New Round of P90X starts Feb 28th! Join me! Cont'd....



  • annyshay
    annyshay Posts: 42
    Hello everyone! I am back from Jolly Ole England. I've read through what you've all been up to and let me say that I am impressed. Great work and thanks for being so motivating! I wasn't able to do workouts on the road. Mom and I were walking all over the place with huge packs on our backs much of the time. This made my foot a bit tweaky. Not to mention that hostels just have NO place to work out. So, I tried to eat within reason and keep moving and just enjoy this great vacation.

    Must not have done too bad because my weight was pretty stable. The real test comes tonight when I jump back into the X with Legs & Back and ARX. I will be starting right where I left off on day 61 (Week 9 Day 5). I am sort of scared that I will have lost all my progress, but we will just do our best and forget the rest. If nothing else, my muscles should be nice and confused when I'm done with them.

    Anyway, great to be back! Bring it!!
  • erniemj
    erniemj Posts: 187 Member
    Hello everyone! I am back from Jolly Ole England. I've read through what you've all been up to and let me say that I am impressed. Great work and thanks for being so motivating! I wasn't able to do workouts on the road. Mom and I were walking all over the place with huge packs on our backs much of the time. This made my foot a bit tweaky. Not to mention that hostels just have NO place to work out. So, I tried to eat within reason and keep moving and just enjoy this great vacation.

    Must not have done too bad because my weight was pretty stable. The real test comes tonight when I jump back into the X with Legs & Back and ARX. I will be starting right where I left off on day 61 (Week 9 Day 5). I am sort of scared that I will have lost all my progress, but we will just do our best and forget the rest. If nothing else, my muscles should be nice and confused when I'm done with them.

    Anyway, great to be back! Bring it!!

    I bet you did not lost much if anything - hiking and backpacking is a lot of work by itself! Your legs are probably in great shape! Welcome back!
  • ddavies919
    ddavies919 Posts: 1,005 Member
    Good morning all! Hope you didn't forget about me! I'm still here! Sorry, it was a busy busy weekend and then yesterday I had a plumbing issue to take care of! Never fun! But I did get a workout in..........I was feeling brave and did the Asylum Game Day workout, 60 minutes of pouring sweat! Literally, it was like a waterfall off of the tip of my nose and my forehead! Love it! It was actually not as bad as I had expected, it was actually pretty fun! I know..........I'm crazy.

    Today is Core Syn for me; I'm in my 2nd recovery and next week starts phase III, I can't wait! Then, well, trying to figure that out. I won't really have time to do all of Asylum as I leave for LA in June, so maybe I'll just do my own thing until I get back and can really start a routine.

    Mak: Girl! Great results!!!! I wish the pics were a little bigger but I can see a difference. I am sooo proud of you for getting through 90 days! Now, you're a grad!!!! Woo hoo!!!!! :drinker: :bigsmile: :drinker: I know that whatever you choose to do next, you'll rock it out!

    Anny: Welcome back! Glad you had a good time with your mom and sounds like you got plenty of good exercise! All that walking is such good exercise! Let us know how Legs & Back goes!

    Bob: Way to keep bringing it! Wow, you're impressive! So, how heavy are you going on the weighted vest? I have a friend who uses one, she's crazy like me but I'm not that crazy just yet! lol

    Well, it's time for me to push play everyone! Keep at it and make this week count!

  • laddyboy
    laddyboy Posts: 1,565 Member
    Ahh, so here is the big P90X thread. Nice to know. I'm doing Asylum right now but have done 5 rounds of P90X.
    I really believe P90X not only changed my life but may have saved it. I'm In... If I'm welcome.
  • reepobob
    reepobob Posts: 1,172 Member
    Ahh, so here is the big P90X thread. Nice to know. I'm doing Asylum right now but have done 5 rounds of P90X.
    I really believe P90X not only changed my life but may have saved it. I'm In... If I'm welcome.

    Always welcome...
  • jljohnson
    jljohnson Posts: 719 Member
    I've been sidelined for over a week with a sinus infection. So much pressure my teeth hurt! :sick: I'm on meds, and hoping I can pick back up this week. I'm counting last week, since I completed the majority of the workouts. I'll do one more week, then recovery, and on to phase 3. I'm pretty bummed that I fell behind, but not much you can do about getting sick. I've learned to listen to my body, and not push myself when I really need the rest.

    @Bob: Have you mastered putting your arms up too?? I'd shoot for that before going to the weighted vest. I tried it on a few ARX moves, and it's ridiculously harder!

    @MAK: Awesome results! I bet you feel great - not only a sense of accomplishment for completing such a difficult program, but your body is probably so much stronger, healthier, and feeling like a rockstar.

    @Anny: Welcome back! Good to hear that you had a great time in England.

    @Deb: I'm a little jealous that you're already in recovery week! I was trying to keep up with you... oh well, just gotta remember to do my best, right? Are you going to do another round of P90X when this one's over, or shaking things up?

    Keep working hard, everyone!
  • reepobob
    reepobob Posts: 1,172 Member

    @Bob: Have you mastered putting your arms up too?? I'd shoot for that before going to the weighted vest. I tried it on a few ARX moves, and it's ridiculously harder!

    Jenna, I do all of the ARX moves in the hardest position and do them all. Arms up on in and outs and bicycles, legs crossed in the cross-legged situps, getting up on my butt on V-up/rollups, leg bent and close on climbing the leg. EVERYTHING is in the hardest position. I am even getting my legs up near Tony level on oblique V-ups and my legs are straight as an arrow on heels to the heavens...I am ready, my dear!

    Never thought I would be saying that in mid-February when I dreaded this workout!!
  • jljohnson
    jljohnson Posts: 719 Member

    @Bob: Have you mastered putting your arms up too?? I'd shoot for that before going to the weighted vest. I tried it on a few ARX moves, and it's ridiculously harder!

    Jenna, I do all of the ARX moves in the hardest position and do them all. Arms up on in and outs and bicycles, legs crossed in the cross-legged situps, getting up on my butt on V-up/rollups, leg bent and close on climbing the leg. EVERYTHING is in the hardest position. I am even getting my legs up near Tony level on oblique V-ups and my legs are straight as an arrow on heels to the heavens...I am ready, my dear!

    Never thought I would be saying that in mid-February when I dreaded this workout!!

    Wow!!! That's awesome! Go for the weighted vest and Bring It! I can do some of the moves in the advanced position - heels to the heavens, leg climbs, v-up/rollups - but putting my hands up is just not there yet. You've inspired me to give it a try in the morning...
  • annyshay
    annyshay Posts: 42
    Legs & Back update time! So, I started off awesome doing big moves, deep squats, and all the reps. Then about half way I started feeling dizzy. So, I sat down and let the blood back into my head. I finished out being a bit more careful, but doing all the reps (just a few less pull ups here and there). I'm going to hold off on Ab Ripper, since I felt very very wobbly by the end. Either I'll do it later tonight or tomorrow. It was weird. My legs didn't feel tired at all. None of my muscles did. It was just like I was out of go. Had my recovery drink and feeling ok, so we'll see. I'm sure my legs are going to be feeeeeling it tomorrow. Still, officially back into the P90x fray, doing my best, and you know. ;0) Thanks for the encouragement guys. How are your workouts going today?
  • reepobob
    reepobob Posts: 1,172 Member

    @Bob: Have you mastered putting your arms up too?? I'd shoot for that before going to the weighted vest. I tried it on a few ARX moves, and it's ridiculously harder!

    Jenna, I do all of the ARX moves in the hardest position and do them all. Arms up on in and outs and bicycles, legs crossed in the cross-legged situps, getting up on my butt on V-up/rollups, leg bent and close on climbing the leg. EVERYTHING is in the hardest position. I am even getting my legs up near Tony level on oblique V-ups and my legs are straight as an arrow on heels to the heavens...I am ready, my dear!

    Never thought I would be saying that in mid-February when I dreaded this workout!!

    Wow!!! That's awesome! Go for the weighted vest and Bring It! I can do some of the moves in the advanced position - heels to the heavens, leg climbs, v-up/rollups - but putting my hands up is just not there yet. You've inspired me to give it a try in the morning...

    My M.O. on all of the P90X workouts is to try the hardest thing first and then settle for what I can's the only way I can progress. I even tried one armed pushups on my toes (and failed miserably...LOL).
  • soccermum75
    soccermum75 Posts: 588 Member
    Today was rest day. I decided to actually rest. not even stretchX, running C25k or brazil butt lift. Nothing, nada. I can't remember the last time I did nothing since I started MFP in January, but my body really needed it. Tomorrow is a new day. Bring it!

    @ mak & adam: congrats on completing the program
  • MAK_01
    MAK_01 Posts: 553 Member
    Thanks jljohnson & soccermum. I'm still amazed I did all 90 days. I'm shocked at the flexability that I've regained.

    It's only been a day and I miss it all already, my break might not be as long as I would have imagined :happy:
  • erniemj
    erniemj Posts: 187 Member
    Day 46 done! Zumba in place of Yoga X - 597 calories - I had to slow down at the end, I was feeling lightheaded, the gym was really hot and I did CST + ARX late last I am still very very happy with a 597 burn!!!

    Question again P90x friends: If you work out late at night - In my case I have had to workout at 9pm and not finish until after 10pm on a few occasions - should I still drink a recovery drink (or other form of lean protein) even though I probably won't be staying up much longer? Tony's nutrition guide says never eat 3 hours before bedtime for maximum fat burn...

  • reepobob
    reepobob Posts: 1,172 Member
    Day 46 done! Zumba in place of Yoga X - 597 calories - I had to slow down at the end, I was feeling lightheaded, the gym was really hot and I did CST + ARX late last I am still very very happy with a 597 burn!!!

    Question again P90x friends: If you work out late at night - In my case I have had to workout at 9pm and not finish until after 10pm on a few occasions - should I still drink a recovery drink (or other form of lean protein) even though I probably won't be staying up much longer? Tony's nutrition guide says never eat 3 hours before bedtime for maximum fat burn...



    I drink a protein drink at night just before bed in addition to my recovery drink after I work out. I also sometimes get my workouts in late, but typically after my lunch, my carbs and fats are nonexistent in terms of what I have left to eat. With the late night protein, I am still averaging between 1.65-1.8 pounds per week of weight loss. I have been holding that range of weekly weight loss since November of last year. I think what has to be avoided are a lot of carbs and especially fat in the wee hours.
  • becca0211
    becca0211 Posts: 250 Member
    Day 60. Yesterday I turned to scratch my back and felt..... MUSCLES! :happy: I have always had muscular legs and when I worked with weights is the past I toned my arms but never my back! Wow, I am beyond excited!!!! Just wanted to share. Off to do Core Syn.

    Have a great night and BRING IT :smile:
  • reepobob
    reepobob Posts: 1,172 Member
    Back and Biceps kicked my *kitten* tonight...that's all I am going to say on that subject. Did all 349 (+1 for good luck) ARX moves again, so Monday was not a fluke. If I can sweet talk my lovely wife, I might have my weighted vest this weekend. Phase 3 is flying by...already seeing the end of week 10 and then only 3 weeks to go, with one of those weeks a recovery week. Got my favorite tomorrow...Yoga-X. I believe I will set the mood and turn off all of the lights in the ol' hotel room when I do it. I need to be able to focus on the balance postures and I am easily distracted. Looking forward to killing the crane and lassoing the twisting half moon.

    As Tony Horton would say, "You are working so beautifully hard..."

    Keep BRINGING IT!!!

    Oh, almost forgot...from the files of NSVs, I did three freaking unassisted wide arm pull ups! Holy cow, that was great!!!
  • ddavies919
    ddavies919 Posts: 1,005 Member
    Hello peeps! Happy hump day! Feels like Thursday to me, don't know why. It was an incredibly busy day for me today! And now at 8pm, not sure I'm getting my yoga in.

    laddy: Welcome! Glad to have you! WOW! 5 rounds of the X, impressive my friend! You look great! Keep up the good work!

    Everyone is doing great as always. Sorry gonna be a short post tonight, I'm pooped! See ya in the a.m.!

  • erniemj
    erniemj Posts: 187 Member
    Today is Legs and Back for me - my favorite P90x routine so far! Can't wait to see how much the calorie burn actually is!
  • reepobob
    reepobob Posts: 1,172 Member
    Today is Legs and Back for me - my favorite P90x routine so far! Can't wait to see how much the calorie burn actually is!

    It's usually one of the highest for me when you add in ARX...I call it the "sack of oranges" workout...