Weightloss Divas on a Mission



  • sarah44254
    sarah44254 Posts: 3,078 Member
    No auto-deductions for me! Mother nature doesn't mess with my weight for some reason! :indifferent: So while I'd love to take advantage of 'free' losses, I'll just stick with whatever happens. Other ladies might certainly benefit from it!!
  • McBoBo
    McBoBo Posts: 87
    No auto-deductions for me! Mother nature doesn't mess with my weight for some reason! :indifferent: So while I'd love to take advantage of 'free' losses, I'll just stick with whatever happens. Other ladies might certainly benefit from it!!

    Yeah you are lucky! I've lost 4lbs since monday when mine started...my dietician always points out that we retain so much extra during tha time. You lucky ducky :O)
  • pmarti5
    pmarti5 Posts: 38 Member
    did we decide on a weigh in day for each week?
  • asallen7
    asallen7 Posts: 301
    @sarah44254, I am sooo jealous that TOM doesn't affect your weight. I am definitely not so lucky! :smile:

    My name is Andrea. I'm a busy mom of 4, a math teacher, and a compulsive calorie counter due to my experience with MFP. My current weight is 252 and holding. I lost 30 pounds and my weightloss has seemed to come to a screeching halt. I tried increasing my calories for two weeks to see if that would make a difference, and "mother nature" decided to visit me so I'm not sure if that has been working for me. Since I have been struggling to see any change on the scale, I'm going to aim for a 7 pound loss over the 8 weeks. If I exceed that, great. If not...IDK. Good luck with the challenge, everyone! I hope you reach the goals you have set for yourselves.

    Reach out if you are struggling. MFP has a great bunch of people that are willing to help. We can do this!!!
  • LittleMiss_WillLoseIt
    LittleMiss_WillLoseIt Posts: 1,373 Member
    Hey everyone!! My name is Kari. I'm a full time student & a mom of 2 little boys. Recently, I went to the dr & saw that i weighed 289. I literally had to hold back my tears. NEVER have I been this heavy. & also my bp was up slightly. All of this made me realize I don't need a diet, I need a lifestyle change! SO the next day I went a paid for an 18 mth contract at a gym & started calorie counting!. Anyways, my new lifestyle start on February 24 & so far I have lost 12lbs. I am now at 277 & my goal weight is 160. I love the idea of this b/c I really do need motivation to keep going!! Can't wait to get started!! Oh btw, in 8 wks I hope to lose 15lbs :)
  • ebsmrtgrl
    Hi ladies! Mind if I join in? I'm Erica, 26 years old in central Ohio. I currently weigh 187 (down from 195 in Feb) and my goal weight is 153 lbs. In 8 weeks, I'd like to lose at least 10 lbs. Can't wait to see some progress!
  • sarah44254
    sarah44254 Posts: 3,078 Member
    did we decide on a weigh in day for each week?

    Wednesday! Simply because we started on a Wed, so may as well keep it on the Wed.
  • heatherhart
    heatherhart Posts: 113 Member
    We have 15 ladies!! I think thats enough lol good luck to everyone!
  • AccioPancakes
    Hey everyone!

    I'm Andra. I'm 23, working part-time right now while I try to find a job in my field and weigh 293. I'm goal weight is around the 155-160 mark. I'm brand new to this so don't know how quickly I'll lose the pounds if I keep doing what I'm doing so I'll just stick with what everyone else is saying with the 15lbs in 8 weeks. 2/wk should be pretty doable.

    Good luck, everyone! We CAN do this!
  • McBoBo
    McBoBo Posts: 87

    Yoda says: There is Do or Don't...there is no Try. ( I think I got that right )

    Best wishes ladies! I'm incredibly excited!! I'm looking for some new work outs to do since I did plateau.

    To feel the pain is to gain..not weight gain--but gain confidence, self respect and self worth--NOW is the time
    to be selfish about you--be selfish that you won't put harmful foods or calories in your bodies--and be selfish
    to focus on your physicality...don't be shy...try new things at the gym or workouts at home...SELFishness will
    help us all reach our goals!! Nobody else can win this for you...just yourSELF can. :O)

    HOLLA! ;o) Sorry, I'm a little too excited.
  • Sugar_Apple
    Sugar_Apple Posts: 951 Member
    Hi Divas

    I would love to join this group.

    My name is Keihsa and I'm from the Caribbean. I'm a busy mom of 2 boys. This time last year I was 197lbs, I started MFP at 185 and since then i've been struggling but my current weight is 178.5, that was on Saturday. I'm on TOM now so I'm sure I gained a lil since then.

    The thing is to not give up....I've been trying to lose weight for many years and I've declared that 2011 is the year for me...
  • ace175
    ace175 Posts: 518 Member
    So have we decided on a weigh in day and a weekly challenge?

    Not sure about weekly challenge, but our weigh-in day is Wednesday
  • asallen7
    asallen7 Posts: 301
    Sugar_Apple, I'm sure everyone would be glad to have you. Someone will be contacting you to get your CW and goals.
  • sarah44254
    sarah44254 Posts: 3,078 Member
    Was really lazy earlier. Managed to get myself UP and do Jillian Michael's 30 Day Shred (lvl 1) and even 60 reps of Capoeira "dance" from http://www.bodyrock.tv/2011/03/15/just-cant-get-enough-exercise-challenge/

    How are you other divas doing today?

    PS. I now have enough calories to have cereal for dinner. MMMMMmmmm!!
  • pmarti5
    pmarti5 Posts: 38 Member
    I did good today, walked my THREE dogs twice, once in morning, once at night. i haven't been exercising due to a bad leg (broke almost a year ago....broke tibia and tore ligaments....still in pain). felt good to be out walking again, nice weather in maryland today! also, got on scale and went down another 2+ pds!!!
  • kbloodworth
    kbloodworth Posts: 107 Member
    If it's not too late, I'd like to join.
    1) 8 weeks
    2) Any day, as long as it's consistent
    3) I think mini challenges would keep us motivated.

    In 8 weeks, I'd like to lose 8 lbs. I'm not being too aggressive, because I've been stuck at a plateau for awhile, and just really want to break it. I've been bouncing between 162-166 for the last three months. Ugh! My current weight/goals are in my sig.
  • maryh1974
    maryh1974 Posts: 41
    Can I join also ?
    I also think that a 8 week challenge sounds great, I usually weigh in on mondays , but whatever day is fine by me.My present weight is 226.5 and I'm on a plateau for the past 3 weeks ..urggg but would like to drop 11.5 pounds in 8 weeks..this is my mini goal...my goal weight ULTIMATE would be 135 lbs..oh and I'm a mom of 5 , 4 boys 11 , 10 , 8 , 6 and 1 girl 4 :)
  • Jonicha26
    Jonicha26 Posts: 107 Member

    I am new on myfitnesspal and would really love to join this group. I could definitely use some help in staying motivated. I currently weigh 152 lbs and would love to lose 10-15 lbs in the next 8 weeks. I am ok with weekly goals, weigh ins, whatever. Just let me know! :)

  • rdeaver25
    I am currently at 166. My ultimate goal is to weigh in between 135-140. My mini goal is to weigh 160 by April. Lets DO THIS>
  • seymoneisgoing2lose
    Hey Everyone.. Time for my introduction. My name is Se'ymone. I am a wife and mother. I have two kids, a boy and girl 7 and 4. Prior to coming to MFP, I lost 32 punds on my own. I am here now to lose the last 10... The tough ten as I call it. I am excited to join you ladies on this weight loss challenge.. Let's go DIVA's.