Fit, Fabulous, and Pregnant!



  • kiwi_dee
    kiwi_dee Posts: 160 Member
    Fit, fabulous and pregnant - thats what I want to be!! I've got the pregnant bit, just need to work on the fit & fabulous :wink:

    I'll be back later to introduce myself properly and read back over the thread, but I am so glad I found this! I've got a forum for weightloss/health and one for pregnancy, but not a combined one. Looking forward to getting to know you all :flowerforyou:
  • essbe
    essbe Posts: 65 Member
    Hey kiwi_dee :bigsmile:

    Have been reading and keeping up with everyone's posts but am feeling too unconfident to actually post anything lol. Have a docs apt on Mon to get a referral for an early scan and hopefully it will be all good and I'll be able to start feeling confident and excited ;)

    Hubby has been away all week - home this Sunday night yay! I only missed one day at the gym, and have lost 700 grams (google informs me that's 1.54lb for the USAers lol) so I'm happy with that all considered :smile:

    Hope everyone has a lovely weekend :flowerforyou: I am going to try and get motivated to take the boys out somewhere!!
  • kiwi_dee
    kiwi_dee Posts: 160 Member
    Hey essbe! :wink: All the best for your scan, hun. I hope that it is able to put your mind at ease.

    So I'm from New Zealand and am a Mum of 3 - DS1 will be 5 on 9th June, DD is 3 and DS2 will be 1 on 12th June and this wee button is due on 27th Jan 2012. DH and I had been considering trying for number 4, but now wasn't exactly the right time. Ah well, too late now huh? :laugh:

    I gained alot of weight with my first 2 pregnancies and started my 3rd pregnancy at my highest ever non-pregnant weight 94kg (207lb) :cry: . I tried really hard not to gain too much and full-term weighed in at 98kg. 2 weeks after giving birth I was 87kg (191lb) - stoked! In Feb this year I decided I had had enough of being overweight and started watching what I was eating and exercising - then I got introduced to MFP and I haven't looked back.

    My goals for this pregnancy are to remain as active as I can for as long as I can. Weight-wise, I would like to not gain anything in the first trimester (if I lost a couple of kgs that would be great!) and try to limit the amount I gain in trimesters 2 & 3. I'm aiming for about a 10kg gain in total (22lb).
  • heathercrist1
    heathercrist1 Posts: 810 Member
    Sorry I've been MIA...just trying to stay busy busy and my good friend had her baby so my schedule has been out of whack a little. None-the-less I'm here though! :)

    Lexi congrats on finishing up your Maymester! I'm sure you did great and it was worth all the time spent doing homework and studying. I'm also super happy for you that your hubby is home and you two are getting back into a routine. 15lbs for 23wks sounds great to me! You look fantastic and it looks like you've only gotten bigger on your cute lil baby bump! I think your goals for after baby are amazing! You go girl!

    Kristen welcome! Congrats! I hope you feel better soon. How did it work out having something to eat in bed before getting up? I didn't have any morning sickness so I don't have any suggestions, but I've heard that eating some crackers before sitting up in bed does wonders.

    ehrenlynae welcome!

    atynk glad you had fun in Florida! Sounds like a blast! Is your profile pic a recent pic?? Oh my you look incredible! Keep up the amazing work!

    Melissa I feel your pain! I'm at that stage where I just look like I've got a chunky pot belly. I find myself telling strangers that I'm expecting just so they know I'm expecting and not just with a chunky belly! Looks like we will be having our ultrasounds at about the same time! Mine is scheduled for June 22nd at 945am! Yay! I don't have any shoe recommendations. I spent all day yesterday shopping on my feet and by the end of the day my feet, back, and legs were killing me!

    Nicole those are AMAZING accomplishments! Way to go!!! I've always wanted to be a runner...but I've just never been able to get into it. I'm great at spinning/biking, hiking, kickboxing, dancing...but running just never appealed to me. Maybe after baby comes I will try to do some couch to 5k or something just to try it out.

    Nichole I totally hear ya on the epic growth of the butt/thighs/hips...I carry all of my weight in my lower body but I was surprised when my butt started growing more than my belly! lol! I can understand why my belly/breasts are getting bigger.....but why my butt?! I'm so happy for you that you got to hear the heartbeat. Isn't it the best?! It always amazes me when I hear the heartbeat cause most of the time I forget there is even a baby in there at all! lol

    Autumn welcome and congrats on reaching your weight loss goal and on your new addition! When is your doctors appointment? When I became pregnant I switched to maintenance calories and would eat all of my exercise calories. You want to be even...not losing and not gaining.

    Kiwi_dee welcome as well! 22lbs weight gain during pregnancy is quite on the low side with the average being 25-35lbs. But of course I don't know your BMI so that does change things a bit. What are you doing to reach this goal? Are you incorporating healthy foods and exercise into your daily routine?

    essbe are you trying to lose weight while pregnant? I know with a healthy BMI losing weight while pregnant is dangerous but with a higher BMI as long as you are eating nutritious, healthy food and exercising it is normal to lose/maintain during pregnancy.

    Well as for me this past week like I said was quite hectic and I was unable to workout except for 3 times the entire week. This is a far cry from my 6 times per week, 2 hours per day workouts! I've also decided that I'm only going to eat out once per week like I used to do prior to hubby being gone AND being pregnant. I now go out to eat several times per week because I'm tired, lonely, or bored. Before we would have 1 meal outside of the home that was our "cheat" meal and I would look forward to that meal all week. I really need to abide by that and eat at home more often. It will be easier when hubby gets home in 3 weeks and we can grill and cook together. Cooking for 1 is near impossible. Today is the first day in a LONG time that we've had sunshine and hotter weather. I got out and managed to mow the jungle of a yard and burned 900 calories doing it! I just finished lunch and now I'm going to go and get groceries for the week. Starting off my monday with a kitchen full of options and a game plan for my workouts is how I succeed!

    Hope you all have a wonderful weekend and make healthy choices!
  • kiwi_dee
    kiwi_dee Posts: 160 Member
    Thanks for the welcome Heather :smile:

    My BMI is currently 28 (I'm 75.7kg/166lb & 165cm/5ft 5in - ish) so I have a little wiggle room, lol. Yep I try to do some type of physical activity each day (Turbo Jam, 30DS (modifying moves as required), walking, jogging (well kind of :wink:) and more recently Zumba. As I get a belly I'll modify things as my body tells me to and stop some altogether. I've upped my calories (I used a calculator at though I'm having a little trouble reaching it each day without eating high-sugar foods - sugar has always been my downfall! That is definitely something for me to work on. I've been lucky so far in that I have had very very little ms (fingers crossed it stays that way!).

    Heather, is your DH in the military? That must be so tough being apart for months at a time, I have nothing but admiration for military wives and wives of DH's who work away alot!

    Essbe - does your DH work in the mines? My sis is in Oz and her hubby does, but I think he is home every 2 weeks. How did your scan go? Am thinking of you!
  • essbe
    essbe Posts: 65 Member
    Thanks Kiwi-dee :) Today is just the doc appointment to get another referral, scan will be friday (if i can get an apt for fri). Friday is forever away lol, argh! ;)

    No, I wish he did though, then at least we'd be earning lots of money to make up for all the travel! We have our own little business and it's half in nz and half here in oz so he's back and forward a lot. The upcoming month away though is to china, which happens about twice a year for stock production.

    Heather you can see my weight in my sig :glasses: 122kg converts to nearly 270lbs, and I'm not at all tall, so yes, I hope to continue loosing!

    AFM I have discovered that my horrid crippling first trimester exhaustion gets knocked on the head every morning when I get to the gym! Every morning I think "oh no, now it's really arrived, ugh, I'm going to just fall asleep on the treadmill when I get there today" and then I get there, and do my thing, and feel great afterwards. Haha! If only I'd known that trick with the last two lol (and long may it last that way :wink: )
  • heathercrist1
    heathercrist1 Posts: 810 Member
    essbe the hardest part is lacing your shoe laces and getting to the gym...after that it usually only takes a few minutes to get that blood pumping when you remember how much more awake working out makes you! I'm glad you are sticking through it even though you are tired. If only more people realized that working out actually gives you more energy! :)

    kiwi yes my husband is an Apache helicopter pilot instructor in the Army. He has been gone (minus a month and a half) since last October doing training. I'm happy that he is not in Iraq or Afghanistan right now though. That is a major blessing. He has already been once before for a year and a half in Iraq and I'm hoping he doesn't have to chance fate again any time soon! The last 3 weeks he is gone is always the hardest.

    Well my plan for today is to either go for a hike or to go do intervals on the treadmill at the gym and do an hour of toning with my tracy anderson method dvd at home. I'm also going to go get some flowers to do some planting today. It is going to be another sunny, hot day so hopefully I get everything done outside I plan to. Also plan on eating healthy today. I got these yummy real fruit frozen bars for when my sweet tooth kicks in as well as tons of fresh fruit! That is the good thing since I've been pregnant, I crave fresh fruit!

    I hope all of you ladies had a wonderful weekend and have a wonderful Monday! Make lots of healthy choices!! :)
  • otm25
    otm25 Posts: 106 Member
    Thanks for the welcome Heather!
    Going in for my first appointment and ultrasound on June 24th, it seems so far away, but I know it will be here before I know it. Just took one more pregnancy test and got a dark line as opposed to the much lighter lines I got last week. Now I feel much more confident about my positive result. Looks like my due date is January 30, 2012, so excited!
    Kept my net calories at about 1600-1800 this last week and weighed in today .9lbs heavier. I know some of this is artificial though, I spent the weekend at my friend's house in Tahoe and over did it on sodium, so I am going to be flushing it out these next couple of days and then re-weighing myself. Just want to be super-healthy this pregnancy, and not have to start all over in January!

    Essbe, I know how you feel, exhaustion hits me every day at a bout 3pm, and I am out! Since I have more energy in the morning, I am trying to get my 30 minutes in then, that way I get it out of the way and can be a slug for the rest of the day, staying busy growing that baby!

    Heather, hope you had a great weekend, I know gardening is such a great burn, and with such beautiful results!!!
  • princesspurple
    Okay-can I ask everyone what their caloric intake is now? I was letting myself eat too much-ice cream 2x a day is a bit much! The rest of the day I eat great, I make sure I have fruits and veggies at every food intake...but the ice cream is killing me!
    I do not want to gain anymore than maybe 10 more pounds now that I am thinking of it, so when I have the baby, i will be right where I should be weight wise!
  • Better_Balance_2011
    Better_Balance_2011 Posts: 3,711 Member
    Hello everyone. I have been reading a couple pregnancy threads and I am still very early so haven't wanted to respond to anything, but see there are a few people early on so figured I'd jump in. I am 6 weeks today and this is my first. I am 30 and my husband and I tried about 6 months before we got pregnant. It's very exciting and a little scary too!

    I am having a hard time trying to change my habits with food. I have been eating 1200 calories a day (well trying to anyways) since January and all of the sudden I am aiming for 1600. I gained a pound last week so we'll see. I told my sister (a doctor) I thought maybe I should back off the calories a bit and she STRONGLY suggested I don't.

    Before I got preggo I just completed 30 Day Shred and was getting ready to start a new strength program that involves heavy lifting and less sets. I have decided that is probably not such a good idea now. I have been running for years but have backed off that some too. I did run walk combo last week, running a slow pace (less than 6mph) and doing walking intervals in between. I have been wearing a HRM also and have heard I should keep my heart rate under 140 which I think seems awfully low. I'm going to get back in teh pool too; actually going to swim this evening for the first time in months. I want to keep working out regularly but I don't want to push myself too hard. What did you all do to modify your workouts once you got pregnant?

    So I'll check in every so often over the next couple weeks. Still haven't seen an OB/GYN as it is still early. This waiting is killing me!

  • atynk
    atynk Posts: 400 Member
    Hello all, hope your workouts and eating are going well.
    Today I ran 5km. I have a 5km race sat (my first ever) and my midwife said I don't need to stop anything I am currently doing- Running, swimming, biking, kettlebell etc. I plan on doing these things as long as I can comfortably. I know women who run marathons till the day they give birth, and is totally fine so I don't plan on using pregnancy as an excuse to give up on exercise. We are all safe to do things (unless ur doc said no) if it feels comfortable and you use common sense. I now get up earlier in morning to run, as it is much too hot later and def don't want to risk heat stroke. I think I have gained about 5 lbs now (17weeks) and just bought a whole bunch of cute summer dresses 1 size up to wear all summer.

    Keep sweating girls!
  • heathercrist1
    heathercrist1 Posts: 810 Member
    atynk sounds like you are rocking it! I totally agree on that if your doctor hasn't restricted you, and you FEEL okay...keep doing what you've been doing! I knew a woman who ran 6 miles the day before she gave birth to a happy, healthy term baby. The specialist that I saw after my 2 miscarriages urged me to continue on working out and said that an early m/c is not due to working out and he wished all of his patients were as fit and active as I was! 5lbs is amazing and you just keep doing what you are doing cause you are a rockstar!

    Ashley welcome! I'm so glad you posted! First off let me start by saying I think it is wonderful that you are continuing on with your fitness. Babies born from moms who workout have amazing benefits as does mom! Also, the "under 140 heart rate" was discounted a decade ago, but some old school doctors still preach it. This was before they could prove that blood was not directed away from the baby if your heart rate increased over 140. Now they know that isn't the case. Also, it is based on the perceived rate of exertion and if you can carry on a conversation, and you don't feel dizzy or light headed you should be just fine. Like I mentioned before the specialist and my regular OB said they wished all their patients worked out like I did. At the time I was doing cardio kickboxing, spinning, toning, hiking, zumba...etc...I toned down the higher impact ones only because quite frankly it hurt my ever growing chest badly. I still hike/walk, spin, and do toning daily though and try to aim at burning 400-1200 calories per day with exercise depending on the day and the workout. As far as your calories goes, you should set your calories to maintenance and try and eat back most of your exercise calories you burn. In the first trimester you want to be even. Sounds like you are doing awesome! Let us know how your doctor's appointments go! So glad you joined us!

    princesspurple mine is on maintenance and then I eat back my exercise calories, so I probably consume anywhere from 1800-2500 cals on any given day. I gained a lot the first 10wks because of the meds I was on but since then have gained 2lbs.

    otm25 sounds like everything is going great! My 20wk appt is on June 23rd :) My ultrasound to find out the sex of the baby is the day before. And like you it seems so far away, but I know it will fly by! Congrats again and glad you joined us as well!

    Well yesterday I decided to go ahead and go for a hike with my sweet 2 year old (as of tomorrow) German Shepherd Ellie Mae. Burned some decent calories so I was happy, and she got an hour she was ecstatic! When I got back I sat on the couch to cool off before I did my arm/ab workout and I started to feel the baby moving stronger than the usual little flutters I've been feeling. I put my hand where I felt the movement on the inside and I felt the baby move with my hand! It was such an awesome feeling! I can't wait until the baby starts moving a lot and my hubby can feel him/her move! I did an hour of toning exercise today and did some more planting of some flowers. I was very tired all day for whatever reason. Hoping tomorrow is better though.

    Hope you all had a great day! Where have some of my other ladies gone? Miss you guys!
  • smilegirl
    smilegirl Posts: 210 Member
    Hope everyone is doing well and enjoyed the long weekend. With Monday as a holiday it's only a three day week for me :-) Glad to hear about everyone keeping active, fit and fabulous during pregnancy. I know it has helped me to keep my energy up.

    Ashley - congratulations! I have run for my whole pregnancy so far. I was doing four runs a week for a total of 20 miles or so prior to pregnancy. Somewhere along the way I cut back to three runs a week, I've been doing about 12-14 miles now. I have definitely slowed my pace by a minute to a minute and a half per mile. I feel like a slug! I too wear a hrm and find my average tends to be around 150. My doctor agrees with what Heather stated, as long as you aren't feeling overwhelmed and can carry a conversation, being over 140 should be okay. Make sure to listen to your body as you exercise, it's usually good at telling you if you are overdoing it. Just check with your doctor at your next visit to make sure he/she is okay with your exercise routine.

    Nicole - for calories, I've been at maintenance and eat back exercise calories. It's not exact, some days I leave a few calories behind and some days I feel so ravenous that I eat a few more than I've earned. I had a little surge in weight about a month back, but have settled out again. I am 26 weeks(27 tomorrow!) and am approximately 20 pounds up from pre-pregnancy.

    Autumn - congratulations to you too! Keep moving - it really helps with the energy. :-) I know it can be tough to wait for that first appointment, but the 24th is just around the corner. You'll be surprised at how quickly time starts moving.

    Atynk - good luck with the 5K. You are doing awesome and I agree with your doctor, as long as it still feels okay don't stop the workouts. It should payoff with labor and also the pounds gained. I am quite jealous of the five pound gain!

    Melissa - hey girl! Hope you are feeling more confident with the body. I totally know how you feel with just "looking fat". 26 weeks was when I finally have a bump that doesn't just look like a beer belly! One thing I've found helps me feel better is to wear a more form fitting shirt, that way you see the bump and don't just appear chubby. As for comfy flip flops, I bought a pair of Born flip flops a couple summers ago. They are very comfortable and I can walk for hours in them.

    Heather - I love Ellie Mae! What a cute name for your dog. My Labrador can walk for days and days! She'll be ten on the 22nd of June and I think she was born to walk. They are such great company too. Your ultrasound will be here soon - I bet you are just dying to know the sex! And your husband will get to be there. Whoo hoo! The baby movements are too cool, aren't they? My little bambino is moving all the time now and my husband loves to feel the kicks and jabs - it's a nice way for them to feel connected to the experience.

    I finally shared my pregnancy with work last week. I was/am in a strange situation because I work in a very small dental practice and the doctor that I've worked with for the past six years recently sold the practice and things haven't been as wonderful as I'd hoped for. I really had no idea how the new doctor would react, but he seems okay with it so far. I asked for a four month leave and he seems fine with finding temporary help for that length of time. I've been unhappy enough with the new situation that I may end up looking for a new practice while out....lots to figure out for me.
  • kiwi_dee
    kiwi_dee Posts: 160 Member
    It's so great hearing from you ladies who are further along in your pregnancies and how active you are keeping. I keep getting people saying, 'Oh, are you sure you should still be doing <fill in with whatever exercise I am doing at that time>?'. I have to admit that it had been starting to chip away at my confidence that I was doing the right thing by staying active. I'm super glad to have joined this thread! I'm not really a runner and had just started walk/jogging before I found out I was preggy. Due to my other kiddies I don't often get a chance to get out and jog, but I did today and I felt great! It helps that it is a beautiful day here even if it is the first official day of winter!

    Heather - It's amazing isn't it, feeling that wee person from the outside <3

    Atynk - you are inspiring!

    Ashley & Autumn - welcome! Looks like we are all due about the same time :smile:

    Princesspurple - my calorie intake is 1700 (well a little over but I can't remember exactly and I don't want to navigate away from my post, lol) and I also try really hard to eat back all my exercise and breastfeeding calories, but goodness it can be ALOT of food!
  • otm25
    otm25 Posts: 106 Member
    Thanks everyone for the welcome! Glad to have found this thread, it will be fun to go through all of this with like minded-healthy mamas!

    So today I weighed in, it has been one week since findind out I was pregnant, and I have switched to maintenance calories which is 2000 per day. I am consistently hitting about 1800 net calories and am happy to say that I am not gaining or losing! Only hard thing is trying to keep my sodium down with all of the extra food! Other than that I am really enjoying "treats" like peanut butter, avocado, bananas, pistacios, all of those great high calorie foods. Yum!

    So excited and have to share the news, we got chickens yesterday to raise in the backyard! They are 1 week old and in our nursery/bathtub right now. In a month they should have their real feathers and be able to be outdoors. We got 2 Golden Comets and 2 Easter Eggers, and should be laying eggs as early as September! Can't wait to have farm fresh eggs! Plus, these chicks are so darn cute! The kids are in love!

    Heather, how exciting to get to know the sex! Are you hoping for one or the other? I am so anxious to know what this one is, we have a lot of moving around bedrooms to do, and I am anxious to get started!

    BTW, I have a 3 year old boy and a 5 year old girl, anyone else have kids already? I know a lot of you are first time mommies! Hope everyone has a great day! I am off to lap the mall with my mommy friends, hoping to get about 3 miles in! Have a healthy day!
  • kiwi_dee
    kiwi_dee Posts: 160 Member
    Ooh exciting, I'd love to get chickens! Where we are at the moment we don't have room, but 'one day' we are hoping to move to a place with a bigger section and then I'll get my chooks! And thats great that you aren't gaining or losing - great work!

    I'm still not hitting my calories each day, usually 100-200 under - must work on that!

    I have 3 kids already a son who turns 5 in 7 days, a 3yo daugther and a son who turns 1 in 10 days!

    Oh and in my earlier post I got my calories wrong (but I can't edit it now), my calories are 1590 per day plus breastfeeding and exercise.
  • princesspurple
    New goal today-as of yesterday acutally-30 mins a day of exercise and staying w/in my calories for the whole month of june-hoping to not gain any weight this month and level off where i should be
  • heathercrist1
    heathercrist1 Posts: 810 Member
    Smilegirl glad to see you are still rocking it! Things have been a little off schedule and hectic and I thought this week would be better, but it seems that the week is just about to come to a close and I wasn't on point with my workouts any more than I was last week. Seriously gotta get back into my game. My friend having her baby and me helping out with her has been a joy, but at the cost of my own workouts. Today I'm back on the wagon though! :) I haven't really felt the baby move from the inside as much lately, so definitely nothing from the outside. But I know that is very common in how far along I am so I'm not freaking out. Can't wait until I'm feeling it every day. Sorry to hear about the work situation not being the best. At least the new Doc was fine with you taking leave and having a temp fill the spot. I totally understand about less than stellar work last job was so easy and had such great hours but the women that worked there were such emotional drama queens. I'd rather work with a bunch of men any day! I'm sure it will all work out for you though!

    Kiwi staying active is so good for you AND the baby! Babies born to moms that workout are less likely to have colic, easier to console, more content, less likely to die of SIDS, etc...if those in themselves aren't reason enough to workout during your pregnancy, not to mention easier to lose the weight after, then I don't know what is! But I know what you mean...I had 2 early miscarriages before this baby and so my mother in law was very strong in her opinion that I shouldn't be working out until after 12wks (like that is the magic number or something). Even neighbors would be like "are you supposed to be mowing your lawn...aren't you pregnant?!". I couldn't believe that people would think I would do ANYTHING that would harm this baby. I stay active because I know it is helping and not hurting. My doctor loves when her patients are active and workout. She says they have easier deliveries and faster recovery time as well. Ignorance is what makes most people believe that sitting on the couch eating for 40wks is the way to a healthy baby...when in reality that is just the way to gestational diabetes and being unhealthy and overweight after baby comes! So keep up the good work! :)

    otm25 as far as wanting one sex over the other...I'd love a girl because many of my friends have girls and I would get tons of really amazing girl stuff passed onto me which would be awesome! But when it comes down to it, I've been waiting for this baby for over 7 years and after fertility treatments, lots of praying, 2 losses, and lots of tears...all I really want is a happy, healthy, term baby in my arms come November. If that means the baby will be wearing overalls as opposed to a sundress, than so be it. :)

    So I've got this nagging cough and chest congestion that I just can't seem to get rid of. I'm convinced it is caused by some kind of allergy, even though I've never had any kind of allergy in my life. I hear when you are pregnant you can get allergies you wouldn't normally have. I feel fine in terms of my health, but it is just this annoying cough and feels like an elephant is sitting on my chest. I took some Mucinex cough and chest congestion but it didn't help and it just made me kinda sleepy and this morning I woke with medicine head. That is the worst when you take medicine (I don't like taking ANYTHING, even Tylenol) and it doesn't even help the problem and makes you feel worse! Ugh... Oh well. Hopefully it doesn't take a month to get rid of like my last cough. :(

    I'm so ready for my husband to get home. I miss him immensely but I also find myself going out to eat every night (which is VERY uncommon for me) just to get out of the house and have something to do and people to be around. Eating out so much not only costs way too much, but it isn't always the healthiest. I said last week I was only going to eat out once per week, which is my norm, but alas I've failed this week. Just wish he were home so that things were normal again....
  • nkster781
    nkster781 Posts: 235 Member
    Hi Ladies!

    Time to be honest and therefore make the changes I need to.

    I am so excited to almost be in my 2nd trimester. This 1st trimester was not at all what I expected. I did everything I promised myself I wouldn't do. I have not kept track of calories and therefore have probably over eaten every day (luckily the food has been mostly healthy, not fast food). I have not done many workouts since week 6. So today I officially am putting a stop to this non sense. I am going to log my food even if I am embarrassed to that way I can get myself back in line. I am also going to start working out again. I think I'm going to try a Aqua Zumba class although the last thing I want to do is get in a bathing suit right now, haha.

    Today I will finally be able to catch up with our laundry. Last load tonight. Man housework gets out of control when I'm lazy. Hubby sure doesn't help, haha.

    So I'm excited to start fresh for my 2nd trimester. What was done before has been done and it's time to move on. Thanks to all you fabulous fit mommy role models!

    Heather: I feel you! At least you have remained pretty active and did a great job in your 1st trimester. You will get it. You can only change the future not the past. You are doing so good and it must be so hard with your hubby gone. You should get a medal! You are also such a great motivator and I appreciate your support.

    princesspurple: I'm with you on those goals:0)

    To everyone else keep up the great work!
  • heathercrist1
    heathercrist1 Posts: 810 Member
    Yay! Glad to see your face Nichole! :) You have been missed! And you are totally is a new day and a fresh start. I gained 10lbs within the first 10 weeks (thanks to the Prometrium/Progesterone supplements) but I've not let that slow me down. I wish I could get in a bathing suit with ya and do some aqua zumba! We are our worst critic...I'm sure you look just fine in your bathing suit! :) When is your next appt?

    Was thinking it would be fun to do a little survey for everyone to get to know each other a little better....What do you think? I will start!

    Name: Heather

    Age: 30

    Occupation: Registered Nurse, BSN now a stay at home wife/mommy

    Dream Job: Working for the travel channel traveling all over the world on someone else's dime!

    SO/DH name & Occupation: Al and an instructor pilot in the US Army flying the Apache Helicopter

    Where are you from: I am a military brat who grew up all over the world from Alaska to Germany. I currently reside in Missouri with the love of my life and my four legged fur child Ellie Mae my 2 year old German Shepherd.

    Number of kiddos: Pregnant with my first

    How long did you ttc: 7 years all together (4 with my first husband, 3 with my current love of my life husband)

    Due date: Due November 8th, 2011

    Favorite workout/s: Spinning, cardio kickboxing, hiking, Tracy Anderson Method, dancing

    Weight prior to baby: 146lbs

    Height: 5' 6 1/2"

    Goal weight after baby: 135-140lbs

    The thing the keeps you motivated to workout: I've read about all the amazing benefits of exercise during pregnancy as well as the fact that I worked so very hard to get healthy, I don't want to use pregnancy as an excuse to let myself go. I see women who workout while pregnant and I see women who sit around and eat their way through pregnancy and I can honestly say the women who workout seemed to me to be happier people in general. I just want to be happy and have a happy, healthy baby!

    Fun Fact: Working out makes me feel strong and confident, even on my worst days. I like to put in my iPod and jam out to music and get carried away. I also listen to some random and vulgar music when I workout...stuff I'd never listen to around anyone else or even in my car. I've been known to sing out lyrics that should never be said in public I accidentally sang "Your sex is on fire!!" while an older gentlemen was on the treadmill next to me. I prolly made his day! lol!

    So...tell me about you!