PART 2 January 3-month Challenge, to start on 1/7/2011 from



  • DianaM1020
    DianaM1020 Posts: 98 Member
    Hey everyone!

    It did look like we all had a bad weekend! I only got one workout in and went out to eat every day!

    My goals for this week:

    1. 2,200 calories burned this week- no more than 500 cals in one workout since i'm trying not to burn muscle
    2. at least 2 weight lifting days
    3. Under NET 1350 EVERYDAY
    4. At least three bottles (24 oz each) of water a day!
    4. I want to weigh in at 137 no matter what it takes this week!!!

    Thanks everyone!
  • DianaM1020
    DianaM1020 Posts: 98 Member
    Also, if I weigh in at 137 this week, 136 next, I can meet my goal of 135 by the end of the challenge! I HOPE!
  • magglett
    magglett Posts: 2,000
    My weekend wasn't too shabby. Saw a nice show on Saturday night with the hubby which is always nice. I wish we went out more often. My feet are still screaming at me but I'm sure I'll eventually get used to the orthotics. I ignored the pain and did some Zumba and some walking because I just miss being active so much. The cabin fever blues are the pits and getting active seems to be the only cure I know of that works. Hope everyone is enjoying this day ... it’s a sunny day here and it's my lunch hour ... two things that make me happy.
  • DreeDub
    DreeDub Posts: 289 Member
    My weekend wasn't too bad. I was home alone all weekend while the beau was up north with his uncles! Typically that would mean I'd run to the store and by some comfort foods and splurge for the weekend...BUT...something came over me (i think the weather slowed me down) and I didn't run to the store for food at all...I ate what we had in the house...which was all healthy! Yesterday however I did splurge a little bit with some nacho dip Keith made and brought home with tasty. Other than that splurge...I had a pretty great weekend. Massage & then a movie (Burlesque) on friday night; hair cut, cleaning, school work and another movie (Life as we know it) on Saturday/night. More school work and then relaxation on Sunday :))) Oh and I also worked out on Friday and again on Saturday...Rest day Sunday ;)

    This weeks goals...hmmmm...not sure.
    Let's go with:

    1) eat 1260 calories a day
    2) limit sugar to mostly only natural sugars (not a set number...trying to gauge that this week)
    3) burn 3500 calories this week

    Good luck to everyone...hoping to see a big loss this week b/c my 3 month goal is 125 but I'm not looking like I will reach it :(
  • Lola_B
    Lola_B Posts: 19 Member
    Hi everyone!

    My weigh in day is usually Monday, so I'm still getting used to doing a Friday weight in. But, I'm down a little over a lb this week so yay!!

    I'll be traveling abroad for about 1.5 weeks and probably won't have access to the net. I'm really nervous about all the yummy temptations (and the relative lack of accountability). Hopefully, though, all the walking will help out.

    Good luck to everyone!!
  • DreeDub
    DreeDub Posts: 289 Member
    Goals for Week of March 7-11:

    1) eat 1200 net calories a day
    2) limit sugar to mostly only natural sugars (not a set number...trying to gauge that this week)
    3) burn 3500 calories this week

    Monday's results:

    1) ate 1124 Net calories
    2) over sugar by 28 grams but ALL of it was from Kashi cereal, milk, and fresh fruits :)
    3)burned 666 or 3500 calories for the week
  • cupcakelover103
    cupcakelover103 Posts: 197 Member
    Hey everyone :)
    I'm going to start doing the mini challenges today, it's tuesday here already but from now until friday here are my three goals
    1) under calories each day
    2) Gym each day
    3) Reach out to a friend/the boyf when you're feeling stressed.

    And that's it :) I recently weighed myself and i havent lost any weight for about 3 weeks now. To be honest though, i'm surprised that i didn't gain. I've been going through a really tough phase at the moment, and i'm finding it hard to crawl out. I'm hoping everything will turn out okay and i'm just going to soldier on. I'm not going to reach my '3 month goal' weight, but i think i set it a bit too high in the beginning so that's okay.

    Wishing everyone luck with this week, let's make it count!
    And Kerri that txt from your boyfriend is so cute!
  • cupcakelover103
    cupcakelover103 Posts: 197 Member
    Todays mini challenge
    1) Under calories by about 50 :)
    2) Went to the gym and did body pump for the first time (OMGOSH, my arms are killing) and then had a quick walk on the treadmill
    3) Instead of stress/lonely eating by myself, i had a good chat with the girls :)

    SO all in all a good day, i have spinning tomorrow too which i'm looking forward to :)
  • DreeDub
    DreeDub Posts: 289 Member
    Hey TEAM!!!

    This is supposed to be my last week of the INSANITY program but I'm having a bit of an issue with getting the whole week done b/c I'm out of town from Friday (6am) til Sunday afternoon. My week is a crazy busy too b/c we have parent-teacher conferences this week at school...ick! So here's what my schedule looks like:

    Monday (typical) work til 4:00 then complete Insanity workout
    Tuesday work til 3:30, prep for conferences, conferences from 5-7:00, home to complete Insanity workout
    Wednesday workout at 4:45 a.m., work til 3:30, visit family, Volleyball at 7:45
    Thursday work til 12:40, conferences from 1-3:30, tan, groceries for the weekend, Insanity workout
    Friday: Up at 5 a.m. to pack car for Indianapolis

    This weekend I will be in Indianapolis for the Big Ten men's basketball tournament so this is what my weekend will consist of:
    Friday: leave at 6 a.m., arrive in Indy around 11:00 (getting breakfast on the way) start drinking/tailgating at noon and continue to eat/drink for the remainder of the afternoon/evening (minus U of M game at 2:30 when I'll have a tiny break)

    Saturday: up at ???, get ready, head to a bar for lunch and then drink/eat the rest of the day/night...hopefully hit up another U of M game (if they win on Friday)

    Sunday: up at ????, head home...stop for lunch on the way home

    Any advice on getting through this weekend without gaining 20 pounds?!?!?!??!?!?'s such a FABULOUSLY FUN WEEKEND but i'll feel so guilty!!!

    Not sure why I felt the need to share my life for the week but I'm just looking for support...I will gain over the weekend...I'm sure of that!!!
  • kerriBB37
    kerriBB37 Posts: 967 Member
    I think you need to just have fun with this weekend girl!! You deserve it. He will be there to kick your *kitten* when you return. Sometimes you need to just enjoy life!! You've done SO well you can take 2 days off and your body will carry you through it. It'll burn those calories off soon enough. Don't stress!! This is life!

    (I hope no one is mad that I'm not being more strict with her!)
  • cupcakelover103
    cupcakelover103 Posts: 197 Member
    Just posting my mini-challege results for the day :)
    1) Under cals by about 30
    2) Did spinning in the morning at the gym (i'm SO sore from this and body pump, that i'm taking pilates in the morning, and maybe a swim in the afternoon)
    3) Instead of night/stress eating, i've started a new painting for my room

    Hope you all had a great day!
  • DreeDub
    DreeDub Posts: 289 Member
    Goals for Week of March 7-11:

    1) eat 1200 net calories a day
    2) limit sugar to mostly only natural sugars (not a set number...trying to gauge that this week)
    3) burn 3500 calories this week

    Monday's results:

    1) ate 1124 Net calories
    2) over sugar by 28 grams but ALL of it was from Kashi cereal, milk, and fresh fruits :)
    3)burned 666 or 3500 calories for the week

    Tuesday's results:
    1) over calories by 200+ :(
    2) sugar was fine until I ate a cookie when I got home last night :(
    3) no calories burned

    ROUGH DAY HUH?!?!? It was a super long day with work all day and then parent-teacher conferences at night. By the time I got home at 8:00...a workout wasn't even considered...and I was in bed by 9:30!

    Today is a new and better day :) Started the morning with a little Core Cardio & Balance (Insanity) and burned 441 calories :) And my meals are planned through the afternoon...dinner tonight is at my older brothers house...MMMMMMMMM gonna be something good and then I'll burn it off at volleyball later tonight :))

    Have a great day everybody!
  • DreeDub
    DreeDub Posts: 289 Member
    Just posting my mini-challege results for the day :)
    1) Under cals by about 30
    2) Did spinning in the morning at the gym (i'm SO sore from this and body pump, that i'm taking pilates in the morning, and maybe a swim in the afternoon)
    3) Instead of night/stress eating, i've started a new painting for my room

    Hope you all had a great day!

    Sounds like you had a really great day :)) Keep up the hard work! That soreness from spinning and body pump will go away...just keep working :))
  • CarthagoDelendaEst
    OK so I'm back on track now. And boy it feels good.

    I feel so ill from eating badly body can't handle it so why would I want to punish myself!

    I should be, hopefully, going to my first session of Zumba tonight! It's included in my gym membership, so no extra fees to pay! Ace!

    Have a lovely day guys!
  • kerriBB37
    kerriBB37 Posts: 967 Member
    Welcome back =)
    I have zumba tonight too! can't wait!!

    Mini challenge from yesterday: 1. just over my calories, 2. no treadmill but I did do a great workout, 3. 64 oz water! 0/3 :( lol
  • mamarundrc
    mamarundrc Posts: 1,577 Member
    So far for this week: My mini challenge results

    Monday: 1) 383 cals of 2000 for the week burned 2) over on sodium (by less than 100 mg) but under for overall calories 3) 64 + oz of water consumed

    Tuesday: 2) 0 cals burned 383/2000 for the week 2) Under on sodium and overall calories 4) 72 oz water consumed.

    Wednesday is only half over and I know I am going to be over on sodium based on what I ate today and what is in the crock pot cooking. This week has been an eye opener on how hard it is to cut out sodium from a diet when you don't have a ton of fresh ingredients available. Will post the results later today.
  • mamarundrc
    mamarundrc Posts: 1,577 Member
    Mini challenge: 793/2000 cals burned (410 today) 2) over on sodium, under on overall cals 3) Only 48 oz water consumed.
  • cupcakelover103
    cupcakelover103 Posts: 197 Member
    Mini challenge results for thursday
    1) under cals by 68 2) went for a swim today :) 3) didn't feel much stress at all today to be honest

    Weigh in tomorrow! eeeek!
  • lucybp
    lucybp Posts: 193
    Hello everyone,

    Sorry for not being an active participant this week. I've had to take a few steps back. I've had quite a few things added to my plate, however I am striving to remain active and control my eating during this stressful time. This is quite meaningful because I usually fall off the deep end when I'm overwhelmed.

    I met with my nutritionist last week and I heard what I already knew ... I've been eating too many carbs. This is one of my weakest areas. Well, this week I've been doing a lot better 'carbwise' ... but I'm honestly struggling to eat all of my calories. Not trying to starve myself and I don't feel like I am - my body won't let me. It's just weird. I'm sure it won't last long because this is not an issue for me. Didn't get fat by staying under my caloric intake in the first place :)

    I just wanted you all to know how inspiring you continue to be. I've been reading your progress, comments and memorable quotes and although I've been sitting in the back of the room this week ... it's been quite inspirational.

    So thanks! And let's keep on keeping on :)
  • lucybp
    lucybp Posts: 193
    Also wanted to add that I saw the 70's this morning!!! For the first time in a long time I'm excited about weighing in on Friday ... Now let's just hope I'm still in the 70's on Friday :)