Turbo Fire in March!



  • Loveebbs
    Loveebbs Posts: 300 Member
    Hey, my name is Eboni and I'm a working mom. In the past I always started working out but then quit when I would just make excuses. In January, I decided that I was going to turn it around and stop using the old "it's just baby weight" and get my butt to working out and eating healthier. My husband is already in great shape so I wanted to get in shape myself and to show an example to my daughter. Here are my stats:

    Height: 5'8
    My Starting Weight: 192lbs
    Current Weight: 175lbs
    1st Goal Weight: 150 by May 25th (My B-Day)
    2nd Goal Weight: 140 by August 1st.

    I have been doing some P90X and Turbo Jam, but I started the Turbo Fire this week. Today is Fire 55 class for me!
  • tpycha126
    tpycha126 Posts: 217 Member
    WELCOME EBONI! Nice to have you join.

    I just did the Fire 55 EZ class. WOW! Nothing easy about that. But I felt great and made it all the way through. I can't wait til I have all the moves down, all in time I guess.
  • mommynmotion
    mommynmotion Posts: 149 Member
    Hi! My name is Serena. I am a homeschooling mom of four (they are 10, 8, 4 and 2.5 years old). Usually I am a runner, but we moved to Alaska last April and it's hard to run here in the Winter. I did a round of P90X from Sept to Dec and built a lot of muscle but then got burned out and felt like I needed more cardio. Winter here is a little hard and I slacked a in January and lost some of that muscle. I have been pretty much starving myself since my youngest was born, not on purpose though. I am a personal trainer and know what to do but still didn't eat enough to lose weight (sounds wierd right?) . I gained 4 pounds in about a week using MFP and following the caloric information...yesterday the scale went down a little bit...i hope it keeps going! It's hard to make myself eat all of those exercise calories!

    Anyway, I started Turbofire about 2.5 weeks ago ( a friend is sending me insanity, I can't wait). I am not following the schedule though. I made up my own using P90X weights a couple of times per week. A friend came to visit and exercise today, we did 30 day shred and now I am going to do Fire 55EZ....not that it's easy though!

    It sounds like some of you guys have the extra advanced DVDs too? I might get those later.

    Can't wait to see everyones progress!!!!
  • WELCOME Eboni and Serena so happy to have you both join this group!! :)
  • Hi,hope everyone is having a wonderful weekend.Today was Fire 30,did it and feel great.Going to a B-day party today,I am going to 'Say NO to the cake"lol If I have time today I am goign to do HIIT 20.
  • mommynmotion
    mommynmotion Posts: 149 Member
    Good job...getting TF in early today Jessica! I'll have to wait till later. I have TUrbofire 30, Hiit 15 and P90X Shoulders and Arms. It's always hard for me to get it in on Saturdays though...different schedule, husband's home, etc.

    I am feeling quite yucky...retaining a lot of water from too much salty stuff yesterday!

    Have a great day!
  • amberaz
    amberaz Posts: 328 Member
    Hey everybody! Today's my day off from working out, having a little knee pain and don't want to push it the weekend before starting TF. Plenty of walking tomorrow, though. I'm only over my cals by about 100 after planning all of my food, that's good for a non workout day for me. I just cannot make it on 1200 calories per day. I made a smoothie for snack this afternoon and wanted to share the recipe, it was sooooo good.

    Blueberry Pie in a Blender
    1/2 cup cottage cheese (hate this stuff, cannot taste it in the finished product!)
    1/2 cup strawberry kefir (you could just use yogurt)
    1/2 cup frozen blueberries
    1/3 cup frozen dark sweet cherries
    1/4 cup fiber one original
    about 2 tsps or so of Splenda

    It's just like drinking Blueberry Pie
    Calories: 275
    Fat: 4.5
    Protein: 22
    Carbs: 50 (kinda high, but not really bad carbs)
  • tpycha126
    tpycha126 Posts: 217 Member
    Did Fire 30 today burned 232 calories! Have to say I am absolutely loving the way I feel when I am done. My weigh in day is tomorrow, I was going to wait 2 weeks but I don't think I can wait that long.
  • tpycha126
    tpycha126 Posts: 217 Member
    So this morning I weighed in and I lost 2.9 pounds!:happy: I am now down to 127.3! I lost almost 3 pounds in one week from Turbo Fire! Now I love it even more! LOL! So excited and so happy! Later today I will be doing Core 20 and Stretch 40. I think I am going to throw in Extreme Abs from Chalean Extreme to and maybe another Cardio workout, we'll see. I am feeling ambitious right now
  • So this morning I weighed in and I lost 2.9 pounds!:happy: I am now down to 127.3! I lost almost 3 pounds in one week from Turbo Fire! Now I love it even more! LOL! So excited and so happy! Later today I will be doing Core 20 and Stretch 40. I think I am going to throw in Extreme Abs from Chalean Extreme to and maybe another Cardio workout, we'll see. I am feeling ambitious right now

    WOW that is AWESOME!!!! TF is great.So happy for you.You will be at your goal in no time!! :)
  • Today I did HIIT 15 and Core 20.I don't do the stretch classes.Do you all do them?What do you think of them?
  • tpycha126
    tpycha126 Posts: 217 Member
    I did Core 20 & the 40 min stretch today. I haven't done the 10 min stretch everyday like on the schedule, only when I really feel like I am tight or super sore. I have to say I did like the 40 min stretch though and definately needed it after the first week of Turbo Fire.
  • katcena
    katcena Posts: 326 Member
    Still waiting for my TurboFire to arrive...so I did 30 Day Shred instead. :) Can't wait to start....would love to drop 3 pounds in one week too! :)
  • amberaz
    amberaz Posts: 328 Member
    Went to the ren fest today and didn't workout, we were gone from 7am to about 10pm. Walked a ton today. I didn't eat that poorly at the festival today, turkey leg, a few fries, one pour of mead and a frozen cappuccino. Back on a low sugar diet tomorrow, though. I am not sure what workout for tomorrow, I guess I will see what I feel like doing in the morning.
  • Loveebbs
    Loveebbs Posts: 300 Member
    Completed my first week of Turbo Fire and it was TOUGH. I thought a couple of times that I wasn't going to be able to keep up but I would just modifiy and keep going. After my first week, I feel great and can't wait today to start my week 2. Tonight, I'm doing the Fire 45 Class with stretch 10. What is everyone else doing today and how does everyone feel?
  • Fire 45 done!OMG this one really kicks my butt!!! I love it,feels great to get through something that you think you can't get through. :)
  • mommynmotion
    mommynmotion Posts: 149 Member
    I can't keep up sometimes either...not that I am too tired, just can't figure out what to do! Especially when we switch sides on the complicated combos...I just jump around if I am off!! :)

    Today I did Bob Harper Strength, JIllian Michaels Yoga and Hiit 25...800 calories! Woo Hoo...problem is, I gained another pound over the weekend. I did go over my cals...but on purpose. Just trying to mix it up. Now...I started TF 3 weeks ago while really restriciting cals...then 2 weeks ago started MFP and while eating what it says to have gained 4 pounds!!!! What's up with that!!!!????

    Tomorrow... Fire 55 and Jillian Yoga. I am not following the schedule...just feel like I need more than what it says sometimes, so I have arranged it around my weights and daily schedule...depending on how busy we are, but I rarely miss a day. I love that some are short but so hard so that on a busy day, I can almost always squeeze it in!
  • tpycha126
    tpycha126 Posts: 217 Member
    Fire 45 for me today! OMG! This was tough! Have to say it seemed hard than 55 EZ! But I made it through! Whoo HOO! So glad to know that I am not the only one who jumps around if I get lost =) It was a great burn today. I also did the 10 min stretch, really felt like I needed that, and I didn't do any weight leifting last week, which feels so odd to me now since I just completed Chalean Extreme, so I did Turbo Jams Booty Sculpt. Oh am I tired now. Looking forward to the HIIT tomorrow!
  • katcena
    katcena Posts: 326 Member
    woohoo! My package has arrived at home....I'm at work. Leaving in 45 minutes. Can't wait to get home and check it out. Ready to start tonight...as soon as my husband goes to bed and I have the house to myself! :)
  • Today was HIIT 20 for me. I wore my heart rate monitor for nine hours and burned 2000+ calories. Tomorrow is my rest day but tomorrow I might do fire 45.
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