Are you kidding me??



  • FearAnLoathing
    FearAnLoathing Posts: 4,852 Member
    OK...I get it.. daughter wants to be like mommy and workout with Mommy!!

    However...that picture that they are using to sell this thing is telling a different story... To me, it looks like Mommy is supervising her slightly chunky daughter to get her in shape!


    I dont think the little girl looks chunky at all,she looks like a regular little girl to me.
  • just4peachy
    just4peachy Posts: 594 Member
    OK...I get it.. daughter wants to be like mommy and workout with Mommy!!

    However...that picture that they are using to sell this thing is telling a different story... To me, it looks like Mommy is supervising her slightly chunky daughter to get her in shape!


    Let kids be kids, PLEASE!!! They are only young once!!
    Agree agree agree!
  • FearAnLoathing
    FearAnLoathing Posts: 4,852 Member
    OK...I get it.. daughter wants to be like mommy and workout with Mommy!!

    However...that picture that they are using to sell this thing is telling a different story... To me, it looks like Mommy is supervising her slightly chunky daughter to get her in shape!


    Let kids be kids, PLEASE!!! They are only young once!!
    Agree agree agree!

    how are they not being kids?im confused.Should we get rid of baby dolls , toy tools and all that because those are toys were kids pretend to be grown up?I cant see what the big deal is
  • polar5554
    polar5554 Posts: 576 Member
    Like I me, the picture tells a different story than Mocking Mommy.

    That's all I'm sayin.
  • tmaksparkie
    tmaksparkie Posts: 279
    I am a daycare provider so I work with all different types of children that being said I would not buy this item. I do understand the intention of this because yes children love to do what we do that is why we should lead be example actions are louder then words. Personally around here we have moving and grooving time. We do this in the winter or rainy days otherwise we are outside all day unless it is meal time or nap time and we run and roll down the hill play tag all the things kids should do. I have had a few kids imitate their parents and it is a little funny yet very sad to here the words and holding their back "no no you go ahead and run my back hurts I need a break" from a 5 yr olds but if they get told to go play and you don't play with them that is what happens.

    IN A NUT SHELL PLAY WITH YOUR KIDS, RUN, JUMP, RACE, ROLL all the things you remember from being a kid.
  • BrianJLamb
    BrianJLamb Posts: 239 Member
    I think the most disturbing thing about this machine is its crappy quality. Read the reviews. The thing is a good substitute for a real treadmill. Anyone remember what happened to Mike Tyson's daughter?

    The problem is that thing is crappy. I would consider buying it for my another poster suggested...problem is, there is no power to it. You have to spin it yourself. Who the hell wants that?
  • mara232
    mara232 Posts: 93 Member
    I would never buy it but my little guy likes working out with me. I'll put on The Firm and he'll do it with me! I took him and his cousins to the park and lake today - 40 min of walking for me while the three of them rotated from one in wagon, one walking and one on scooter! At one point all three were in the wagon with me pulling and carrying the scooter!! lol
  • myofibril
    myofibril Posts: 4,500 Member

    IN A NUT SHELL PLAY WITH YOUR KIDS, RUN, JUMP, RACE, ROLL all the things you remember from being a kid.

    I can't help but think of Benjamin Franklin's famous quote

    “We do not stop playing because we grow old, we grow old because we stop playing”

    If we are saying that this ghastly contraption (a threadmill - yuck!) isn't right for our children why therefore is it right for us as adults? Maybe we would all be better off if we took our own advice. Get outside and enage in physical activity which is truly fun and enjoyable, not as a weight loss tool, but as something which adds to our quality of life.

    If you find a passion in sport then your body will surely follow...
  • FearAnLoathing
    FearAnLoathing Posts: 4,852 Member
    This looks absolutely rediculous!

    You can instill good habits by not being crazy about it!

    Kids don't need stuff like this... they need to be OUTSIDE... get them a bike for goodness sake!

    I have lived in some pretty bad areas,where I would never let my kids outside because it wasnt safe.Not everyone is lucky enough to live in a nice safe area.If a toy helps kids be active inside I dont see the problem.
  • humpalc
    humpalc Posts: 140
    I look at it like a play kitchen set, or toy lawn mower, etc. It's a way for the kids to play like a grown-up and bonus, still get exercize :) don't plan on buying one, but if my 3 year old can't stay off of our 'grown up' treadmill, I might change my mind - lol :) every time I turn around she's swinging on it like a chimpanzee - good thing we keep the safety key up high and unplug it, or she'd be doing her own 5K
  • MissKim
    MissKim Posts: 2,853 Member
    I'm not finding it as disturbing as everyone else here is, here's what I'm thinking...esp with my kids b/c they will be genetically predisposed to gain weight easily just like me and their dad! I was skinny minny when I was a kid b/c I was always active and playing. Yet, my eating habits were horrible! The only way I stayed so skinny was b/c of how active I was. As soon as I graduated and didn't play sports anymore I balooned up to 200 lbs from 135. In order to be "healthy" and stay "active" I would have loved for my parents to have taught me about exercise and eating healthy, b/c it's something you have to do for the rest of your life. It shouldn't be looked at as a punishment for adults. being active should be instilled in children. All kinds of ways of being active! Not just playing outside, but also, gym equipment. If they learn to enjoy it when they are young then they will probably never go through what I've went through to learn what it takes to be healthy. yes, there high lil metabolisms are good for them now, but what about when they get older?? I'm not saying put them in the gym 5 days a week, but just teach them about being active and healthy!! and all the different forms of exercise you can do! from dancing to playing to lifting weights to tredmilling it up!! it's all healthy and should be looked at as fun!!! and like others have said, i'm sure when my lil one gets big enough to see me and daddy on the elliptical and punching the punching bag, he will want to do it right along with us!!! and we will teach him how to, and why we do it!
  • Liatush
    Liatush Posts: 627 Member
    idk... perhaps it is meant as a toy?

    alot of young children want to emulate their parents and if mummy is using treadmill every day the child might like to copy mummy by using her own treadmill at the same time?

    sure better than the child sitting watching tv and being told to not bother mummy while she is exercising don't you think?

    editedto add:
    not much different then than if the child was given a play kitchen stove etc etc

    I agree with this totally!! I am all for kids playing outside but I think this is truly adorable :)
  • MissKim
    MissKim Posts: 2,853 Member
  • Awineburg
    Awineburg Posts: 196
    This could be like a toy or possibly a physical therapy type of thing. For example a kid who is recovering from a broken leg or some kind of other injury. This looks a little less scary than a giant noisy gray thing you see at the gym.
  • Awineburg
    Awineburg Posts: 196
    This could be like a toy or possibly a physical therapy type of thing. For example a kid who is recovering from a broken leg or some kind of other injury. This looks a little less scary than a giant noisy gray thing you see at the gym.
  • tmaksparkie
    tmaksparkie Posts: 279

    AMEN!!!!!!! That is so true like I said actions speak louder then words. You want your kids to do it then you should be. This is on all subjects health, food, smoking, general way of living.
  • BrandNewMia
    BrandNewMia Posts: 461
    This doesn't bother me. I checked out the product and it's kid-powered, meaning the belt does not run on it's own, the child has to propel it to move and it stops when the child stops.

    My kids emulate my exercising, like a lot of parents have said. When mine were really little it was dangerous to use the treadmill, because they wanted to climb on with me, so I had to build a fort with coffee tables and boxes to keep the kids away from me while I did my thing. This product would have come in handy at that time! YES - I agree - kids should be active outside and I did take them for walks, but their little legs don't keep up with my 4.0mph stride. I think this little baby treadmill is kinda cute and I know my kids would get a big kick out of it!
  • FearAnLoathing
    FearAnLoathing Posts: 4,852 Member
    My daughter saw the picture and now she wants one lol
  • htimpaired
    htimpaired Posts: 1,404 Member
    I will just throw this out, I do'nt think there is any substitute for playtime outside...BUT...
    I know I am not positive I would feel comfortable letting my kid go outside to play at certain times of day or burn off some energy when the weather is crummy. I don't live in the best neighborhood and in western NY, it can be beautiful and sunny one day and a blizzard the I could see some benefit to this.
    Now I wonder if I could get an adult sized one in this color for me? haha
  • sophiajackson99
    That has got to be a joke. It looks like something from a SNL skit.