Are You Insane???



  • road2peachtree
    road2peachtree Posts: 309 Member
    Um, all I have to say is: Recovery week MY *kitten*. >.< My hip flexors hate me right now.

    That's the quote of the day! LOL
  • JatieKo621
    JatieKo621 Posts: 425 Member
    Hahhahah Casey I FEEL YA! I have two days of so called "recovery week" left. EEK!!!

    I am excited but seriously nervous. ANd yeah, my hip flexors are on fire as I type this. It is the knee up, then pulse, then extend that kills em. Also, the shoulder burners in plie kicks my *kitten*...and thighs, and abs, and shoulders...EVERY TIME. But today I didn't once get out of the plie position so yay me!

    Keep up the good work everyone! THREE MORE DAYS THEN MAX MONTH...AHHHHH!!! I feel like I can hear the "Jaws" theme song in the back...duh duh.....duh duh... duh duh duh duh duh. LOL
  • Stooooo
    Stooooo Posts: 1,191 Member
    Insanity Day 8: Cardio Power & Resistance is in the books. Did much better this time around, but still was a struggle. Left a puddle of sweat on the floor.
  • Skolls081102
    Skolls081102 Posts: 184
    Everybody is doing awesome!!! Keep up the great work!!!

    Day 1 Week 7 in the books. Less than 3 weeks to go...I really want my T-Shirt....have I said that before??????? :bigsmile:
    Of course, biking 12 miles yesterday (which I would like to mention- I havent biked anywhere in a good 5-6 years!!!!) was not the brightest idea on my part. My quads payed the price, and my workout today definitley suffered. No worries though. I still can;t believe I'm doing this!! Its....INSANE!!!! Sorry, that was really sad....:laugh:

    Keep up the great work everybody!!!
  • sigsone
    sigsone Posts: 311 Member
    Fit Test 2 results
    FT1 FT2
    Switch Kicks: 58 63
    Power Jacks: 49 56
    Power Knees: 83 98
    Power Jumps: 33 50
    Globe Jumps: 8 10
    Sucide Jumps: 15 17
    Push Up Jacks: 26 39
    Low Plank Oblique: 42 47

    On to week 3 day 2 plyo
  • road2peachtree
    road2peachtree Posts: 309 Member
    Well, the Boy had a baseball game tonight 45min away from the house so no Insanity for me...know what that means. I'll be hitting up the Shaun T in the a.m. AND in the p.m. tomorrow. Lord help me. I was able to do something today so I got a head start on my C25k'ing.

    Hope everyone is doing well.
  • Skolls081102
    Skolls081102 Posts: 184
    Well, the Boy had a baseball game tonight 45min away from the house so no Insanity for me...know what that means. I'll be hitting up the Shaun T in the a.m. AND in the p.m. tomorrow. Lord help me. I was able to do something today so I got a head start on my C25k'ing.

    Hope everyone is doing well.

    I don't know if I would do 2 workout in 1 day. Maybe use yesterday as your off day, and rework the schedule accordingly. Seriously, 2 Insanity workouts in 1 day seems like a bad idea. I like the dedication, just want you to be safe.
  • kadye
    kadye Posts: 136 Member
    I have a question. I just started Insanity today. First mistake was deciding to do the first workout right after the fit test. I got through it, but it was TOUGH. Anyway my question is with the schedule. I am a nurse and work Friday and Saturday 7pm-7am. I have been working out M-F. I'm not sure I'll be able to really workout either Saturday or Sunday. I usually come home Sat morning and sleep pretty much all day to get ready to go back to work. I try to stay awake on Sunday, go to church and then stay up until Sun. night. I am pretty much a zombie though on Sundays. If I do it just five days, should I just go through like it's ordered and it will just take me longer than the 60 days? I could maybe try to schedule it where the cardio recovery day is on Sat. and do it right when I get home from work. Either way, having to have two days in a row off kind of messes up the sequence.

  • JatieKo621
    JatieKo621 Posts: 425 Member
    I have a question. I just started Insanity today. First mistake was deciding to do the first workout right after the fit test. I got through it, but it was TOUGH. Anyway my question is with the schedule. I am a nurse and work Friday and Saturday 7pm-7am. I have been working out M-F. I'm not sure I'll be able to really workout either Saturday or Sunday. I usually come home Sat morning and sleep pretty much all day to get ready to go back to work. I try to stay awake on Sunday, go to church and then stay up until Sun. night. I am pretty much a zombie though on Sundays. If I do it just five days, should I just go through like it's ordered and it will just take me longer than the 60 days? I could maybe try to schedule it where the cardio recovery day is on Sat. and do it right when I get home from work. Either way, having to have two days in a row off kind of messes up the sequence.


    I don't think it would hurt much to just do the workout as scheduled and just have it take longer than 60 days. Since you're a nurse that means that when you work you are on your feet the entire time, so if you have to take an extra day off to recuperate instead of just one it shouldn't be a huge deal.

    FYI: the fit test (in the beginning) is meant to be done alone. I would have died had I done it and plyo in the same day on day 1! EEk!

    I also had a scheduling problem. I felt really sick yesterday and didn't get out of bed to do much of anything, let alone insanity. I was supposed to have my off day on Thursday (tomorrow) and then go into the first max workout on Friday. Since I took yesterday off, and then did core cardio and balance today, should I just do the last day of core cardio and balance on Thursday and go straight into max on Friday?
  • kadye
    kadye Posts: 136 Member
    Thanks for your reply. I definitely am on my feet for 12 hours. I work in an ICU unit and most of my patients are sedated and on a ventilator. We bathe, turn and reposition all night long.
  • BflSaberfan
    BflSaberfan Posts: 1,272
    Just took my half way pics...very excited to see my results for day 60

    Day 1 side view


    Day 30 side view


    Day 1 back


    Day 30 back


  • Stooooo
    Stooooo Posts: 1,191 Member
    @ Katie, Yes just pushing everything back a day like you said. Keep on inspiring!

    p.s. did you take your 30 day pictures?
  • road2peachtree
    road2peachtree Posts: 309 Member
    Well, the Boy had a baseball game tonight 45min away from the house so no Insanity for me...know what that means. I'll be hitting up the Shaun T in the a.m. AND in the p.m. tomorrow. Lord help me. I was able to do something today so I got a head start on my C25k'ing.

    Hope everyone is doing well.

    I don't know if I would do 2 workout in 1 day. Maybe use yesterday as your off day, and rework the schedule accordingly. Seriously, 2 Insanity workouts in 1 day seems like a bad idea. I like the dedication, just want you to be safe.

    Man....I wimped out. LOL I'm just going to do Wednesday's today and keep it moving. I'm dedicated Skolls, but I'm a wimp too. LOL

    BFL!!!! You look awesome! WTG!
  • JatieKo621
    JatieKo621 Posts: 425 Member
    bfl- WAY TO GO! I can see so much of a change! Your neck, your stomach, everything is smaller and toned! Keep it up you look amazing!!

    And NO! Damn I forgot to take 30 day pics...I have some when I first started insanity but im not even sure how to upload them. Plus I think I broke my camera, it won't turn on :(.
  • casey12105
    casey12105 Posts: 293
    BFL- you look amazing, great work!

    Good job everybody for sticking with it, road don't feel bad for not doing 2 in one day that's just crazy lol.

    I took my 30 day pics but posted them here I wish I had taken measurements, but I took them now so I'll be able to see my (hopefully) inches lost after the next 30.
  • JatieKo621
    JatieKo621 Posts: 425 Member
    DAMNIT! I just found out that I leave for Bonnaroo ( a music festival in Tennessee) and that is on a Thursday, but I finish the 60th day of INSANITY on FRIDAY! Mother! I am frustrated. I am thinking that since the last two days are max cardio conditioning/insane abs and then the fit test, that maybe I will try to squeeze in the cond/abs workout the day before then do the fit test on the day that I fly out to Bonnaroo. I WANTED TO COMPLETE ALL 60 DAYS! And it would be impossible to do it at Bonnaroo...I mean it is a MUSIC FESTIVAL therefore I am camping out for 4 days and will not have a tv/laptop/any desire to do INSANITY. To be honest, this vacation is part of the reason that I wanted to get back into shape.

    It is a sort of hippie fest where a LOT of bands come to play and it is in the middle of summer-therefore you don't wear a lot of covering clothes. I mean my friends (who are tiny) wore shorts and bikini tops the entire time and I've never been confident enough with my tummy to do that before, so I started to diet and work out just to get back into "summer body" shape AND to be healthy altogether.

    And at the same time-this is my big vacation. I mean lil wayne will be there, eminem, arcade fire, florence and the machine, mumford and sons, big boi, ROBERT PLANT, widespread panic, the black keys, buffalo springfield, I mean just a ton of bands that I am seriously interested in. All of my friends will be there that I moved away from, and I want to impress them.


    I had 2 glasses of wine and feel giggly tonight....which might be why I am ranting and raving....

    aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaand I start max shi* tomorrow.


    k done.
  • BflSaberfan
    BflSaberfan Posts: 1,272
    My hatred for Tonya is growing to an unhealthy level.
  • kadye
    kadye Posts: 136 Member
    My hatred for Tonya is growing to an unhealthy level.

    I have only done three workouts and I want to look away from the TV every time there is a close up of her. The facial expressions kill me.
  • JatieKo621
    JatieKo621 Posts: 425 Member
    I feel like shaun T and her have something going on. :)

    Just finished fit test my first max workout...will post later.

    (aaand sorry for the rambling last night. Its amazing how much my alcohol tolerance has gone down since I've cut back on drinking. I am such a lightweight now. Cheap date?)
  • Skolls081102
    Skolls081102 Posts: 184
    I feel like shaun T and her have something going on. :)

    Just finished fit test my first max workout...will post later.

    (aaand sorry for the rambling last night. Its amazing how much my alcohol tolerance has gone down since I've cut back on drinking. I am such a lightweight now. Cheap date?)

    I will preface this with...I hope I don't offend anyone with this comment...and if I do, I will delete this post......

    I don't think Tanya is Shaun T's type, if you get what I mean:laugh: