What foods have you given up to loose weight?



  • seltzermint555
    seltzermint555 Posts: 10,741 Member
    I don't really feel like I have had to "give up" anything but just eat everything I like in moderation.

    However there are some foods that I never really liked all that much and don't eat anymore because I just feel no desire to and they don't fit into my macros so well anyway. Mostly salty snacks like chips, pretzels, crackers, etc. I miss them 0%.

    I don't eat much bread either but I'll tear up some French toast with berries and SF syrup on a weekend morning so I do still buy bread!

    ETA: I thought of one thing I truly have given up...Starbucks (and other coffee places) "fancy" drinks like mochas, lattes, and the like. I never have those anymore although they do still appeal to me somewhat. I sometimes get a small cookie or donut and black coffee though and to me that is 10X more satisfying and around the same or far less cals.
  • GrandmaJackee
    GrandmaJackee Posts: 46 Member
    I haven't given up anything, just being more careful about how much of it I eat and how often.
  • laura2813
    laura2813 Posts: 84 Member
    Processed foods and drive-thru restaurants. I'm cooking more at home so I know what's in my meals and taking leftovers for lunch and fresh fruits and veggies for snacks. I feel 100% better after about 3 weeks of better eating and a week and a half of workouts. It's so worth it!
  • BusyRaeNOTBusty
    BusyRaeNOTBusty Posts: 7,166 Member
    Cottage cheese. Ew.
    Kale. Never tried it but not interested.
  • BlueBombers
    BlueBombers Posts: 4,065 Member
    I have given up nothing. I like food way too much to restrict myself so I just make things fit into my day.

    Life is too short.
  • BlueBombers
    BlueBombers Posts: 4,065 Member
    I no longer enter the TV room with a whole loaf of homemade bread and a stick of butter.

    ^ Winner!
  • teenie_71
    teenie_71 Posts: 44
    nuts and peanut butter, I just can seem to help myself
  • Chain_Ring
    Chain_Ring Posts: 753 Member
    None. No, seriously......I eat whatever I want.
  • ddkphotos
    ddkphotos Posts: 304 Member
    Diet Coke. Had it daily - sometimes more than one a day - stopped it a year ago.
    Cut back 90% on almost all bread, bagels, cereal, pasta, rice, cookies, crackers, chips, bars and crap.
    PS - it's easy because my tummy is way better - it seems what they thought was IBS for 15 years is really a gluten intolerance...
    90% cut out junk food (no more drive through!). Sure miss the convenience - but not the crap.
    Most processed foods (pretty much anything in a box or bag or can - i.e. alot of the middle aisles in the grocery story)...
    That leaves me with healthy proteins, cheese, eggs, antibiotic free meats, seafood, fresh local organic veggies, butter, healthy oils, nuts and seeds.
    I eat some fruit in my smoothie every day - and the occasional fresh fruit but have cut back alot because of the carbs.
    So a bit of a mix of "paleo" and "clean eating"...
    I say 90% because I still have dark chocolate every day - and the occasional 100 calorie snack bags of oreos or chips ahoy.
    Every once in a while (celebrations etc.) I'll allow myself cake etc. Just watch the portions.
    I think it's because I don't ever say "I can't eat that ever again" that I don't crave things as much.
    If I really want it - I try to find the "cleanest" version of it and have it! Like popcorn - used to love Orville Redenbacher's microwave popcorn - now got organic kernels and cook it on the stove in oil... At least I know what's in it - rather than the chemicals in the bag...
    It's working for me - I don't feel like I'm missing anything...
    Lifestyle change...
    A bit over a year in... hopefully 40 or 50 more healthy years to go!
  • bthiering
    bthiering Posts: 9
    I went completely plant base and I feel great! I don't feel deprived. The hardest thing for me to give up was cheese but after finding nutritional yeast it has curbed my need for cheese. Plant base doesn't work for everyone but I wasn't a big meat eater so it was easier for me to give up.
  • abadvat
    abadvat Posts: 1,241 Member
    Food wise - none! However consumption of booz has drastically reduced to close to none.
    Decided to cut it at the beginning - eventually became a habit and now prefer to train rather than get wasted / being a hungover vegetable all day!
  • jmv7117
    jmv7117 Posts: 891 Member
    Just wondering which foods peeps have given up to loose weight? Do you think giving them up has helped you loose weight or just made you crave 'naughty' foods even more? :smile: :heart:

    I didn't give up anything.
  • caracrawford1
    caracrawford1 Posts: 657 Member
    Just wondering which foods peeps have given up to loose weight? Do you think giving them up has helped you loose weight or just made you crave 'naughty' foods even more? :smile: :heart:
    I'm not giving up food. This is not a temporary diet. I just eat less of it and fit in to my calories.
  • icrushit
    icrushit Posts: 773 Member
    I've given up most foods with added sugar (incl. desserts & alcohol), all grains and breads, dialling them back slowly initially, then cutting them out. I've found all have helped my efforts to lose weight by giving them up, and the combination of dropping the empty calories with eating a diet rich in filling fat and protein rich foods, I've found to be a very effective one personally, and staying the course so far has not been overly difficult. When the weight is lost, I see myself adding back non-wheat grains, and alcohol, but suspect the days of wheat, sugar and bread for me are probably numbered :)
  • allie_00p
    allie_00p Posts: 280 Member
    Haven't fully given up any solid food that I really like, just using IIFYM. I have pretty much given up alcohol, though, because it just makes me feel like crap when I want to workout, and even when I have indulged and gotten buzzed I've regretted it because I didn't want to get to that point...also a family history of alcoholism makes me paranoid.

    And yes, fully cutting out foods as off limits just makes them more appealing. The whole "don't push that big red button" effect :happy:
  • GuyIncognito123
    GuyIncognito123 Posts: 263 Member
    And to those who haven't given up anything..... a quick question.

    When your allowed calories fall between 1400-1700 per day, would you still be meeting your goals (based on your diary today)?

    The reason I ask, is I see a lot of comments with people bragging about eating deserts every day and still losing weight - given that their deficit 3000 odd calories per day (and not between 1400-1700)....

    I don't ask to be snarky, I'm just curious.
  • leahraskie
    leahraskie Posts: 260 Member
    ~_~ I've given up fast food that has a sandwich and fries. Looked up the calories of my favorite Arby's and it's my whole days worth of calories on this diet. Also staying completely away from alcohol, I think it might have helped me put on the extra weight, my bf isn't too happy about that though. But between 60-100+ calories in 1oz, screw that!
  • lemurcat12
    lemurcat12 Posts: 30,886 Member
    And to those who haven't given up anything..... a quick question.

    When your allowed calories fall between 1400-1700 per day, would you still be meeting your goals (based on your diary today)?

    The reason I ask, is I see a lot of comments with people bragging about eating deserts every day and still losing weight - given that their deficit 3000 odd calories per day (and not between 1400-1700)....

    I don't ask to be snarky, I'm just curious.

    I don't see the point of giving up foods, and my calories are 1400-1700 (1400 without exercise, more when I do exercise).

    Not giving up foods doesn't mean I eat whatever I want when I want it in unlimited quantities. I just fit in the foods I like, some more occasionally than others. I rarely eat Chicago style pizza, and when I do it has to be the very best example of that, because it's tough to make fit in my calories, but I don't see why I'd give it up vs. having it only every couple of months or so, for a treat. Other things I eat more regularly (i.e., it's not hard to fit a burger I make at home into my calories), and that includes dessert. I often have ice cream on workout days, since half a cup is only about 250 calories (some more, some less), and I don't have a problem eating enough and getting what I think are three healthy meals on, say, 1250-1400, depending on what I happen to eat that day, so after that, why not have some ice cream?
  • WinoGelato
    WinoGelato Posts: 13,454 Member
    And to those who haven't given up anything..... a quick question.

    When your allowed calories fall between 1400-1700 per day, would you still be meeting your goals (based on your diary today)?

    The reason I ask, is I see a lot of comments with people bragging about eating deserts every day and still losing weight - given that their deficit 3000 odd calories per day (and not between 1400-1700)....

    I don't ask to be snarky, I'm just curious.

    I don't see the point of giving up foods, and my calories are 1400-1700 (1400 without exercise, more when I do exercise).

    Not giving up foods doesn't mean I eat whatever I want when I want it in unlimited quantities. I just fit in the foods I like, some more occasionally than others. I rarely eat Chicago style pizza, and when I do it has to be the very best example of that, because it's tough to make fit in my calories, but I don't see why I'd give it up vs. having it only every couple of months or so, for a treat. Other things I eat more regularly (i.e., it's not hard to fit a burger I make at home into my calories), and that includes dessert. I often have ice cream on workout days, since half a cup is only about 250 calories (some more, some less), and I don't have a problem eating enough and getting what I think are three healthy meals on, say, 1250-1400, depending on what I happen to eat that day, so after that, why not have some ice cream?

    ^^This. Generally the people you see saying, "I didn't give anything up" aren't saying, "I have made no changes to my diet whatsoever and I'm losing weight". What they are saying is that you don't have to completely exclude entire groups of food in order to lose weight. There are several posters on here saying I gave up XYZ foods entirely (fast food, ice cream, refined carbs, etc). There are many saying that you can make daily choices which enable you to still have ALL of the foods you enjoy in SOME quantity...

    I net around 1700 cals/day and still eat/drink mostly the same things I did before I started this. I just make choices (ice cream or wine, dinner at a restaurant once/week vs three times) which enable me to be successful without cutting anything out entirely.
  • cw106
    cw106 Posts: 952 Member
    sadly adding smocked mackerel fillets to this list.
    at 315 cal per 100g. cant justify 630 cals even with just veggies as a. meal.