New Round of P90X starts Feb 28th! Join me! Cont'd....



  • soccermum75
    soccermum75 Posts: 588 Member
    Xstretch for me tonite. it felt so good! i pushed myself really hard this week because i added C25K and brazil butt lift to my routine. Starting week 7 tomorrow. Time flies by!
  • MAK_01
    MAK_01 Posts: 553 Member
    Check mark next to Yoga for today. Happy to say some of the balance postures are getting better... I have some really bad balance!
  • AdamATGATT
    AdamATGATT Posts: 573 Member
    First day of the last week of P90X. :cry: Knocked out Cardio X in place of Yoga X.
  • ddavies919
    ddavies919 Posts: 1,005 Member
    Happy hump day! Woo hoo! Another great start to the day! Turbo Fire 45 and abs in the books! Tonight......back & biceps! This is my last week before my 2nd recovery week! Then, it's on to phase III! I can't wait!!! Yesterday I walked the lake twice with my friend, about 6 miles and burned a ton of calories! I'm still amazed at what walking can do for ya! I blasted my 10,000 step goal out of the water with a whopping 18,674 steps!!! :bigsmile: Feeling good and eating good too! Not getting too tired of the tilapia just yet! lol

    I see everyone is kicking butt and taking names as usual!

    Adam: So more Tony. But, now you get to have Shaun T in your face! Woo hoo!!!! :bigsmile:

    Mak: Nice job on your balance moves! You've certainly brought it this round! So proud of you!

    soccermum: what BBL workout did you do? Sometimes, I'll add in the high & tight! Ouch!!!! Talk about a butt workout!

    AnneMarie: Exactly what Bob said! Do your best girl! You are rocking it!!!! Keep it up!

    Hope everyone else is doing good today! Bring it hard today with your workouts! I know you will!

  • reepobob
    reepobob Posts: 1,172 Member
    It is Wednesday and I STILL feel the workout from Chest and Back on Shoulders and Arms + ARX this afternoon. It will be like meeting up with an old friend...haven't seen Shoulders and Arms since week 3! Looking forward to upping the weights and seeing how I do on this workout...I have been doing a lot of pushing, pulling, and lifting since I last did this workout. Going to try to fail at 8-10 reps.

    I am so ready for the long weekend. I would be lying if I said that work today has been one big goof session since this afternoon. Ready to go back to the hotel and BRING IT! plus I have a nice plate of shrimp waiting for me as well *smacks lips in anticipation*

    You all are doing awesome! Keep it up!
  • AdamATGATT
    AdamATGATT Posts: 573 Member
    Adam: So more Tony. But, now you get to have Shaun T in your face! Woo hoo!!!! :bigsmile:

    It'll be bananas!
  • reepobob
    reepobob Posts: 1,172 Member
    Adam: So more Tony. But, now you get to have Shaun T in your face! Woo hoo!!!! :bigsmile:

    It'll be bananas!

    Adam, keep me posted on's on my docket for early September this year. I gotta finish this round of P90X and then I am doing another round of P90X Classic in early June...will finish late August.
  • MAK_01
    MAK_01 Posts: 553 Member
    Core synergistics - DONE. I feel like I really pushed myself today and really focused on getting the core engaged. And It felt great.
    Keep it up everyone. Everyone is doing awesome!
  • reepobob
    reepobob Posts: 1,172 Member
    My good friend "Shoulders and Arms" returned into my life after a six week absence...I love that routine. Arms are feeling like jelly...I upped my weights substantially and did 20 or more side tri rises (last time I topped out at 16)...I love the steady improvement even after a significant break from this workout. The 20# weights got plenty of use tonight...I will need to get more weights. Ab Ripper X was another good round. I am getting frustrated that my heels STILL hit the deck with about 7 seconds of Mason Twists left. I WILL conquer the bonus round of Mason Twists before I finish!!! I warned my wife if I conquer 100% of Ab Ripper X that I am getting a weighted vest, weighted gloves, and the Tony Horton push up stands. She has been warned!

    Phase 3 has already kicked my butt...I have traded sore pecs/lats from Monday for sore arms and shoulders tonight...No Pain, No Gain. You guys keep doing your thing, I will keep doing mine. Travel home a day early tomorrow...I cannot wait.

    Take care, everybody!!!
  • erniemj
    erniemj Posts: 187 Member
    okay - 2 days in a row without a P90x workout - I am going insane! The kids are home from spring break (I have four kids ages 8, 6, 5, and 3) and finding it a bit hard to work it in - along with their schedules of gymnastics and softball (which I coach) and tomorrow I will be at a flea market all day - eek! Not sure exactly what to do to stay on track - it is 2014 and I just got to eat dinner. kept it light though... on a side note, I keep dropping and doing push-ups all over the house - sometimes 7, sometimes 8, sometimes 10, and when I feeling happy up to 20.
  • erniemj
    erniemj Posts: 187 Member
    Oh and I finally got a HRM today!! Woo Hoo! I cannot wait to figure out how to use it!
  • reepobob
    reepobob Posts: 1,172 Member
    Core synergistics - DONE. I feel like I really pushed myself today and really focused on getting the core engaged. And It felt great.
    Keep it up everyone. Everyone is doing awesome!

    Good job! That is really a cerebral workout as you can really cheat yourself if you don't engage the core muscles. I had a hard time with this workout in the first phase, but have really gotten better after the "engagement" part finally clicked in my thick skull. I tell you what, I am really running on fumes by the time the bonus round comes up. That workout really takes its toll not only from a strength and conditioning standpoint, but it really has a heavy cardio element as well. If I was forced at gunpoint to throw all of my P90X DVDs but keep one, I would keep this one.
  • reepobob
    reepobob Posts: 1,172 Member
    Oh and I finally got a HRM today!! Woo Hoo! I cannot wait to figure out how to use it!

    What kind did you get?
  • AdamATGATT
    AdamATGATT Posts: 573 Member
    Adam: So more Tony. But, now you get to have Shaun T in your face! Woo hoo!!!! :bigsmile:

    It'll be bananas!

    Adam, keep me posted on's on my docket for early September this year. I gotta finish this round of P90X and then I am doing another round of P90X Classic in early June...will finish late August.

    Will do. I've done one of the sessions and it was crazy. Can't wait to get started on it next week.
  • erniemj
    erniemj Posts: 187 Member
    Oh and I finally got a HRM today!! Woo Hoo! I cannot wait to figure out how to use it!

    What kind did you get?

    Polar FT7 (after reading on here it seems to be pretty popular) and it seems super easy, I added my information and it is ready to go! I am very excited!
  • reepobob
    reepobob Posts: 1,172 Member
    Oh and I finally got a HRM today!! Woo Hoo! I cannot wait to figure out how to use it!

    What kind did you get?

    Polar FT7 (after reading on here it seems to be pretty popular) and it seems super easy, I added my information and it is ready to go! I am very excited!

    That's what I use! The only issue I had with it in the early days was getting it wet enough. I get the sensors soaking wet, wet my chest, use water based lubricant on the sensors, and even wet down my shirt to make sure that the darn thing is wet enough and haven't had an issue since.
  • emmaleigh47
    emmaleigh47 Posts: 1,670 Member
    Made it through 40 minutes of Yoga X tonight for a burn of about 280 calories. I know I should have stuck it out more but I was just dying and my arms and legs were sore. I went 10 minutes longer than last week though and I did a much better job at the Vinyasa's.
  • reepobob
    reepobob Posts: 1,172 Member
    Made it through 40 minutes of Yoga X tonight for a burn of about 280 calories. I know I should have stuck it out more but I was just dying and my arms and legs were sore. I went 10 minutes longer than last week though and I did a much better job at the Vinyasa's.

    I strongly suggest that when you are to the point of wanting to stop the DVD, that you at least skip past the last VERY HARD vinyasas (twisting half moon...OH MY) and work on the balance postures, stretching exercises, and yoga belly sections...also, the extended cooldown at the end puts me in a nice mellow mood for at least an hour after the workout is over. The best analogy is the first part of Yoga-X (vinyasas) is like the B&W portion of the Wizard of Oz and the second half is like the color portion...night and day. I love getting through the tough part to enjoy the last eating the brussel sprouts to get to the chocolate cake desert...*wink*

  • erniemj
    erniemj Posts: 187 Member
    hold on there BOB!!! Brussell sprouts are my favorite food - no kidding - if you asked me what my favorite food is, I will always say brussell sprouts - pizza is a close second, but brussell sprouts are my number one!!
  • emmaleigh47
    emmaleigh47 Posts: 1,670 Member
    Made it through 40 minutes of Yoga X tonight for a burn of about 280 calories. I know I should have stuck it out more but I was just dying and my arms and legs were sore. I went 10 minutes longer than last week though and I did a much better job at the Vinyasa's.

    I strongly suggest that when you are to the point of wanting to stop the DVD, that you at least skip past the last VERY HARD vinyasas (twisting half moon...OH MY) and work on the balance postures, stretching exercises, and yoga belly sections...also, the extended cooldown at the end puts me in a nice mellow mood for at least an hour after the workout is over. The best analogy is the first part of Yoga-X (vinyasas) is like the B&W portion of the Wizard of Oz and the second half is like the color portion...night and day. I love getting through the tough part to enjoy the last eating the brussel sprouts to get to the chocolate cake desert...*wink*


    Yeah I just found out that had I stuck it out for 5 more minutes it would have changed to another type... without Vinyasas!
    All in all I am proud with what I did ... I schedule Yoga on Saturday next week so that I would have time to do the whole thing... hopefully! I might just stand there during the last 5 mins of Vinyasas... I would like to stretching though ...I need to work on flexibility.

    Can I ask a dumb question to the group:
    Ok for stretching exercises when they say put your hand on the ground... I can only do that if I slightly bend my knees... but then Tony says straight legs... so which is it? I cant do both ... and I am feeling the stretch.. ?