Men! I need your help!



  • Marla64
    Marla64 Posts: 23,120 Member

    Actually, as a general rule, no, I'm not a rude lady. I was today, and apologized.
    It's too bad no one else here has apologized to you for their rude comments.

    Nah-- it's all good.
  • starkid120
    starkid120 Posts: 204 Member
  • rileamoyer
    rileamoyer Posts: 2,411 Member
    I am kind of biased because I am a 20 yr old girl. But your daughter is an adult. You may not like her boyfriend, but no matter what you say, if she likes him, she will stay with him.

    I think you should be less interested with how he texts and more interested in getting to know more about him. You should be supportive of your daughter. If he is bad for her, she will eventually figure it out and leave him.

    totally didn't ask for your opinion-- but thanks for playing.

    And all "adult" means in this house at the age of 19 is that I can now legally kick your behind out.

    If you do not want honest UNBIASED opinions you should not post a topic. Not everyone is going to tell you what you want to hear.

    I found out around here that no matter what restrictions you get on a post, anyone or everyone might reply. As mother to 3 grown daughters and 2 teen granddaughters I know for a fact, the more you complain, the more they will stick with a guy. I even did it (my first husband) when everyone was right. It doesn't hurt to let them know you have reservations, but don't push it.
  • starkid120
    starkid120 Posts: 204 Member
    This thread is lame. If you REALLY want something to worry about, turn on the news and look at Japan. It'll put things in perspective a little, so you can stop worrying about smiley faces.

    My senitments exactly.
  • mikeyml
    mikeyml Posts: 568 Member
    Kinda what she says--

    Yes, the technology is there, and yes it's 24/7. But, doesn't this kid have productive things to do? No cats to rescue from trees? No old ladies to help across streets? He and my daughter fell asleep face to face on Skype-- really? You have nothing better to do? Neither of you? gaah.gif

    Ok I will be honest..I have never skyped...or even owned a webcam. But when I was younger I did fall asleep talking to women on the phone at night...we either were far apart from each other at the time or we were too young to spend the night. It was a way to feel close to each other like you do when you lay next to someone you care about. Webcams add a whole new level to that making it closer to reality. It sounds like she cares about him a lot.

    And for the record I've never rescued a cat from a tree or helped an old lady across the street lol.
  • CallejaFairey
    CallejaFairey Posts: 391 Member
    Kinda what she says--

    Yes, the technology is there, and yes it's 24/7. But, doesn't this kid have productive things to do? No cats to rescue from trees? No old ladies to help across streets? He and my daughter fell asleep face to face on Skype-- really? You have nothing better to do? Neither of you?

    ok...a few things
    1-i am 30, as is my boyfriend, we have been together for 2 1/2 years, and we used to fall asleep together on skype, and that was without using cameras, that was just voice :P snoring and all!!

    2-no offense guys, but guys aren't mature at 20..heck, i know an awful lot at 40 not, my dad is 56 and he isn't. i know, not ALL guys are this way, but, there are an awful lot, so i guess...would you rather she be dating a 40 year old? guy is ever going to be good enough for your daughter. that is just the way parents are.

    4-i know quite a few guys who will use emotes when talking with other guys. most of these guys are very hardcore gamers, so it's just built into their life. and that type of speak has literally innundated life as we know it. i don't see a problem with guys emoting to other guys, my pet peeve is when people shorten every word they use so you can still read it, but nothing is written out in full. hate that!
  • MistyMtnMan
    MistyMtnMan Posts: 527 Member
    This thread is lame. If you REALLY want something to worry about, turn on the news and look at Japan. It'll put things in perspective a little, so you can stop worrying about smiley faces.

    So lame that this is, what, your third post? Fourth?

    Perhaps we all need to follow our own advice?

    Thanks again one and all!!

    It's still a waste of time post but it's like a reality show you can't turn off because of how ridiculous it is.. At least I know you read them, hopefully it will sink in for ya.
  • bzmom
    bzmom Posts: 1,332 Member
  • PeterBuilt09
    PeterBuilt09 Posts: 24 Member
    This can't be for real.. I have a hard time believing a 46yr old Adult wrote this
  • Marla64
    Marla64 Posts: 23,120 Member
    This can't be for real.. I have a hard time believing a 46yr old Adult wrote this

    It's the lighting. I look younger than I am. :wink:
  • minmatt
    minmatt Posts: 62
    Interesting thread. lol
  • Marla64
    Marla64 Posts: 23,120 Member
    This thread is lame. If you REALLY want something to worry about, turn on the news and look at Japan. It'll put things in perspective a little, so you can stop worrying about smiley faces.

    So lame that this is, what, your third post? Fourth?

    Perhaps we all need to follow our own advice?

    Thanks again one and all!!

    It's still a waste of time post but it's like a reality show you can't turn off because of how ridiculous it is.. At least I know you read them, hopefully it will sink in for ya.

    Read em all-- lots of food for thought.

    Thanks again!
  • Marla64
    Marla64 Posts: 23,120 Member
    The more you tell someone no the more they want them =).....Try going overboard on liking him and making your daughter sick of that person. I have some friends who said that worked better then saying no. I use to manage up to 90 people like this a day and you would be surprised how it works

    Totally agree, my parents loved to hate my boyfriends... and the more they hated them, the more I wanted them, even though I didn't realize it at the time. So be careful with how you deal with this situation (Sorry I know I'm not a guy but I had to say something)

    Noooooo problem-- thanks!
  • Marla64
    Marla64 Posts: 23,120 Member
    Kinda what she says--

    Yes, the technology is there, and yes it's 24/7. But, doesn't this kid have productive things to do? No cats to rescue from trees? No old ladies to help across streets? He and my daughter fell asleep face to face on Skype-- really? You have nothing better to do? Neither of you?

    ok...a few things
    1-i am 30, as is my boyfriend, we have been together for 2 1/2 years, and we used to fall asleep together on skype, and that was without using cameras, that was just voice :P snoring and all!!

    2-no offense guys, but guys aren't mature at 20..heck, i know an awful lot at 40 not, my dad is 56 and he isn't. i know, not ALL guys are this way, but, there are an awful lot, so i guess...would you rather she be dating a 40 year old? guy is ever going to be good enough for your daughter. that is just the way parents are.

    4-i know quite a few guys who will use emotes when talking with other guys. most of these guys are very hardcore gamers, so it's just built into their life. and that type of speak has literally innundated life as we know it. i don't see a problem with guys emoting to other guys, my pet peeve is when people shorten every word they use so you can still read it, but nothing is written out in full. hate that!

    Thanks, again!
  • Marla64
    Marla64 Posts: 23,120 Member
    Kinda what she says--

    Yes, the technology is there, and yes it's 24/7. But, doesn't this kid have productive things to do? No cats to rescue from trees? No old ladies to help across streets? He and my daughter fell asleep face to face on Skype-- really? You have nothing better to do? Neither of you? gaah.gif

    Ok I will be honest..I have never skyped...or even owned a webcam. But when I was younger I did fall asleep talking to women on the phone at night...we either were far apart from each other at the time or we were too young to spend the night. It was a way to feel close to each other like you do when you lay next to someone you care about. Webcams add a whole new level to that making it closer to reality. It sounds like she cares about him a lot.

    And for the record I've never rescued a cat from a tree or helped an old lady across the street lol.

    Duly noted. :laugh:
  • KatyG0409
    KatyG0409 Posts: 74 Member
    I'm not a man or a child. I am 25 and I am of the opinion that you should not intervene unless she is in an unsafe or immoral relationship that you disagree with. My parents were always meddling and it really made me want to rebel even more. I lived there until I was 22 and was always treated like a child. There is a difference in her respecting your home and your rules and you controlling her love life. Whether you like it or not, she is 19 years old and is old enough to make those decisions for herself (unless she is being hurt emotionally or physically). Please invest more time in talking to her about her self-worth and her health rather than talking AGAINST the things or people she obviously cares about. If he is bad for her, she will realize it in time. Your house, your rules does not really apply to her personal life beyond what she does in your home with the guy. I promise you she will not dump him just because you do not like him. Sorry if you do not like my opinion, but it is unbiased. I have a daughter of my own now and will follow my same advice when the time comes.

    Edited for spelling and to add :

    I often fell asleep on the phone even at 21 and 22 when I would talk to my now husband. I worked 6 days a week, 12 shifts at my job, went to nursing school and clinicals (that started at 4am), AND talked to him with what time I had left. I had so much energy then! I just wanted to give an opinion from the side of your daughter. I do understand your concern, my Mom felt the same way. She didn't want me up late talking to him...but I paid my own cell phone bill and I didn't keep her up at night. I guess what I am saying is if you think she needs a job or a hobby, urge her to get one. That would help keep her busy, but probably won't keep her from staying up all night talking to the boyfriend.
  • VegGrrl
    VegGrrl Posts: 336 Member
    All right gentlemen--

    So, I have this 19 year old daughter, dating a 20 year old guy whom my husband and I detest. He is more like a third grade girl. Stays up all night skyping and texting my child. Sends her cute love notes in code on her facebook page, and uses smileys in replies to his male buddies.

    So I ask you, gentleman...... Do dudes use smilies with other dudes?

    Please, please, please-- your opinions, please?

    No, I am not a "dude", but the question sounds like you may have some serious gender stereotyping issues.

    There's nothing wrong with a man being romantic, "cute", silly, or a little juvenile when he's expressing his love, or just having fun.

    I clearly remember how my boyfriend and I behaved when I was 19 (and he was 12 years older!) and it was probably pretty sickening (in a sappy way) to others at times. He was the first great love of my life and I still remember him fondly. I know you're a mom and are protective of your child, but as many others have said, if that's the worst thing about him, consider yourself (and your daughter) lucky and ease up a bit.

    Good luck to you.
  • Jena_72
    Jena_72 Posts: 1,057
    I use smileys all the time, but most of my male friends and i have an unspoken agreement that we're not going to spontaneously start making out with each other.
    :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
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