SAHM 3/21-3/27



  • katapple
    katapple Posts: 1,108 Member
    Barb ~ I don't know why I thought he was younger!

    Cat ~ Hope your kiddo is better today!

    Stacey ~ Core workouts sneak up on me! Not a huge cal burner, but I sure feel it the next day! Congrats on the loss!!

    AMy ~ Such a huge victory!! Congrats on completing your first 25 minute run! It's all downhill from here :)

    Summer ~ Welcome to the group!! We are very laid back, join in we'd love to get to know you!

    KC ~ glad surgery went well! Yeah, that hubby has the day off to help :)

    Had a busy morning, tried to run, but it was too cold. So we packed up the kids and hit the gym. Once Zumba and strength training was done, we hit the pool. The boys had so much fun! And I put on my suit for the first time in a couple of months and it was loose in the tummy area! It usually hugs my gut and holds it all in, but not today! YEAH! Now I'm sitting hear watching my college hockey game online :) Gooo Sioux!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Happy Saturday ladies!!
  • hollyb9871
    hollyb9871 Posts: 401 Member
    Good afternoon Ladies! Not much going on here, we are hitting the antique mall for a bit to see what we find. We also had to take some jeans back to Kohl's for my husband as they were sized wrong and didn't fit. While we were there I was eyeing a pair of white pants an decided to try them on..I tried a 6 and they fit but were a little loose in the waist so I thought and thought should I try a 4? Wait, think, debate..ok I'll try them if they don't work I won't be crushed..well they fit! They are a little snug in the hip area but not by much and since I still have 10 more to lose I went with it. So excited ! When I get them washed and pressed I'll put an outfit together and take a pic. I'll check in later, need to go!
  • WildcatMom82
    WildcatMom82 Posts: 564 Member
    hollyb - That's dedication! I had a hard enough time getting up at 6 for work in the past, let alone being somewhere ready to workout. Sounds like it will be really good, though!

    stacey - You're doing awesome! One day at a time and you'll start to learn what foods you can fit in where. I swear at any given time I can be like "I need 50 more cals" and be able to find something 50 calories to eat lol.

    4loveofkids - Wohoo!! I've done two of the 25 min runs and the first one almost killed me, but the next day was easier already.

    My biggest victory this week was jogging the 25 mins straight - it worked out to 2.29 miles. My pace is on the slower side (5.5) but it's something to build on :smile: We also joined Stroller Strides so we'll be doing that every Friday. It was an easier workout for me this week because it was more cardio and less strength, cardio is what I'm best at. I'm still sore, though! I maintained weight-wise, which is awesome after the horrible weekend I had and the fact I was up 8 lbs on Monday :laugh:
  • Victorious_One
    Victorious_One Posts: 174 Member
    Hey, everyone!

    Shoppie--That foot cast sounds great! I wish I'd thought of that when my baby was a baby. Have a great strength training session!

    PNC - I'm so glad that your surgery went well, and that hubby helped out with the kids. I hope your recovery is quick and painless.

    Katapple--That's great news about your swimsuit! It sounds like a ball to be able to take your kids to the gym & swim.

    Holly--I'm so jealous of your size 4! Congratulations! I know that feeling when you get into a size you've only dreamed about. I got into a size 6 once, but then I put on some lbs from my IV nutrition. I'm really hoping to get back down to that glorious size very soon.

    Wildcat--the Stroller Strides sounds great! I had to walk all by my lonesome on a busy street when my baby was a baby. It would have been great to walk with other moms. Have a ball!


    My hubby has a bad cold, so we've all just been in the house for the weekend. Suits me just fine. We usually serve at church on Saturdays and early Sunday mornings, but we didn't this week. It feels strange, but nice to get some rest. I need to expend some calories doing some heavy housework, that's for sure.

    I got out and walked a tiny bit this morning. We got a snarky letter from the homeowner's association about dog poop and them threatening to up our association fees if we don't start cleaning up, so I walked down to the corner to get us some more bags instead of leaving the pile on the lawn for later like I usually do. :laugh: It's a beautiful, sunny day, so I'll let it warm up a bit and take the canine baby out for a longer walk later today.

    Have a great day, everyone!
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