
  • Hi! I definitely understand, I was a cheerleader in highschool, so I was pretty active, and then as soon as I started college I stopped getting exercise and started eating terribly, so I put on about 60 lbs through 2.5 years, now I've lost 23 of it :)

    I dont think we started a new weekly goal, I jsut set one for myself.
    this thread is a good place to vent about college stuff and knwo that everyone will understand, and even have some advice :)
  • jrm29
    jrm29 Posts: 39
    Yesss definitely!! It really helps to connect with people who are the same age and going through the same roadblocks that college life brings! Love the support aspect of this website, anyone can feel free to friend me for motivation! :)
  • Totally want in on this! I've gained 10 pounds of my freshman 15 :( Last summer I worked out like crazy and was down at 125 (I'm 5'5" btw). College started and I've just packed it on. Ugh. Definitely need to get back on track. I already work out a lot since I run, do weights, do hot yoga, and go to the gym regularly. I have to go the extra mile though... sigh
  • Hi! I just saw this group and I think it's awesome! I'm 19 and a sophomore in college. The dreaded "freshman 15" definitely got a hold of me last year and is turning out to be very hard to get rid of.

    SW: 155
    CW: 150
    GW: 130

    I've started working out every day and eating healthy. I try to eat around 1200 calories a day.
  • Behati
    Behati Posts: 9
    I'm in! :smile:
  • Uh oh, I'm hitting an obstacle already -- my boyfriend (goes to another school 4 hours away) is coming to visit for the weekend. When we're together it's always lots of eating out and not enough exercise, so we'll see how I do!
  • etpx3
    etpx3 Posts: 147 Member
    yes i agree etpx3, where is everyone?? lol
    what do all you girls use for motivation? Sometimes, i go on these binges where I don't even know why I am eating and feel extremely guilty afterwards and then it's really hard to get back on track. Is there Anyone else here that has this problem too?

    I think that I've been letting myself down soo much with trying to lose in the past few years that I just don't want to fail anymore. I just keep telling myself do you really want to look fat in a bikini and of course with HATERS there's tons everywhere and it honestly feels like where i'm from that thats all there is is haters....my motivation is to make myself look so outstanding that i will flaunt it and rub it in their faces. =) kinda mean but whatever..works for me...

    and i'd also dread having to do all this hard work and to think i gave up and tried to start over again...now i have to RE-lose everything i just lost! ughh and i used to bingeeee ALOTTT but i guess i finally learned to control myselffff MIND OVER MATTER! but ohhhh how a cupcake would just hit the spot right now lol
  • etpx3
    etpx3 Posts: 147 Member
    I've been working my a&$ off and I can't wait for next weeks weigh-in...LETS HOPEEEEE this weekend goes well...one of my girl friends is going through some guys crisis and she said QUOTE I NEED A DRINK ...lol so ughhh and on top of that my friend from maine is coming down >.< !!!

    Well hope everyone has a awesome and safe weekend!!!
  • this just came on my pandora....... FLASHBACK TIME!

  • skipping a lecture class to do laundry, grocery shopping, and catch up on a couple projects... that's ok, right? Lol
  • kaleas
    kaleas Posts: 200
    finals time and the end of the semester is an ultimate diet disaster. I have found myself eating constantly just to stay awake. 2-3 hours a night sleeping. eat eat eat eat. do it over again. exercise? who has time for that right now?

    i hate you 18 credit semesters and studio art classes.
  • econn
    econn Posts: 157
    ahhhh i have a huge accounting test tomorrow that i havent studied for and i have soccer til 7 tonight... i'm going to be up all night :(( but hopefully i can control the urge to eat all night . wish me luck! haha
    oh and @tosbe , monday i skipped 2 classes to study for a test that I probably failed.. hahah so no worries!!!
  • ahh I hate staying up late! I'm always sucking down a 32oz soda ( we have a store here that sells them for 56cents!!) and coffee, and candy, the sugar keeps me going! It's so hard not to! especially when you are up really really late and your stomach is tellign you it needs another meal!!
  • So my scedule has changed with school so working out and me having my spring break I just became lazy and didnt work out at all. SO I have my new scedule to work out and I am back on! I guess where I lose motivation is when I am not seeing fast results I just give up. But I know it takes time. What also helps is me seeing myself back in a bathing suit and Im right back to the gym.
  • peachyxoxoxo
    peachyxoxoxo Posts: 1,178 Member
    I can't remember whether I joined this thread somewhere along the line, but I just had a question for everyone -- do you guys count walking around campus as part of your cardio for the day? I usually do several miles of walking to get to classes and such. I went on mapmyrun.com out of curiosity and today it was about 2.5 miles.
  • Id still consider that cardio! Walking in general is good :)
  • it's nice to know there are girls my age on here :) i'm innn
  • econn
    econn Posts: 157
    @ kristin3112: I know what you mean about not seeing quick results and wanting to give up. THat is when I tend to lower my calories a lot and then when I don't see the best results, i binge...vicious cycle!!!! hahaha

    @peachy: my campus is TINYYYYY like an itty bitty square of a one mile radius hahah so I don't walk much :/ but I wish I did to burn my calories!! soI guess you're lucky in that sense ha

    @tsosbe: yeah, I am addicted to diet dr. pepper but i have told myself I can only have one a week! sad, but worth it. I get bloated so easily!
  • jolteon00
    jolteon00 Posts: 89
    Ohello group, can I join? :)
    I'm a freshman, 17, in New York.

    I started college at around 126, lost to 112, then finals week, Christmas, and a winter intercession trip to Rome happened, bringing me up to about 121. I'd like to just get to and maintain 115, despite holidays and finals week lol.

    Main college issue?: It's hard not having a scale here. I can't measure progress as often as I'd like.
  • jessapoe
    jessapoe Posts: 13 Member
    Great idea. I'd love to be a part of this. Perhaps we can set a goal that corresponds with our school schedules. Like, maybe a Spring Break Challenge or Spring Semester Challenge. Def addressing weekends is a good call too. If you decide to drink, try liquor with some sugar-free mixer alternative. Maybe gin and diet tonic or flavored vodka and soda water.
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