SIXERS Spring into Action--Week 2



  • chipper15173
    chipper15173 Posts: 3,981 Member
    good morning,

    well, another day. have the housework almost done, just have to vacuum. than i have tons of paper work to go through. get the avon and scentsy stuff straight. orders ready to go in on monday. i have nothing else to do today. so my plan is to sit and work at my desk. son will be at his trailer working on it. after vacuuming i will take my shower and put on my lay around house clothes. windows are open, just a beautiful day. i think saturday i may have take the kids hiking.

  • mlek
    mlek Posts: 110
    Morning Ladies.

    I need to confess.... yesturday we had seminar and then we all go out for a beer w/ the speaker... so I planned to have two beers, go home and do my run.... clearly a flawed plan... I went over my alloted "beer calories" and didn't do my workout... on top of that I didn't feel well and I ate half a loaf of corn bread :noway: the BF had just baked it and it was just so warm and yummy... on the plus side I did manage to avoid ALL, yes ALL of the bar munchies / food... I don't think I have ever gone to this place w/o eating the buffalo tenders... or the buffalo dip (it is sooooooooooooooo good, but so bad).

    I feel better - thanks ladies - i needed to get it out, and now i need to move on... today is a new day!

    Chipper. I am so sorry you are going through a rough patch... you are strong and you will get through this... we are here for you!
    Kristin. You and I are in the same boat this week... *I blame it on TOM too :happy: but we can turn this week around!!!
    lula. you have the best attitude... i hope it rubs off on me... i need to learn to move past my bad days

    Ok. Have a great, healthy day ladies. I'm off to class and then meetings.
  • gonabfit
    gonabfit Posts: 711 Member
    I have stuck to my eating plan for the past 3 days! I am hoping for a loss on the scale on Sunday :-D Also, I've been working out a lot too! :-D

    Hope you are all having an amazing day! I'm trying to navigate the housing market for my move to my new city in June... and getting ready for an extracurricular experience that's gonna last ~ 2 months. So, I need to get my plan ready so I can continue to lose while I am busy for the next few months.
  • Denziee
    Denziee Posts: 527 Member
    hey ladies,

    how are we all today? i'm being really naff at the mo so i'm going to try kristins way and plan and tell you all my stuff the day before. so tomorrows plan!

    b berry smoothie
    s banana
    l babyleaf salad with cheddar cheese and ryvita (2)
    s apple
    d homemade fishcakes and carrotts, broccoli and peas

    exercise: 2 x 10minute solution workouts and 40 minute swim in eve

    so hopefully now i will stick with this!! xx
  • nellienell12
    nellienell12 Posts: 325 Member
    Hey all!!

    Kinda in a frump. But, trying to plan out next week to be better. We had make your own salad last night. Tonight is frozen pizza's, then tomorrow I think we'll have breakfast for dinner.

    Hope everyone's toes and knuckles are OK. A girl at work had the school call to tell her she needed to pick her son up and take hime to the hospital, cause they think he broke his nose. Poor kid!!

    Youngest daughter came home today with her first right up at school. Apparently some little boy kicked her at lunch, and instead of telling the teacher, she kicked him back and got into trouble. Oh well!!

    Momma, it'll be alright. ya'll have been through worse. Maybe ya'll need another one of those little vacations that you go on. Girls are wanting to go do crafts at AC Moore's on Saturday. It's from 1 to 5.

    Tiff, good luck with the house buying. Looking is the best part!!! I still love to look at homes online and stop and look in windows. Signing your life over is the stressful part. :)

    Everyone that is struggling, chins up!!! We slip, we fall, but it only teaches us to grow stronger!!!

    Everone that is doing great, keep it up!!! You inspire us that it is possible, when you do what your supposed to.

    Well, dinner is ready. Going to munch! Good night all!!!
  • chipper15173
    chipper15173 Posts: 3,981 Member
    so shanell the girls don't want to go hiking? it's suppose to be 75. next weekend it's suppose to rain. that's ok if they don't.
    yea, i was thinking the same thing. need a get away. he's taking a real vacation the first of aug.

    gotta feed the dog.

  • jmiller0906
    jmiller0906 Posts: 228 Member
    Datenshi.......................................SW 243.4 lbs / GW 234.0 lbs / CW 240.6 lbs / PROGRESS -2.8 lbs
    Cathy(chipper).............................SW 250.4 lbs / GW 240.0 lbs / CW 250.4 lbs / PROGRESS-1 lbs
    Lindsey (LHuffman24)...............SW 148.0 lbs / GW 145.0 lbs / CW 148.0 lbs / PROGRESS 0 lbs
    Kristin (kistinbee)........................SW 159.5 lbs / GW 154.5 lbs / CW 159.0 lbs / PROGRESS -0.5 lbs
    Lauren (ren315)..........................SW 209.0 lbs / GW 199.0 lbs / CW 209.5 lbs / PROGRESS +0.5lbs
    Em (MLEK).................................SW 171.8 lbs / GW 162.0 lbs / CW 171.8 lbs / PROGRESS 0lbs
    Shanell (Nellienell12)................SW 208.0 lbs / GW 205.0 lbs / CW 208.5 lbs / PROGRESS +0.5lbs
    Lorna (lulabellewoowoo) ..........SW 134.6 lbs / GW 129.0 lbs / CW 131.0 lbs / PROGRESS -3.6 lbs
    Amy (amypyr)...............................SW 159.4 lbs / GW 155.0 lbs / CW 158.1 lbs / PROGRESS -1.3 lbs
    Tiff (gonabfit) ...............................SW 164.2 lbs / GW 155.0 lbs / CW 163.8 lbs / PROGRESS 0 lbs
    Julia (jmiller0906).......................SW 130.0 lbs / GW 118.0 lbs / CW 127.8 lbs / PROGRESS -2.2 lbs

    Maria(irishgal44).........................SW 176.2 lbs / GW 176.2 lbs / CW 176.2 lbs / PROGRESS lbs
    AmyS(Amy_36)............................SW 210.0 lbs / GW 198.0 lbs / CW 210.0 lbs / PROGRESS lbs
    Clare (Finnhead).........................SW 155.2 lbs / GW 141.2 lbs / CW 155.2 lbs / PROGRESS lbs
    Judy (brasslady1)....................... SW 167.6 lbs / GW160.0 lbs/ CW 167.6 lbs / PROGRESS lbs
    Beky (bekylouisex3)....................SW 127.5 lbs / GW 125.0 lbs / CW 127.5 lbs / PROGRESS lbs
    Kel (redneckwoman)..................SW 151.1 lbs / GW 145.0 lbs / CW 149.0 lbs / PROGRESS lbs
    Sandy (Izzypup)............................SW 191.0 lbs / GW 184.0 lbs / CW 191.0 lbs / PROGRESS lbs
    Jessyca(JAYDENSMAMAS).......SW 221.4 lbs / GW 215.0 lbs / CW 217.0 lbs / PROGRESS lbs
    Jennifer (candycaneps).............SW 173.0 lbs / GW 166.0 lbs / CW 171.0 lbs / PROGRESS lbs
    Katy (katyk08)...............................SW 196.4 lbs / GW 185.0 lbs / CW 195.8 lbs / PROGRESS lbs
    Arwamya (arwamya)..................SW 160.0 lbs / GW 150.0 lbs / CW 157.6 lbs / PROGRESS lbs
    Amez(Amyls8711).......................SW 274.0 lbs / GW 269.0 lbs / CW 271.8 lbs / PROGRESS lbs
    Kimberly(katfrench).....................SW 160.0 lbs / GW 150.0 lbs / CW 159.0 lbs / PROGRESS lbs
    Mary Beth (marybeth618)...........SW 230.0 lbs / GW 225.0 lbs / CW 230.0 lbs / PROGRESS lbs
    Tracy (frogy_98)...........................SW 219.2 lbs / GW 210.0 lbs / CW 219.2 lbs / PROGRESS lbs

    Yay! Lost over 2 pounds. Good start for me!! :)
  • mlek
    mlek Posts: 110
    morning ladies. i need to get the late night eating under control... I am happy I am working though this, but frustrated I can't stay motivated after 7PM.... I will do better tonight... it stopped snowing so we will probably take the dogs for a nice run tonight and do some free weights, abs etc in our little gym area (it has been very neglected lately... ) KEEP IT UP LADIES. I am positive I will see a loss on Tuesday (well not really but I am trying to keep that attitude about it)... meetings all day. I plan to check in tonight....
  • kistinbee
    kistinbee Posts: 3,688 Member
    Morning! WOW...I just keep doing worse and worse this week...need to get out of this funk! Need to get some exercise back in this body is CRAVING it!!!

    Plan today:
    B-Cinnamon cheerios (2 cups!--Eeek!), skim milk, coffee w/sugarfree creamer
    S-Banana, Kashi cereal bar
    L-Side salad, spritzer dressing, light yogurt (Light lunch today!)
    D-???? NO clue...but going to the grocery store on the way home so will find something healthy and yummy!
    S-??? Hopefully nothing

    Okay...I am going to do SOMEthing tonight...just haven't decided what yet.

    Have a FABULOUS day and weekend ladies!! I'll be back on Monday!
  • datenshi
    datenshi Posts: 840 Member
    Worked on renovating my mother's computer room yesterday with DH and I doing drywall. I am so sore it hurts the muscles in my back and shoulders to breathe deep. Her house is about a hundred years old and at one time (before she owned it) there had been a fire in it and when the previous owners were rebuilding they added a second story so the room we are renovating the bottom half is old wood from the original attic and the top half is newer wood. The old wood is random widths and placed randomly, some of it even goes diagonally. It looks like whoever built the house and whoever did the previous renos just used whatever scrap wood they could find out of a dumpster. Because of how the house was built we can't even replace the old wood. So it took 12 hours to hang 6 pieces of drywall and there is lots more to go.

    But at least I am learning lots and DH is a good teacher.

    On a seperate note, I am a daily weigher and this week so far I have stayed at the same weight, hopefully by Monday when I do my offical weigh in, the scale will be kind to me.

    I hope you all are having a good Friday and have a great weekend!

    Take care,
    ~ Datenshi ~
  • ren315
    ren315 Posts: 138 Member
    Good morning all!

    So I went to the weight loss clinic on Wednesday. Their program is a high protein low carb diet with a b-12 shot and an appetite suppressant. They gave me a sample menu to follow. I haven't been to the store yet, so I am making do with the food in my house already. I am not sure if I will be able to stick to the low carb portion of it, but I will try! I have a lot of energy, if I could just get me lazy butt out of bed in the morning I want to start working out.

    Kristin...that is how I felt when I was out with my shoulder, I still haven't gotten back into it like I was before. You will get out of your funk!

    Julia...great lose..keep up the good work!

    Cathy...listen to your baby girl(sorry Shanell for that, but you know you are) maybe what you and DH needs is a little vacation away from all your daily stresses for you to remember what it is that brought you two together in the first place. DH and I have had our differences alot recently to the point where I was questioning it, but I know that it wasn't worth it, that I was happy where I was, that it was the moment in life that I was dissapointed with. It will get better!

    Tiff...sorry if I missed it, but where is it that you are buying a house?

    I am super excited about this weekend. My mom is coming up from Tallahassee and is going with me to the women's retreat for church. I am just so blessed that my mom is able to join me! DD is going to an overnight field trip with school to the zoo! I hope she doesn't act like a monkey and they leave her there..hehe!! It will be a good weekend all around, DH is picking up his son tonight so they will have the evening to themselves!

    Hope everyone has a wonderful rest of the day and weekend!

  • chipper15173
    chipper15173 Posts: 3,981 Member
    good morning....

    i finished up week 2 of C25K today. i have never finished week 1. i always run ahead. it felt good. i came home and dug right into yard work. mowed, weed eated, hosed all the pollen down. took a shower and will be having a nice salad for lunch.

    lauren...i know we need a mini vacation. our 30 yr old son has been back home with us for almost a year now. it's always so stressful with him here. he does pay rent. our argument started by him saying i cut him down allot. and i had called him one day and asked if he gave authorization for a debt and he said i was talking to him like a child. i didn't realize i was, i just wanted to know if he gave the doctor the authorization to charge the checking acct. i am asking for a talk tonight, to explain myself. he has never talked back to me or anything. he just stays quite. this was a shocker. i have missed him this week. we barely talk. it did make me realize what i missed in my childhood, and why i may have a food addiction.

    well, i am hungry so going to fix me some lunch.

  • mlek
    mlek Posts: 110
    quick check-in... off to a dissertation defense... should be fun. i just need to stay away from the cookies....

    Datenshi. Construction is such a great way to burn calories, plus you feel so great when you have done it yourself... my BF is a contractor and we purchased a fixer-upper last year and have been slowly renovating for the past year (we still have a long way to go - and it is backbreaking work at time) but it is so rewarding!

    keep it up sixers!
  • chipper15173
    chipper15173 Posts: 3,981 Member
    happy weekend..

    taking one of the grands on a hike today. i am really looking forward to it. to bad i woke up at 4:30 this morning. i might go lay down for about an hour. i am picking her up at 9.

    have a great day.
  • lulabellewoowoo
    lulabellewoowoo Posts: 3,125 Member
    hi ladies

    Have a crappy time lately and it is showing in my lack of exercise and my severe overeating. Hoping today is better.

    Have a great hike Cathy. Hope the weather is nice.

    Let's all follow Cathy's example and get moving this weekend. To make up for my lack of exercise this week, I need to get in 9.5 miles of running between today and tomorrow. I CAN DO IT!!!
  • chipper15173
    chipper15173 Posts: 3,981 Member
    lula....YES you CAN do it. shanell should be walking with us today too. don't know why she's not. it's chilly so will burn some calories to warm the bodies.
  • mlek
    mlek Posts: 110
    cathy. you are amazing! and i see you have logged food for 105 days.... WOW!
    Lula. i am running with you... going for an am jog with the pups once i finish packing for the weekend.... we are heading to see our parents and going to a fundraiser....

    have a great weekend ladies. i will try to check-in sunday afternoon when i get home.

    did my saturday check-in .... down 1.8lbs... if i kick it in gear this weekend I can make sure it is -2 on tuesday!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • brasslady1
    brasslady1 Posts: 113
    Just got back from the lake on a spring break vacation.....checking in with a 2 lb gain...exactly what happens with no exercise

    Datenshi.......................................SW 243.4 lbs / GW 234.0 lbs / CW 240.6 lbs / PROGRESS -2.8 lbs
    Cathy(chipper).............................SW 250.4 lbs / GW 240.0 lbs / CW 250.4 lbs / PROGRESS-1 lbs
    Lindsey (LHuffman24)...............SW 148.0 lbs / GW 145.0 lbs / CW 148.0 lbs / PROGRESS 0 lbs
    Kristin (kistinbee)........................SW 159.5 lbs / GW 154.5 lbs / CW 159.0 lbs / PROGRESS -0.5 lbs
    Lauren (ren315)..........................SW 209.0 lbs / GW 199.0 lbs / CW 209.5 lbs / PROGRESS +0.5lbs
    Em (MLEK).................................SW 171.8 lbs / GW 162.0 lbs / CW 171.8 lbs / PROGRESS 0lbs
    Shanell (Nellienell12)................SW 208.0 lbs / GW 205.0 lbs / CW 208.5 lbs / PROGRESS +0.5lbs
    Lorna (lulabellewoowoo) ..........SW 134.6 lbs / GW 129.0 lbs / CW 131.0 lbs / PROGRESS -3.6 lbs
    Amy (amypyr)...............................SW 159.4 lbs / GW 155.0 lbs / CW 158.1 lbs / PROGRESS -1.3 lbs
    Tiff (gonabfit) ...............................SW 164.2 lbs / GW 155.0 lbs / CW 163.8 lbs / PROGRESS 0 lbs
    Julia (jmiller0906).......................SW 130.0 lbs / GW 118.0 lbs / CW 127.8 lbs / PROGRESS -2.2 lbs
    Datenshi.......................................SW 243.4 lbs / GW 234.0 lbs / CW 240.6 lbs / PROGRESS -2.8 lbs
    Cathy(chipper).............................SW 250.4 lbs / GW 240.0 lbs / CW 250.4 lbs / PROGRESS-1 lbs
    Lindsey (LHuffman24)...............SW 148.0 lbs / GW 145.0 lbs / CW 148.0 lbs / PROGRESS 0 lbs
    Kristin (kistinbee)........................SW 159.5 lbs / GW 154.5 lbs / CW 159.0 lbs / PROGRESS -0.5 lbs
    Lauren (ren315)..........................SW 209.0 lbs / GW 199.0 lbs / CW 209.5 lbs / PROGRESS +0.5lbs
    Em (MLEK).................................SW 171.8 lbs / GW 162.0 lbs / CW 171.8 lbs / PROGRESS 0lbs
    Shanell (Nellienell12)................SW 208.0 lbs / GW 205.0 lbs / CW 208.5 lbs / PROGRESS +0.5lbs
    Lorna (lulabellewoowoo) ..........SW 134.6 lbs / GW 129.0 lbs / CW 131.0 lbs / PROGRESS -3.6 lbs
    Amy (amypyr)...............................SW 159.4 lbs / GW 155.0 lbs / CW 158.1 lbs / PROGRESS -1.3 lbs
    Tiff (gonabfit) ...............................SW 164.2 lbs / GW 155.0 lbs / CW 163.8 lbs / PROGRESS 0 lbs
    Julia (jmiller0906).......................SW 130.0 lbs / GW 118.0 lbs / CW 127.8 lbs / PROGRESS -2.2 lbs
    Datenshi.......................................SW 243.4 lbs / GW 234.0 lbs / CW 240.6 lbs / PROGRESS -2.8 lbs
    Cathy(chipper).............................SW 250.4 lbs / GW 240.0 lbs / CW 250.4 lbs / PROGRESS-1 lbs
    Lindsey (LHuffman24)...............SW 148.0 lbs / GW 145.0 lbs / CW 148.0 lbs / PROGRESS 0 lbs
    Kristin (kistinbee)........................SW 159.5 lbs / GW 154.5 lbs / CW 159.0 lbs / PROGRESS -0.5 lbs
    Lauren (ren315)..........................SW 209.0 lbs / GW 199.0 lbs / CW 209.5 lbs / PROGRESS +0.5lbs
    Em (MLEK).................................SW 171.8 lbs / GW 162.0 lbs / CW 171.8 lbs / PROGRESS 0lbs
    Shanell (Nellienell12)................SW 208.0 lbs / GW 205.0 lbs / CW 208.5 lbs / PROGRESS +0.5lbs
    Lorna (lulabellewoowoo) ..........SW 134.6 lbs / GW 129.0 lbs / CW 131.0 lbs / PROGRESS -3.6 lbs
    Amy (amypyr)...............................SW 159.4 lbs / GW 155.0 lbs / CW 158.1 lbs / PROGRESS -1.3 lbs
    Tiff (gonabfit) ...............................SW 164.2 lbs / GW 155.0 lbs / CW 163.8 lbs / PROGRESS 0 lbs
    Julia (jmiller0906).......................SW 130.0 lbs / GW 118.0 lbs / CW 127.8 lbs / PROGRESS -2.2 lbs
    Judy (brasslady1)....................... SW 167.6 lbs / GW160.0 lbs/ CW 169.6 lbs / PROGRESS +2.0 lbs
    Maria(irishgal44).........................SW 176.2 lbs / GW 176.2 lbs / CW 176.2 lbs / PROGRESS lbs
    AmyS(Amy_36)............................SW 210.0 lbs / GW 198.0 lbs / CW 210.0 lbs / PROGRESS lbs
    Clare (Finnhead).........................SW 155.2 lbs / GW 141.2 lbs / CW 155.2 lbs / PROGRESS lbs

    Beky (bekylouisex3)....................SW 127.5 lbs / GW 125.0 lbs / CW 127.5 lbs / PROGRESS lbs
    Kel (redneckwoman)..................SW 151.1 lbs / GW 145.0 lbs / CW 149.0 lbs / PROGRESS lbs
    Sandy (Izzypup)............................SW 191.0 lbs / GW 184.0 lbs / CW 191.0 lbs / PROGRESS lbs
    Jessyca(JAYDENSMAMAS).......SW 221.4 lbs / GW 215.0 lbs / CW 217.0 lbs / PROGRESS lbs
    Jennifer (candycaneps).............SW 173.0 lbs / GW 166.0 lbs / CW 171.0 lbs / PROGRESS lbs
    Katy (katyk08)...............................SW 196.4 lbs / GW 185.0 lbs / CW 195.8 lbs / PROGRESS lbs
    Arwamya (arwamya)..................SW 160.0 lbs / GW 150.0 lbs / CW 157.6 lbs / PROGRESS lbs
    Amez(Amyls8711).......................SW 274.0 lbs / GW 269.0 lbs / CW 271.8 lbs / PROGRESS lbs
    Kimberly(katfrench).....................SW 160.0 lbs / GW 150.0 lbs / CW 159.0 lbs / PROGRESS lbs
    Mary Beth (marybeth618)...........SW 230.0 lbs / GW 225.0 lbs / CW 230.0 lbs / PROGRESS lbs
    Tracy (frogy_98)...........................SW 219.2 lbs / GW 210.0 lbs / CW 219.2 lbs / PROGRESS lbs

    Maria(irishgal44).........................SW 176.2 lbs / GW 176.2 lbs / CW 176.2 lbs / PROGRESS lbs
    AmyS(Amy_36)............................SW 210.0 lbs / GW 198.0 lbs / CW 210.0 lbs / PROGRESS lbs
    Clare (Finnhead).........................SW 155.2 lbs / GW 141.2 lbs / CW 155.2 lbs / PROGRESS lbs
    Judy (brasslady1)....................... SW 167.6 lbs / GW160.0 lbs/ CW 167.6 lbs / PROGRESS lbs
    Beky (bekylouisex3)....................SW 127.5 lbs / GW 125.0 lbs / CW 127.5 lbs / PROGRESS lbs
    Kel (redneckwoman)..................SW 151.1 lbs / GW 145.0 lbs / CW 149.0 lbs / PROGRESS lbs
    Sandy (Izzypup)............................SW 191.0 lbs / GW 184.0 lbs / CW 191.0 lbs / PROGRESS lbs
    Jessyca(JAYDENSMAMAS).......SW 221.4 lbs / GW 215.0 lbs / CW 217.0 lbs / PROGRESS lbs
    Jennifer (candycaneps).............SW 173.0 lbs / GW 166.0 lbs / CW 171.0 lbs / PROGRESS lbs
    Katy (katyk08)...............................SW 196.4 lbs / GW 185.0 lbs / CW 195.8 lbs / PROGRESS lbs
    Arwamya (arwamya)..................SW 160.0 lbs / GW 150.0 lbs / CW 157.6 lbs / PROGRESS lbs
    Amez(Amyls8711).......................SW 274.0 lbs / GW 269.0 lbs / CW 271.8 lbs / PROGRESS lbs
    Kimberly(katfrench).....................SW 160.0 lbs / GW 150.0 lbs / CW 159.0 lbs / PROGRESS lbs
    Mary Beth (marybeth618)...........SW 230.0 lbs / GW 225.0 lbs / CW 230.0 lbs / PROGRESS lbs
    Tracy (frogy_98)...........................SW 219.2 lbs / GW 210.0 lbs / CW 219.2 lbs / PROGRESS lbs

    Maria(irishgal44).........................SW 176.2 lbs / GW 176.2 lbs / CW 176.2 lbs / PROGRESS lbs
    AmyS(Amy_36)............................SW 210.0 lbs / GW 198.0 lbs / CW 210.0 lbs / PROGRESS lbs
    Clare (Finnhead).........................SW 155.2 lbs / GW 141.2 lbs / CW 155.2 lbs / PROGRESS lbs
    Judy (brasslady1)....................... SW 167.6 lbs / GW160.0 lbs/ CW 169.6 lbs / PROGRESS +2.0 lbs
    Beky (bekylouisex3)....................SW 127.5 lbs / GW 125.0 lbs / CW 127.5 lbs / PROGRESS lbs
    Kel (redneckwoman)..................SW 151.1 lbs / GW 145.0 lbs / CW 149.0 lbs / PROGRESS lbs
    Sandy (Izzypup)............................SW 191.0 lbs / GW 184.0 lbs / CW 191.0 lbs / PROGRESS lbs
    Jessyca(JAYDENSMAMAS).......SW 221.4 lbs / GW 215.0 lbs / CW 217.0 lbs / PROGRESS lbs
    Jennifer (candycaneps).............SW 173.0 lbs / GW 166.0 lbs / CW 171.0 lbs / PROGRESS lbs
    Katy (katyk08)...............................SW 196.4 lbs / GW 185.0 lbs / CW 195.8 lbs / PROGRESS lbs
    Arwamya (arwamya)..................SW 160.0 lbs / GW 150.0 lbs / CW 157.6 lbs / PROGRESS lbs
    Amez(Amyls8711).......................SW 274.0 lbs / GW 269.0 lbs / CW 271.8 lbs / PROGRESS lbs
    Kimberly(katfrench).....................SW 160.0 lbs / GW 150.0 lbs / CW 159.0 lbs / PROGRESS lbs
    Mary Beth (marybeth618)...........SW 230.0 lbs / GW 225.0 lbs / CW 230.0 lbs / PROGRESS lbs
    Tracy (frogy_98)...........................SW 219.2 lbs / GW 210.0 lbs / CW 219.2 lbs / PROGRESS lbs
  • brasslady1
    brasslady1 Posts: 113
    Boy I really screwed this up this time........I copied the latest list....hit reply and pasted it.....copied my name and pasted it to the top list....went to old list and deleted my name ....this is what came out.........guess I will never learn how to do this.. sorry
  • brasslady1
    brasslady1 Posts: 113
    Datenshi.......................................SW 243.4 lbs / GW 234.0 lbs / CW 240.6 lbs / PROGRESS -2.8 lbs
    Cathy(chipper).............................SW 250.4 lbs / GW 240.0 lbs / CW 250.4 lbs / PROGRESS-1 lbs
    Lindsey (LHuffman24)...............SW 148.0 lbs / GW 145.0 lbs / CW 148.0 lbs / PROGRESS 0 lbs
    Kristin (kistinbee)........................SW 159.5 lbs / GW 154.5 lbs / CW 159.0 lbs / PROGRESS -0.5 lbs
    Lauren (ren315)..........................SW 209.0 lbs / GW 199.0 lbs / CW 209.5 lbs / PROGRESS +0.5lbs
    Em (MLEK).................................SW 171.8 lbs / GW 162.0 lbs / CW 171.8 lbs / PROGRESS 0lbs
    Shanell (Nellienell12)................SW 208.0 lbs / GW 205.0 lbs / CW 208.5 lbs / PROGRESS +0.5lbs
    Lorna (lulabellewoowoo) ..........SW 134.6 lbs / GW 129.0 lbs / CW 131.0 lbs / PROGRESS -3.6 lbs
    Amy (amypyr)...............................SW 159.4 lbs / GW 155.0 lbs / CW 158.1 lbs / PROGRESS -1.3 lbs
    Tiff (gonabfit) ...............................SW 164.2 lbs / GW 155.0 lbs / CW 163.8 lbs / PROGRESS 0 lbs
    Julia (jmiller0906).......................SW 130.0 lbs / GW 118.0 lbs / CW 127.8 lbs / PROGRESS -2.2 lbs
    Judy (brasslady1)....................... SW 167.6 lbs / GW160.0 lbs/ CW 169.6 lbs / PROGRESS +2.0 lbs

    Maria(irishgal44).........................SW 176.2 lbs / GW 176.2 lbs / CW 176.2 lbs / PROGRESS lbs
    AmyS(Amy_36)............................SW 210.0 lbs / GW 198.0 lbs / CW 210.0 lbs / PROGRESS lbs
    Clare (Finnhead).........................SW 155.2 lbs / GW 141.2 lbs / CW 155.2 lbs / PROGRESS lbs

    Beky (bekylouisex3)....................SW 127.5 lbs / GW 125.0 lbs / CW 127.5 lbs / PROGRESS lbs
    Kel (redneckwoman)..................SW 151.1 lbs / GW 145.0 lbs / CW 149.0 lbs / PROGRESS lbs
    Sandy (Izzypup)............................SW 191.0 lbs / GW 184.0 lbs / CW 191.0 lbs / PROGRESS lbs
    Jessyca(JAYDENSMAMAS).......SW 221.4 lbs / GW 215.0 lbs / CW 217.0 lbs / PROGRESS lbs
    Jennifer (candycaneps).............SW 173.0 lbs / GW 166.0 lbs / CW 171.0 lbs / PROGRESS lbs
    Katy (katyk08)...............................SW 196.4 lbs / GW 185.0 lbs / CW 195.8 lbs / PROGRESS lbs
    Arwamya (arwamya)..................SW 160.0 lbs / GW 150.0 lbs / CW 157.6 lbs / PROGRESS lbs
    Amez(Amyls8711).......................SW 274.0 lbs / GW 269.0 lbs / CW 271.8 lbs / PROGRESS lbs
    Kimberly(katfrench).....................SW 160.0 lbs / GW 150.0 lbs / CW 159.0 lbs / PROGRESS lbs
    Mary Beth (marybeth618)...........SW 230.0 lbs / GW 225.0 lbs / CW 230.0 lbs / PROGRESS lbs
    Tracy (frogy_98)...........................SW 219.2 lbs / GW 210.0 lbs / CW 219.2 lbs / PROGRESS lbs