New Round of P90X starts Feb 28th! Join me! Cont'd....



  • lindajay3
    lindajay3 Posts: 144 Member
    Just finished up day 2/week 7 Plyo and my hamstrings are feeling it from legs and back on Sunday. I'm drinking my recovery drink as I log. Plyo is such a great calorie burner (burned 461 today) and it's one of my favorite workouts in p90x. I'm so glad it's getting lighter earlier here - much easier to get up at 5:30 to workout when there's at least a hint of light outside. One of the side benefits of p90x is the accomplishment I feel when I get up and get that daily workout in every day - even on the days when I'd rather roll over an sleep another hour.

    Hope everyone else is feeling really proud of themselves for all they've accomplished so far! Have a great day!
  • jljohnson
    jljohnson Posts: 719 Member
    Core Syn this morning... I'll be honest, I feel like I was dogging it a little. I totally wimped out on the chatarunga exercises... I can definitely tell I'm lacking core and upper body strength. I really liked the workout, so I'm looking forward to improving to the point of actually doing all the moves. Yesterday's eating was a total success. I stayed under my calories for the day, got lots of water (12 cups), and wound up down almost 3 pounds this morning (can you say water retention?!?). I'm hoping to see this trend continue. I'd love to record some kind of loss for phase 1. Keep at it everyone!

    @Bob - You are my hero for staying on track with travelling and less than optimal conditions.

    @lindajay3 - I'm an early riser too! It seems like the only way I get my workout done is to get up at 5, before anyone else in the house is up. I love the feeling I have for the rest of the day.
  • lizard9800
    lizard9800 Posts: 474 Member
    Well, folks, today is Day 30 and you know what that means...measurements!
    The weight hasn't been dropping off like I hoped, but I only had 10 lbs left to lose so I knew it wouldn't come easy. I have lost about 2 lbs so I'm not really complaining. I was just hoping to reach my goal weight by my anniversary in a month, but the inches are more important so here they are:

    Thighs: 23" down to 22.5" (thank you Legs and Back!)
    Hips: 40" down to 39" (thank you PlyoX!)
    Beer Gut (really): 31" down to 30" (thank you AbRipper!)
    Waist: 29" to 28.5"
    Biceps (flexed): 11.5" up to 12" (thank you Shoulders and Arms!)

    So you can say I'm pretty happy with my results so far. A total of 3" lost. Ultimately I would like to lose another 3" to get back to my pre-knee injury self but I'm in no rush.
    I'm doing another legs/cardio/abs week with my wrist setback, but I hope to be starting Phase 2 next week with some of you! Watched my husband do part of Back and Biceps yesterday.. yikes! He's pretty ripped and was still shaking by the end! I love the glamour muscles :)
    Good job everyone!! Keep it up!!

  • Wildcat1997
    Hi everyone!! I am in week 3 day two or PLYO day!! Can you feel my excitement!? Like some of the other posters, I haven't seen any weight loss but definately seeing results in the way clothes are fitting. Glad I finally found a forum to share each days sucesses and struggles.

    Question. How do you log your daily exercises while in phase 1? I have been using aerobics (lite and vigourous) for plyo and inputting the stuff like curls and naming other exercises that I can remember the name of. Would like to know some "cheats" that would still get me approximately the correct calorie burn. Any suggestions?
  • edorice
    edorice Posts: 4,519 Member
    Question. How do you log your daily exercises while in phase 1? I have been using aerobics (lite and vigourous) for plyo and inputting the stuff like curls and naming other exercises that I can remember the name of. Would like to know some "cheats" that would still get me approximately the correct calorie burn. Any suggestions?

    Most people use a heart rate monitor even during Chest & Back day. Then enter the name of the DVD and enter the calories burned from that DVD.

    Go to Exercise tab, then enter P90X Cardio X, a message will pop up that says it's not in the database, towards the bottom of the screen click on: Can't find what you're looking for? Add an exercise to the database. Then add in the name, time, and calories burned.
  • soccermum75
    soccermum75 Posts: 588 Member
    Hi guys, i have been absent from the board because of pneumonia. But i am all better now. I will continue P90x where i left off tomorrow! Bring it on!
  • fizzy123
    fizzy123 Posts: 220 Member
    bump for later when I start
  • becca0211
    becca0211 Posts: 250 Member
  • reepobob
    reepobob Posts: 1,172 Member
    Good evening all! I hope all of your collective days was sta-BLAT-ic! Did Cardio-X as part of the Lean routine and did not burn near as much as I normally do...I think the cramped quarters limited my movements enough that I wasn't bringing it as much as I would normally.

    Traveling again tomorrow to another hotel that I know is more conducive to working out...will be doing Chest, Shoulders, and Back for the second time + my good friend Ab Ripper-X. I am looking forward to Ab Ripper-X now as I want to kill the moves and I get closer everyday...made it 45 seconds on Mason Twists before running out of gas last time...going for the full tilt tomorrow.

    I am hoping to wrap up what I need to do in Detroit and be back in Youngstown early enough in the afternoon tomorrow so I don't dog the workout.

  • erniemj
    erniemj Posts: 187 Member
    Day 24 Done! Did Kenpo X - felt good - went solid (between stopping for kid issues) but all in all great burn!
  • edorice
    edorice Posts: 4,519 Member
    Hi guys, i have been absent from the board because of pneumonia. But i am all better now. I will continue P90x where i left off tomorrow! Bring it on!

    Wow, glad that you're doing better!
  • erniemj
    erniemj Posts: 187 Member
    Zumba instead of X-stretch today! Yeah, they are sooo similar - haha - I will try to do X-stretch tonight! I also have my first Softball practice today, I am coaching girls 6 and under - should be fun! I think I will start them off with Core Synergistics to warm up! hehehehehhee Just kidding...
  • ddavies919
    ddavies919 Posts: 1,005 Member
    Hey guys! Ok, sorry for not posting yesterday. It got late at fit club. So, get this! We were supposed to be doing Cardio X, right? Which was great since that’s what was on my recovery schedule anyway. So, Tim, one of the other coaches forgot his disc! LOL So, instead, we did Insanity PURE CARDIO!!!!!! No breaks in that baby! Just full out cardio!!! Lol It was kind of funny. Sweat was literally dripping off of my nose! Gotta love a good workout like that! So, today is Core Syn and I’m looking forward to it!

    Lindajay: Are you using the P90X recovery drink? Yummmm!!!! Good for you for fighting that pillow in the morning and getting up to workout! Takes some getting used to but like you said, it’s a great benefit of working out and getting healthy!

    Jenna: Nice job on your eating yesterday! And on the weight loss! Take that number, regardless! Keep at it girl! I’d love to see a loss too but not getting my hopes up.

    Liz: Nice job on the measurements!!! Woo hoo!!! I too only have about 10-15 more lbs to lose and they certainly are the hardest! I’ve been really trying to eat clean, clean, clean! I’m so happy for you! Celebrate those accomplishments, you earned them! We hope to have you back in action for phase II!

    Wildcat: Welcome! We hope you stick around and soak up the motivation and support here! Edorice answered your question perfectly! Thanks Edorice! I used to use a HRM but them treated myself to a BodyMedia and love it! I look forward to hearing about your daily workouts! Keep bringing it!

    Soccermum: Oh no!!! Yucky pneumonia! Glad to hear you’re all better now and ready to bring it!

    Bob: You continue to amaze my friend! You are just rockin it and bringing it! Nice job keeping up with the routine! We love to read your posts, keeps our butts moving because we’re not traveling, we have NO excuses! Thanks!

    Michelle: Nice job on Kenpo! Love Zumba!!! I am actually going to be taking a Hip Hop Hustle class one of these Saturdays, talk about fun and calorie burner! It’s one of the classes that Chalene Johnson has trainings for, like Turbo Kick. Have you ever tried one of those? If not, highly recommended! Tons of fun! Have fun with the kiddos, maybe start em’ out with some plyo to warm em’ up! Ha! Ha!

    Hello to Emmeleigh! I know you’re out there girl, bringing it as always!

    I’ll be checking back in after Core Syn today! Make it a great day everyone and keep up the motivation!

  • jljohnson
    jljohnson Posts: 719 Member
    @Deb - Nice work with the intense cardio! I wish I had the stamina to be doing more! You make me feel like such a slacker sometimes :tongue:

    Today was Kenpo for me. I HATE getting interrupted during my workout, and that's exactly what happened this morning. Hubby woke up late, so he asked me to pack his lunch, then baby started crying. He's been kind of sick and just wanted to cuddle, so I gave in. I got about 40 min done, so not the worst, but I really wish I could have stuck it out. I do feel like I pushed harder than last time, so I got about the same burn from 40min today as I did doing the whole thing last week.

    Keep rocking, everyone!
  • ddavies919
    ddavies919 Posts: 1,005 Member
    Well, just finished up Core Syn and oh mommy!!! I forgot how intense that workout is! Not a fan of the sphinx push ups, did most of them on my knees but I felt it more in my core that way, so it works for me! Didn't get quite the burn I was looking for but it is my rest week. Can't wait to start my doubles again next week! Time to really kick it into gear next phase and get the goo off!

    Jenna: I'm sure, you are rockin' it girl! It's you guys that motivate me! At least you got something in today, better than nothing at all! Keep up the good work!

    I'm off to the shower, have a great one and I'll be back later!

  • erniemj
    erniemj Posts: 187 Member
    High Energy Zumba today!! And a very nice ab workout afterward! X-stretch tonight - its my first recovery week! I hear Phase 2 calling my name!
  • erniemj
    erniemj Posts: 187 Member
    High Energy Zumba today!! And a very nice ab workout afterward! X-stretch tonight - its my first recovery week! I hear Phase 2 calling my name!
  • reepobob
    reepobob Posts: 1,172 Member
    @Deb I agree that the sphinx pushups are tough...I find that one arm lags behind the other when I "lift off" and I don't believe it is supposed to be that way but it is about the only way I can get up even with the elbows away from my body...I still feel it in the core region, so I think it is doing its job. My nemesis is Chatarunga Run and the ISO pushups at the end. I simply do not have the necessary hip flexibility to run for more than a few seconds before I end up in plank again. Progress is coming, but it is slow. I have a right hip problem that crops up during that workout and during a lot of the kick and hip bending during Kenpo-X. It is manageable...the seated frog moves in Yoga-X help a lot.

    I am trying decide what gives me a better burn...P90X or lugging the gear into my hotel room to DO P90X...LOL

    Chest, Shoulders, and Tricips + Ab Ripper X tonight...will have issues typing tonight without feeling my shoulders, I reckon...

    Take care, all!
  • becca0211
    becca0211 Posts: 250 Member
    Feeling pretty tired tonight, headache and all. My daughter keeps telling me to just skip working out (I think she just wants the tv in the living room, lol) But I am going to push through it. I know I'll feel better in the end.... Legs and Back + Ab Ripper, here I come :-)
  • ddavies919
    ddavies919 Posts: 1,005 Member
    Bob: Yeah the chatarunga runs are not too much fun either, I can get down but not for too long until I'm back up in plank running again. The important thing is, we're moving! :bigsmile: :drinker: You should incorporate your calorie burn of the lugging in with your regular workout! lol Keep up the good work!

    becca: Push through girl! You'll feel so much better after it's done! Bring it!