PART 2 January 3-month Challenge, to start on 1/7/2011 from



  • cupcakelover103
    cupcakelover103 Posts: 197 Member
    Mini Challenge results
    1) over cals by 103, not too bad though
    2) Went to the gym today and did some cardio
    3) Tomorrow i have pilates and then spinning :)
  • glitterballv
    glitterballv Posts: 133 Member
    Three Month goal: 135
    Week 1 (1/7) - 159.5
    Week 2 (1/14) - 155.9
    Week 3 (1/21) - 154.2
    Week 4 (1/28) - 152.2
    Week 5 (2/4) - 152.2
    Week 6 (2/11) - 151.4
    Week 7 (2/18) - 151.4
    Week 8 (2/25) - 149.6
    Week 9 (3/4) - 148.6
    Week 10 (3/11 )- 148.1
    Week 11 (3/18) -
    Week 12 and the END (3/25) -

    only 0.5lb off this week but I totally had a crazy weekend last weekend and also TOM which always makes me heavier and I totally ramped up the exercise because I was off work for a week. I'm not sure I have the time to keep it up but I will try. I start a new job on Monday and have joined the gym which is five minutes away from there and which opens at 6.30am two mornings a week (I live in a pretty rural place so this is actually quite impressive!!) so I figure if I make it to the gym or an early spin class twice a week and keep running three times a week I will be happy. I would prefer Body pump to be early class so I don't have to go to work quite such a redfaced mess but beggars can't be choosers!!

    On a happier note, despite the fact that I loathe my thighs with avengeance I really think I am starting to see a difference in them which I am very very excited about. Especiallly because the uk size 12 denim shorts I bought last summer are about 3 inches too big in the waist but were still snug around the thighs a few weeks ago. Think I might go try them on again!!

    Ok ladies, have a fab weekend and rest of week. I 'm rooting for us to lose as much as we can in the last two weeks! I would love to see 145 something on the scale.
  • lucybp
    lucybp Posts: 193
    Mini challenge for this week:
    1) Stay away from chocolate candy
    2) Stay under calories
    3) Stay under carbs
  • KristieKRN
    KristieKRN Posts: 71 Member
    Three Month goal: lose 15 pounds, more importantly exercise 3X a week!
    Week 1 (1/7) - 187.5
    Week 2 (1/14) - 185.0
    Week 3 (1/21) - 182.5
    Week 4 (1/28) - 182.5
    Week 5 (2/4) - 182.0
    Week 6 (2/11) - 180.5
    Week 7 (2/18) - 179.5
    Week 8 (2/25) - 178.5
    Week 9 (3/4) - 176.5
    Week 10 (3/11 )- 176.5
    Week 11 (3/18) -
    Week 12 and the END (3/25) -

    need 4 pounds in 2 weeks... hmmm guess I should really work at it to meet my little goal.
  • heatsy
    heatsy Posts: 43 Member
    Week 1 (1/7) - 182
    Week 2 (1/14) - 178
    Week 3 (1/21) - 175
    Week 4 (1/28) - 174
    Week 5 (2/4) - 171
    Week 6 (2/11) - 170
    Week 7 (2/18) - 167
    Week 8 (2/25) - 165
    Week 9 (3/4) - 163
    Week 10 (3/11 ) 161.5
    Week 11 (3/18) -
    Week 12 and the END (3/25)

    my goal was to weigh 160 by the end of this challenge, and I am very close! The last time I was at this weight was probably...sometime in early 2007!
  • kerriBB37
    kerriBB37 Posts: 967 Member
    Good ideas for mini challenges! I'm so proud some members of our group are so close to their goal!! Eeek!! So exciting! I've got a ways to go but I'm excited for the challenge!!

    My mini challenge goals:
    1. 1000 calories burned a day at the gym
    2. Under 1400 calories a day consumed
    3. 100 ounces water a day

    Good luck everyone! 2 more weeks left!! :)
  • cupcakelover103
    cupcakelover103 Posts: 197 Member
    mini challenge results for sunday
    1) under calories by 52 ish
    2) Went to the gym today
    3) Did pilates class as well on the 'reformer beds'. Was actually quite a strange experience... I think i prefer classes a bit more upbeat, but i'll try it again.
    I'm looking forward to next week. It'll be stressful as i have a lot of uni work due but i wont be turning to food this time!
  • mamarundrc
    mamarundrc Posts: 1,577 Member
    So this past week I did okay. My goals were to burn 2000 calories exercising, stay under on Sodium and cals, and to drink 64 oz of water. My total for the week 1903/2000 calories burned, Under on sodium 3/7 days, under on cals 6/7 days (but the one day over was REALLY bad). I consumed 64 oz of water 5/7 days. So overall not bad but my Saturday this week was over 1000 calories over.

    So this coming week are going to be the same
    1) Burn 2000 calories
    2) Stay under on sodium
    3) stay under on overall calories
    4) drink a minimum of 64 oz water

    Good luck everyone this week!
  • DianaM1020
    DianaM1020 Posts: 98 Member
    Well I didn't do well this weekend, whats new? I didn't work out at all, and I have two papers due this week so I'm worried :(
    But i'm at 137.3 now and I'm going to try to PUSH IT this week to make 136 by Friday so I can get to 135 by the end of the challenge!

    I'm going to work out at least 30 mins and burn at least 300 cals every day! I CANNOT go over a NET of 1300 each day


    1. 2000 Calories burned this week
    2. Lose 1.3 lbs
    3. At least 4 bottles of water (96 oz)
    4. NO SWEETS!
    5. No additional sugar or salt on anything!

    Good luck everyone!
  • cupcakelover103
    cupcakelover103 Posts: 197 Member
    Eek! Not such a great day today :S
    1) Over cals by 335 :S
    2) I did go to the gym this morning though
    3) I bought some boxing gloves so i can start having lessons too

    But i was quite a bit over my calories. We didn't have food in the house so i ate 2 of my 3 meals out and that didn't work out. I gave into temptation to a small brownie, which ended up to have 350+ cals (it was SO tiny) plus i thought i was making a healthy choice with my cajun chicken sandwhich (turned out to have 770+ calories) Gah. Guess i need an i-phone to check mfp while i'm out!
    It's crazy how may calories some things can have, even the ones that look oh so healthy.
    But i've packed my fruit salad, wrap and muesli bar for tomorrow already. It's sitting waiting in the fridge so i can pick it up quickly after spinning on my way to uni.

    Hope you all had a great day :)
  • DreeDub
    DreeDub Posts: 289 Member
    A few things I learned from my crazy weekend:

    1) I can still hang with guys/girls and go on 12 hour drinking binges...not a good thing but hey...I've been out of practice a LONG time! LOL
    2) When I "let loose" I should do so in moderation...not a complete let loose like I allowed this weekend.
    3) One weekend of little water, lots of bad food, and lots of alcohol can set me back a LONG way!!!
    4) It feels great to take it easy after working so hard!

    My body physically hurts today (and yesterday). Not only did I do damage to my number on the scale (up 5 pounds from Fridays weigh in...EEEEEEKKKKKKKKKKKKKK) I did damage to my chest, legs, and voice!

    This weeks goals:

    1) Drink 100 oz. of water a day (I have TON to make up for)
    2) Workout Monday-Saturday
    3) Eat healthy and get between 1000-1200 Net calories a day
    4) get back to 127.6 by Friday's weigh in!!!!!

    Here's to a GREAT week of feeling better physically and mentally and getting back on a healthy track...can't wait for this weeks workouts!!!! I've actually MISSED Insanity!!!!
  • kerriBB37
    kerriBB37 Posts: 967 Member
    LOL, you crack me up Andrea! I'm glad you let loose though!! =) You deserve it. I'm the same way... ALL or NOTHING when I go out, sometimes it's scary, lol! I don't plan on letting crazy Kerri outta the bag until April 8th (Tigers Opening Day) so I will be a good girl until then.

    I had a great weekend (for me) especially compared to last weekend. I was so disappointed to see a 2.2 # gain on Friday that I made this weekend all about me (in a healthy way)... I went to the gym Friday, Saturday and ran at home Sunday. I burned 1000+ calories each day. I ate less than 1600 calories a day. I cooked the beau and I some healthy foods. My new favorite thing to do is stop at McD's or Wendy's and get 2 side salads and eat that with some meat. I'm really trying to cut down on the carbs. I cancelled the Corktown 5K yesterday because I'm getting mentally prepped for the 13.1 this coming Sunday. My goals for the week have changed to where I only want to burn 500 calories and stay under my 1400 cals. I am really hoping Friday goes well for me!! I hope everyone has a great week!! Only a couple more weigh-in's! I'm not ready for this to be over! I am definitely thinking a follow up "challenge" is necessary! ANYONE WITH ME!? =)=)
  • DianaM1020
    DianaM1020 Posts: 98 Member
    YES! Follow up challenge sounds like a great idea! Keep us all accountable!
  • DreeDub
    DreeDub Posts: 289 Member
    I hope everyone has a great week!! Only a couple more weigh-in's! I'm not ready for this to be over! I am definitely thinking a follow up "challenge" is necessary! ANYONE WITH ME!? =)=)

    I'm IN!!! I don't want this to stop! Gotta have peeps to keep me accountable!!! Plus this way I think we might have some other goals too...for me...I'm close to my weight goal so I'd like to work towards some running goals (now that the weather is warming up...maybe) and toning goals!!!
  • nakitadawn1212
    nakitadawn1212 Posts: 135 Member
    Three Month Goal: 125 lbs!
    Week 1 (1/7) - 135
    Week 2 (1/14) - 134
    Week 3 (1/21) - 132
    Week 4 (1/28) - 131
    Week 5 (2/4) - 130
    Week 6 (2/11) - 132
    Week 7 (2/18) - 129.5
    Week 8 (2/25) - 129.2
    Week 9 (3/4) - 129.2
    Week 10 (3/11 )- 129.6
    Week 11 (3/18) -
    Week 12 and the END (3/25) -

    Up just a bit from last week, but I was TERRIBLE last week. I was sick last week and did not work out one day!! I tried to stay under my calories, but girl scout cookies and alcohol got the best of me Friday ;( Starting Insanity today with a friend and started training with Jackie Xtreme yesterday, so I am getting back on track!

    Goals for the week are going to vary daily
    Complete Insanity

    Run 5k, Jackie Xtreme Training

    *Drink plenty of water!!
    *Stay under 1200 calories Daily
    *Burn at least 350-500 calories Daily
    *NO ALCOHOL all week (Thursday may be hard)
    *Lose 1 lb by Friday
    *Don't get discouraged and not log food! I eat it = I log it ;) * Must snack, so I do not over eat!

    Have a great week every one!
  • nakitadawn1212
    nakitadawn1212 Posts: 135 Member
    LOL, you crack me up Andrea! I'm glad you let loose though!! =) You deserve it. I'm the same way... ALL or NOTHING when I go out, sometimes it's scary, lol! I don't plan on letting crazy Kerri outta the bag until April 8th (Tigers Opening Day) so I will be a good girl until then.

    I had a great weekend (for me) especially compared to last weekend. I was so disappointed to see a 2.2 # gain on Friday that I made this weekend all about me (in a healthy way)... I went to the gym Friday, Saturday and ran at home Sunday. I burned 1000+ calories each day. I ate less than 1600 calories a day. I cooked the beau and I some healthy foods. My new favorite thing to do is stop at McD's or Wendy's and get 2 side salads and eat that with some meat. I'm really trying to cut down on the carbs. I cancelled the Corktown 5K yesterday because I'm getting mentally prepped for the 13.1 this coming Sunday. My goals for the week have changed to where I only want to burn 500 calories and stay under my 1400 cals. I am really hoping Friday goes well for me!! I hope everyone has a great week!! Only a couple more weigh-in's! I'm not ready for this to be over! I am definitely thinking a follow up "challenge" is necessary! ANYONE WITH ME!? =)=)

  • kerriBB37
    kerriBB37 Posts: 967 Member
    love Love LOVE that! It's much better than the 3MonthChallenge Group! lol!!

    We can talk more about details in a bit, but I'm down and I will continue to log all these numbers--it's fun for me!

    I still have pounds to lose but I want to add in some running goals for the weeks ahead!

    Love you ladies! Thanks for everything.
  • mamarundrc
    mamarundrc Posts: 1,577 Member
    Only a couple more weigh-in's! I'm not ready for this to be over! I am definitely thinking a follow up "challenge" is necessary! ANYONE WITH ME!? =)=)

    YES! I am just starting to figure out what I need to do to lose the weight. This challenge has made me be so much more accountable than I would have been without it. I will totally be in for another challenge!

    Todays mini goals
    1) burned 387 cals today (387/2000 for the week)
    2) Way under on sodium (by ~800 mg)
    3) Under on overall cals
    4) as long as I finish this last bottle of water I will be at 72 oz for the day!

    Today was a good day. I felt like I had a renewed energy. Hopefully it lasts. Tomorrow, my exercise is scheduled into my day. I start a new class "rolling strollers". It is an exercise class designed around exercising with your baby and your stroller. Probably not "high impact" but it is exciting to find different ways to burn calories. Then tomorrow night I am starting mommy and me swim classes with my 6 month old. I know that won't be a killer burn but combined I am in for a decent day in the calorie burn world!
  • lucybp
    lucybp Posts: 193
    Oh yes, another challenge ... I'm glad you guys feel the same way. I was hoping we would 'keep on keeping on'!

    Yesterday's mini challege:
    stayed under calories
    stayed under carbs
    did NOT walk around the office looking for chocolate candy, MAJOR accomplishment :)

    It was a good day, BUT I made whole wheat raisin buns and may have had too many yesterday so note to self: don't get too happy with your bread. On a good note, the scale did not go up over the weekend ... I was losing weight by Friday and gaining about 2 lbs by Monday so HUGE accomplishment ... couldn't do it without all of you.

    wooo hooooo!
  • DreeDub
    DreeDub Posts: 289 Member
    This weeks goals:

    1) Drink 100 oz. of water a day (I have TON to make up for)
    2) Workout Monday-Saturday
    3) Eat healthy and get between 1000-1200 Net calories a day
    4) get back to 127.6 by Friday's weigh in!!!!!

    Yesterday's results:
    1) drank lots of water...definitely over my 100 oz.
    2) Completed a workout--Insanity Max Interval Plyo
    3) Ate semi-healthy (had a naughty snack while I watched The Bachelor finale) but still ended with 1005 Net calories
    4) starting to see some loss on the scale from what Sunday showed...YIKES!