Shakeology VS. Protein shake + multivitamin



  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member
    this message is the one that woke up the thread.
    i'd guess not a coach as they aren't really supporting it.
    Or you could go the easier, cheaper route: Which is eat lean meat and a good variety of nutrient-dense vegetables. :smile:

    I've tried protein shakes and stuff but it just doesn't fill me up as good when I drink my calories instead of chewing them.

    Actually there WAS one from a coach with her email address and everything but it apparently got deleted.

    Yes I reported it.
  • RGv2
    RGv2 Posts: 5,789 Member
    (*I'm a coach that has used this snake oil for years*): Interesting observations: Those that love Shakeology usually end up becoming coaches so they get a discount on it and because they want to share their wonderful experience with their friends and family... and eventually strangers. Those that hate Shakeology... usually have never even tried it and just like to kick up dust. You will likely have to try it before you will ever know... and since you can get a free sample from any coach, why all the fuss? Just try it. I drink it once or twice per day as one or two of my 5-7 meals per day... yes I do eat real food too, but don't tell the other coaches.

    Or it's part of their sales pitch?
  • CoachMigs
    Sure, but how can it not be? Don't you pitch sales for things you like and want to share too? Shakeology is only one of many of my daily health components. I recommend kombucha, cacao elixirs, yerba mate, oil pulling, dry skin brushing, organics, most of all good clean filtered water... but those are off topic, and I'm obviously not making a sale on a myfitnesspal board. For those of you so critical of the stuff, go get some with the intention of proving us shakeology lovers wrong, drink it daily for 30 days and see what happens- then send the empty bag back and get all your money back if you don't like it, no questions asked. (Then come back here and post your terrible experience.) I don't know too many other products you can do that with. Also know if you do send it back, the coaches make no commission. Anybody up for that challenge?
  • AllOutof_Bubblegum
    AllOutof_Bubblegum Posts: 3,646 Member
    It's about a $200/mo difference.
  • mizztanjo
    mizztanjo Posts: 153 Member
    Meh. I don't see anything revolutionary there.

    And is it REALLY $129 for 30 servings? REALLY? :noway:

    If you factor in that in the US, and Canada as well, a lot of people who have busy schedules grab lunch at fast food joints that cost about $5-$10 a day, do the math.....the Shakes are about the same ;)
  • SherryTeach
    SherryTeach Posts: 2,836 Member
    What ingredients? I just looked it up and it seems like a lot of stuff made in a factory. Doesn't look like real food? Why are some people so down on eating food anyway?
  • Timshel_
    Timshel_ Posts: 22,834 Member
    For those of you so critical of the stuff, go get some with the intention of proving us shakeology lovers wrong, drink it daily for 30 days and see what happens

    Or eat normal meals in appropriate moderation and see what happens.

    Of course if you restrict yourself in calories you will lose weight. Every weight loss product, pill, or new fangled exercise routine always rests on reducing calories (though most only flash it up in the fine print of the commercials, along with their self-funded studies).

    Anyway, in my opinion, if the product was that good and could stand on it's own you wouldn't need a pyramid platform of sales as a business model.
  • leonroady
    leonroady Posts: 1 Member
    Hello everyone,

    I am new at giving a review or commenting at all on fitness sites so take it easy on me ladies and gents:-). I mean no harm in my words, only hope to add new perspectibes to fitness since it can be so overwhelming and confusing at times. Here goes...

    I have a friend who is using Shakeology. She's kind of new to taking supplements, so I've been trying to guide her with the years I've been reading and experimenting with them to help her along in her weight-loss journey. Granted I'm not a fitness instructor, but "I wasn't going to drop a hundred and fifty grand on an education you coulda got for a dollar fifty in late charges at the Public Library", (thank you Good Will Hunting) to get in shape and be healthy.

    As for my questions and comments about this Shakeology product. I'm seeing a lot of the same questions above and some being looked over when comparing Synha-6 or any other great proteins that are on the market along with Shakeology. For my use, I have always taken a multivitamin, and I buy mine at a local Midwest grocery chain that are comparable to GNC Mega Men vitamins. I get mine for $13 (120ct). I also get my Syntha-6 for around $19.93 for a 2lb container at when they are buy 2 get 1 free. (Great deals there btw). So I'm getting my vitamins and proteins and all the other nutrients that come in Syntha-6 for about $33 ($1.10 per serving). I use Syntha-6 only as an aid for meal replacement when I'm on the go or if I want to add protein to a food that's lacking. I also use it for snacks when making shakes, always mixed with water to make milkshakes (keeps the calories low and same great taste when blended with ice).

    I already eat whole foods, fruits and veggies, and choose low carb and lower sugar foods, so vitamins really aren't an issue for me, IF you like fruits and veggies already. I can see where people that do not like fruits and veggies could benefit with Shakeology, but there's still a better cost effective way to get your nutrients instead of spending around $4+ a serving when using Shakeology. I just don't get that.

    My fitness goals have always been to maintain or add/subtract weight as I feel the need at a cost effective way. Not only do I like a physical challenge of manipulating weights to challenge my body, I like my mind challenged as well. Being cost effective and comparing nutrients does that for me. So sharing this with others I hope creates a spark in them to do the same if the need arises. I hear so man people say "I don't have the time" or "It's so expensive to get in shape and eat healthy", when really it's not. It can be though, depending on how far or into it you want to go. There are so many endless resources out there to aid in weight-loss and fitness, that it can get overwhelming. That's the challenge. Wading through all the BS to get to the bare essentials of what you want and what your body needs. I also found a new protein I use strictly for nighttime shakes and not as a meal replacement because the carbs are so low but the taste is there. This one is called Select Protein. It doesn't have as many flavors like Syntha-6 but it's so good!! Cookies & Cream is my fav and Amazing Blondie is great too.

    In closing, I'm not sold on the cost effectiveness of Shakeology, the nutrients seems to be there and the protein is decent (I like mine 20g and above). If money is no option, I'd say use it, but I still feel it's lacking in places.

    This is just one mans opinion though. Good luck in all of your health endeavors!!

  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    shakeology = over priced garbage that has no magical properties whatsoever...
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    I love my shakeology. One thing I like about it is It keeps me full from 7a to 11a! Has so many beneficial ingrediants. And yes it is pricey but I was buying all different vitamins and supplements that I don't anymore so that makes me feel better about it :)

    a regular protein shake will do that too …

    the reason you feel full is because you are filling your stomach with a liquid….
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    Thanks yall!! That really does help me out alot!! Makes me wanna buy it!!! :) Hahaha. Do yall drink it in the morning for breakfast? Lunch? What meal...?

    another one bites the dust…

    have fun blowing your money on something with zero benefit.
  • ASKyle
    ASKyle Posts: 1,475 Member
    edited April 2015
    I'm not a coach and I've taken Shakeology before but do not currently. It's not a gimmick. It's clinically proven and it does work if you do as directed. It's a meal replacement NOT a protein shake. Not sure where else you think you are going to get a meal that has that in it for $4... lol

    LOL you can't be serious. Its clinically proven? To do what, exactly?

    You don't think that a 300 calorie meal of chicken vegetables and possibly a whole grain would have more protein, fiber and vitamins than that shake, for half the price?
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    ASKyle wrote: »
    I'm not a coach and I've taken Shakeology before but do not currently. It's not a gimmick. It's clinically proven and it does work if you do as directed. It's a meal replacement NOT a protein shake. Not sure where else you think you are going to get a meal that has that in it for $4... lol

    LOL you can't be serious. Its clinically proven? To do what, exactly?

    You don't think that a 300 calorie meal of chicken vegetables and possibly a whole grain would have more protein, fiber and vitamins than that shake, for half the price?

    well normally yes, but shakeology has magical properties that make it superior to everything...
  • astrampe
    astrampe Posts: 2,169 Member
    mizztanjo wrote: »
    Meh. I don't see anything revolutionary there.

    And is it REALLY $129 for 30 servings? REALLY? :noway:

    If you factor in that in the US, and Canada as well, a lot of people who have busy schedules grab lunch at fast food joints that cost about $5-$10 a day, do the math.....the Shakes are about the same ;)

    Oh please.....I have a busy schedule, and so do millions of others who still make the time to prep food at home and pack a healthy, cheap lunch for work..... And not buy overpriced snake oil or junk food.....