PART 2 January 3-month Challenge, to start on 1/7/2011 from



  • DreeDub
    DreeDub Posts: 289 Member
    Ok...I've learned my more weekends of complete letting loose! I'm up this week to 129.4. I think that's +1.8 but I don't remember what last week's weigh- in was for sure. UGH!!!!!!!
  • lucybp
    lucybp Posts: 193
    Mini challenge for thursday:
    1) under calories
    2) under carbs
    3) no chocolate candy

    Got my butt to the gym and had lots of fun during zumba class. Loved it!

    Today should be a good day. Nervous about tomorrow. Mom is coming over along with friends to celebrate hubby's surprise bday party. Mom = good food, help me Lord!
  • jjeckels
    jjeckels Posts: 57
    Considering I didn't log my food over Vaction I'm not entirely suprised i'm up this week...1.2 lbs...:sad:

    Ready to rock the final week of our challenge....

    Three Month goal: 140
    Week 1 (1/7) - 153.8
    Week 2 (1/14) - 153.8
    Week 3 (1/21) - 151.6
    Week 4 (1/28) - 151.6
    Week 5 (2/4) - 150.2
    Week 6 (2/11) - 149.6
    Week 7 (2/18) - 149.2
    Week 8 (2/25) - 147.6
    Week 9 (3/4) - 145.6
    Week 10 (3/11)- 145.2
    Week 11 (3/18) - 146.4
    Week 12 and the END (3/25) -

    SW: 158
    CW: 146.4
    GW: 135

    Lets make this last week count!
  • jjeckels
    jjeckels Posts: 57
    Ok...I've learned my more weekends of complete letting loose! I'm up this week to 129.4. I think that's +1.8 but I don't remember what last week's weigh- in was for sure. UGH!!!!!!!

    Keep working hard...I feel your pain, UGH!!!
  • magglett
    magglett Posts: 2,000
    Okay ... I know I've been on track this week with the eating and the walking ... my body just hasn't figured it out yet. :angry: Stayed the same again this week. Eventually things will start to move again I'm sure.

    Week 1 (1/7) - 205.5 lbs
    Week 2 (1/14) – 202.5 lbs
    Week 3 (1/21) – 199.5 lbs
    Week 4 (1/28) – 199.5 lbs
    Week 5 (2/4) – 197 lbs
    Week 6 (2/11) – 199 lbs
    Week 7 (2/18) – 203 lbs
    Week 8 (2-25) - 202.5 lbs
    Week 9 (3-4) - 202.5 lbs
    Week 10 (3-11) - 202.5 lbs
    Week 11 (3-18) - 202.5 lbs
  • mamarundrc
    mamarundrc Posts: 1,577 Member
    Week 1 (1/7) - 181
    Week 2 (1/14) - 179.4
    Week 3 (1/21) - 178.8
    Week 4 (1/28) - 178.0
    Week 5 (2/4) - 177.0
    Week 6 (2/11) - 176.6
    Week 7 (2/18) - 175.6
    Week 8 (2/25) - 174.6
    Week 9 (3/4) - 173.4
    Week 10 (3/11 )- 172.4
    Week 11 (3/18) - 171
    Week 12 and the END (3/25)

    Hit 10 pounds loss for this challenge and I am 1/3 of the way to my goal (at least from when I started MFP). I am hoping to end this challenge in the 160's even if it is 169.9 :-). If I don't cheat too bad this weekend and stay focused I think I can do it.
  • daklex
    daklex Posts: 93 Member
    I know that my scale is capable of registering different weights, then why am I stuck at 286!?!??!

    Week 1 (1/7) - 294, starting 1/4
    Week 2 (1/14) – 289.4
    Week 3 (1/21) - 290
    Week 4 (1/28) – 289.2
    Week 5 (2/4) – 286.8
    Week 6 (2/11) - 287
    Week 7 (2/18) - 288
    Week 8 (2/25) - 290
    Week 9 (3/4) – 287.2
    Week 10 (3/11 )- 286
    Week 11 (3/18) – 286.0
    Week 12 and the END (3/25) –
  • magglett
    magglett Posts: 2,000
    I know that my scale is capable of registering different weights, then why am I stuck at 286!?!??!

    We must own the same brand of scale ... mine's stuck too :laugh:
  • KristieKRN
    KristieKRN Posts: 71 Member
    Three Month goal: lose 15 pounds, more importantly exercise 3X a week!
    Week 1 (1/7) - 187.5
    Week 2 (1/14) - 185.0
    Week 3 (1/21) - 182.5
    Week 4 (1/28) - 182.5
    Week 5 (2/4) - 182.0
    Week 6 (2/11) - 180.5
    Week 7 (2/18) - 179.5
    Week 8 (2/25) - 178.5
    Week 9 (3/4) - 176.5
    Week 10 (3/11 )- 176.5
    Week 11 (3/18) - 177.0
    Week 12 and the END (3/25) -

    damn TOM! up 0.5
  • Shamrock40
    Shamrock40 Posts: 264
    I'm at 220.2 for this week.

    I hope everyone has a great weekend!!
  • LurayneMarie
    LurayneMarie Posts: 342 Member
    Week 1: -
    Week 2: -
    Week 3: -
    Week 4: -
    Week 5: -
    Week 6: 170
    Week 7: 167
    Week 8: 161.8
    Week 9: 160
    Week 10: 160
    Week 11: 162.2
    Week 12:

    BOO! Im up 2.2 this week :( Last weeks antics and TOM caught up with me this week.
    However Im gonna get my own back next week!
  • USAFwifey12
    USAFwifey12 Posts: 373 Member
    I'm back up to 163.6. I CANNOT get rid of this 163! I guess after the weekend I had and last night I should have expected a gain, but yesterday I was at 162.6 so it's a little upsetting. I think I'm just going to have to start packing my own dinner when I go to my Dad's house on Thursday nights because it's always takeout with them and it's totally messing up my Friday weigh-ins....

    Three Month goal: 160 lbs
    Week 1 (1/07) - 170.8
    Week 2 (1/14) - 169.2
    Week 3 (1/21) - 171.0
    Week 4 (1/28) - 169.4
    Week 5 (2/04) - 168.2
    Week 6 (2/11) - 165.0
    Week 7 (2/18) - 165.4
    Week 8 (2/25) - 164.8
    Week 9 (3/04) - 163.6
    Week 10 (3/11 )- 163.0
    Week 11 (3/18) - 163.6
    Week 12 and the END (3/25) -

    SW: 176.5
    CW: 163.6
    GW: 160
  • kerriBB37
    kerriBB37 Posts: 967 Member
    Week 1 (1/7) - 185
    Week 2 (1/14) - 183.8
    Week 3 (1/21) - 177
    Week 4 (1/28) - 176.4
    Week 5 (2/4) - 174.8
    Week 6 (2/11) - 176.4
    Week 7 (2/18) - 176.6
    Week 8 (2/25) - 173
    Week 9 (3/4) - 172.4
    Week 10 (3/11 ) - 174.6
    Week 11 (3/18) - 170.0
    Week 12 and the END (3/25) -
  • heatsy
    heatsy Posts: 43 Member
    Week 1 (1/7) - 182
    Week 2 (1/14) - 178
    Week 3 (1/21) - 175
    Week 4 (1/28) - 174
    Week 5 (2/4) - 171
    Week 6 (2/11) - 170
    Week 7 (2/18) - 167
    Week 8 (2/25) - 165
    Week 9 (3/4) - 163
    Week 10 (3/11 ) 161.5
    Week 11 (3/18) - 160.5
    Week 12 and the END (3/25)

    only down 1 lb this week-not surprised because I ate out more than usual and had more junk and packaged food. have to be more strict next week!
  • kerriBB37
    kerriBB37 Posts: 967 Member
    I just found out our team member CarthagoDelendaEst has deactivated her account =( I feel bad for her. I don't know what was going on but I know she was stressed. She and I exchaged private messages almost daily for a while, she needed a good mentor :-( I hope she'll be okay!
  • Shamrock40
    Shamrock40 Posts: 264
    I just found out our team member CarthagoDelendaEst has deactivated her account =( I feel bad for her. I don't know what was going on but I know she was stressed. She and I exchaged private messages almost daily for a while, she needed a good mentor :-( I hope she'll be okay!

    That makes me sad, too. It is such a constant struggle, and if you're not ready to commit, you're not ready. Or if one of the million things that goes wrong in life derails you, you just have to get through it and try again. Maybe she'll be back when she takes a break. One of my friends on here has dropped off. She checks in now and again, but she doesn't chat anymore and she's not doing weigh-ins anymore.
  • mamarundrc
    mamarundrc Posts: 1,577 Member
    Mini challenge results: 1) 465 cals burned (2175/2000 for the week) 2) Way under on sodium (assuming I follow the plan for the rest of the day) 3) under on calories 4) 64 oz of water and counting!

    Had a really good week this week. Treating myself to a glass of wine with dinner! Happy Friday everyone!
  • daklex
    daklex Posts: 93 Member
    Why, oh WHY does mfp have freaking Dominos ads on the top of the pages. Couldn't they find a healthier alternative for an advertiser? Is Dominos preying on us, willing us to fall off the wagon and order a delivery? lol
  • cupcakelover103
    cupcakelover103 Posts: 197 Member
    Hey guys, i'm choosing not to weigh in this week because things quickly got out of hand towards the end and i don't want to be discouraged. THe past two days for me have been the worst i've ever had since joining mfp. I'm pretty sure it was hormonal (because it's that TOTM) but wow, i went crazy and ate way too much :( I couldn't even log it in. But i'm back on track today and i'm feeling a bit better. It's just scary because i let myself go so far and i realised that i can't get rid of this emotional problem i have with food by myself so i'm going to look into counselling to help.
    And Kerri, i can't believe CarthagoDelendaEst deactivated her account :( i was wondering where she went. She's the only other college student i know on here. I hope she'll come back soon, she was doing so so well. Do you know if i send her a message she'll still be able to get it???
    Here's to the last week girls :D We've done so well for staying with it (despite the ups and downs). I'm off to the gym now because i need those endorphines to kick in so i'll have a smile on my face once again.
  • magglett
    magglett Posts: 2,000
    Managed to surprise the hubby last night at the restaurant, he had no idea the kids were coming in from out of town to be there for his birthday ... then we all went bowling. Bowling? Seriously? It was soooo long since I did that. Well except for on my Wii ... it's really not the same :laugh: Way Fun :)

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