

  • littlemili
    littlemili Posts: 625 Member
    Weigh-in day.....

    I didn't change. Still 136.5. Actually what happened is I gained like 2lbs and then lost it again because of mother's day weekend and going home for 2 days. So that's ok I guess.
  • mpf starting weight 188
    official starting weight for the 8 weeks: 167.6
    Week 1: 165.6
    Week 2: 162.3... FInally got out of a plateau :) Lost 3.3 lbs :)
    Goal weight for the end of the 8 weeks: 155
    Final goal weight: 130-135 ish
  • etpx3
    etpx3 Posts: 147 Member
    Challenge start: 135.4
    week 1: 134
    week 2 : 133.2 - I'm about to get my period so my breasts are super large and heavy...and i'm bloateddd
  • jdedzant
    jdedzant Posts: 34
    I weighed myself Sunday so this is my Sunday weight...

    CW: 118
  • econn
    econn Posts: 157
    149!! ew ew ew ew ew ew ew ew ew ew ew ew! :(((( but congrats on the weight loss to eeveryone else :)) haha
  • missb92
    missb92 Posts: 200 Member
    I only realised now that I dont have a scale up here in college :( so I will weigh in the minute I get home! Great work though everyone :drinker: :flowerforyou:
  • Maxylicious
    Maxylicious Posts: 226 Member
    bump :smile:
  • I can't remember whether I joined this thread somewhere along the line, but I just had a question for everyone -- do you guys count walking around campus as part of your cardio for the day? I usually do several miles of walking to get to classes and such. I went on mapmyrun.com out of curiosity and today it was about 2.5 miles.

    I usually just look at my daily walking as a "bonus", since it varies, but my campus is relatively small, so it's probably less than 2 miles. I should go measure on googlemaps or something just to find out, though!

    Just out of curiosity, what does everyone have their activity levels set to?
  • littlemili
    littlemili Posts: 625 Member
    I can't remember whether I joined this thread somewhere along the line, but I just had a question for everyone -- do you guys count walking around campus as part of your cardio for the day? I usually do several miles of walking to get to classes and such. I went on mapmyrun.com out of curiosity and today it was about 2.5 miles.
    I count walking into college and back (20 minutes each way at a brisk walk). I also count my violin practice usually (I am injured atm so relatively little, but usually would be 5+ hours a day which is over 800 calories!!). I am studying violin performance in college. But I don't count stuff like walking to get lunch, the 7 flights of stairs I have to go up and down each hour to book a practice room etc. Instead I count that in my activity level which is "lightly active".
  • missb92
    missb92 Posts: 200 Member
    Ok so I finally got to get up on the scale this morning....was really dreading it BUT.....

    SW 8week challenge - 172.4

    LW - 171.2

    Week 3 - 167.2

    Thats just over 3lbs!! Im so happy :) That means that im now in the '11 stone' bracket which i havnt seen in years!! Lets hope i can keep it up now!
  • I worked out once this week. I was going to the past two days but my daughter got sick! : ( But she is better and I am able to go back to the gym.

    Current Weight= 168
  • kaleas
    kaleas Posts: 200
    Hey girls! I missed weighing Wednesday, but two days isn't a huge thing, ahah.

    Starting Weight: 135
    Goal Weight: 125
    Current Weight: 129

    I couldn't tell you how excited I am. For the first time since October, the scale dipped below 130. Considering in Octber I weighed 119, this is a huge thing.

    I'm thinking its a fluke. I know I ate a half pint of Ben and Jerrys last night and had two beers. Well see what next week brings. I was feeling discouraged because Id been tracking everything now for a month, but I suppose a 5lb a month weight loss is normal, although wed all love immediate results.

    Keep at it! Swimsuits are almost here.
  • edemaknn
    edemaknn Posts: 4 Member
    Well, I have lost 1.4 pounds a week ago and managed to keep it off this week. It is hard to make sure I eat right and workout while working 2 jobs (one is midnight shifts) and carrying 18 credits this semester. Only 2 weeks left til finals for me!
  • mpf starting weight 188
    official starting weight for the 8 weeks: 167.6
    Week 1: 165.6
    Week 2: 162.3... FInally got out of a plateau :) Lost 3.3 lbs :)
    week 3- 162.0.. not bad given the fact that I'm TOM...
    Goal weight for the end of the 8 weeks: 155
    Final goal weight: 140 ish
  • littlemili
    littlemili Posts: 625 Member
    I dropped only 1lb from last week, I think it would be more but I am full of water - TOM yay... - I mean I have been wayyyy under every day pretty much and eating good except alcohol!

    So far:
    SW: 139
    W1: 136.5
    W2: 136.5
    W3: 135.5
    W8: 128 (I hope)

    Total: 3.5lb dropped
  • jdedzant
    jdedzant Posts: 34
    Another loss. Don't know whether to be morbid and happy or logical and concerned lol

    Last week: 118?
    CW: 116.2
  • etpx3
    etpx3 Posts: 147 Member
    Challenge start: 135.4
    week 1: 134
    week 2 : 133.2 TOM
    week 3: 132.4 TOM just ended =| but proud becauseee i haven't been tracking my food or anything
    goal: 125 ahhh!
  • Yay! My current weight is 165.9 :)
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