Fit, Fabulous, and Pregnant!



  • smilegirl
    smilegirl Posts: 210 Member
    Amy and Lexi - thanks for sharing your information. I've had fun learning more about everyone. I love the story of meeting your husband Amy, so sweet! Lexi - you're an inspiration with your dream job. It is very true, while there is a lot of need in third world countries, we also have a huge need for medical and dental care in the US. I've found plenty of volunteer work right here at home and it makes you feel so inspired and appreciated. I've met some amazing patients volunteering.

    Andrea - excellent on the 5k! You are definitely rocking the fit, fabulous and pregnant thing! The flutters will be here soon - then the big kicks and jabs will start. It's pretty awesome.

    Ashley - sun and sleep....sounds heavenly. Glad you have taken some time to relax and start feeling better.

    Heather - Sorry it's been so hot, although I love the heat it does make it tough to get outside. We hit the mid 70's over the weekend and it was heavenly since it's the first time we've seen those temperatures this year. I hope we've said goodbye to the 50's. I don't ever have to worry about an AC bill, but have still been paying for heat, which just seems absolutely wrong for this time of year!

    I don't really have specific goals for the week - just to continue to run, strength train and do yoga. I am trying to keep up with eating clean and not too out of control. I have my 28 week appointment on Friday. My scale says I'm up two pounds since my last appointment three weeks ago so I think I am still on track.

    Good luck to everyone with their goals this week. You all continue to inspire me.
  • __flexylexi
    __flexylexi Posts: 154 Member
    quick insert - smilegirl, mid 70s? It has been around 100 here, today my thermometer read 117!!
  • heathercrist1
    heathercrist1 Posts: 810 Member
    Lexi we've missed you! Where did you move to again? I'm sure it has been hectic! But you are still rocking the workouts and look absolutely fantastic! I love that you are rocking the belly! Hope mine looks that good at 26wks! I am still in that phase where it just looks like I've drank a little too much beer the past month or so. I also love your dream job. Does that mean you want to work in Pediatrics when you graduate? My first job after I graduated nursing school was as a pediatric RN in a children's hospital in downtown Kansas City. I loved it. I was scared every single day of killing someone's kiddo...but it was a very rewarding job.

    I agree on the weather! What I wouldn't give for 70* weather! Sounds perfect! It has been in the high 90s and with the humidity the heat index is well above 100*! This is way too hot for the beginning of June in MO! We should be having 60-70* weather this time of year. I LOVE being outside in that kind of weather! 90's are only good when you are at the beach and can cool off in the waves! :)

    Well my husband is coming home a few days early and so I moved my ultrasound to the 20th! Less than 2 weeks away and we will know if it is a boy or girl! Speaking of...I'd love to hear what you've picked out for names for your little ones! If she is a girl her name is Charlotte Kendall and we will call her Charlee and if he is a boy his name is Jack Allen-Foster.
  • princesspurple
    This is my goal for June, if anybody wants to join:flowerforyou:
  • Better_Balance_2011
    Better_Balance_2011 Posts: 3,711 Member
    Speaking of...I'd love to hear what you've picked out for names for your little ones!

    Being that it's still early (7 weeks today) we haven't talked too in depth about it, but I already know my names. :smile:

    If it's a girl I like Gwenyth Nicolette. My sister's middle name is Nicole, and she gave her daughter my middle name, so I'd like to do the same.
    If it's a boy, I like Preston Callahan, although our baby was conceived on Oaks Day (race day before the Kentucky Derby and I am from Louisville KY so this is a big deal) so my husband has tossed around the idea of middle name Oakes for either.
  • heathercrist1
    heathercrist1 Posts: 810 Member
    We are about at the end of this thread so I started one for June (I know it is the 7th already...) and I will start a new thread each month.
  • mbowman323
    mbowman323 Posts: 216
    Would love to join

    Name: Melissa

    Age: 26

    Occupation: Housewife

    Dream Job: Hair stylist

    SO/DH name & Occupation: Justin shop foreman

    Where are you from: Texas

    Number of kiddos: This is my 3rd. I have 2 daughters and 1 step daughter

    How long did you ttc: ????

    Due date: Jan. 13. 2012

    Favorite workout/s: Yoga and swimming

    Weight prior to baby: 198

    Height: 5' 6"

    Goal weight after baby: 150

    The thing the keeps you motivated to workout : The health for the baby and it's a big stress reliver

    Fun Fact: I speak 3 different languages
  • sbilyeu75
    sbilyeu75 Posts: 567 Member
    Hello. My name is Sunshine. I've been on MFP for about 1.5 years. I'm about 7 weeks with my second child. I'm 36 years old. I'm pretty nervous about staying in shape since I worked so hard to lose the weight I had previous to getting pregnant.

    The doctor has not really put any restrictions on my exercise regiment. He did advise that I lower my weights just a bit, basically pick a weight that I can lift 10-12 times but only do it 8-10 times. He also suggested just keeping my heart rate at 85% of my max, so that's about 160. Too bad I've just not been feeling like hitting the gym.
  • helenmelon29
    helenmelon29 Posts: 787 Member

    Hi, Im not pregnant but thinking of trying for our first baby at the end of the year. So if you dont mind I will read along for some info/ideas etc.

    I will give you alittle info - Ive just turned 30 and trying to get fit and healthy. My goal weight is 140lb ish (Im about 144) and Im 5'7. Im doing Couch potato to 5K x 3 per week, Tracy Anderson Mat workout x 4 per week and anything extra if I can (plus dog walking). (Ive just started TA Mat so will se how it goes).

    If we do go down the baby route Im hoping I can keep exercising - you are all doing a fab job! Good Luck and Best wishes.xx