Fit, Fabulous, and Pregnant!



  • otm25
    otm25 Posts: 106 Member
    This is such a great idea!

    Name: Autumn

    Age: 31

    Occupation: SAHM

    Dream Job: Working at a museum, creating art or go back to school for fun

    SO/DH name & Occupation: Jeff, Lawyer specializing in Construction Litigation

    Where are you from: Lake Tahoe originally, lived in San Diego for a few years for school, now back in the Truckee Meadows, in Reno NV, about 45 minutes from my family in Tahoe.

    Number of kiddos: 2 with one on the way! Patience is 5 and Vaughn is 3

    How long did you ttc: 2 months with this one

    Due date: Due January 30, 2012

    Favorite workout/s: As a stay at home mom, I have limited options, so I do most of my workouts on the Wii, either Wii Fit Plus or Just Dance 2. I also meet with my mommy group to walk about twice a week at the mall or outdoors.

    Weight prior to baby: 155lbs

    Height: 5' 9

    Goal weight after baby: 150-155lbs

    This brings up something that I should mention. When I had my first I got really lonely and desperate for adult conversation, so I searched the internet and found the MOMS Club international and joined immediately. I was on the board for 4 years and it really helped my sanity, to realize that I wasn't alone or losing my mind, and to be honest, and it really helped my kids grow into socially adapted kids. It was so nice to have events to go to, and playdates as well. THese women have become my family, and are the best counselors that I know of! Last year the MOMS Club International got a little obsessive and restrictive so we started our own club, The Reno Rugrats. We have events about 5-6 days a week, and do playgroups as well. I can't tell you how valuable it is! Hoping you will all give it a try!!!
  • smilegirl
    smilegirl Posts: 210 Member
    Name: Holly

    Age: 37

    Occupation: Registered Dental Hygienist

    Dream Job: Rock star! (although I don't have the talent.....) More realistically, something to do with cooking- owning a bakery, b&b, private chef

    SO/DH name & Occupation: Nathan, Registered Nurse

    Where are you from: Grew up in Seattle, after college lived in Alaska, California, Nevada and have traveled Europe, Latin America, Mexico, and the Caribbean ultimately ending back in Seattle. Hey, it rains a lot, but it is a fabulous place to live!

    Number of kiddos: Pregnant with my first :-)

    How long did you ttc: Three years

    Due date: August 31, 2011

    Favorite workout/s: Dancing! Running, hiking, walking my two beautiful four-legged dog daughters, golf, tennis. Can you see I tend to like to be outdoors?

    Weight prior to baby: 148lbs

    Height: 5' 7"

    Goal weight after baby: 144-148lbs

    The thing that keeps you motivated to work out: Knowing how much more confidence I feel when I am strong, healthy, and not flabby. Knowing that I want to live a long and healthy life and be a fun, active mother. Knowing the research that supports healthy, active moms have an easier time with labor and have children that tend to sleep better and have a lower chance of many childhood maladies. Not wanting to have to worry about losing the weight after my beautiful bambino is born!

    Can't believe I am going to share fact: I am addicted to the Real Housewives of New Jersey. It's such a train wreck that I just cannot stop watching. Please help me!
  • kiwi_dee
    kiwi_dee Posts: 160 Member
    This survey is a great idea!

    Name: Daphne

    Age: 33

    Occupation: Currently: SAHM, though at the end of June my maternity leave finishes and I go back to work as an Office Administrator .

    Dream Job: ?? I really don't know!

    SO/DH name & Occupation: Stu - a computer geek :wink:

    Where are you from: Born and raised in the Waikato region of New Zealand (mid-upper North Island). DH & I have travelled and spent a couple of years in the UK doing our 'OE' (this is like a rite of passage for most Kiwis and Aussies.

    Number of kiddos: Pregnant with number 4

    How long did you ttc: We've been lucky that each time I've fallen preg quickly and easily. The longest we've TTCd is 3 months.

    Due date: 27th Jan 2012

    Favorite workout/s: Turbo Jam, Zumba, 30DS, walking, dancing around to Glee songs with the kids

    Weight prior to baby: 76.1kg (167lbs)

    Height: 165cm (5' 5 1/2" approx)

    Goal weight after baby: 65kg-ish (140 - 145 lbs)

    The thing the keeps you motivated to workout: That feeling of, 'I did it!!!' when I finish a workout (I keep surprising myself by not dropping dead mid-workout like I always thought I would :wink:). Also how much stronger and fitter I feel. I love it!

    Embarrassing fact (I couldn't call this a 'fun' fact lol): I love Twilight. There we go, it's my not-so-secret shame :laugh:
  • kiwi_dee
    kiwi_dee Posts: 160 Member
    Autumn - I belong to a NZ parenting forum and it has been a fantastic source of support and friendship.
  • atynk
    atynk Posts: 400 Member
    Name: Andrea

    Age: 28

    Occupation: I own and run a dog / cat grooming business out of my house

    Dream Job: To win the lottery and just take courses that I am curious about and volunteer.

    SO/DH name & Occupation: Jay, at an after market auto parts company

    Where are you from: Ontario, Canada.

    Number of kiddos: This is my first

    How long did you ttc: 0 months lol.. we literally got pregnant on the first shot hee hee

    Due date: Nov 5, 2011

    Favorite workout/s: Hockey, soccer, volleyball, rollerblading, kettlebell, swimming

    Weight prior to baby: 143

    Height: 5: 8

    Goal weight after baby: 143

    The thing the keeps you motivated to workout: Watching people I know give birth letting themselves go, then never getting that shape back, or struggling for years. Plus I very competitive, so of course, I want to be the fittest pregnant one out there lol. And of course, to make labour easier.

    Fun Fact- I have my own stripper pole in my house lol
  • Better_Balance_2011
    Better_Balance_2011 Posts: 3,711 Member
    Options! So the last two days I have been feeling pretty rough. I'm nearing my 7th week so I don't know if it's just a crappy time or if I've been doing too much this week. I worked out everyday this week - swam for the first time in a while, did a pretty tough strendth routine and rode my bike 8 miles in pretty warm temps yesterday. Last night I hurt all over and felt like I had the flu. I feel a little better today but feel a little sick. So I'm eating crackers. I feel like i could sleep for hours. Anyways, enough about blah, here is my info:

    Name: Ashley

    Age: 30

    Occupation: Registered Landscape Architect

    Dream Job: Food critic

    SO/DH name & Occupation: Eric, Registered Landscape Architect

    Where are you from: Born in Charlotte NC but spent my life as I remember in LaGrange KY, rural area outside Louisville, went to school in Lexington KY (go Cats!), stayed 3 years after college and moved back to Louisville 5 years ago.

    Number of kiddos: Pregnant with my first

    How long did you ttc: 6 months

    Due date: August 23, 2012

    Favorite workout/s: Yoga, running, walking my fur baby - my 13 year old Australian Shepherd mix, riding my bike, hiking

    Weight prior to baby: 133.5 lbs (started MFP at 140)

    Height: 5' 2"

    Goal weight after baby: 127-130 lbs

    Motivation to work out: Fitness has always been a part of my life. I have been a gym rat since I was in high school, been practicing yoga for almost 10 years and been a runner (not in the competetive way) for about 13 years on and off but pretty consistently for the past 6 years with one small hiatus. I get a little nutty if I can't work out; it's part of who I am. Acomplishment is a big deal to me, whether it's running a better time, longer distance or mastering a new yoga pose. This is the only body I get; I need to treat it right.

    Fun fact: I recently remarried my ex-husband. We married on my birthday in 2003, divorced after about 5 years, were apart about a year and a half, and got remarried on his birthday (10/16) last year in Jamaica.

    Hope you all have a great weekend!
  • nkster781
    nkster781 Posts: 235 Member
    Name: Nichole

    Age: 29 will be 30 in August

    Occupation: I work for a small promotional business so I do just about everything from graphic design to admin work

    Dream Job: I'd love to do marketing for a tropical resort.

    SO/DH name & Occupation: Jeremy, Electrical Engineer

    Where are you from: I was born in CO. Moved to MA when I was 13 and lived their for a year then moved to NH. Met my husband during college through my best friend and moved to NY to live with him after graduating. We just relocated to NC for a new job for my husband which has been a little over 2 years now.

    Number of kiddos: Pregnant with our first

    How long did you ttc: 3 months

    Due date: December 19, 2011

    Favorite workout/s: Zumba, Kickboxing, Step, Hiking, Mountain Biking and Tennis

    Weight prior to baby: 135lbs

    Height: 5' 5" and 1/2

    Goal weight after baby: 130-135lbs

    The thing that keeps you motivated to work out: I just feel better all the way around. Plus I have met so many wonderful people through working out. I also love when you can see when your hard work pays off.

    Fun fact: We have one fur baby. Lucy, a yellow lab that we have raise since she was 8 weeks old. She will be 3 right around the time the baby is due. Lucy's bday is Dec 17 and the baby is due Dec19. I think it would be so funny if they ended up sharing the same bday:0)
  • nkster781
    nkster781 Posts: 235 Member

    Fun fact: I recently remarried my ex-husband. We married on my birthday in 2003, divorced after about 5 years, were apart about a year and a half, and got remarried on his birthday (10/16) last year in Jamaica.

    That is so cool, haha. Sometimes it's just not the right time but it is the right person:0)
    Fun Fact- I have my own stripper pole in my house lol

    I've always wanted one too, hehe
  • princesspurple
    Name: Nicole

    Age: 35

    Occupation: Corporate Travel Agent

    Dream Job: Hiking/Kayaking Tours

    SO/DH name & Occupation: Justin-chef

    Where are you from: CT...but now in NH

    Number of kiddos: This is my 2nd, though I do have 2 step-daughters

    How long did you ttc: I do not know what this means:blushing:

    Due date: September 16.

    Favorite workout/s: Running, kickboxing, hiking, swimming

    Weight prior to baby: 136

    Height: 5' 2 1/4"

    Goal weight after baby: 128

    The thing the keeps you motivated to workout: Health, my son and future daugher.....looking good and feeling good, makes me nicer to my husband:flowerforyou:

    Fun Fact: I have coached gymnastics, and was a graveyard cocktail waitress at the casinos in NV, drove across the country on my own with my doggie:)
  • nkster781
    nkster781 Posts: 235 Member
    princesspurple: TTC means "Trying to Conceive"

    I love your dream job that sounds awesome:0)
  • nkster781
    nkster781 Posts: 235 Member
    Thought I would share this:

    I love her, I have some of her home workouts.
  • princesspurple
    I LOVE Cindy Whitmarsh!
  • smilegirl
    smilegirl Posts: 210 Member
    Heather, Nichole, Nicole, Daphne, Andrea and Ashley, it's been fun learning more about everyone! Thank you for the great idea Heather.

    Heather - I hope you are feeling better than you did on Thursday, it can be tough to keep up with your goals when you are feeling under the weather. So exciting that your friend had her baby. It's a girl right? Great practice for you ;-) I know what you mean about the difficulty of cooking for one. My husband has still been on evening shift at the hospital, which means 4-5 nights a week of me cooking alone too. I find if I plan meals on the weekend for the following week that it makes it easier to cook for myself. It certainly isn't as much fun as cooking for a larger crowd, but helps keep me motivated and eating in rather than out.

    Nichole - Good for you with deciding to get back on track. I know I was exhausted during the first trimester. I definitely started getting more energy once into the second tri. Have fun with aqua zumba, I bet you will rock that swimsuit! I am an August baby too - are you a Leo or Libra?

    Ashley - critic.....that should be added to my dream job possibilities too. My husband and I both love to cook, entertain and eat out. We are always reviewing our meals and often talk about the joy we would get from getting to be food critics.

    Happy weekend to everyone. Our weather has been beautiful today and is supposed to stay this way through the weekend. Yeah! It has been a wet and cool spring here so I am very happy about sun and warmer temperatures.
  • heathercrist1
    heathercrist1 Posts: 810 Member
    Awww...I love reading everyone's posts! You ladies rock! You are all very inspiring, interesting, and funny! :)

    Thanks Nichole for posting that video! I need to get a good Pregnancy Yoga dvd...anyone have any good recommendations?!

    Well yesterday I woke up still feeling absolutely miserable and unable to truly breath well. I called the doc's office and got in to see my doctor an hour later. I got a breathing treatment and she also prescribed me an inhaler and some antibiotics cause she thinks it turned into a bacterial infection in my lungs. Ugh! Baby sounded perfect though. It is always music to my ears when I hear baby's heartbeat! I've never had ANY problems before baby regarding allergies or sickness...this whole getting sick thing is pretty new to me. I'm feeling 75% better today though! YAY! I did manage to do an hour of Tracy Anderson Method toning yesterday with my workout partner (who just had her baby a week prior!). She then ran 30 mins and walked 30. She is a rockstar! See why I love working out with her! I had plans of mowing this morning...but I'm thinking of either putting it off until tomorrow, or asking someone to help me. It is SO hard to ask for help with something I can physically do myself. I've managed 30 years of fending for myself... I know, I know...sounds a little stubborn to me too. It is also supposed to get into the high 90s today and lots of humidity...awesome for trying to breath as it is. Two more weeks and my hubby should be home. I sure do miss him.

    Hope you ladies have a wonderful weekend!
  • AmyMooreOrLess
    AmyMooreOrLess Posts: 320 Member
    Hi Ladies,

    Yes, you're reading this right! It's me...the one who hasn't posted here forever! Things are going great. 25 weeks tomorrow. Lots of kicks, weight gain right where it should be, my one year old baby boy is keeping me busy on my days off. Gotta say, the 12 hour shifts back at work have been tough - I'm exhausted all the time. I'm thankful I'm not doing any nightshifts however and there is a light at the end of the tunnel. August 18th will be the last day of work before another year of mat leave. After #2 I think I'll job share and maybe just work two of the four shifts each week. Anyway, I love a fun quiz so here I go...

    Name: Amy

    Age: 36

    Occupation: Fire Dispatcher at 911

    Dream Job: Travel Writer

    DH name & Occupation: Tyler, Vancouver Fire Fighter

    Where are you from: Vancouver, BC, Canada

    Number of kiddos: Colby, 13 months and baby #2 due in September! I also have an 11 year old step-daughter named Kayla.

    How long did you ttc: 6 months with #1, first shot with #2

    Due date: September 18

    Favorite workout/s: I love Prenatal Fitness Fix w/ Erin O'Brien but lately it's just been stroller walks

    Weight prior to baby: 156

    Height: 5'7"

    Goal weight after baby: 148-150

    The thing the keeps you motivated to workout: How great I feel after! The energy and the glow! Also, long-term benefits of good health.

    Fun Fact: I had a toaster oven fire in 1999 when I moved into my first apartment - took a picture of the fire crew that attended the fire (very minor, burned out by the time fire department arrived). That picture hung on my fridge in every apartment I lived in thereafter. In 2004 I ended up dating (then marrying in 2009) one of the fire fighters in the picture. We met in dispatch in 2002 and re-told the very same story realizing it was each other!
  • heathercrist1
    heathercrist1 Posts: 810 Member
    Amy I'm so happy to see your face! I've missed you girl! And I absolutely LOVE the story of you and your hubby! How wonderfully romantic...gotta love when fate steps in! ;) Please don't let so much time go...I thought you didn't like us anymore! lol

    Ashley that is awesome about you and your hubby remarrying! I agree with Nichole...sometimes it is the right person, and just the wrong time. I have always said I wished my husband and I had met when we were 15...but I know it wouldn't have lasted and we would have been totally different people if we had.

    Andrea I'd love a stripper pole in my house, but I fear my husband would love it more and request "shows" all the time! lol!

    I love seeing the different weights/heights of everyone, makes me truly see how everyone is built differently and how 156lbs on a 5'7 woman can look INCREDIBLE (Amy you truly do have an amazingly incredible physique!), but can look totally different of someone with similar stats! That is why I guess it is so important to go off of body fat percentage, the way your clothes fit, and truly and ultimately how you feel and not the number on the scale. We get so hung up on that and really that shouldn't be the defining factor to how you look/feel everyday! In my opinion you are all rockstars and beautiful...but maybe I'm just a little partial cause I think women who value fitness and being healthy even when given the chance to let it all go, are pretty awesome in my book! ;)

    Hope you ladies have a wonderful Sunday! I'm going to attempt to mow the lawn for my workout today...wish me luck!
  • atynk
    atynk Posts: 400 Member
    Well saturday I did my first 5km race, and made it to my goal of under 30 minuites :) It was really really hot, and around the last km or so I noticed i was cutting it close and decided to book it. Probably not the best idea since that shot my heart rate right up. Still having trouble remembering I am pregnant and can't do everything I used to lol. I wore my "running for two" tank top so everyone knew I was pregnant, and recieved lots of compliements on still keeping up with my exercise. We had people over that night staying up till 1am, then I was up again at 7 and went for a 10km bike ride at our cottage. Biking is usually easy for me, but my legs were still super sore, so after that I was spent. We left our cottage early and fell asleep for like 4 hours!! So today I'm taking the day off! I have another 5km race this sat night, then next sat is my mini triathlon. On the weight front, I've reached 5lbs. My midwife wanted me to gain about 10 before the 20th week, so having 2ish more weeks to go, ill probably reach 7 or 8 by then, so right on track.
    I haven't felt the "flutter" yet but hoping to soon!

    Keep sweating ladies!
  • Better_Balance_2011
    Better_Balance_2011 Posts: 3,711 Member
    Happy Monday pregos! :smile: Sounds like everyone had a nice weekend. Awsome time for the 5k Andrea!

    I wore myself out last week. I think I may have done a little too much. I started feeling crappy Friday and some Saturday but slept about 21 hours Friday and Saturday nights plus a nap, so am feeling much better now. Had a low key weekend including cookout at friends', and painting of the basement. Pretty uneventful really. I didn't really do any "working out" but did walk about an hour to and from and including the farmers market Saturday so I wasn't a total slug. I leave to go see my sister on Thursday so have about 4 days with not much planned. I see sleep and sun in my future.

    I got my frist dr. appointment scheduled for the 23rd of this month, so I'm pretty excited about that.

    Anyone have any fitness or nutrition goals for the week? I was going to aim for 3 days of strength traininga and 2 days of other activity, but since I'm leaving Thursday morning, I'm not sure if that will happen. I'm at least going to stary with some strength today, swimming tomorrow, and hopefully strength Wednesday as well. I'll be spending the day at the pool on Friday, so maybe I'll get some laps in that day as well.

    Hope everyoe had a good weekend. Have a great week!
  • heathercrist1
    heathercrist1 Posts: 810 Member
    Ashley sounds like an awesome time! Sleep and sun are two of my favorites S's! :) My goal this week is to only eat out once and to get in at least an hour workout 6 days this week (whether it is strength training or cardio). My 20wk doc appt is on the 23rd as well!

    Andrea awesome job on the 5k girl! It is hard for me to remember that I can't do everything I want as well. I went ahead and mowed the lawn yesterday in 90 degree weather and needless to say woke up in the middle of the night hacking up a lung cause I couldn't breath... And I wish my problem was TRYING to gain weight. It seems like no matter what I do my thighs keep getting bigger and the scale keeps going up! Gotta love that your body has a mind of its own sometimes.... Keep up the awesome work though!

    So the weather here has been unseasonably HOT. This makes it impossible to go out and do all my normal outdoor activities cause I can barely breath as it is and to add the heat and is just plain miserable. Going to be 95*F with 80% humidity today making it feel into the 100s...for June this is ridiculous! My poor dog hasn't had a walk in forever and my AC just keeps running...that bill is going to be fun! Well that's my rant for the day! lol!

    Gonna do 45 minutes of Spinning and then 30 mins of toning today.

    Hope you all have a wonderful Monday!
  • __flexylexi
    __flexylexi Posts: 154 Member
    I feel so out of place I really need to move and get settled in to our new city so I have more time to keep up with everything- logging, working out and keeping up with y'all!!!

    Name: Lexi

    Age: 22

    Occupation: Took a semester off, senior year of college getting my BSN

    Dream Job: Honestly? I want to travel to 3rd world countries and use my degree to set up clinics in SE asia... had it in mind to join the peace corps or go on a medical mission when me and my husband separated but now that we are together and having a baby, I will settle for helping kids here :)

    SO/DH name & Occupation: Dominique, Army Sgt

    Where are you from: Grew up in the Philippines till I was 14, moved to San Antonio

    Number of kiddos: This is bun #1

    How long did you ttc: Wasn't really thinking about it, doc told me it would be very hard for me to have kids due to my ovulation issue, so we weren't trying, but weren't preventing

    Due date: Due Sept 20, 2011

    Favorite workout/s: Long distance running- used to do 25-35 mpw, now... barely 5-10 lol

    Weight prior to baby: 168lb (it was thanksgiving plus christmas holiday weight gain!!!) but before thanksgiving, I was 160, but I am also pretty muscular

    Height: 5' 8

    Goal weight after baby: 150-160

    The thing the keeps you motivated to workout: I don't know, i feel like there is something wrong with me when I don't work out for more than 2 days...

    Fun Fact: I will get back to y'all on this... I can't think of one