and would have gone camping up until delivery. Actually 3 days before I delivered them I took my daughter to the zoo and walked all day. I would say buy the tickets and see how she feels. You can always sale her ticket if she isn't able to go.
  • rileamoyer
    rileamoyer Posts: 2,411 Member
    Plan your trip and see how she feels at the time. Women are a lot stronger than some folks think. Heck women traveled on wooden ships across the ocean (for 3 months) many a baby was born at sea (one of my hubby's ancestors). Women trekked all over this continent before we had horses. We have so much better health care and acess to facilities these days. Unless she is high risk or has other problems, 6 months is fine. I was still working out at a gym till 7 months. Fly fishing and hiking at 5 months. GO for it. Worst case, sell the tickets later.
  • 311Phil
    311Phil Posts: 397
    Plan your trip and see how she feels at the time. Women are a lot stronger than some folks think. Heck women traveled on wooden ships across the ocean (for 3 months) many a baby was born at sea (one of my hubby's ancestors). Women trekked all over this continent before we had horses. We have so much better health care and acess to facilities these days. Unless she is high risk or has other problems, 6 months is fine. I was still working out at a gym till 7 months. Fly fishing and hiking at 5 months. GO for it. Worst case, sell the tickets later.
    thats my plan! I just need to talk to her about it and get her on board!
  • 311Phil
    311Phil Posts: 397
    Talked with her about it, we've decided to at least plan the trip and go from there! :D She was hesitant at first, but i told her that if she doesn't want to go to the shows that she'd be able to do other things. We also discussed possibly dropping her off in charlotte NC on the way down to visit with a friend of ours from high school! So there are many possibilities!