Womens point of view please.....ABS, What do you think?



  • therobinator
    therobinator Posts: 832 Member
    flat stomach with mild definition in the ABS (yes)
    chiseled abs, and vascularity (no)
  • susanswan
    susanswan Posts: 1,194 Member
    I usually go for someone who can make me laugh!

    Um, I can't speak for all of womankind, but I'd hate to be judged on the basis of how my stomach looks. Especially knowing that it's going to change over time.

    I agree! Personality is everything and someone who is pleasant for ME to look at. A caring and decent human being is attractive, obsession over looks is not attractive. We all age, lose some hair, get wrinkled, and live in frail bodies that are prone to breaking and disease and have the dreaded " morning face and hair". If you base EVERYTHING on looks, you'll get someone who also bases EVERYTHING on looks. Perfection is a transitory state to live in. That is my opinion. Best of luck to you.
  • Yatashie
    Yatashie Posts: 61 Member
    I agree whole heartedly with the sense of humour part, but the part that will get me every time is a guy with a great smile. There is nothing better than a smile that makes your heart melt, but a good pair of broad shoulders doesn't hurt either (I like a little meat on my men :P)
  • BellySoonGone
    That photo of little Asian-ish guy is NOT what I would strive for. For me, I'd rather have a guy with a gut than a guy that's that freaking skinny! But then again, I have a hard time drawin the line at what's "too much" muscle...

    Call me :-) I just ate that little guy for lunch..and I am just past the appetizer. LOL
  • Life0nMars86
    Life0nMars86 Posts: 155 Member
    LOVE the V..love abs...but not veins...but i also like flat stomach slight definition....if there's the V! hahaha...least I'm not the only girl on here obsessed with that :bigsmile: But if ur an *kitten* none of it counts lol so u gotta have a great personality to go with it or it's worthless, looks may fade over the years, but who u are as a person will not :smile:
  • fteale
    fteale Posts: 5,310 Member
    I can't stand visible veins on men. It freaks me out. I couldn't care less about a six pack either. It's all about facial attractiveness and personality for me. Good teeth, hair and eyes. I don't like the waxed look.

    I don't think many women want a man who looks like he will spend more time in the gym than having fun with her. In fact, not even a 10th of the time in the gym. There's not a lot of point in a look you can't maintain once you are in a relationship.
  • mcointreau
    Top on my list is if the guy is GOOD MAN. Nothing fancy, just a good man in the old-fashioned sense: kind, funny, thoughtful.

    Of course, abs are nice IMO, but veins, not so much... I'll take some great shoulders and nice forearms over a good set of abs any day. The V can be a little scary -- such as, will that hurt in bed??? LOL
  • fteale
    fteale Posts: 5,310 Member
    Think more Eric Bana than Brad Pitt.......