How did you gain weight?...



  • myukniewicz
    myukniewicz Posts: 906 Member
    i gained my weight when i moved out of my parents house and moved to another state to go to college... the college life style defiantly facilitated my weight gain... to much drinking and A LOT of drunken midnight runs to taco bell.... and i was a poor college kids so i ate a lot of ramen, and 88 cent box mac n :)
  • nokittyno
    nokittyno Posts: 293 Member
    I was a a skinny kid up until about Grade 2/3 and slowly gained weight. I don't remember being thin in grade 4, 5, 6, and 7 and 8 I gained the most. I never had any friends - sometimes I tagged along with my brother and would do things with him but noone really liked me and I got teased alot, so through J.H and H.S I had no friends and got depressed, dropped out of H.S and just ate. I ate and stayed up all night and slept during the day. I had McDs, A&W, Chips - you name it. Then I met someone online and I didn't want to disappoint them, so I decided to work out, went from under 200 to about an 60lb (then 80) weight loss. But honestly I have never been truly thin, thin - so I'm still not 100% ideal and have a way to go but I am trying,

    It's funny, my mom told me the other day when she was in her 30's she heard a voice from the Holy Spirit(For those who may be religious, into LDS etc.. or not) and it said to her, "None of your children will be skin and bones" - what a disappointing prophecy for me! LOL.
  • Sh1tsRainbows
    Sh1tsRainbows Posts: 1,227 Member
    FAST FOOD!!!!!..also i was never taught you need to exercise..i was such a book worm..then a couch potato :(
  • TLC1975
    TLC1975 Posts: 146 Member
    Babies Babies Babies!

    Gained 50+ pounds with each one

    1st - lost all but 10 within a year
    2nd - up and down like a yo-yo for 6 years, finally got it all off and more!
    3rd - still losing from this one and he is almost 2!

    It gets harder with each child...
  • ImperfektAngel
    ImperfektAngel Posts: 811 Member
    Not wanting to offend anybody.. But how did you gain weight?
    Have you been big since a child?
    Or did you pile on the pounds when you first moved out of the family home?
    Maybe it was relationship weight?

    So go on.. I'm curious :)

    I have been overweight since I was a child, most of my weight was gained after I had my daughter 17 years ago. I met someone a couple of years after having her and got real comfortable! gained over 100 lbs EEk! I finally got out of my relationship a few years back, my daughter is grown and doesn't need me around as much and now I'm able to concentrate more on myself and gettin in shape. I have never succeeded at this weight loss thing til now, 60 lbs down and counting :happy:
  • BillyC96
    BillyC96 Posts: 7,560 Member
    I quit smoking.
  • chasing_130
    chasing_130 Posts: 43 Member
    college came & i found my true love for beer lol
  • BillyC96
    BillyC96 Posts: 7,560 Member
    LOL! I quit smoking, but not beer!
  • C_Bran
    C_Bran Posts: 254
    Always been a little larger than most..........every since I was a kid and had to wear "HUSKY" clothing. Slimmed down a little in middle school, but I was still large. 10th grade I was 6'4" and played 3 sports for my high school (football, basketball and track). Then I played summer league basketball up until my summer before college. During and after college football eating was my favorite thing to do when I was playing sports, drinking or playing video games.

    So this led to weight gain and after I stopped playing sports it led to RAPID weight gain. Eating anything and everything isn't good for you and I never realized how bad I was treating my body. So when I realized I need to redirect this run away train I was 6'5" 327!!!
  • daddyratty
    daddyratty Posts: 305 Member
    If you tracked my weight over time and compared it to a heartrate monitor printout, you might not be able to tell the difference.

    I can remember convincing my mom to borrow her "Deal-A-Meal" booklet when I was a sophomore in high school. It was the first time in my life I didn't have PE. I'd put on 20 or so pounds, and I think I lost 13-15 doing a combination of that and Slim-Fast shakes.

    The next summer my parents divorced and we were uprooted about 80 miles from where I'd lived my whole life.

    Then we were left alone quite a bit (at the time I was 15, sister was 11, brother was 5). Mom would by multipacks of frozen burritos from Costco that were supposed to last us for a couple weeks' worth of dinners when she had late night shifts. I'd eat 2, 3, 4 at a time and the pack would be gone in a few days. I knew mom was concerned and she would talk to me about it, but not really push me hard. Maybe afraid I'd decide to go back and live with dad? I don't know ...

    Summer after junior year I worked at the docks on a nearby lake. 40 hours a week in the sun ... loved it. Was able to save up about $2500 during the summer.

    It was all gone by Christmas. Most of it to junk food and eating out during lunch ... cookies and sodas during break at school, etc.

    My senior year right before baseball season I tore the MCL in my right knee. So while my right leg atrophied for 6 weeks, the rest of me kind of ballooned as the one physically exerting outlet I had was no longer possible.

    By the end of that summer I weighed 255 (age 17). It was then I left for a year long foreign exchange to Brazil. Healthy unprocessed foods and a LOT of walking (an hour or more almost every day) accounted for a loss of about 40 pounds.

    That was 1995, and I've never been that light since.

    I put on about 10 my first year back, but was pretty active working full time as a day clerk in a large grocery store.

    Then came college.

    15 the first year (240), 15 the second year (255), and about 20 over the next 2-1/2 years as I was 275 when I got married in early 2001. But that was not without its ups and downs.

    I was down into the 230's in 1999 then ballooned back.

    Since being married, I've done Atkins (2003 - got down to the mid 250's), Weight Watchers (2007-2008, brought me from 302 to 249), and WW again in 2009 (from 285 to 268 or so).

    In 2008 I ran for awhile, and this was even while I was on WW, but I didn't really watch what I ate that well and didn't lose much more than I was already losing. I never got below 261 running because I used it as license to eat whatever I wanted.

    In 2009 I ran again for a few weeks, but was overcome by business of being a first-year teacher.

    Last summer after a move that we ended up making without mommy (we had 2 kids at the time) as she was on mandatory bedrest (we were moving 300+ miles away) and several weeks with just me getting settled into new home and job, I found myself at 303. Lack of access to fast food meant a drop of about 20 over the first couple months, but I couldn't bust through 283.

    Finally I got prompted by my brother-in-law and former running partner to train for a 10K event in May (this was in mid January).

    I started Couch-to-5K January 24. Three weeks of running and the scale was not moving. I was still eating whatever I wanted.

    I found and began MFP on February 11.

    I dropped C25K and started a more long-term running program about 10 days later.

    So now I've dropped 20 pounds in 5 weeks and am looking forward to shattering through all those layers of "lightest since ____."

    I'm giving myself a year, but more important is that I've made the important decisions to turn this thing around.
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