Turbo Fire in March!



  • Loveebbs
    Loveebbs Posts: 300 Member
    So today starts my week 3 and I begin it with Fire 45 EZ class. I have done the Fire 45 Class so I'm not for sure if there is a difference in Fire 45 and Fire 45 EZ. It's kind of getting easier to keep up with Chalene (even though I am doing the modified moves) and so excited that I'm am so close with finishing my first month with the program.
  • amberaz
    amberaz Posts: 328 Member
    So today starts my week 3 and I begin it with Fire 45 EZ class. I have done the Fire 45 Class so I'm not for sure if there is a difference in Fire 45 and Fire 45 EZ. It's kind of getting easier to keep up with Chalene (even though I am doing the modified moves) and so excited that I'm am so close with finishing my first month with the program.

    That is great, can't wait until I am a month in. So are you seeing any results yet?
  • cdez80421
    cdez80421 Posts: 88 Member
    I would like to join the group too, I should be getting my Turbo fire in by 3/31/11!!!
    I have done the Insanity series and loved them, but need something to mix them up with.

    Super Excited :)
  • Loveebbs
    Loveebbs Posts: 300 Member
    So today starts my week 3 and I begin it with Fire 45 EZ class. I have done the Fire 45 Class so I'm not for sure if there is a difference in Fire 45 and Fire 45 EZ. It's kind of getting easier to keep up with Chalene (even though I am doing the modified moves) and so excited that I'm am so close with finishing my first month with the program.

    That is great, can't wait until I am a month in. So are you seeing any results yet?

    I have lost about 1.5 pounds using it so far but at the end of week four, I get to do my measurements again to see if I have lost some inches. I took my measurements before I started so hopefully I was able to cut some of it down.
  • katcena
    katcena Posts: 326 Member
    Fire 55 is tough but it went by pretty fast for me. Even doing the "new to Class" option. I made it through..you can do it too! :)
  • amberaz
    amberaz Posts: 328 Member
    I did Upper 20 from the advanced DVDs this morning. It was really good, just the right amount of work for a beginner, like me. I used 5 lb dumbbells and did make it to muscle failure. I am going to to Abs 10 and Lower 20 tomorrow, I will let you know how they are.
  • katcena
    katcena Posts: 326 Member
    Got my Fire 45 done tonight...wow! What a workout! I can feel it in every muscle in my body! lol Loved it though..it went by really fast....even did the new to class (59 mins) and it seemed like it flew by! Burned 775 cals too!
    Tomorrow it's Hiit 20 and stretch 10. Bring it!
  • mommynmotion
    mommynmotion Posts: 149 Member
    HI Guys! Seems liek everyone is doing well. I have a problem keeping up with with th 30 as well. My favorites are Fire 45 and HiiT 25. I do a Hiit almost everyday...made uo my own schedule. I just always feel so good after the longer ones....I figure "what's 15 more minutes"? I am trying to burn 600 or more cals per day.

    A friend and I get together once per week, she has Insanity, LOVE it! She loaned me The Upper Body Weight Training and Sports interval (which we did yesterday). I like the variety!

    The scale has finally started going down, I think. I am trying to eat ALL of my exercise calories....I think it's helping!
  • Loveebbs
    Loveebbs Posts: 300 Member
    Did HIIT 25 yesterday and I was tough for me because we did 4 HIIT routines but I was also happy because I was able to keep up. I felt great once the workout was over. I get to enjoy my rest day today.
  • katcena
    katcena Posts: 326 Member
    Did Hiit 20 tonight. Awesome! Tomorrow is my rest day....which means I am going to do Zumba! yay! My weekly Zumba class is tons of fun.
    So far, Fire 45 is my fave as well....I ran around all day singing "I got your boyfriend, I got your man".....haha
  • amberaz
    amberaz Posts: 328 Member
    Killed Fire 30 today! Feel great now! I also did Upper 20 again this morning and it wasn't as hard this time. Can't wait to try Fire 55 tomorrow, I'm also going to do Abs 10 again. This is the at home workout I have ever done.
  • Aurora76
    Aurora76 Posts: 53 Member
    Can I join? I started Turbo Fire back in January and I've lost 20lbs and a ton of inches. I've been sick off and on this month so I haven't worked out as much as I would like. Now that I'm finally feeling better I've decided to restart my third month.
    I'm on week 9 day one as of today. But instead of the HIIT 15 I might do the advanced class HIIT 30.
    I love doing the HIIT 30 because I always end up losing at least a pound or two the next day. :bigsmile: And I've got lots of pounds to lose.

    Jan 12 2011
    Weight: 272lbs
    Waist: 49
    Hips: 56
    Chest: 41
    Right Arm: 14
    Left Arm: 15
    Right Thigh: 29
    Left Thigh: 33

    March 26, 2011
    Weight: 252lbs
    Waist: 43.5
    Hips: 51
    Chest: 37.5
    Right Arm: 13.5
    Left Arm: 13.5
    Right Thigh: 26.5
    Left Thigh: 26.5
    25" loss & 20lb loss
    You can see my before and after pics on my profile.
  • tpycha126
    tpycha126 Posts: 217 Member
    Sorry I haven't been on here, but I'm still working out! Just did HIIT20 and Sculpt 30! Hope everyone is doing great:happy:
  • Loveebbs
    Loveebbs Posts: 300 Member
    So yesterday, I did HIIT 15 and Tone 30. The Tone 30 was harder for me than I expected but I was able to finish. Tonight, it's Fire 45 EZ Class (which I love). Good Luck ladies and "Happy April Fool's Day" :)
  • amberaz
    amberaz Posts: 328 Member
    Got through 55 today. Man, is it long. I finished though, and then did the stretch, too. Fire 30 tomorrow with Ab Ripper and hiking on Sunday. I ordered some new shoes last night and hope they get here soon. My runners just aren't cutting it and doing TF in socks or barefoot is giving me blisters. :embarassed:
  • Loveebbs
    Loveebbs Posts: 300 Member
    Didn't get a chance to do Fire 55 yesterday (out of town at my parent's house) but I plan to make it up on Wednesday (my rest day). Starting week 4 this week so I am excited to record my results by the end of this week to see how many inches I lost.
  • amberaz
    amberaz Posts: 328 Member
    Did core and stretch 40 today. Stretch was not as bad as I was expecting, and it was pretty challenging. I just really don't like yoga. Can't wait for Zumba tomorrow night! Going to do Upper 20 and Lower 20 in the morning. Have a great day everybody, and keep Turbo'ing!
  • I am back guys and I am sooo ready to get back on track! I am starting over because I have misses 3 weeks due to our baby being sick. So today is Fire 30. Hope everyone is doing good :)
  • amycslat
    amycslat Posts: 2 Member
    Hi everyone,

    Would you mind if I joined the post? I am an irish girl living in London and we don't have Turbo Fire over here. Found Turbo Jam by accident on amazon last year and have fell in love with it... so far I have lost nearly 50 pounds. Have had some delays and bad weeks so I still have a load more to lose but I got Turbo Fire last week and I am loving it!! OMG its like Turbo Jam on acid!! Very fast but very effective, so far with calorie controlling on MFP and following the class schedule I have lost over 8 pounds! Am really thrilled as I have to go to New York in June for my brothers wedding and really want to have some more weight lost.

    Anyway looks like everyone is doing really well and I wish ye all the best.

    "Happiness lies in the joy of achievement"

    Take care,

  • Today is my day off but going to do Fire 30 and abs 10. Hope everyone has a good day!
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