Someone broke into our home last night!



  • timanda2
    timanda2 Posts: 149
    so scary, but I am grateful that you guys are okay
  • atsteele
    atsteele Posts: 1,358 Member
    So they wont come and dust for fingerprints to see if he's in their database???
    So the police say they aren't coming because nothing was taken, well ok then. But they are going to put an extra officer on patrol near our house. We live WAY off the beaten path. Calling security guy right now. Thanks for the prayers everybody.♥
  • GinaKurtz
    GinaKurtz Posts: 228 Member
    So the police say they aren't coming because nothing was taken, well ok then. But they are going to put an extra officer on patrol near our house. We live WAY off the beaten path. Calling security guy right now. Thanks for the prayers everybody.♥
    That's ridiculous! Praying for you all! Praise the Lord that it wasn't any worse, but that's scary!
  • watch48win
    watch48win Posts: 1,668 Member
    Call ADT! Get an alarm system. They are worth every stinking penny for the system and 24 hour 360 monitoring.
  • Dencrossgirl
    Dencrossgirl Posts: 501 Member
    Check out what your kids posted on facebook, sometimes the most innocent thing said on there give people ideas. Maybe she made some remark about not being home and someone thought nobody would be home. We live in such a different world now. Take care, it is disturbing, hugs...
  • Heather75
    Heather75 Posts: 3,386 Member
    That is frightening. I'm glad everyone is physically okay, but you must feel violated and terrified.
  • cookingcriolla
    Wow, I can't imagine how you must feel. I'd be scared senseless and probably wouldn't sleep until I had an alarm system installed. I hope the police can help and you can get some closure and peace. It's a miracle that no one was hurt, just thinking about it gives me chills. I hope and pray that your family remains safe. Be careful and stay safe.
  • clarreb
    clarreb Posts: 18
    Omgosh that is sooooo scary. I can't even imagine how horrifying that would be. How did they get in? Was the door unlocked? I pray that they stay away from you & your family for good. I would definetely invest in a security system & I would also ask around and see if any neighbors have had a similiar experience recently. Good luck & I will keep your family in my prayers.
  • bethaltman
    we were robbed last june by one of our son's "friends" from grade school!
    now they are sophomores. the 2 kids wanted money for drugs!
    i still cant believe it! we called the cops and they arrested the 2 boys.
    took a while for me and my family to get over that. altho i dont think you
    ever get over something like that. good luck....
  • charityateet
    charityateet Posts: 576 Member
    Wow, I would certainly INSIST they come by - if anything, just incase someone was watching - would see'll be in my thoughts!
  • MarybethAltizer
    MarybethAltizer Posts: 226 Member
    Thanks everyone, no the police wouldn't come because we didn't actually see anyone, and no one got hurt, or stolen. Well thanks alot for that peace of mind! Oh well. And I talked to my daughter about what she posts on facebook she is scared tonight sleeping with her brother upstairs. I don't blame her. I feel alot better tonight about everything, been praying alot today. I know who this house serves, and it was His hand that kept us safe last night. Please continue to pray for our safety, and peace for our family. ♥
  • Becky1971
    Becky1971 Posts: 979 Member
    I hope you all got some sleep last night, especially your daughter.

    Continued prayers!
  • dababers
    dababers Posts: 135
    Oh my, how frightening!! I am so glad no one was hurt. I can only imagine how violated you must feel. Time to beef up your security. Call the police and let them know what time you go to church, have them do some extra passes by your house. I don't want to scare you, but they might have been casing your house for some time. Please be careful. Best wishes.