The "FLAME DOLLS" (Menopause Support Group)

:heart: A Warm Welcome to all you beautiful “Flame Dolls”!! :heart:

This is a new support group following up on a great topic that was entitled Menopause and Metabolism.

To view that go here, it is full of great wisdom:

So many women jumped in with their personal stories, thoughts, ideas, frustrations, questions, beliefs and strategies for menopause and fitness, that a few us wanted to start a group! A place where we women of menopause could come as often as we wanted and continue sharing and meeting others llike us!!

We each experience our menopause differently and this is where to talk, cry, laugh, ask questions, get support and love one another through the process of health, fitness and menopause.

You can ask questions, seek advice or share a joke – just ask for what you need and come back regularly. :wink:

My friend TangoTerry and I will be watching and bumping the topic up each day so it can be found easily. As soon as you post something to it, it will then be available easily under “MY Topics” on your Community tab.

So, I suggest when you post, tell a little bit about you - your fitness goals, and what you want to gain and enhance now that you are a “Flame Doll”!!


  • juliapurpletoes
    juliapurpletoes Posts: 951 Member
    :flowerforyou: HI! I guess I’ll go first!

    I am Julia and I am 52. I live in the southern California Desert area and I’m “still hot”!

    Actually, I haven’t had periods in a few years and I transitioned fairly easily with just some night sweats. I sort of thought they were “funny” (insert sense of humor – good quality to have) and I decided to just embrace them as well………. a cleansing of sorts.

    Well my husband may tell you a different story but that’s mine and I’m sticking to it!

    I, like so many others, started to inexplicably put on weight especially in the tummy and hips, I developed a little arthritis in one knee – oh God I cried!! Why? Why? Why? I had danced, worked out all my life….. Even had taught classes in health and fitness, I knew everything! I thought NOPE it won’t happen to me……..

    So here I am, a small time loser fortunately, working on losing about 15 pounds and gaining more muscle.

    AND, just as important - gaining a connection to a better me, a wiser me, a more patient and grounded me.

    I was unable to use most hormone replacement therapies due to a blood clot during one of my pregnancies. So I decided to do this menopause naturally. Some herbs, although great nutrition and exercise are working the best of all!

    Now I’d love support from my friends of the “pause” and I’d like to lend support too and help where I can.
    I pass the torch to YOU!

  • im am so grateful to read this im also very self aware of my body in the past i have kicked boxed did spin clases snd have never had a weight issue i could not attack and have always lost the weight im 50yrs old and have not had a period in 2 yrs up until last year i havnt had a problem this past year has been a nightmare the belly the hips and the thighs i prided myself in staying fit even for a having 5 children i dont get night sweats however i do feel sudden mood changes in me uncontrolable ones if there is a supplement that works i would love to know about it or any other tips i did find zumba i fell good about it i just want to lose the weight help anyone help
  • glcarr65
    glcarr65 Posts: 74
    What a great post..

    Here is my story..
    My name is Gina and I am 45... I had a partial hysterectomy in my mid 30's and had a short stint with the hot flashes, but they quickly went away.. at that time I was able to loose about 20 pounds....I was very happy, I was able to keep it off for several years but with work....

    Then at 42 I had to have my last working ovary taken out, well than is when my body went all crazy on me....The hot flashes, mood swings, and sleepless nights. Than went on for about a year and half....I was not taking anything ..... I finally started taking estroven an over the counter vitamin to help with the hot flashes and give me some energy. I continue to take those every day.Then I started putting on weight it seemed like a pound a thing I know I am at the heaviest weight I have ever been. I do not like it....i tried to loose..I would be really good only to loose 1 lb then get very frustrated and give up and then gain 3 lbs....

    I am so glad I found this sight.... I am very determined to do this.....I know my body is never going to be a size 8 and I am ok with that...I just want to get to a comfortable weight that my body is good with...With the extra weight I carry now, I have knee and back trouble......

    I have been going strong for a couple of weeks now with the help of my new friends here.....together we can support one another to get through this.....I realize I am not alone in this battle.....
  • Hi, I'm Mandy, I'm 47 and going through menopause for the second time!

    I had a hysterectomy when I was 31, and at 34 was experiencing erratic mood swings, severe depressive bouts, and at night it was as if I'd wet the bed! So went to the doctor who put me on HRT which suited me perfectly and put everything on hold.
    I came off these about 2 1/2 years ago, and am now going through a nice gentle menopause, no moods swings and just an occasional night sweat and hot flush

    I have to admit my weight had crept up over the last few years, but I now have a bad back injury, have had to sit through the last 3 months and have been "comfort eating", hence I have 50lbs to lose, having lost 5 already over the last 10 days :-)
    I'm hoping to be able to start a little swimming soon to help tone up, but can hardly walk at the moment, so any other form of exercise is out until I'm much improved, so I'm having to do lose my weight through pure willpower.

    It would be lovely to be in touch with ladies of that certain time of life who are determined to make the most of the youth we have left :-)
  • Hey everyone! I am 48 years old....still have regular periods, no hot flashes yet
    but I have begun to lose hair. It's very disturbing to I used to have a very thick head of hair, and now it's considerably thinner. I have very thin spots in the front of my head just about my forehead. I read that menopause may cause you to lose hair because of the fluctuating estrogen levels. I was tested for lupus, and thankfully it came back negative. Is there anything that can be done??? Has any one had any success with any natural remedies? I am going for my yearly GYN checkup soon, and am thinking about asking to be put on a low dose of HRT. I'd love to hear from anyone who is seeing this same thing happening. :bigsmile:
  • rydn4h2o
    rydn4h2o Posts: 255
    Hi, my name is Brenda and I was told I was post-menopausal at 36. It took some convincing to have my doctor do the blood work to prove it. I had been on Norplant for 10 years, the pill after that. Well, the pill caused a blood clot in my leg, so I decided I was done having children and had my tubes tied. I know there's not supposed to be any correlation between tubal ligation and menopause, but within 6 months my mood swings were insane as well as the night sweats and hot flashes. I mean, I was 36, this isn't supposed to happen yet! I am unable to take the hormone replacement therapy due to the history of blood clot, so I've had to try anything I can that's over the counter. Black Cohash seems to have helped with the hot flashes. It's been 6 years and I've still got them! My weight has steadily gone up over those 6 years, and in the past I've been able to get it to come right off. Once I turned 40, my body apparently has different ideas! It's been a struggle, that's for sure. But this time around I have mixed in weight training with my cardio and I'm hoping once I get that lean muscle built, something will start to happen!
    Thank you ladies for listening!
  • Enigmatica
    Enigmatica Posts: 879 Member
  • realme56
    realme56 Posts: 1,093 Member
    I am 54 and was late to end. Over the last year I have had no periods but for the 2 years before I had one every 6 months. It was doing this time that my doctor said I should do a hysterectomy due to severe fibroids.....I'm like why?? I feel better than I ever have!
    I have always gotten hot at night so I don't think that is any worse but I have had a handful of daytime hot flashes. I am thinking that my increased insomnia might be associated with menopause but overall I feel blessed to have had an easy transition with out any hormone replacement.

    Weight has always been an issue and as we all know it gets harder as we get older. Arthritis limits what I can do for exercise but MFP really helps me control intake.
  • realme56
    realme56 Posts: 1,093 Member
    Hey everyone! I am 48 years old....still have regular periods, no hot flashes yet
    but I have begun to lose hair. It's very disturbing to I used to have a very thick head of hair, and now it's considerably thinner. I have very thin spots in the front of my head just about my forehead. I read that menopause may cause you to lose hair because of the fluctuating estrogen levels. I was tested for lupus, and thankfully it came back negative. Is there anything that can be done??? Has any one had any success with any natural remedies? I am going for my yearly GYN checkup soon, and am thinking about asking to be put on a low dose of HRT. I'd love to hear from anyone who is seeing this same thing happening. :bigsmile:

    Your thyroid has alos been tested?? It is a frequently overlooked but simple test to run. My hair was horrible when mine went out...
  • singer201
    singer201 Posts: 562 Member
    I'm Rose and I am 58. I was going through menopause in my early 50's, about the time my younger daughter hit puberty. I mostly had hot flashes and some night sweats, but in the past year those have really tapered off.

    I have been overweight since my children were born, but was staying reasonably fit and strong caring for and riding horses and cleaning stalls daily. Then, the horse exercise stopped, and the weight started piling on and my muscles turned to mush. Around the same time, I developed some arthritis in my back and knees, which made exercise even less attractive. I'd "watch what I ate" for varying periods of time, but never got serious about calorie counting or exercising regularly until this spring when I found MFP. As it turns out, I'm getting my horse back within a month, so I'll again have some daily pleasurable and useful exercise to help keep the weight off. I have a hard time just exercising for the sake of exercising, so I need something like riding, horse chores, and yard work to keep fit and strong. I have been walking 30-45 minutes most days this past month or so.

    I changed my eating habits recently to eat more whole foods, fewer carbs, less sodium, adequate protein and fats, and that seems to be making a difference. I'm losing weight, enjoying my food, and I'm not hungry.
  • My thyroid was tested about 2-3 years ago...and was normal. I think I may get it tested again, just to be sure! Thanks for the suggestion! Fortunately my daughter is a hair stylist and she has been able to recommend products to make my hair appear thicker! Thanks!!!! :-)
  • juliapurpletoes
    juliapurpletoes Posts: 951 Member

    So glad you are getting your horses back! I know what you mean about exercise just for the sake of it...I've gotta enjoy it, really love whatever it is I am doing. It lifts my spirits and makes it fun.

  • Hi! Julia, thank you so much, what a GREAT idea to have a menopause support group, and I love the name!
    My name is Nancy, and I am almost 51. I have had a fairly easy time in regards to most symptoms of menopause--no mood swings to speak of, I sleep well, and the hot flashes aren't too bad (yet!!). I still get a period every 4 months or so. But the place I really feel it is in my weight--I am heavier than I have ever been in my life! And for the past several years, up until recently, I have never been so inactive--and have the flabby former muscles to prove it! I used to lift heavy weights (I have a full set of free weights, squat racks, etc. in my basement that have been gathering dust) and loved it. But going into menopause, and chronic pain and stress, etc. have sapped me of energy to workout. In addition, I got a bunch of bloodwork done by my gynecologist and I am apparently deficient in a number of hormones in addition to estrogen--like testosterone and DHEA! Apparently, we need these hormones to boost our metabolism and find energy for workouts, and also build muscle.
    So I have been feeling much better since I have been taking the right supplements, and eating much better than I had been. I have only lost 3 lbs. thus far (in 5 weeks), so I think this is my opportunity to learn lots and lots of patience and positivity towards myself and my body.
    Oh, by the way--I HIGHLY recommend Jillian Michaels book "Master your Metabolism". She talks about all the things we are dealing with in our metabolisms from a hormonal perspective--very eye-opening!!
  • Aitenev
    Aitenev Posts: 62
    Hi All, My name is Venetia and boy am I glad to have found this group! I'm 54 and I've been going through peri-menopause for over 10 years so I am ready for this to be over! As for the weight loss, I'm actually having an easier time losing weight now than when I was in my 30's and 40's. Part of the reason it's been easier this time is because I think I'm finally doing it right. I have changed my diet to focus on a healthier diet with lots of fruits and vegetables and almost no processed food. I've lost 103 pounds since 3/29/10 and because of the improved diet and exercise I've never felt better in my life. I also think it has been easier now because I've been more willing to relax and take it slow. I went into this thinking that if it took me a year or two to get to my goal, that's okay. Another advantage that I've discovered is that since I often go 3 or 4 months without a period, I'm not fighting the fluctuation on the scales from that time of the month as often. See, there are some up-sides to this getting older stuff!:happy:
  • juliapurpletoes
    juliapurpletoes Posts: 951 Member
    It's been 6 years and I've still got them!

    Me too, not hot flashes but night sweats....I thought it would just be for a short while but I think I had them all throughout my 40's off and on, then seemed like a ton of them, then now nothing for awhile.......

    (don't want to jinx it)

    thanks for sharing
  • Aitenev
    Aitenev Posts: 62
    Enigmatica, thanks for posting this. Great article.
  • juliapurpletoes
    juliapurpletoes Posts: 951 Member
    Hi All, My name is Venetia and boy am I glad to have found this group! I'm 54 and I've been going through peri-menopause for over 10 years so I am ready for this to be over! As for the weight loss, I'm actually having an easier time losing weight now than when I was in my 30's and 40's. Part of the reason it's been easier this time is because I think I'm finally doing it right. I have changed my diet to focus on a healthier diet with lots of fruits and vegetables and almost no processed food. I've lost 103 pounds since 3/29/10 and because of the improved diet and exercise I've never felt better in my life. I also think it has been easier now because I've been more willing to relax and take it slow. I went into this thinking that if it took me a year or two to get to my goal, that's okay. Another advantage that I've discovered is that since I often go 3 or 4 months without a period, I'm not fighting the fluctuation on the scales from that time of the month as often. See, there are some up-sides to this getting older stuff!:happy:

    Venetia - I know what you mean about cleaning up the diet and relaxing with it al, a positive attitude does seem to help me too. I also experienced about a 10 year peri-menopause I totally get it that you are ready for it to be over!!!

  • juliapurpletoes
    juliapurpletoes Posts: 951 Member
    It would be lovely to be in touch with ladies of that certain time of life who are determined to make the most of the youth we have left :-)

    Hi Mandy! I love your statement about losing weight through sheer will power! Me too! Had so much inner strength when I was younger , guess I gotta find it again :blushing:

  • kris3800
    kris3800 Posts: 18
    Hi, I'm Kris andI am 51 years old. My body knew when I turned 50 - because it all started acting weird on me right after my birthday! My period would come and go as it pleases.My periods used to be regular, until I went off the pill. I have been off of the pill since I was 45 years old, because I had a heart attack in 2005 and my doctor took me off of the pill (cold turkey) while I was in hospital recovering. I was shocked, that he took me off. But I am a good patient andlisten to the doctor. . I am happy to say that this April I hit the 6 year mark of good health and a healthy heart/low cholestrol/low blood pressure and feel pretty good. I need to lose a few (alot really) pounds and with the onset of menopause, it seems so much harder. My heart doctor thinks I look fine and it was not the cause of my heart attack (it was stress) , my boyfriend thinks I look great (which I love about him) --so it is all up to me to lose this weight and I am ready!! I really don't ike the night hot flashes - that wake me up. I usually just get up and wash my face, the mood swings have been terrible.I am so jealous and havesudden feelings of insecurites and sadness for no reason at all. The symptons have decreased-thanksgoodness- since I started taking "Remifenin" over the counter, no estrogen and safe for my heart. I found it at Walmart for $12 a box, the box will last about a month...taking two a day. Walking also helps the night hot flashes a lot! This is an extra incentive to walk and good old fashion positive self-talk does wonders for your soul and spirit.

    I appreciate the idea of this website - thanks for the invite and support. Work week is coming quick...
    Until next time...Kris
  • juliapurpletoes
    juliapurpletoes Posts: 951 Member

    wow! what a story...I for one am so GLAD you are still here and that heart attack was just a serious ...ummm "wake up call"?? HUG!

    I totally get the jealous and insecure feelings stuff......(.my hubbs works in professional theatre and boy those young girls look lo pretty and vibrant! I try not to obsess on that).....

    I love this... I'm gonna quate you! :

    --so it is all up to me to lose this weight and I am ready!!

    together, we'll all do it

