Can Men and Women REALLY ever just bo friends?



  • DCskat3r4lfe
    DCskat3r4lfe Posts: 152 Member
    I have several guy friends, one is going to be a groomsmen in my wedding, and my fiance doesn't care. Another guy friend of mine has a girl as his bff, and her and his girlfriend have also become really good friends. It's just about trust and knowing that the only person you want to come home to at night is the person you're in the actual relationship with!

    100% agreed.
  • smithsara7272
    smithsara7272 Posts: 22 Member
    Most of my friends are guys. I only have one female friend. I think you have to trust your partner and yourself to make sure lines are not crossed.
  • nolachick
    nolachick Posts: 3,278 Member
    hmmm good question. i think as long as there are no feelings involved u can.

    i'm friends with my first love but only after we both moved on and no longer saw each other in that way.

    also if u have a guy friend that u met b4 ur current relationship it might not be as threatening to ur new guy. but if a new guy comes into the picture yeah they might feel a lil jealousy. wouldn't you? i'm a very jealous person so I would not like for my man to be working out, hanging out, giong out, doing anything with another girl instead of me :noway: hahahaha yes i'm crazy like that :blushing:
  • chunk3y_m0nk3y
    i think its a good thing to have friends of both sexes and not to expect anything from the opposite can be pigs and yes most of them do think with their "u know wut" honestly...wut man doesnt???....but yes sos i think wut u have with ur neighbor...only talking about fish?? not a big deal..well not to me...i think ur hubby needs to talk to ur neighbor and get to know him to see he is not a threat...i think all husbands and bf's get jealous when their woman talks to another guy...they think they r going to lose wut they have and they dont want that to hubby dont like it when guys even look at me a certain way...i usually never see anyone looking at me but like i r men and some of them can be really good friends....both ppl need to know wut is expected so no 1 can say they thought something else...
  • kelligonzales
    I believe it can happen...But the more important thing here is that you explore these feels with your husband casue that would mean if he talks to a girl at work mor than once something has to be going on....which doesn't make since. So i would get him to a place where he is comfortable with you have friends of the opposite sex.
  • cab1204
    cab1204 Posts: 21 Member
    I totally believe that you can have a male friend that is JUST a male friend!!! I have several male friends that have and don't have companions... None of those guys have ever made advances towards me, now they may use me to get close to one of my girl friends :) But at the end of the day we are still friends and no funny business. On the same hand, I like to have guys that are interested in me and actually make the effort to be a friend as well as a companion!!!
  • Kirstie_C26
    Kirstie_C26 Posts: 490 Member
    men and women can sooo just be friends!!!! 90% of my friends are male and there has never been anything other than friendship between us, it wud be like incest lol me n my male friends r really close and i trust them implicetly :D
  • ♥Violette♥4Ever♥
    I have a few great guy friends. Two of them are my best friends but they are gay. The other ones are married or have a gf and I have become good friends with their significant others because I have a rule that I ALWAYS adhere to....I don't EVER sleep with a friend's man. That is how I maintain my friendship with a straight man.
  • cab1204
    cab1204 Posts: 21 Member
    You guys are so clever!!!
  • lilRicki
    lilRicki Posts: 4,555 Member
    I have more male friends than female...and they're all very "manly" men. I have no problems just being friends with them. There is something fundementally wrong with each and every one of them lol...Not to say I didn't have a crush on some of them at one point, usually at the beginning...but they usually do something that completely turns me off and sends them to the friend circle. My fiance has no problems with this. Two of my best male friends even spend the night at my house while my fiance is away, he's met them, he knows there is nothing to worry about...and if I was going to sleep with them, I would have done it in the 10 - 25 years I've known them (well not the one, I met him in kindergarten, we weren't sexually active then lol). I'm just saying that it's perfectly acceptable for a man and a woman to be friends...I'm thankful every day that my man trusts me and doesn't have jealousy issues. I don't know if I'd feel the same way if he had girl friends that spend the night when I'm not there, but then again, women are WAY different than men. I'm not jealous, but I can sniff a homewrecker from a mile away, and so far I've been 100% correct despite other people telling me I'm just being a b!tch...yep, turns out every woman I get uneasy around propositions my that's why I don't like women lol
  • bbygrl5
    bbygrl5 Posts: 964 Member
    It's a more complicated situation, but if the man/woman really respect each other's friendship so much, it can remain just a friendship.
  • FearAnLoathing
    FearAnLoathing Posts: 4,852 Member
    Ive had men friends that I have been friends with for years.
    all my male friends have hit on me at one time or another so who knows it seems a really long time to hang out with me just to get into my pants
  • kimi233
    kimi233 Posts: 271 Member
    Our husbands think the same way!! It always made me mad, because I'm like, really, that's ALL I have to offer a guy huh?? LOL I still talk to my guy friends, but I've made sure my husband knows them now so he is less worried. And when ever he throws it in my face, I always say, well you work with three women, so are you saying I need to be worried about that?? And that usually stops the argument!
  • Dmonique85
    Dmonique85 Posts: 112
    It's possible, but can be risky...I am pretty sure 90% of the guys that I have been friends with would love to go further if the opportunity arose. It's hard especially if you are seeking things from that person that your partner is not able to provide. I am pretty sure I would not want my boyfriend to go on walks daily with a girl...and I know he wouldn't like that either but those are our limits naturally. But I do see my ex-fiance regularly and actually sing in a group with him (I have to give him rides sometimes to our performances). At first my boyfriend was upset, he knows I don't like the guy at all, but it took him actually being around him to know that there is nothing there, and that there never will be. Even if me & my bf broke up I wouldn't even consider being with this guy. I think he would love to have another chance, but it just cannot happen.

    I think it would be smart to make sure that he is able to be close to the guy & scope him out, I know that some men are abnormally jealous...but to be honest if your relationship is not perfect it makes sense for him to be, from what I can see you are a beautiful woman & in his mind you are even more so. Since for women conversation can be like sex for men...if he feels like there's some part of you that you are giving to this guy, that he cannot have access can be hurtful. He may think too that this guy is trying to look for an opening for more. Also if he does have a bad vibe about him, try and trust your husbands instincts, he may be able to see some things in men that we are unable to.
  • autumn13
    autumn13 Posts: 295
    Options's not possible for me to be "just friends" with a man. A man always has a hidden agenda in my opinion.

    I think this is so true!!!!!
  • Enigmatica
    Enigmatica Posts: 879 Member
    It's definitely possible. Most of my friends are guys. And that's exactly what they are: FRIENDS.
  • mikeyml
    mikeyml Posts: 568 Member
    Yea I don't see why it's not possible. I think your friendship is a good example that shows men and women can be just friends. I have female friends that I met while in graduate school that I keep in contact with and occasionally go out with. We share this crazy passion for history, politics, and theory that my wife just isn't interested in. But there would never be anything more than just friendship there and I think that actually makes the relationships stronger.

    The only times that being "just friends" won't work are when a spouse is jealous, friendship time cuts into relationship time, a friend becomes clingy, the friendship is based on a strong physical attraction, or someone becomes emotionally attached and wants more. If you see any red flags for possible physical or emotional attachment then it's time to rethink that friendship. And if you're spending every weekend with a friend of the opposite sex rather than your spouse then that will create problems too.

    But just having friends of the opposite sex to chat with and hang out with every once in a while? Harmless.
  • ItsTerriC
    ItsTerriC Posts: 436 Member
    I've often heard that the only reason men and women are friends is because that is all the woman will allow All guys will take it farther if given the opportunity. I'm not man-bashing, it's men who tell me this.

    If it really makes your husband unhappy, then isn't that what should matter? Would you want him to continue hanging out with a girl that you were uncomfortable with? I always try to decide if what I'm doing would be ok if it was my husband doing the same thing.
  • anubis609
    anubis609 Posts: 3,966 Member
    It's extremely possible to just be platonic friends. Not all men are straight up horndogs thinkin' with their "cackenbals" all day. There has to be a level of maturity and mutual respect that dictates the security of any relationship. There are females that I know that simply can't have "male friends" because THEY, themselves, are always thinking about taking it to another level.

    In my experience, the thought of constant promiscuity being generalized among male society, is usually a personal feeling that gets projected onto the majority of a population. So, unless there's a reason to think otherwise, it could be that your husband may not be completely secure enough to believe that you can have a male friend without jeopardizing your relationship. Which usually comes out in some form of the phrase, "I trust you. I don't trust THEM." But, that's just my opinion.