Beer :(



  • judswi
    judswi Posts: 73 Member
    I love beer too my pick is micelob ultra 12 0z. is 95 calories and 2.6 carbs, I like the taste. I only drink beer Saturdays when we go to the restaurant to eat, I use to drink a lot more before dieting.
  • auntiebk
    auntiebk Posts: 2,521 Member
    I love beer, drank Budweiser since I was 2 ... couple of yrs ago discovered real beer (Mack 'n' Jack's African Amber) with imaginably disastrous waistline results (on top of everything else). Like others on this thread, won't give it up but am limiting it to weekends and trying to keep it at 16 oz each day. When I think I really want a second, that's when I reach for the Miller Chill, not too bad and can pretend its lager and lime... ;) and yes yes yes I alternate beer days with red wine days sometimes, but I won't run for anything.... :tongue:
  • sammybey
    sammybey Posts: 72 Member
    I LOVE beer (microbrews!) but I've had to cut most of it out. I was drinking an avg of 3-4 per night for a while before joining....

    Now I've switched mainly to wine, and I may only have a glass 2-3x a week. :(
  • jennifer3998
    jennifer3998 Posts: 144 Member
    Beck's Light only has 55 calories and is much better than most of the other super light beers.
  • DeadlyDame13
    DeadlyDame13 Posts: 197 Member
    I feel u! im not a alcholic but beer is my baby :*( geeze i love it all all irish german beer hef,pale ales all of it! :*(((( and i yet to find a way to avoid it :*( it would help me really lose weight since high carb beer +high fat late night foods= me :*((((
  • merrillfoster
    merrillfoster Posts: 855 Member
    If I'm going to have a beer (or 2, or 3, or....well, you get where I'm going with this), I'm going to make it a good one. I'd rather drink 1 good beer than have 3-4 'light' beers. At that point, why even bother? I'll work out harder, eat less, or just figure that one day, in the grand scheme of things, is not going to undo all my hard work and work harder the next day to account for it. I see no point in depriving myself of the things I love (on occassion, not nightly like I used to!). This is, for me, a lifestyle change, and I can't (and don't want to!) imagine a life without beer or wine.
    TNGURL Posts: 89 Member
    Ok, I hear ya chic.. love my beer & not always for the buzz... I drink Miller Lite & it has 96 calories. During my healing process I couldn't work out. I have gained 10-15 extra lbs due to alcohol.. it sux! Before, my injury I ran 5x a week & worked out.

    My MRI has came back good & I am starting my slow jog this week. I have to learn to drink in moderation... & it's gonna be tougher because warm weather is here! Love my cold beer in the summer, riding 4wheelers, fishing, etc....

    Good luck girl... I too am learning to drinking in moderation.... it's empty calories... & hell to get them off!
  • kevbrinks
    kevbrinks Posts: 42 Member
    Set a personal rule that you can only have 1 beer for every hour you work out each week.

    Budget for whatever your "usual" beer consumption is at breakfast (throw your dinner beer on MFP right away) and that way you don't reach "dinner beer time" and have no calories left for it
  • ohnuts14
    ohnuts14 Posts: 197
    I think looking for light beers is overthinking it. Probably not something that many will agree with but in my book the best way to avoid the calories from drinking beer is to drink less beer.

    Sure you can work out extra before or after drinking, and this will make up for the extra calorie intake, but the thing is, you have to consider not only the calories and carbs etc of drinking, but also the nasty effect it has on your body in countless other ways. Drinking lots of beer and healthy living are not two things that go hand in hand.

    So you like beer? Tough luck. It's bad for you.

    these articles a long with many others i have read would disagree. anything in excess is bad for you, but in moderation beer has an abundance of health benefits, and does in fact support healthy living, in moderation.
  • david_swinstead
    david_swinstead Posts: 271 Member
    I think looking for light beers is overthinking it. Probably not something that many will agree with but in my book the best way to avoid the calories from drinking beer is to drink less beer.

    Sure you can work out extra before or after drinking, and this will make up for the extra calorie intake, but the thing is, you have to consider not only the calories and carbs etc of drinking, but also the nasty effect it has on your body in countless other ways. Drinking lots of beer and healthy living are not two things that go hand in hand.

    So you like beer? Tough luck. It's bad for you.


    these articles a long with many others i have read would disagree. anything in excess is bad for you, but in moderation beer has an abundance of health benefits, and does in fact support healthy living, in moderation.

    Go back to the first post. This thread isn't about a beer here or there, it's about people who drink it a lot because they love it. And so was my reply.