Easter Challenge Starts Sunday March 20th!



  • MrsHinds7
    MrsHinds7 Posts: 64
    I need to change my starting weight and goal. I joined last week and guessed my starting weight, but apparently I was off-confirmed by the doctor this morning-haha.

  • katcena
    katcena Posts: 326 Member
    I'm really excited about this challenge! My CW:181.4 and my GW at Easter:175
    I just started TurboFire & Shakeology 2 Days ago....so I am feeling really good about meeting my goal (and dare I say, maybe exceeding it?). I'm excited about changing up my workout and diet a bit....hoping it will really kick my metabolism into high gear...and judging by how I feel after 2 days....it's going to be awesome!
  • schreurs5
    schreurs5 Posts: 6 Member
    Sorry I need to change my starting weight too. When I got to my Tops meeting today I realized I hadn't weighed in the previous week and the week before that I had weighed in at 299lbs. I will be keeping my goal weight at 290 though.
  • mrsshazbat
    Mine will be late - on Tuesday next week as I'm away for the weekend.
    A repeat of what is in another thread but just to make sure I'm up-to-date everywhere!!
  • hethabeth
    hethabeth Posts: 10 Member
    ok I am in, I'm a few days late, but I would like to be 184 by easter! thats 10 pounds in 4 weeks and 3 days.
    :heart: :love: :heart:
  • kris1085
    kris1085 Posts: 1,436 Member
    I am doing good with my exercising this week ! Went to Zumba class tonight ! If you have not tried Zumba you deffently should ! I am getting my water in also thats always been a problem for me ! And i am under my calories !
  • Sallerina84
    Sallerina84 Posts: 138 Member
    So far so good....lost 2lb this week so far, and it's not Sunday yet WOOHOOOOOOOOOOOOO!

    I always have trouble keeping motivated and not eating chocolate (doesn't help that I work bang opposite a supermarket and it's so easy just to pop over the road!!!!!!!!!! Grrrrrrrrrr)......but I've changed my desktop background to a woman with an amazing bikini body haha! so everytime I crave chocolate I look at that and think NO I DONT WANT IT!!!!

    My brother gets married in Cyprus on Aug 2nd, and I'm Maid of Honour to my best friend getting married in October, and my final dress fitting will be July/August time....so these are my main two motivations at the moment! I'm also a bridesmaid in May 2012 too!!! Weddings weddings weddings!!!

    Sal x
  • wanna_be_fit
    wanna_be_fit Posts: 1,523 Member
    My weigh in is on Friday, so I'm just going to go ahead and post--hope that is okay!

    SW 156.5
    WK 1: 156.0

    GW 150

    Only 0.5 pound loss this week, been good on exercise, need to focus more on type of food I'm eating and drinking. Have been high on sodium lately, and a glass or two of wine more frequently than I need! :wink:
  • cosmo30
    cosmo30 Posts: 52 Member
    It's friday already! Almost a week gone. I love a fridays and weekends but those are my weak days too! I have fallen off the wagon record number of times on weekends. Hopefully this time I will stay strong.

    Any special tip / motivation to stay on track for the weekends??

    Whenever I feel like munching on something or eating mindlessly(on times other than meal & snack time) I force myself to drink a glass of water and wait for few minutes. Most of the time it is just thirst and helps me to stay on track. Tip I read in an article. It's so true - it's mostly thirst.

    Goodluck everyone!
  • Better_Balance_2011
    Better_Balance_2011 Posts: 3,711 Member
    I weighed yesterday so....

    SW: 136.5
    Week 1: 136.5
    GW: 132

    No loss, but no gain. I'm right there with wannabefit on the wine. :wink: Also probably retaining some water, so I hope to have a 1 pound loss next week. I have a 10 mile race tomorrow and will probably be moving next weekend so it could be good (lots of packing and moving boxes) or bad (not enough time for good meals and gym time). We will see. I think I am going to do 30 Day Shred, and actually do 30 consecutive days once we get settled in the new place. I have heard really good things about it. Everyone have a great weekend!
  • schreurs5
    schreurs5 Posts: 6 Member
    Weighed in and am at 296.5 now. Have been really working hard with the exercising. Need some improvement with the food though.
  • toodleton
    toodleton Posts: 82
    k I'm a little late starting this challenge but I am going to set a goal of losing 7 pounds by Easter : )

    CW: 166
    GW: 159

    Best wishes to everyone else :wink:
  • kris1085
    kris1085 Posts: 1,436 Member
    I know for me on the weekends its hard for me to get my water in ! At work i have a cup on my desk but on the weekends its more of a challange ! I am trying to exercise like 7 days a week i seem to have more time on the weekends to work out ! I hope that everyone has a wonderful weekend ! And that everyone does something thats fun this weekend ! I am going to be cleaning out my closet and getting rid of some things that are already too big !
  • MrsHinds7
    MrsHinds7 Posts: 64
    I totally agree kris! I never get enough water on the weekends and always get more than enough for the weekdays!! I think my biggest struggle right now is exercising. By the time I come home, I'm totally exhausted and don't want to do ANYTHING! Any advice for this? I think if I get in the habit during the weekends, the weekdays will get easier as it become routine...
  • wanna_be_fit
    wanna_be_fit Posts: 1,523 Member
    I totally agree kris! I never get enough water on the weekends and always get more than enough for the weekdays!! I think my biggest struggle right now is exercising. By the time I come home, I'm totally exhausted and don't want to do ANYTHING! Any advice for this? I think if I get in the habit during the weekends, the weekdays will get easier as it become routine...

    I had this same problem, plus when I get home from work I want to eat dinner and spend time with my husband and daughter. As much as I didn't want to do it, I finally accepted that I had to work out in the morning before work. I get up at 5:00 a.m. M-F (except Wed, Zumba class that night!) and I do my workout before work--and guess what--I love it! Not the getting up part, but getting my workout in early makes me feel energized for the day. Plus I get about 4 glasses of water in before 7:00!!! The first few weeks were hard, but now it's just part of my routine. Would a morning workout be feasible for you??
  • prekteacher2
    Count me in.

    I am totally in for a brief (5 week) challenge to get me back on track...after losing over 25 pounds, ten have (mysteriously - lol) crept back on. Told my DH yesterday that my winter muffin top has found its way back to me!!

    sw: 158
    goal: 10 pounds

    final goal is 140 by my birthday: June 22!

    do we have specific things to check in around? like cals or exercise?

    also...am new to this site (was on my food diary for a long time and lost 25 so kind of get how this all works - but needed a change and this is far more phone and ipad friendly - yea)...how do we set up a ticker for our losses? and how do we bookmark, for ex. this challenge site?

    Finally, my goal is to practice yoga everyday this challenge - vinyasa or hot or sculpt yoga and take only those days off when I am skiing in Vail or Keystone (am a colorado gal)


    I lost 30pounds and 15 has crept back up! Stinks but we'll get off those unwanted pounds!
  • prekteacher2
    How's everyone doing???

    I have managed to work out the last 3 days in a row...taking a rest day today. Drinking lots of water & have changed my diet a little...hopefully this will be the boost I need to lose those last stubborn 9 lbs!!!!

    Keep up the good work everyone!

    whoohoo, you rock!:bigsmile:
  • madamelaporte
    madamelaporte Posts: 404 Member
    hi guys how is everyone doing??

    I weighed in a day early and I have lost 1lb :) I am happy with that as at least it is a loss since I havent lost anything for the past 3 weeks would have been happier if it was more but at least i lost FINALLY :)

    Hope you are all doing well and feeling good :)
  • bizybee29
    bizybee29 Posts: 27
    (I'm checking in now,...not sure if I will be able to on Sunday.)

    I lost 2/12 pounds!!!!!!

    Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Free Calorie Counter
  • sezp
    sezp Posts: 69
    I'm checking in today as I will be away from my computer all day tomorrow. I'm down 2lbs! Woooo! CW is now 210.5lbs.