The "FLAME DOLLS" (Menopause Support Group)



  • Enigmatica
    Enigmatica Posts: 879 Member
    I've been experimenting with Estroven supplements for about a week. They do seem to be helping. I started using the nighttime version first, and the hot flashes decreased from an average of 6 per night down to 2, after 3 days on it. Adding in soy burgers at night seemed to help too - down to 1 HF per night, and slept a lot better. (Soy is estrogenic, and all indications are that I've gone from way too much est to way too little. ::sigh::)

    Yesterday I started taking a daytime version of Estroven and only had 1 HF during the entire day. I'd been averaging 5-6 for the past 2 weeks. However, the other big change I made yesterday was to add 2 tbls of milled flax seed to my breakfast. Flax is another estrogenic. So that may have had an impact as well.

    My main interest is in getting to SLEEP again, so I'm happy that something seems to be working. Or maybe I just got lucky for a few days. I'm going to keep experimenting.
  • mmtiernan
    mmtiernan Posts: 702 Member
    Missing all you guys - no one has posted here in a couple of days!!!

    Woke up at 2:00 a.m. dying of heat - thought it was a night sweat until I took inventory and saw that my daughter and both cats had joined me in the bed and ALL of them were laying on me!! Gah!! An entire queen-sized bed and four bodies are crammed into less than 12 inches of it with me on the bottom!!

    How are you other Flame Dolls doing? Have a great Monday everyone!!
  • juliapurpletoes
    juliapurpletoes Posts: 951 Member
    I'm still here!!!!

    i was noticing that now that I am exercising on regular basis and of course eating WAY better.......I just don't feel as "old".

    Didn't have a bunch of the typical menopause symptoms anyway.....(I don't count crazy mood swings since I am a scorpio,it's just our way of transitioning - like a volcano)

    I do feel more youthful because I'm more flexible and energetic.........

    I also decided (prompted by a post awhile back) that what makes me BEAUTIFUL (which is why I joined MFP - to feel more beautiful) is that I am beating away the FEAR that I won't be BEAUTIFUL as I age.

    No matter what, I am. :heart:
  • mmtiernan
    mmtiernan Posts: 702 Member
    So, my daughter and I were watching some Rugrats cartoons a week or so ago, and one of the mother characters yells, "Is it hot in here or is it just me?" and sticks her head into the freezer. My daughter laughs, turns to me and says, "Mom, if it weren't for you, I wouldn't get that joke!".

    Well. So glad I could help!

    :laugh: Thought you all might enjoy the laugh too. (and just for the record, I do say "is it hot in here or is it just me?", but I don't go sticking my head into the freezer!)

    Have a fantastic day Flame Dolls!!
  • legacysh
    legacysh Posts: 464
    So, my daughter and I were watching some Rugrats cartoons a week or so ago, and one of the mother characters yells, "Is it hot in here or is it just me?" and sticks her head into the freezer. My daughter laughs, turns to me and says, "Mom, if it weren't for you, I wouldn't get that joke!".

    Well. So glad I could help!

    :laugh: Thought you all might enjoy the laugh too. (and just for the record, I do say "is it hot in here or is it just me?", but I don't go sticking my head into the freezer!)

    Have a fantastic day Flame Dolls!!

    Love this.
  • legacysh
    legacysh Posts: 464
    So I was not having HF for months, and now we're back to the insanity of all of it again. The inconsistency is killing me. I am what they refer to as a Head sweater- So in the morning My hair is gross. I tried a new AM/PM herbal support, but all I got from my husbands perspective is that I smelled like BEER at night. Then I had him smell the package from the pills, and he agreed its the pills. So I am switching. Any good suggestions for a brand of Herbal supplements with black cohash????
  • mmtiernan
    mmtiernan Posts: 702 Member
    Any good suggestions for a brand of Herbal supplements with black cohash????

    I used EstroLogic which has 100 mg of black cohash among its ingredients. REALLY helped to curb the night sweats. It also helped to tame the daily hot flashes - I still had them, but not nearly so extreme. I bought it through

    Hope this helps!
  • RMinVA
    RMinVA Posts: 1,085 Member
    I just have the black cohash drops that you add to water. I take so many supplements as it is, I can't bear to take another one.
  • DeBlue
    DeBlue Posts: 254 Member
    Wow what a supportive thread! Sheesh this inability to focus, the lack of sleep, and the on-again and off-again relationship I have with my blanket - it is exhausting.

    Last night I woke up at 1:30, so hot I thought I'd suffocate. My room is kept between 60-65 at night, and it still took almost 10 minutes without even a sheet before I could cool down. I suppose I'm lucky it is just heat, I don't wake up drenched or anything. But once I cool down, just as suddenly I'm instantly freezing. The shivering sets in and I think I'll never be warm. So I hold off and just put just the sheet on waiting for normal to return. Finally I'll fall for it and think it has passed. I'll pull the blanket only partially back on and before I can say ahh, the heat cycle starts all over again. And by this time my mind is racing with every possible worry it can search out. I'll flip on the television hoping to district myself from all that frantic panic going on in my head. Last night this went on for well over an hour, until eventually I drifted back to sleep. By 4:00 it started all over again.

    I know this has got to have an effect on weight management, so this certainly is an appropriate thread for MFP. Thanks ladies for being here and helping me feel a bit more like normal, for all the great ideas, and a place to vent!!
  • Hi im Dawn im from the uk and here is my story i lost weight 4 years ago i lost 10 stone and even though i didnt really change my workouts ect i started putting weight back on.i was moody and tearful i would sweat buckets etc I was told it was depression and put on medication,i put more weight on!! In 8 mths i had put back on all the weight i had lost and more!!I was still moody ect and it got worse so i went back to doctors and asked if it could be the menapuse,i was told no i was far too young!!I was 38yrs old!!I told him my mum was only 39 and as i had such a dramatic weight loss couldnt that send me into an early menapause so he agreed to test.Low and behold a week later i was told i was in full blown menapause.........i was put onto hrt and once settled i started to get all my weight back off.I have now lost over 12st and have maintained within half stone to a stone for over a year!!Hrt saved my life i think cos i thought i was going mad....i was so moody and angry all the time!!I even remebered smashing plates i was so frustrated ect
  • KPstartingover
    KPstartingover Posts: 268 Member
    I searched for "menopause" and I'm so glad to have found this thread! I have enjoyed reading all your posts and wholeheartedly agree with so many of them! I'm 46 and am now "officially" in menopause. Haven't had a period for over a year. I've had so many of the same symptoms: mood swings, hot flashes, night sweats, lack of patience (!), etc. I am also hypothyroid and have been on synthroid for 13 years. Also, like a couple of you, my older daughter was just getting her period while I was losing mine - oh joy! Yes, it's been a rough couple of years on the estrogen roller-coaster in my house :laugh:

    One thing I haven't seen posted here is the estrogen patch. My Dr put me on it about a year and a half ago, and it really helped cut down on the HF's and NS's. I still get the sweats, but usually only early early in the morning as opposed to 2-3 times per night.

    I had a question about the weight-lifting... does only "heavy" weight-lifing build muscle mass, or will I get benefit out of lighter weights/more reps too? Also, I'm starting back up with the wii strength exercises - does that count for building muscle? My muscles were sure sore for 2 days after my workout!!!
  • yaddayaddayadda
    yaddayaddayadda Posts: 430 Member
    Hello Ladies!! I'm so glad to find this topic! I'm 50 and having all of the symptoms... hot flashes, night sweats, mood swings, and memory loss! Worst of all, I haven't missed a period! No... I double up just for the fun of it. Every two weeks, thank you very much... and I have gained about ten pounds in the past year.

    I have always been healthy and fit. These symptoms are very out of character for me! (LOL... I know that character has nothing to do with it... its just so annoying!) I want the symptoms to end... I don't want to take medication. SO... any suggestions?

    Thanks for posting... this is great reading for me:smile:
  • mmtiernan
    mmtiernan Posts: 702 Member

    I had a question about the weight-lifting... does only "heavy" weight-lifing build muscle mass, or will I get benefit out of lighter weights/more reps too? Also, I'm starting back up with the wii strength exercises - does that count for building muscle? My muscles were sure sore for 2 days after my workout!!!

    Hi Kristin!! Always room for another Flame Doll!! Lifting light weights for lots of reps will build muscle endurance, but won't do much for building it. You really do need to lift heavy enough that you can only get out 10 to 12 reps. If you feel that you can go several more than 12, you aren't lifting heavy enough! Do three sets of 12 per exercise. As you get stronger, you will need to increase the weights, again heavy enough to get out only 10 to 12 reps. You don't need to worry about 'bulking' up - women don't have enough testosterone for that - but you will definitely firm up and increase your metabolism!

    I don't know anything about the wii program, unfortunately - so maybe someone else here can answer that one for you!

    Karen - I can definitely sympathize with wanting the symptoms to just end! Why on earth weren't we just created with an on/off switch. "On" = baby factory open for business, "Off" = baby factory closed!!! No symptoms necessary!!!
  • juliapurpletoes
    juliapurpletoes Posts: 951 Member

    thanks for answering the heavy lifting question...I was looking for more clarification too........

    and Karen - I totally GET IT!!!! I thought I was pretty done with Night Sweats (it was about the toughest symptom for me) and they are BACK!!!!


    (oops was that a mood swing too!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)

    :blushing: this is me burning up!!

  • KPstartingover
    KPstartingover Posts: 268 Member
    Thank you for answering my question about heavy lifting - now I have another one... :smile: So I was doing the machines yesterday :happy: and I did use just enough weight that I could barely do rep #12 - Should I do the entire circuit 3 times around? Or should I sit on a machine for 3 sets before moving on? It seems like I would get a tiny bit of cardiovascular benefit if I kept moving, because I'd have to sit awhile before that particular muscle group was ready to go again.

    And another question for the group! What kind of calcium supplements do you take, and when do you take them? Do you take other vitamins? OK, that was 3 questions :wink:

    Hope everyone has a great day!
  • yaddayaddayadda
    yaddayaddayadda Posts: 430 Member
    And another question for the group! What kind of calcium supplements do you take, and when do you take them? Do you take other vitamins? OK, that was 3 questions :wink:

    Good Morning...
    I take a multi-vitamin and 600 mg of Calcium in the morning, and 600 mg of Calcium before bed. The calcium is whatever is on sale and includes vitamin D. My dr told me that that is all I need. Hard to know what is right.

    My goal for aging is to exercise, keep my weight down, and remain drug free for as long as possible.

    Have a great day:wink:
  • mmtiernan
    mmtiernan Posts: 702 Member
    Thank you for answering my question about heavy lifting - now I have another one... :smile: So I was doing the machines yesterday :happy: and I did use just enough weight that I could barely do rep #12 - Should I do the entire circuit 3 times around? Or should I sit on a machine for 3 sets before moving on? It seems like I would get a tiny bit of cardiovascular benefit if I kept moving, because I'd have to sit awhile before that particular muscle group was ready to go again.

    You are right - you do get a small amount of cardio benefit from moving directly from one exercise to the other and this is how I do my strength training. So as to how many times to do the circuit depends - does your circuit include 3 different exercises for the same body part? If so, you might only need to do the circuit once since you'll hit the body part 3 times during the circuit. Does that make sense? It really depends on your routine.

    I used to do my strength training in a gym until I found myself a single parent with no time and no money. As a result, I dropped strength training for much of my 30's and early 40's (I'm 48 now). I now follow a strength training regime from home, using a DVD set called ChaLEAN Extreme and it's a perfect fit for me since I still have those single parent challenges (the big issue now being "no time"!). So I lift very heavy (for example, squats are with a 30 lb. dumbell in each hand, so 60 lbs.) and the circuits are set up in a way that you do three exercises for the same body part so you only go through the circuit once without stopping. The cool thing about working out at home this way is I don't waste time driving back and forth to the gym, packing a change of clothes, changing clothes and I don't have to wait for someone else who may be using the same machine/dumbells that I need for my next exercise. But I also miss the gym, just because it's motivating to be around others, so there is a trade-off.

    I hope all this helps!
  • KPstartingover
    KPstartingover Posts: 268 Member
    Yes, it helps a lot! Thanks so much :)
  • kent4j
    kent4j Posts: 391 Member
    I just saw a program last week, I think it was Dr. Oz, that said calcium impedes the absorption of other vitamins and thyroid medicine so you should take it separately from the others. Since I saw that I've been taken everything but calcium together. Then I take my calcium w/ vitamin D. A couple of hours later.
  • portianay
    portianay Posts: 13
    Wow, thank God for this group! I am 52, overweight, intending to lose 55 lbs., and am tired of being told there is not much I can do but suffer with this time in my life. Just reading the jokes, stories, and comments is a help.:flowerforyou:

    Renee Bush