Easter Challenge Starts Sunday March 20th!



  • TrinityPixie4
    Hey Everyone!

    Sounds like lots of you had really great weeks! Lots of progress, still have about half of the members not weighing in yet so I'll give it until tomorrow night for them to weigh in before I post the list and add up our progress as a group.

    As for me, here's my situation that I would like to confess and hopefully getting it out there will get me back on track, I've been hovering around the same 5 pounds for about 6 weeks losing it and gaining it back in different increments. During Spring Break, 2 weeks ago, I participated in this huge music and film festival we have here in Austin called South By Southwest. During those 10 days the free booze and food were flowing like a river with a busted levy! I tried to keep things under control but I wasn't interested in dieting or keeping track of what I was eating. The festival has been over for a week and I still haven't been able to get back on track. In fact I avoided phone calls from my counselor asking me to come in and weigh. I was up 5 pounds and I didn't want to go in and weigh until I got my weight back down, to at least what I was before the festivities began, but still I can't quite get control. Snacking is a problem, and ok I'll admit to all of you, last night I walked to the corner store and got a pint of ice cream and came home and ate the whole thing. :brokenheart:

    I realize that I'm avoiding the things that work for me, like checking in here everyday and making myself accountable to you guys. Getting myself to the Y not only gives me the needed exercise but occupies my day so that I'm not bored and turning to food. I always have excuses but it's easy to justify them or even forget about it if I don't tell anyone about it. So anyway, thank you for reading, thank you for being there even if it is just online. Knowing that there are people out there just like me helps in so many ways. I promise to give it my all this week and as soon as I'm done with this post I'll be calling my counselor to make an appointment to go weigh in. Take care everyone! Have a great week!

    Love ya!

    I understand I have been up and down the scale too, Hoovering around the number 176- 182 for about 2 weeks now. I have also been making poor choices in what to eat or my exercise routine, but am now getting back on track. We are here for you and here for support when you need it. Take care:flowerforyou:
  • Claudia007
    Claudia007 Posts: 878 Member
    GRR! this fat of mine is stubborn!
    3/27= 202.8
    GW= 198.0
  • Heidi716
    Heidi716 Posts: 135
    Thanks guys, it's so weird, I know it's a different place for everyone, but it's like you get to a weight, that's not your ultimate goal weight but you start to feel good about where you're at and start taking too many liberties, ya know what I mean? Like I'm in a size 10 jean which somehow to me sounds like a good size to be in, considering that's smaller than I was in high school but I suppose these days with stretchy materials and such, a size 10, 20 years ago was very different. But still most all the clothes in my closet fit and I feel good in them, so it's like you said Sameantha, you get there and start snacking, and this is what gets me every time, I'm never going to learn my lesson and I will continue to yo yo if I don't start treating food differently, like it's fuel not treats or reward or comfort or even an activity! Well that's why I'm here I suppose, and I'll keep doing these challenges forever if there's peeps out there who will do them with me! Thanks again everyone for your support!

  • smcgrath29
    CW: 219 :happy:
  • 3little_ladies
    So I had a REALLY crappy week this past week and emotionally ate. Its also that time of the month and feeling like do-do :( I managed to gain 3 pounds. I now stand at 176.91 (i also weighed on a different scale). I promise you AND myself a better week ahead. I have already been to the gym and worked out for an hour and 10 minutes.
  • ladeb
    ladeb Posts: 304 Member
    Down 0.2 ounces - UGH!!!

    Heidi - Your last post really hit home.
  • sweetdreams1024
    sry if im late
  • madamelaporte
    madamelaporte Posts: 404 Member
    Oh Heidi I have done the same thing many times I lose a bit of weight feel great about it then think oh its ok if I have a bit of chocolate or a pizza etc then regret it the week after :(

    Who knows why we do it to ourselves but as you said it is re-assuring to know that others are in the same boat ! I always think it kicks our butts in gear too when we get a bit too greedy after a loss then see a gain, kicks us into shape!

    Good luck for next week :)
  • Sallerina84
    Sallerina84 Posts: 138 Member
    SW: 174
    CW: 172 as at 28.03.11
    GW: 164
  • sissona2
    sissona2 Posts: 8
    was out of town and couldn't weigh in until now

    SW: 172
    CW: 174

    had a bad week of exercise and its the TOM...hoping to lose some water weight in the next few days and get back on track
  • OBX1985
    OBX1985 Posts: 80 Member
    Sorry - my Sunday weigh in was 206.8 :(
  • mrsshazbat
    I did my WI early on Saturday (as I was away till today) and results were:

    CW: 239lbs
    GW: 230lbs (I think - I can't find my posts anywhere in any other thread!)
  • cazzincali
    cazzincali Posts: 337 Member
    Thanks guys, it's so weird, I know it's a different place for everyone, but it's like you get to a weight, that's not your ultimate goal weight but you start to feel good about where you're at and start taking too many liberties, ya know what I mean? Like I'm in a size 10 jean which somehow to me sounds like a good size to be in, considering that's smaller than I was in high school but I suppose these days with stretchy materials and such, a size 10, 20 years ago was very different. But still most all the clothes in my closet fit and I feel good in them, so it's like you said Sameantha, you get there and start snacking, and this is what gets me every time, I'm never going to learn my lesson and I will continue to yo yo if I don't start treating food differently, like it's fuel not treats or reward or comfort or even an activity! Well that's why I'm here I suppose, and I'll keep doing these challenges forever if there's peeps out there who will do them with me! Thanks again everyone for your support!



    You know what you need to do... so just DO IT! No guilt over the ice cream or anything else you did that set you up for failure. Start again. Move on... achieve your goals!

    I am not trying to be cruel. I know what you're going through (as do most of us on here.) Truth is... we have to make decisions on our own. No one is standing next to us when we face the chocolate bar, cake, chips (or whatever your cravings are) smacking our hands or hitting us upside the head so we choose the better path. WE decide. WE choose. Today, I choose NOT to be fat! Hopefully, tomorrow I will wake up and make the same choice! I am all about accountability and responsibility. I answer to myself and to the mirror.

    Good luck, Heidi! We are all here for you.
  • smcgrath29
    Hey does anyone know if I can make a separate ticker for my easter challenge that I can add to my signature? If so, how would I do that? Thanks!
  • smcgrath29
    figured it out.. ! :laugh:
  • runracer11
    runracer11 Posts: 45 Member
    Sorry for the late report!

    Start Weight = 151.5 lbs
    Week #1 = 150.8 lbs
    Goal Weight = 145.0 lbs
  • MrsHinds7
    MrsHinds7 Posts: 64
  • emeraldthunder
    Hope everyone is doing well this! I'm having a really successful week, no binges! If you don't count the cadbury creme egg I had last night- couldn't resist! Last week pizza was definitely my downfall, but I went grocery shopping last night and got so much good food that I shouldn't have any slip ups. The 30 day shred is definitely whipping me into shape and I'll actually be done with it the day before easter! I did not plan that but what good timing!

    I hope everyone is doing well this week! Stay healthy and positive <3 The satisfaction of eating something healthy for yourself and knowing that you were good to your body is so much more fulfilling than binging and feeling the remorse or guilt later. Be good to yourself, you deserve it!
  • Sallerina84
    Sallerina84 Posts: 138 Member
    I hope everyone is doing well this week! Stay healthy and positive <3 The satisfaction of eating something healthy for yourself and knowing that you were good to your body is so much more fulfilling than binging and feeling the remorse or guilt later. Be good to yourself, you deserve it!

    Well said :) I agree!

    But don't worry about the Creme Egg...they seem to be shrinking each year so it's only a small slip!!!!

  • Better_Balance_2011
    Better_Balance_2011 Posts: 3,711 Member
    I am posting my weight for 4/3 weigh in.

    SW: 136.5
    Week 1: 136.5
    Week 2: 136.0
    GW: 132

    At least it's a loss. I have been in the process of moving, so instead of going to the gym, I've been packing boxes. "Cleaning, light moderate effort" just doesn't produce as much burn as running, elliptical or strength training. Plus since all my pots and pans are packed, we've been eating dinner out most nights. And it looks like our closing isn't going to happen until mid to late next week, so I have another week of this! Ugh. Have a great weekend all!