Are You Insane???



  • kadye
    kadye Posts: 136 Member
    I feel like shaun T and her have something going on. :)

    Just finished fit test my first max workout...will post later.

    (aaand sorry for the rambling last night. Its amazing how much my alcohol tolerance has gone down since I've cut back on drinking. I am such a lightweight now. Cheap date?)

    I will preface this with...I hope I don't offend anyone with this comment...and if I do, I will delete this post......

    I don't think Tanya is Shaun T's type, if you get what I mean:laugh:

    That is hilarious
  • JatieKo621
    JatieKo621 Posts: 425 Member
    :happy: :laugh:

    OH! Light bulb. hahahah you all make me laugh a lot, and I like that.

    On the other hand: just finished the fit test + max interval circuit. Still laying on the ground, can barely type. NOTE TO SELF: EAT MORE BEFORE THESE WORKOUTS. Holy SHHHHHH! My heart rate reached 196...and I am pretty sure I had more sweat running down my face/shoulders/abs/legs/*kitten* than I've EVER HAD IN MY LIFE, and i LIVE IN THE DESERT!!

    I am like Santa, red as can be in the face...but without the jolly tummy! :) I feel soo good but so..just..shocked. That is really the most insane workout ive done. The crazy thing is that I had done it before (more than a year ago) but I had completely forgotten how much of a ridiculously hard workout it is.

    I AM GOING TO BE SO SORE TOMORROW. Even the warm up kicked my *kitten* again. LOL and I had JUST gotten used to the warm up in the first month and doing it full out with abs tight and no breaks. Yeah...this one...not so much. The switch kicks and hit the floor and floor kicks? Man. Man oh man.

    So to everyone doing month 2: I am here with ya, and I FEEL YOUR PAIN! I almost had a "i want to cry in the middle of my puddle" moment but when I saw my heart rate monitor saying I had burned +700 cal (and I wasn't even done) I got a surge of happiness that kept me peachtree: I understand.

    NSV: My fit test #3 was by FAR the best, and I totally beat Tanya in globe jumps so she can kiss it. :bigsmile:
  • road2peachtree
    road2peachtree Posts: 309 Member
    Skolls! Totally agree! I think Josh or Jeff is more his type. Lol

    I doubled up on the Insanity yesterday--it wasn't that bad. I did a 5k this am. I used C25k the entire time, except the final lap--I actually ran a 1/4 mile for the final lap.

    Week 8 on Monday (right???). Almost done. Yessss!
  • JatieKo621
    JatieKo621 Posts: 425 Member
    I am as sore as I was in week 1. OUCH.:sad:
  • Skolls081102
    Skolls081102 Posts: 184
    Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh.......recovery day. I needed this. Two more weeks...two more weeks.....we can do this! I think its 16 more workouts (reviewing the schedule from memory)...3 days doubles up w/ abs, and the last Fit Test 2 weeks from today.....
  • BflSaberfan
    BflSaberfan Posts: 1,272
    I feel like shaun T and her have something going on. :)

    Just finished fit test my first max workout...will post later.

    (aaand sorry for the rambling last night. Its amazing how much my alcohol tolerance has gone down since I've cut back on drinking. I am such a lightweight now. Cheap date?)

    I will preface this with...I hope I don't offend anyone with this comment...and if I do, I will delete this post......

    I don't think Tanya is Shaun T's type, if you get what I mean:laugh:

    :laugh: agreed!
  • casey12105
    casey12105 Posts: 293
    First day of max..and I have come to the conclusion that Shawn T must have family or stock in the coffin making business, because that fool is trying to kill me.

    I didn't even do my fitness test lol I'll take a crack at it tonight..I know doing it first would probably have given me better numbers but I wanted to be well rested before I did my first max workout lol.
  • Skolls081102
    Skolls081102 Posts: 184
    So here are my new Fit Test Results and Measurements as of 5/16/11.

    Fitness Test Results
    Switch Kicks: 57, 64, 66, 62 (dissapointing)
    Power Jacks: 39, 52, 56, 60
    Power knees: 60, 83, 97, 100
    Power Jumps: 21, 27, 28, 30
    Globe Jumps: 7, 8, 10, 10 (these are hard as hell, so even is ok with me)
    Suicide Jumps: 12, 15, 17, 18
    Push-Up Jacks: 16, 20, 25, 29
    Low Plank Oblique: 30, 41, 50, 52

    Overall, I'm ok with my numbers. Declined in switch kicks and even in Globe Jumps, but I had improvements (although minimal) in the rest. I had a very long weekend between my 2 oldest sons baseball games and then worked a wedding Saturday night, then worked both jobs Sunday. S I was rather exhausted this morning. I didn't want to do these videos back to back (starting at 9pm). No excuses...I have one more fit test to go.

    Weight: 249.9 lbs, 242.7 lbs (4/8), 235.3 (4/29), 227.6 (5/14 -22.3 lbs)
    Neck: 17.5", 17", No change, 16.5" (-1")
    Chest: 48", 46", 45" 44" (-4")
    Bicep: 14", 14.5", 14", 13.75" (-.25")
    Waist: 40", 39", 37.75", 37" (-3")
    Hip: 42", No change, 40.5" , 40.25" (-1.75")
    Leg: 25.5", No change, 25", No change

    So far I have lost 10" total, and 22.3 pounds doing Insanity!!! I think that is some pretty good off to an hours worth of pain...Max Interval Circuit....dear sweet baby manger jesus......
  • JatieKo621
    JatieKo621 Posts: 425 Member
    So far I have lost 10" total, and 22.3 pounds doing Insanity!!! I think that is some pretty good off to an hours worth of pain...Max Interval Circuit....dear sweet baby manger jesus......

    HAHAHAH this made me crack up! Thats how I feel before I do it- I just think to myself "seriously?? AN HOUR OF THIS!!?" but afterwards I feel SO good/whipped.

    Good job on your progress though! Those are some really nice changes and I am excited to see where I am after I finish these next 28 days.

    I did max recovery today for the first time (since last year) and I had totally forgotten how hard it is to be in plie with one heel off the ground and all that was kind of a joke since I couldn't hold it at all.

    But yeah, keep it up everyone. I am getting closer to the end! And so are you!
  • road2peachtree
    road2peachtree Posts: 309 Member
    Honesty Moment # 215: I didn't do too well with my Fit Test yesterday simply because I didn't want to do Insanity anymore. Then when it came time to do the actual workout AFTER the FT I paused it and sat on the floor and just stared at the frozen picture on my screen....for like 5 minutes. In my head I had a ton of excuses as to why I shouldn't do it and then 1 excuse as to why I should. I kind of conned myself into doing it one set at a time. Eventually I finished it, but damn it was a rough workout.

    I'm not sure what it's not hard to do's just---maybe my body was still settling down from the run over the weekend. I feel better about it today though. I seriously thought I was on week 8 LOL I'm so only on week 7. :noway: By the way, have ya'll seen the end of the Max Interval Circuit where the dude with the burgandy shorts on? At the very end he spins around on his back like he's break dancing and he almost kicks Ariel in the face. I was like "Dude! Calm the hell down! It's just a workout."

    Oh, and on another note, Tonya is in every Shaun T video. She's in Hip Hop Abs, she's in the other one he made...Rockin Body or whatever that is--I saw the infomercial this weekend, then Insanity and then Asylum. She's got to be his BFF or something. :huh:

    Anywho--great job everyone. You guys are awesome and personally I would have never made it to week 7 w/o you guys joining the journey. So awesome! :flowerforyou:
  • casey12105
    casey12105 Posts: 293
    Road, we all have those days. I do that almost every morning lately lol I start it, pause it, and just stare at it and have a mental debate about whether or not I'm going to do it. And you did it! That's an accomplishment in and of itself. Stay with it girl!

    So my first max plyo..and DUDE seriously? You can go ahead and rename the squat pushups to the casey faceplants. My triceps are DYING right now lol.The funny thing is I was so excited a couple of days ago because I realized that I can do regular pushups (always modified on my knees) and then he brings out all these pushups from hell and knocked me back down a few knotches lol.
  • Skolls081102
    Skolls081102 Posts: 184
    Road2peachtree- how did you get a week behind me? And if you did your fit test, you would be in week 8 not 7. Check again, I think you might have it wrong. We were in the same week all along. So you should be in week 8 with me.
  • road2peachtree
    road2peachtree Posts: 309 Member
    Road2peachtree- how did you get a week behind me? And if you did your fit test, you would be in week 8 not 7. Check again, I think you might have it wrong. We were in the same week all along. So you should be in week 8 with me.

    :noway: Skolls!!!! I'll be damned! You were right? WTH was I thinking? I didnt mark off week 7 on my chart, but when I went back and counted the weeks on the calendar I realized that I am in week 8! so just saved my life. Hahahahaha Heck yea baby! Week 8! Woooohooooo :drinker:

    Casey, you are so funny--"the casey face plant" LMAO. I just sprint during some of the push up stuff because it's hard for me to do.
  • road2peachtree
    road2peachtree Posts: 309 Member
    Options cuz sent me her Asylum (she did 1 and said forget it) to borrow....O...M...G. I haven't done any of it but I've watched it...I think I'm gonna send it back to her and borrow it again when I'm ready. Hahahaha. Dude had a friggin marine doing push-ups and he ended up doing girl push-ups @ the end. LOL

    Like in one workout he's doing this crazy *kitten* one legged push-up that morphs into a hop on 1 leg then back down in a 1 legged push-up. What the what???
  • JatieKo621
    JatieKo621 Posts: 425 Member
    Options cuz sent me her Asylum (she did 1 and said forget it) to borrow....O...M...G. I haven't done any of it but I've watched it...I think I'm gonna send it back to her and borrow it again when I'm ready. Hahahaha. Dude had a friggin marine doing push-ups and he ended up doing girl push-ups @ the end. LOL

    Like in one workout he's doing this crazy *kitten* one legged push-up that morphs into a hop on 1 leg then back down in a 1 legged push-up. What the what???

    HAHAHHAHAHA I was going to "quote" pretty much every comment from everyone-skolls, casey, and peachtree because you are all cracking me up! THANK YOU ALL- I needed that today. And peachtree- I can't even imagine watching any of the Asylum right now. I'd probably smash my tv.

    And I totally understand the "casey face plant" because I can't do those things at all! I feel like I am doing it wrong and then I feel like my forehead is going to plow into my carpet. And the push up jump things? WHAT? I can't push up from a push-up into a standing position!?? So yeah, I basically do the "suicide jump" like go down, back, one push up, then back in and up. No way could I do the other one.

    Skolls & peachtree: CONGRATULATIONS ON BEING SO CLOSE TO THE END! I am super jealous. I haven't gotten to the point of hating INSANITY yet, but I understand what you meant about just wanting to stop/stare at the screen and then not do it. Seriously good job on pushing through. There are times I just turn it on, pause it, and then distract myself by cleaning, doing laundry, aimlessly walking around my house just to avoid it. Then afterwards I always feel so much better. It is the before that sucks.

    Like now- I should be doing MAX interval plyo but instead I am on my laptop...yeah. Time to get it done with today!
  • road2peachtree
    road2peachtree Posts: 309 Member
    Get 'er done Jatie! You can do it! Max Cardio...Yeeeeeeeeyaaaaaaa baby! Did you feel the hypeness I was giving you?
    *Side Note: I feel you about the distraction thing....I'm so distracted by Ralph Lauren and Oprah right now. I swear I would sell my soul to just buy everything he makes...well...not my soul but maybe one kid*
  • JatieKo621
    JatieKo621 Posts: 425 Member
    I got the hype and I massacred that plyo workout today! TAKE THAT SHAUN T! Hahahahhaa thanks a lot for the encouragement!

    And this may be sick..but Honesty Moment for the day: I have to wipe off my tv screen after I workout because when I am jumping around sometimes my sweat flies onto it...hahahahahahah nasty. (Especially during the touch the floor then jump on one leg and fist the air type move...I saw the sweat fly off my arm ahahahha)
  • casey12105
    casey12105 Posts: 293
    lmao jatie I don't manage to get it on my tv but I do see it flyin everywhere, my sweat rolls down my nose and then I'm blowin out air and it becomes projectile lol. Reason # 12433 why I do not work out in a gym ;)

    So I didnt' workout yesterday so I just did the max cardio conditioning and max recovery today and all I have to say is I'm alive (barely) and now I'm going to get a shower and take a nap before my son comes home lol.
  • BflSaberfan
    BflSaberfan Posts: 1,272
    Well my recovery week turned into a total waste, we got buried at work and I've been doing 13 hour days for almost 2 full weeks now, between that and Insanity it finally caught up to me and I just couldn't do it - I am completely exhausted and burned out. So I stopped my recovery week and am just going to start month two on Monday. Sucks that I had to do that but thats life I guess. ={
  • Skolls081102
    Skolls081102 Posts: 184
    So today was a bust. Wasn't able to do Insanity, so instead of the Core & Balance DVD tomorrow, I got the cardio circuit! No worries! I needed the break anyway. One week left!